Friday, September 11, 2009

Question: A New Holiday?

As an American, I like leading the world in all categories. But there is one category where we are sadly lacking. We are under-holiday'd. That's right. Give us your suggestion for a new holiday or two! Tell us what we should celebrate and the reason we should celebrate it.


AndrewPrice said...

I'll start things off. I'd like to see "Tax Freedom Day" made into a holiday. That's the day that the average American has earned enough for the year to pay their taxes, and everything they earn the rest of the year belongs to them.

I think that would be a good reminder to people of how much they pay in taxes, especially as the day comes later and later each year.

Failing that, I'd like some sort of Zombie Appreciation Day.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Nice thought, but at the rate we're going, there won't be a Tax Freedom Day. We'll replace it with "well at least I lived another day" holiday.

I nominate "Saint LawHawkSF, Martyr to the Conservative Cause in a Foreign Land Day."

Cheryl said...

Crazy Cat Lady Day
Because I have arguably too many cats.
And I recognize that I am dangerously close to fitting that description.
So, I think we need to begin a more positive spin on crazy cats ladies before I officially get there.

AndrewPrice said...

That's forward thinking Cheryl. :-) Plus, we do seem to be short of holidays for pets. . . pets are people too!

AndrewPrice said...

Saint Lawhawk's Day? My friend, move to a real state!

Cheryl said...

We need another holiday like Thanksgiving. One that revolves around extravagant over-eating. Let's have it in May. We'll call it something like Last Chance To Totally Pig Out Before Having To Worry About Bathing Suits Day.
I like it.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Got any room in your garage?

AndrewPrice said...

Cheryl, We can call it Gulton De Mayo! And I am all in favor of that!

Lawhawk, sure do.

BevfromNYC said...

That reminds me - September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! I expect every Commentaramian to get their best Aaaarrr's on and talk like a pirate.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I've always wanted to be a pirate. I look foward to the challenge! Arggg. Shiver me web fibers.

StanH said...

Extended government holiday, I would say …about 364 days a year. Our government critters can work, or what ever it is they do for one day.

The holiday of “American Exceptionalism,” cause we’re so damn good : )

Writer X said...

I'd love a "Day Without ACORN and Other Groups That Live To Scam The System" Day. Is that asking too much? Actually, I'd love a world without ACORN.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, We could call it "Nay-CORN Day"?

Stan, I am morally opposed to giving anyone in the federal machine more days off. . . but I think I can get behind your plan!

Writer X said...


AndrewPrice said...

We should have Nay-CORN day coincide with election day. That way we all get the day off to vote, and all the ACORN people can be distracted by having to go to DC to protest their disenfranchisement by da man!

They're dumb enough to fall for that!

Writer X said...

LOL. Hopefully all the ACORN losers will be thrown in jail. Thanks, Andrew. I needed that laugh. This ACORN business has me steamed.

freedom21 said...

As a native Houstonian, there are two holidays that I think should be celebrated nationally.
1. 19-10 Day. This was the date (Sept 8) of the first Texans game. The texans beat the cowboys 19-10
2. Juneteenth. this is the date, June 19, that the slaves in texas learned they gained their freedom. This is a wonderful holiday and is always celebrated with awesome food and parades..

As for other existing holidays that I would like to see nationally celebrated:
3. Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday). Heck, if we do that, we should just go for the trifecta and include Lundi gras and Ash wednesday. Im sure the liberals would take issue with this. Carnival is due its proper credence in my opinion.
4. Bring back Columbus Day
5. Bring more attention to Armed Services Day (this just happens to fall on my birthday)
6.Bring back Presidents Day
7.and finally, Citizens Day. This can be in August because there are no really good holidays in August and we should get to celebrate American awesomeness more.

Tennessee Jed said...

I like the tax holiday angle Andrew, but with the following kicker. Citizens should not have their estimated taxes witheld. On April 15, they should sit down and write out checks for all of their taxes, federal, state, and local. This would also really bring home the difference between what you earn and what you actually get to keep

freedom21 said...

I take my holidays very seriously and normally theme dress for all of them

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I have no idea what you mean? What's ACORN? Isn't that a humble group of community organizers. . . and criminals.

Stan, I know why they won't ever adopt that system, but I like it. I hate it when people say "look at how much I'm getting back from the Feds this year" -- that's your money jerk!! The feds aren't doing you any favors!!!!

Freedom21, I see a Southern Flavor to your choices. Maybe we could even if up with Marxachussettes Day?

You do theme dressing for each holiday? Cool. Send us pictures if we get Zombie Appreciation Day through. . .

freedom21 said...

Done. Please check the email inbox

AndrewPrice said...

Ok, glad to see that you're ready for Zombie Appreciation Day! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Team: For anyone who may have missed it today, I have a note and a link on tomorrow morning's post that announces that ACORN has been formally fired by the Census Bureau. Too many indictments, too many convictions, too much fraud. But remembering that Obama was a major figure in ACORN, this may not be over yet.

LL said...

Nobody mentioned FESTIVUS, December 23rd - for airing grievances and feats of strength. Dust off the old Festivus pole and celebrate. Other than retail and emergency services, how many Americans are at work (and paying attention to work) on December 23rd?

And barring that, I'll go with Zombie Appreciation Day if you can bar the ObamaZombies from celebrating with the rest of us.

freedom21 said...

Hawk, That's awesome news!!!! Of all things that the government has done thus far, to me, that was the scariest. I hope Obama let's this one go. The Census Bureau is a respectable office and I would hate to see it farmed out to thugs based out of NOLA. (sidenote: when I was young and stupid, I worked that the Elysian Fields office (HQ)of ACORN and know exactly what type of thugs we'd be dealing with)

freedom21 said...

Lawhawk....I saw that MD might go after James O'Keefe for illegally recording the interviews with MD....whats your view on this?

Anonymous said...

Freedom21: I'm not sufficiently familiar with Maryland law, so I can't speak definitively. I heard the same thing late last night. They were in a place open to the public, and I don't see that there is any reasonable expectation of privacy. What Maryland's law is on recording conversations in that situation without permission, I don't know. But it doesn't surprise me. Truth is not an issue with the left. I can't imagine that whatever their law is that this could have any serious consequences for the actors, regardless of what the law says the penalty is.

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