Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Today's a big day for the family, friends and general all-around, well, giving of thanks. Thanks for our bounty, even in hard times. Thanks for a nation that still allows us to make choices. Thanks for the freedom to believe that there is a God who watches over us all, and who feeds His children. Raise the song of harvest home. All is safely gathered in, ere the winter storms begin.

This year my family is spread pretty much all over California for their Thanksgiving get-togethers. For the first time in many years, I won't be spending the holiday with them. At first, I found it sad. But then this seemed like a good year for solo reflection, something I don't do enough of. Instead of feeling bad that the pickings would be a little smaller this year than in years past, I can be thankful that my family is well, happy, and able to enjoy their good fortune with their now-extended families. I am thankful for the calls that will be coming on Thanksgiving Day from the kids and the grandkids who are all gathered in Southern California this year.

I am thankful for all the good friends who have stuck with me through good times and bad, some of whom have left this world for a better place, but I know are still watching over me. And for other friends who nearly threatened me if I didn't join them for the day. And thankful that they know me well enough to understand that sometimes a guy just needs to be happily alone with his thoughts and his prayers.

I am thankful for those brave men and women in our armed forces overseas, in danger and far from home, who are so willing to put their lives on the line so that we can be safe here at home to celebrate Thanksgiving as we choose.

But perhaps, most of all, I am thankful that I live in the greatest nation on earth. A nation that can go through hard times such as we have been suffering since Thanksgiving last year and yet give us genuine belief that God has not abandoned us, and that if we keep our faith in God and America we will endure and prosper.

So to all our readers, I wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me. Don't forget to laugh, and hug, and eat yourself half into oblivion.


Writer X said...

Beautiful post, LawHawk. Happy Thanksgiving to you. Alone or with a mob of family, we're fortunate to live in the greatest country in the world. Life doesn't get much better than that! :-)

StanH said...

Dude! You’ve got six turkey sandwiches on the way Fed-X…HA! Happy Thanksgiving to you buddy. I’m a bit jealous my wife and I have ten people coming for dinner, we’ve been getting ready for days…wow! Any how…God Bless!

LL said...

It's a day for reflection, not only one for filling our stomachs. Thank you for the thanksgiving wishes. They are warmly returned.

Even in times of national peril such as those we presently find ourselves in, there is much to be thankful for. I feel humbled to be an American - and extremely fortunate to live in the land and to participate in our form of government.

Cheryl said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and to all my Commentarama friends.
I feel so grateful for our military and this great nation also. There is so much to be thankful for.
This morning I woke up to snow on the ground. I'm one of the crazies who loves snow, so that was a reason to smile right off the bat. I too am spending the day alone so I think that was God's little gift to cheer me!
Specifically today, I am thankful that I am NOT at work and I get paid for it!!!
Have a wonderful day of reflection and phone calls!

AndrewPrice said...

Nice article Lawhawk! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

Anonymous said...

WriterX: Amen.

Anonymous said...

StanH: I know what that's like. I have a relatively large apartment, for one person and occasional guests. Last year, it was my turn to have Thanksgiving. Three kids, three spouses, eight grandkids. I almost had to seat some of them on the ceiling. Pandemonium. But wonderful pandemonium. Needless to say, it will be a little quieter this year.

Anonymous said...

LL: I sometimes think that times of peril are the times we should be most thankful. He will pull us through. How many of the world's poor have we fed, out of a feeling of sympathy, with nothing to gain by it? I think as much as thanks, Thanksgiving is the one time we're not silent about our love of sharing.

Anonymous said...

Cheryl: Happy Thanksgiving back at ya. Someobdy once said that being alone and being lonely are not the same things. You and I can just enjoy the day, count our blessings (you got snow, we got a break in the autumn gloom and the view of the Bay out my windows is absolutely glorious), and be finally thankful that cleanup will take us a lot less time than everyone else.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: And to you and yours, Mr. Price. It must be great for you to be back home for Thanksgiving.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, Thanks. It is great to be home!

BevfromNYC said...

Beautiful LawHawk! I hope you enjoyed your solitude. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Anonymous said...

Bev: Happy Thanksgiving to the Big Apple! Had a great day, but I'm getting cauliflower ear from the phone calls. Well worth it. Christmas is at my son's place in Berkeley, so it'll be the same crowd plus yours truly, the pater familias. I needed to rest up in advance for that one.

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