Thursday, November 12, 2009

Captioning: Truth In Labeling

In a sign that legislatures have lost touch with the common man, that they've become a strange world of excess, where anything goes, we now have proof that they've even stopped hiding their corruption and they now do it in the open. I can see no other explanation for this sign.


Anonymous said...

Do the high-priced hookers have their own entrance? Sounds like discrimination to me.

AndrewPrice said...

It does sound that way. I'm assuming there's also a "specialist hookers" entrance somewhere.

Writer X said...

Looks like the way to Barney Franks' office.

USArtguy said...

I heard the entrance will be renamed the "Ted Kennedy Memorial Hooker Entrance" just as soon as they redirect tax dollars equivalent to 10 times what it actually costs.

ScottDS said...

I remember when he was still Colonel Hooker.

Andrew, you stole my original idea, which was "So is there a specific hooker entrance?" :-)

(The inevitable answer would be, "In the back.")

[runs away...]

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, wow, good one! LOL!

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, Yuck! But very, very accurate.

USArtguy, I think they should rename the entire state that! LOL!

patti said...

where is the specific hooker entry?! *RIPSHOT*

patti said...

dadgum it, that'll teach me to read the other comments FIRST. at least i'm in good company...

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, LOL! Good company indeed! :-)

StanH said...

“Yes sir, …follow the sign up ahead and go to the right, (background question) …that’s right, the sign says “General Hooker Entrance.” (background question) “When you get up to the building to Mr. Franks state office one queue follows the blue line for submissive, and the red line for dominant.” (background question) ‘That’s right, it’ll be fifty dollars, is this a great country or what?” Everyone gets back to their day as the wheels of government, well do what the wheels of government do.

Game Master Rob Adams said...

The liberal government is nothing more than a bunch of nazi thugs. They prove it with their forced healthcare.

AndrewPrice said...

And their hookers ACG?

Stan, I think you've got the banter down alright!

Tennessee Jed said...

Actually, I had a slightly different reaction . . . I was looking for a "reserved" hooker or "club box" hooker entrance.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I think those go under the term "call girl" instead of "hooker."

JB1000 said...

If they play Hail to the Chief for the President, what song do they play for the Hooker with the rank of General, Legs by ZZ Top?

AndrewPrice said...

Excellent question JB1000! I would think "Touch Myself" by the Divinyls.

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