Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Captioning: Hillary Clinton. . . Time Traveler

Mistaking the Presidential Port-A-Potty for the Presidential Time Machine, Hillary Clinton emerges to declare her intent to run for President in 1996 BC (Before Clinton).


CrispyRice said...

Actually, it looks more to me like Hillary is adjusting the Presidential Wedgie after using the services of the Presidential Port-a-Potty.

And I must say, it looks more spacious, but no better smelling than the Average-Joe-Port-a-Potties.

AndrewPrice said...

CrispyRice, The Presidential Wedgie! LOL! We'll have to look for more of these. Maybe we can have a Hall of Wedgies! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Caption: "I just realized where I left that extra re-set button I was supposed to give Putin awhile back."

Writer X said...

Is she moonlighting as a crossing-guard in that bright orange pantsuit?

Pittsburgh Enigma said...

Orange jumpsuits seem to be rather appropriate for the Clintons.

AndrewPrice said...

Pitts, LOL! You are so right!

Writer X, It is high visibility isn't it?

Writer X said...

Andrew, Hilary will stop at nothing to get noticed. I'm surprised she doesn't prance around naked. (Sorry about the visual.)

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, The visual was so funny that I managed not to be horrified! LOL!

Do you now what this orange pants suit needs? Big, fuzzy purple buttons and huge red shoes!

Writer X said...

Andrew, judging by Hilary's fashion sense, I'm sure she'd find the purple buttons and huge shoes quite attractive.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I hope you're not suggesting that Hillary lacks fashion sense. . . despite the obvious evidence. ;-)

patti said...

"I've arrived, bitches! Orange you glad I made it?!"

CrispyRice said...

Very punny, patti! I love it!

suzie1 said...

Honestly, this has to be a pic of her "Lost in Space" Pantsuit Fabricator. No one on this earth would create or wear her wardrobe. I haven't seen this number since the Brady Bunch went off the air.

LL said...

I don't think there's any Kool Aid strong enough to rally her pumas back into line for another run at anything. It would be interesting to see if she was throttled running for Gov. of New York as is currently under consideration in some Dem. quarters.

Tennessee Jed said...

Ah jeez, Andrew, what a picture--yikes! Looks like she is emerging from the county lock-up

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, LOL! Nice pun!

Suzie 1, You may be onto something. A pants-suit machine! LOL!

AndrewPrice said...

LL, It would be interesting to see if she has enough sway to make a run at being governor. If she's smart (and she ever wants to be President), she better do something like that. . . and fast.

Jed, Absolutely, right out of county.

CrisD said...

LL- I agree that after emerging from the presidential port-a-potty Hilary is out of gas...she is just tooo dumpy...
Now that Obama fever is firmly entrenched in the Dem base, why go with someone else.
I pity this country this morning. We have lost our American values and we are about to lose our freedoms.
When Hilary starts to look like a comprimise, you are in trouble.

God, what do you have in store for us, freedom loving Americans.

USArtguy said...

Emerging from a recent Lane Bryant shopping trip in 1977, Hillary Clinton returns to the present but unwittingly lands inside a federal penitentiary where she can't convince the warden she doesn't belong there.

StanH said...

I read this in “Elfin Monthly” Hillary had contracted elves to produce her Chairman Mao pant suit line. Now this picture shows up on Commentarama, coincidence, I think not. My bet, it’s the Boiler Room Elves, put your ear up to the mail chute and you can hear the little bastards laughing and saying, “she wore it …hahahaha…”

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, That's hillarious! I'll have to look into this. . .they often seem to be running moneymaking schemes down there!

USArtguy, I'd pay real money to see that!

ChrisD, LOL! Nice puns! It is a twisted world where Hillary seems like a compromise isn't it?

Game Master Rob Adams said...

"Is she moonlighting as a crossing-guard in that bright orange pantsuit?"

Writer X, I think she is moonlighting as a minion of Dr. Evil with the orange jumpsuit.

Writer X said...

ArmChairGeneral, I think Hilary could be Dr. Evil! ;-)

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