By Pittsburgh Enigma
PITTSBURGH - I returned today for round two of the Tea Parties, the first round being held on April 15th. And one of my first observations was: where is the media? There were a few cameramen that were visible from time to time but no obvious sign of roving reporters interviewing people.
The turn-out was great. There were easily 800-1000 people (perhaps more) in attendance--this on a Saturday morning at 9am and on a holiday no less. Maybe the media would've made a stronger showing if this had been a sports rally or an anti-war protest.My protest status was elevated today from "rank amateur" to "semi-professional" which means instead of just standing around with my hands in my pockets and occasionally shouting "yeah!" and shaking my fist, I actually made a sign and proudly waved it. The sign was a protest of the recently passed "Cap and Trade" bill (which Commentarama covered so well) and a protest of my U.S. House Representative (Mike Doyle) who voted for the socialist charade.
And speaking of signs, they were everywhere. Some were just anti-Obama, which is no surprise: "He's Obombing Our Freedom" and "Wilson, Mussolini, FDR, Obama" and "One Big Ass Mistake, America". But many more were directed at Congress or were just generally pro-freedom: "I'm Taking My Country Back One Politician at a Time" and "Liberty for Americans, Hondurans, & Iranians" and "Stop the Two Party Dictatorship."
The latter sign is telling, I think. You'll hear critics say that the tea parties are just a bunch of complaining right-wingers who can't get over losing an election. But that is so far from the truth. What the critics don't get is that the tea parties are full of people who are fed up with *both* parties. Elected Republicans got clobbered in 2006 and 2008 because Republican voters failed to come out and vote for them. And the same thing will inevitably happen to Democrats (barring organized voter fraud, which is beyond the scope of this article.) I had several people come up to me and say that they are so sick of their representatives not listening to them that they're organizing with others who feel the same way, they're finding candidates to oppose their current representative, and they will be volunteering for and financially supporting those candidates. This is a far cry from just "showing up at a tea party and complaining."Among several great speakers, the highlight today was Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform. He pointed out the difference between "us and them"--"us" being the tea party protesters and "them" being the ACORN rent-a-mob types who are either paid to show up or are college students who don't feel like going to their classes on a particular afternoon. There's a big difference between a paid or bored protester and one who does it out of love for country and freedom.
Another speaker pointed out that, while it's true that there was a loud cry in this country for "change" in 2008, the change that Obama is bringing is not what people wanted. (No surprise to any of us, of course.) That desire for change is the very thing I mentioned previously: a deep frustration with both parties exemplified by their recent failure to read bills before they vote on them or to provide any kind of transparency on the very legislation that is being passed. Hmmmm, wasn't that one of Obama's campaign promises?
Another point that is worthy of mentioning is this: there's nothing that can be done about Obama until 2012. In the mean time, our highest priority must be both houses of Congress. Obama will sign any bill that comes from the currently corrupt Congress, so if we change Congress in 2010, he won't get any more bills that he can sign. Period.So while the left and some of the right continue to ignore or mock the tea parties, we will be quietly organizing for 2010 to bring the kind of change that hasn't been seen in our country since 1980 or 1994, or 1776 for that matter.
(editor's note: Nice sign! Thanks for the plug!)
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Tea Party Report: Doing the Job the Media Won't Do
Cap and Trade,
Guest Writer,
Tea Parties
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Pittsburgh Enigma, thanks for the report. I'm happy to hear that people are still turning out for the Tea Parties. Maybe if enough people do finally stand up, a little fiscal sanity will return?
I believe StanH said he went to one in Atlanta?
Also, thanks for the free plug. And for the record, that was unsolicited. Though, now that you've done it, one wonders why the rest of our readers haven't done the same? Was it something we said? :-(
Pittsburg Enigma: As a recovering radical organizer from the 60s, I know how important this can all be. Grassroots movements are as American as apple pie and highly-effective. Congratulations on your party, and I hope (yes, hope) that you will keep up your very important work. There is no doubt in my mind that the complacent legislators who thought they were safe running their little empires are taking note of the fact that we're as mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore. Thanks for the article, the photos and the unsolicited boost.
Hey Andrew! My wife and I attended two “Tea Parties” this weekend one Friday night the 3rd in Cobb county, and one downtown Atlanta on the 4th. Cobb county is north metro Atlanta had between seven and eight thousand people show up, Herman Cain was the MC, it blew us away, people were packed out of the equestrian arena covering the grass outside the venue, and like Norquist said this was not a rent-a-mob but concerned tax paying pissed off Americans, it was wonderful. The one in downtown Atlanta was thrown together last minute because the Gwinnett county event was canceled by Simon Malls a big Obama supporter, Glenn Beck talked about it on his TV show. Subsequently there was only about five hundred people downtown. Boycott Simon Malls, my wife has informed them the thousands of dollars we spend at our Simon Mall will be spent elsewhere. We are a very, very powerful constituency as we organize we’ll not be denied 2010, 2010, 2010.
As an aside no politicians were allowed to speak in Cobb county, in Atlanta we had to endure several gubernatorial candidates
We, of course, know why there was no media coverage even though Cindy Sheehan and her four moonbat buddies were media celebrities. Seriously, I am 100% with you on priority of house and senate. Maybe as friends of Commenterama, we can help identify good targets to go after and potentially good people to publicize for support. One guy I am particularly unhappy with is Heath Schuler. Although a blue dog Democrat from western North Carolina, he helped deliver cap and tax. Schuler won't be easy since he is a former quarterback and a "conservative" Democrat, but with friends like him, who needs enemies
StanH, I'm glad to hear you had such huge turn out! I think that we needs to start making our voices heard. Turning out for protests is important, calling and writing representatives is important, and calling sponsor is important. A little bit can go a long way.
Jed, We'd be more than happy to help sort out who are good and bad candidates. Unfortunately, we have no real way to watch every race nationwide. But it wouldn't hurt if you all gathered information about your local reps and senators and the such and forwarded it to us.
I agree on Shuler. First, he was a horrible QB. I was in DC at the time he was drafted by the Redskins and he stunk. But when I heard that he was running, I thought it was a good thing because I remember people saying that he was very, very conservative. Then I heard he was running as a democrat and I started to wonder. And since then, his voting record has been anything but conservative. His conservative rating at ACU is a sad 34.
I understand the symbolism of doing the Tea Parties on the 4th …but I believe the one on the 3rd did better was because it was on the 3rd … just a thought?
New York City had our Tea Party on July 1 in Times Square. I would say about 2000 people showed up. I can tell that, in general, we are losing a little focus and in NYC at least did not have the press run up to the event. So let's start now pushing the next event which will be in Washington DC on Saturday, September 12.
I went to the one in Washington, Mo. Just outside of St. Louis. 3000 people and this was our 3rd Tea Party. We could not meet all of the requirements of St. Louis City. Go figure. Then, just a few hours before the one in Washington, Mo. The insurance underwriter pulled the plug? We had someone step up and take care of that. And we are checking why, it was pulled. The MSM is reporting that Party leaders are distancing their selves from the Tea Parties, Ha! They need to report we will not allow politicians to speak.
I think that the MSM will not report on this fairly because it scares them that the mass of Americans might rise up and demand common sense, because they've gotten so used to the Alice In Wonderland rules by which the government is running.
I'm late to the party, but I attended my local TEA party, too. And it was a great crowd. I totally agree with the bit that we are people who truly believe in what we are there for - smaller government. And I agree that the media doesn't cover it because it scares them and because they assume that any coverage will lend it credence.
I'm hearing rumors of a National TEA party in Washington on 9-12, but I haven't been able to verify it yet. If it happens, I'll go. That could be hard to ignore.
Thanks for the report on the July 4 Pittsburgh Tea Party. We are committed to a BIG CHANGE for 2010. If this healthcare is not good enough for Michelle Obama it is not good enough for any of us!! Ditto for all the other socialistic programs.
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