Tuesday, August 31, 2010

And You Thought Holder Was Bad

While Barack Obama and Eric Holder are a couple of matched pompous jackasses, this man runs alone. Meet Assistant Attorney General Thomas Edward Perez. He is supposed to be Holder's right-hand man, but the fact is that this man is calling the shots. And that is particularly true when it comes to stirring up racial divisions. Obama sets the agenda, Hoder brays for the cameras, but Perez writes the policy. [+] Read More...

A New Approach To Fighting Poverty

I thought about writing about the historic 10% lead the Republicans have in Gallup’s generic poll (51% to 41%), but that’s hardly unexpected to Commentarama readers. I thought about writing about all the laughable racism allegations made against Glenn Beck’s rally, but that’s nothing new either. So instead, I thought I’d talk about an article that appeared on Drudge yesterday, an article that most people probably missed and which actually signals a significant change in world-wide thinking. [+] Read More...

Monday, August 30, 2010

Media Campaign Contributions

You may have heard the big liberal brouhaha about Fox News’ parent corporation giving one million dollars to the Republican Governors Association. Total outrage, right? Proof of right-wing bias at Fox, right? But then the outrage suddenly disappeared. In fact, the story vanished. Any guesses why? How about this. . . [+] Read More...

Education Improves In DC--Quick, Stop It !

Pictured is Washington (DC) Teachers' Union President George Parker. It is unclear whether he is puzzling over why he agreed to the contract he is holding in his hand, or simply unable to read it. WTU is one of many, many locals representing educators who don't educate and teachers who can't teach. But Parker signed an agreement, subsequently ratified by the DC City Council, which made the common sense move of providing rewards for successful teachers and the exit door for those who can neither do nor teach.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Getting Off On The Wrong Foot

I am concerned. It looks like the Republicans are going to win the House, which is a good thing. But winning power is only half the battle. The other half is what you do with it, once you get it. For months now, I’ve been saying that the Republicans were starting to get it. But I am concerned that they are about to blow it. [+] Read More...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

The MSM Finds A Villain--Then They Lie About It

The mainstream media has searched high and low for an instance of anti-Muslim violence ever since September 11, 2001. With the sudden wave of protest and anger over the despicable plans to build a triumphal mosque at Ground Zero, they found one at last. Or at least it appeared they had. [+] Read More...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Another First For California

And this one isn't even weird. The Judicial Commission has just unanimously approved Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's choice to sit as Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court, replacing retiring C.J. Ronald George. George was known as a moderate with strong traditional Constitutional respect for the rule of law. His replacement is not expected to be much of a change. [+] Read More...

Film Friday: The Usual Suspects (1995)

The Usual Suspects is a neo-noir crime thriller with an intensely intelligent plot that twists and turns and wraps a riddle within an enigma as it tricks the audience with their own preconceptions. Add in stellar acting from an incredible cast, a pitch perfect soundtrack, an absolute lack of mistakes or bad choices by a creative director, and easily the most daring script of any film I’ve seen, and you’ve got one of my favorite movies and a movie you must see. [+] Read More...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Democrats Acknowledge Disaster

I’ve been saying for some time that the Democrats are in trouble. In fact, I’ve pointed out that it’s very, very likely the Democrats will lose the House and come very close to losing the Senate. Now the Democrats are starting to admit this as well. [+] Read More...

The NY Times Puts Us In Our Place

I don't know about you, but I feel terrible that I am so unsophisticated and uneducated that I can't understand the brilliance that comes out of Washington DC and now out of New York City. If I were only one of the elite, I might understand why it's necessary to build a mosque right on top of the gigantic hole in the ground in New York City that represents Islamic tolerance. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

In Praise of the Human Brain

The human brain is an incredible piece of machinery. Not only does it keep your body functioning, but it provides a pretty credible GPS and it lets you store phone numbers. But even more interesting is its power to make sense of the things we see. [+] Read More...

This Is The Right Direction?

“There’s no doubt we're moving in the right direction."

-- Joey “The Brain” Biden

Yesterday, in an announcement that strains credulity, even for Joe Biden, lying Joe told us there is no doubt we’re moving in the right direction. But Obama didn’t retract that statement. So let’s take a quick look at what Obama apparently thinks is the direction we should be heading. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Bush And Eastern Europe Betrayed Eastern Europe, Not Obama

Do you remember how Obama sold out Eastern Europe to improve relations with the Russians? That would be the same Russians who are now helping Iran build a nuclear bomb. . . er, power plant. Well, it turns out that we got that wrong. Obama didn’t sell out Easter Europe, Bush did. Oh, and they had it coming. [+] Read More...

Guess He Wasn't So Bad After All

You all know that with the exception of Supreme Court appointments, tax cuts, and his love for America, I was no big fan of George W. Bush. For me, "compassionate conservatism" was a long way of saying "liberalism." Big gummint, fix everything from Washington DC, fight a war against an enemy you refuse to name without a clear goal in mind. But even his late-term low polling numbers are beginning to look good now next to the Messiah's. [+] Read More...

Monday, August 23, 2010

Rick Santorum Was Right

The ink isn't even dry yet on Judge Vaughn Walker's decision to end several millennia of traditional marriage by overturning California Proposition 8. In anticipation of an appeal to the United States Supreme Court, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has stayed the judge's decision, but there will ultimately be a showdown. [+] Read More...

Democrats Panic Over NYC Mosque

I have largely avoided discussing the New York mosque issue because there wasn't much to add, until now. Obviously, they have the legal right to build it, but that doesn’t make it right. What fascinates me now though, is just how badly this issue is playing for the Democrats. Sure, we’ve all heard that 65% of the American people oppose the mosque, but that doesn’t tell us anything about the political impact. What tells us about the political impact are some recent events. [+] Read More...