Friday, November 13, 2009

Bye Bye, Madam Mao

Barack Obama's leftist communications director, whose favorite philosopher is Chairman Mao (the illustration is Mao's "Little Red Book") is moving on to redder pastures. Anita Dunn has submitted her resignation to the president, effective immediately. Whether she has tire tracks with bus treads on her back remains to be seen. Good bye to bad rubbish.

Dunn has many things to her credit in her short term in office. She was the architect of the war on Fox News, lecturer to elementary school students on the virtues of Mao, and an enthusiastic supporter of Obama's socialist agenda. And the lefties are already mourning the loss of the woman The Atlantic online writer Marc Ambinder calls the fairy godmother. I always thought that was Barney Frank. As David Horowitz says, "she presided over a government-sanctioned dumbing down of political discourse."

When confronted with her statement that her two favorite philosophers were Mao and Mother Teresa, she hastily claimed it was a joke. A joke to told to impressionable young people in a captive audience, with a perfectly straight face. She was so used to living her insular existence among the leftists who talk only to each other that she probably thought people would buy her explanation. And I'm sure her sycophantic followers did.

As Glenn Beck aptly put it: "I'm sure Chairman Mao would appreciate that whole private wealth thing ya got goin' there." As would the seventy million murdered Chinese who weren't poor enough to suit the Chairman. Dunn will be moving on to another Axelrod-type propaganda machine (er, consulting firm) where she will make lots and lots of money. But don't worry, she intends to stick around to "advise" the president. That way she avoids breaking the law by becoming a paid lobbyist immediately after leaving public office.

But the left is somewhat comforted by the fact that her replacement is the noxious Dan Pfeiffer. Ambinder praises Pfeiffer in his Atlantic piece. He pats Pfeiffer on the back for "his coolness on health care, even as the political world was going into a tizzy." Oh, and there is substantial evidence that Pfeiffer was a major player in creating the "fishy snitch" e-mail connection to the White House. Now do you feel better?

For more details on Dunn, you might want to take a quick look back at our November 1 post: Moral Philosopher for the Democrats.


AndrewPrice said...

Good. It's only too bad that she isn't leaving in disgrace. Amazing that she would look up to a man who killed 60 million people!!!

In related news, I see that Team Obama is now dumping counsel Greg Craig -- he's the scapegoat for their failure to close Gitmo (see prior article).

StanH said...

Good riddance, now we need to get rid of the rest in 2012, completely and utterly!

BevfromNYC said...

I just read a third hand report that Craig is being replaced by Bob Bauer (who was instrumental in the fight with the Bush DOJ about ACORN voting fraud) at and confirmed on

In the WH press release posted today, Obama just couldn't help making one more dig at Bush - " well positioned to lead...including managing the large amount of litigation the administration inherited,..." Do you think they will ever give this a rest?

BTW, As we all should know, no one ever resigns voluntarily from their positions with the Office of President. They serve at the pleasure of the President.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Very true, especially a few months into a four year term.

I don't think he'll ever stop whining about Bush, even though no one seems to be buying it anymore. . . at least, no one who counts. But that won't stop him. It's like a reflex action.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: I wonder which they're going to run out of first--people to throw under the bus, or buses to run them over. And you're right, she should have left town wearing tar and feathers, but instead she gets to stick around and be a lobbyist but called an informal adviser.

Anonymous said...

StanH: The only real solution!

AndrewPrice said...

Yeah, that annoys me -- she's going to get a well paid lobbyist job and still get to exert influence. She should be run out of town on a rail. . . or under a bus.

Anonymous said...

Bev: This is the world's largest and most dangerous game of musical chairs, only in this case, it's musical leftists.

HamiltonsGhost said...

Lawhawk--Maybe she just needed some time to brush up on her Engels and Marx. What's a good commie to do?

Anonymous said...

HamiltonsGhost: You were just kidding, like her, right? LOL

Writer X said...

That quote from Horowitz is perfect. Describes Dunn's actions completely, although now we get to be entertained by her husband. Or so I hear.

Anonymous said...

WriterX: Horowitz does have a way with clear wording, doesn't he?

It should be interesting. Maybe her husband espouses a kinder, gentler form of Maoism. LOL

DCAlleyKat said...

"She was the architect of the war on Fox News, lecturer to elementary school students on the virtues of Mao, and an enthusiastic supporter of Obama's socialist agenda."

And her having to leave proof enough that leftist speak cannot survive the light of day/reason! They profess tolerance, but are intolerant, they profess transparency but are hiding their true political identities, they profess open discourse, but they control the message (as Ms. Dunn so aptly stated, and they profess to desire a sharing of the wealth, while they in fact have confiscated no less than three generations wealth and made sure the future generation is born into slavery. Uh, the new liberal isn't so liberating are they?

DCAlleyKat said...

"It should be interesting. Maybe her husband espouses a kinder, gentler form of Maoism. LOL"

The kind that instead of a bullet to the back of the head prefers the institutional gas chamber?!

BevfromNYC said...

Are all of you aware that Bob Bauer, new WH counsel is actually Mr. Anita Dunn? Am I always the last to know?

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