Monday, November 9, 2009

Honduras Update -- Zelaya Will Not Be Reinstated!

The Honduran Congress has decided not to schedule a vote to reinstate Zelaya, after Thomas A. Shannon, the Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs, twice confirmed on the record that Obama will recognize the election even if Zelaya will not be reinstated.

Republican Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) also has confirmed that he obtained a private assurance of this from Hillary Clinton and Shannon before he agreed to lift his stay on Shannon's nomination.

An angry Zelaya is blaming Obama and Shannon. Said Zelaya supporter and member of Congress Elvia Valle: "The United States is no longer interested in punishing a coup-installed government. [This] has left a bitter taste in our mouths."

Yeah, Kool-Aid will do that. . .


StanH said...

Three for three Andrew! Barry our witless wonder strikes again, wow!

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Stan! Now we need to wait and see what the fallout will be. . .

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Not half bad for a couple of lawyers in their pajamas, huh? Maybe it's that little edge we have about being able to read a constitution, unlike a certain Harvard Law graduate in the White House.

BevfromNYC said...

Yea, for you again!

AndrewPrice said...

Seriously Lawhawk! This shouldn't be that hard for real journalists. They have access to the sources, ask a few questions next time. . . don't just blindly accept what Obama tells you.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Bev!

Yay! for democracy as well. . . and rule of law!

USArtguy said...

Way to go Commentarama! Way to go Democracy! Way to go sanity! Obama will supposedly endorse the election results this coming November 29.

Wondering what the MSM will say tomorrow.


Amazingly, Lanny Davis has an article at WSJ's site (The Way Forward in Honduras) put up a few hours ago that sounds completely opposite of the sycophant he was during the Clinton Administration.

The first comment by a Honduran named Angel Lizeth Padilla after the article is really good. One line o which is "We do not want Zelaya because we do not want to lose OUR democracy to Chavez and his crazy socialism of the 21st century. "

AndrewPrice said...

USArtguy, Thanks!

I think that a LOT of leftists will be very upset by this when the smoke clears. They expected a complete divorce from the "old" foreign policy of muscular self interest. And Obama has done nothing but disappoint them time and time again.

Before this, there's always been an excuse they could hang their hats on -- "can't anger China, they are paying for health care". . . "can't push the Iranians without causing a war". . . "North Korea is a process." Well this time, there were no excuses. This was perfectly set up for a quick, easy victory -- in fact, there aren't any easier victories to be had out there. But Obama has no guts. So Honduras just called his bluff and he folded.

And now his leftist talk shop philosophy is exposed as a paper tiger.

Writer X said...

Way to go, Andrew! Or, should we call you Scoop?

It sounds like Obama is trying to swoop in and now take credit for something he opposed in the first place? Typical.

Joel Farnham said...

Andrew & LawHawk,

How does it feel to be on the cutting edge of history and chronicling it exactly? Sometimes I think you guys are ahead of the curve.:-)

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Writer X, "Scoop" will do fine! ;-) Seriously, this stuff is out there if any journalist wants to look for it.

I suspect that Obama wants this one shoved under the rug with extreme prejudice. I bet you're not going to hear the word "Honduras" out of the White House again during this administration even if Honduras goes to war with us.

Actually, according to the cognitive dissonance playbook, Team Obama should now start badmouthing Zelaya and telling us they are happy they avoided the disaster of putting him back into power.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, We like to think of ourselves as trendsetters! ;-)

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