Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Captioning: Less Full of Hot Air

Barney Frank passes uh, . . . legislation. Disturbingly, Pelosi and Reid seem to be revelling in it. And what the heck is Dodd doing? Any ideas?


CrispyRice said...

I think he's actually (very generously) trying to get everyone to back off because, ummm, he's about to explode after having devoured the latest stimulus package.

It's wafer-thin, you know...

Anonymous said...

Barney's exhaust is apparently too strong, even for himself. Dodd is demonstrating rictus, aka The Smile of Death.

Writer X said...

I knew it! Dodd really is a vampire!! He looks like he's trying to bite into Frank's very chubby shoulder blade.

AndrewPrice said...

CrispyRice, I think you've changed my image of the stimulus plan for good! 8-(

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, That could well be. That's why he can't stand the light of day!! :-)

Do you suppose it's possible Dodd is winding Barney up?

Or it might not even be Dodd's hands -- maybe there's a very small senator wedged in there too?

Scary stuff!

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, Pelosi is the one with the "OM f***ing G!!!!" look on her face. In fact, she looks like she just stared into the flash from an atomic blast.

Suzie1 said...

I don't know about these guys-

See no evil... speak no evil... LOL.

AndrewPrice said...

Suzie, LOL! So that would be "hear no evil, speak no evil. . . just plain evil"?

Anonymous said...

Andrew: But she always looks like that. Dodd usually looks more like Buddha, only with bigger eyebrows.

Writer X said...

To be a fly on the wall...

Oh, how I loathe these mutual admiration society photos. I always love when they try to make it look like everyone is having such a rip-roaring, helluva time--usually after they found a way to steal additional billions from taxpayers.

Regarding the hidden senator, maybe Boxer is giving Franks a back scratch?

AndrewPrice said...

How right you are X, when politicians come together all smiles, you know that your pocket has just been picked!

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, Isn't time time that she became a masked villain. . . like Micheal Meyer or Darth Vader?

Anonymous said...

Andrew: If she got rid of the botox, she could be the Galactic Emperor.

StanH said...

“Come on Barney, tell it again!” Barney raises hand and says, “I do solemnly swear, that I will support the Constitution of the United States,” and this bipartisan gaggle of Washington politicians laughed inconsolably, when Dodd exclaims, “Those idiots, I mean voters actually think we care about that stupid Constitution, fools.” The laughing continued until 11/3/10.

Tennessee Jed said...

I think Barney is playing guitar hero and Nancy is blissed out because he's singing that song that goes "if you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some tuna in your hair." On the other hand, maybe she is blissed out because her botox job froze her face that way.

Individualist said...

Pelosi and Dodd are laughing uncontrollably but in good natured fun at Barney (Good Natured for Democrats anyways). Reid is frantically trying to teach Barney how to do the "Live Long and Prosper" Vulcan Salute to no avail.

Thinking Logically however this is no surprise. There is just no way anyone can "Live Long and Prosper" considering the Health Care legislation they are about to pass.

DCAlleyKat said...

"Raise your leftist hand and swear...Constitution, are you kidding me?!"

That and a couple of fart jokes come to mind...

AndrewPrice said...

I see that none of you think they have much respect for the Constitution. They would be shocked. . . shocked I say. . . that you've all see the truth! ;-)

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