Friday, July 17, 2009

Help Wanted - Our Government at Work - Updated

Haven't you been wondering why our comedians are having a really hard time making light of Our Dear Leader? They may be putting them on the payroll...

Humor In The Workplace
Solicitation Number: RFI-BPD-09-0028
Agency: Department of the Treasury
Office: Bureau of the Public Debt (BPD)
Location: Division of Procurement

There are obvious Monty Python-esque sketches that come to my mind.

UPDATE: Party poopers. It looks like there will be no humor at the Treasury.
"Senator quashes Treasury’s bid for humorist"


CrisD said...

I'm not sure if this is funny. I'll let you know after my in-service next week.

Writer X said...

Humor and Treasury Department don't belong together in the same sentence. Only in an Obama administration would this actually be sourced out as a "job." Maybe Jon Stewart can apply.

AndrewPrice said...

I don't know about that Writer X, it might soften the blow if the IRS agents who came to break your spirit wore clown costumes.

Tennessee Jed said...

our tax dollars at work

Writer X said...

Andrew, the image of "IT" comes to mind. Remember that Stephen King movie? It still gives me the creeps. And I'm already creeped out by the Obama administration--no clown outfits are needed. Some brains would help, though.

BevfromNYC said...

At least it's not the Dept of Defense working on that super secret "killer" joke - you know, the one that really slays 'em. (ba-dum--bum)

It is almost worth applying just to see what happens, but sadly, I think I missed the deadline. Another golden opportunity wasted.

AndrewPrice said...

Beep beep Writer X, let's talk about your 1040 Writer X. . . they all float down here.

CrispyRice said...

I think this would've been the perfect job for Commentarama!

CrisD - I'm offended at your attempt at humor and you'll be hearing from my lawyers. I'm quite sure the "humorless" have a protected status.

Anonymous said...

Bev: At long last, a government job so ridiculously stupid that even I could screw it up. Where do I get the application?

Pittsburgh Enigma said...

Maybe we could get the Senate's first clown (Al Franken) to take the job. Hmmm, then again, maybe he wouldn't even be qualified for that.

Writer X said...

Andrew, Timothy Geithner with big duck feet and white face paint and I think you've captured the imagery perfectly. I'll be looking at the sewers differently today...and not walking too closely.

DCAlleyKat said...

I'm shocked! You mean we haven't been watching the brave new govt's version of the 21st Century Marx Brothers...Oh my, no what am I goint to do!

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