To listen to the mainstream media, the Democrats, the left and the general all-around saps, it's springtime in the Rockies. It's a refreshing Irish Spring shower. It's the Prague Spring where genuine democracy overcame oppressive communism. It's the flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la. Etc., etc., ad nauseam. Tell that to the people the Arabs having been springing on.
Perhaps a better title would have been "the long, hot Arab summer." For something that sounds so sweet, innocent and uplifting, the Arab Spring is more the Winter of Their Discontent. It's time to trade bad Muslim dictators in for all-new and improved really bad Muslim dictatorships. At least Iran, which is not Arab, does not have to join in the dance around the maypole. It already has its theocratic dictatorship.
To celebrate the Rites of Spring, Arab Springers in Egypt mobbed the Virgin Mary Church in Cairo, set fire to the church, burned down the homes of two Coptic Christian families, stormed a nearby residential complex, killed thirteen people and wounded at least another two hundred. While springing on autocrat Hasni Mubarak, several Arabs also sprang on CBS correspondent Lara Logan, shouting Allahu Akbar as they raped her. The Egyptians further celebrated their spring by electing an overwhelmingly Islamofascist parliament. The springy Muslim Brotherhood now has a hammerlock on the legislative branch of government, and their leader has announced he will run for president against a very weak Amr Mousa. Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss.
The rumor that the church had attempted to convert an Egyptian Muslim girl to Christianity spurred the spring in the step of the Egyptian Arabs. But in the springtime, a young Arab's thoughts lightly turn to thoughts of murder, and the word got out to Iraqis about the alleged conversion attempt. The same thing had happened at a Syriac Christian Church in Baghdad. As for the alleged Iraqi convert, she completely denied that she had ever considered converting and didn't even know any Christians. No matter. They beat her, and killed fifty-one people at the church. Ah, spring is in the air.
As the MSM springs the news about le sacre du printemps, it somehow becomes "radical Salafists" who are raping, looting, pillaging and murdering Christians and Jews throughout the Middle East and North Africa. I hate to spring this on them, but the Muslim Brotherhood and the "Salafists" are one and the same. And they are well into the realm of control of Egypt with tentacles spreading throughout the Arab world. If you think spring is bad, wait until we get to the Arab Nuclear Winter.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Arabs Spring
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By way of a correction, the parliamentary elections won't happen until at least September, so the Muslim Brotherhood doesn't have control of the parliament at this time.
What is your take on liberals and Islam, Hawk? Is this rooted in hatred of the Christian right? I read where American Jews are not liking Bamster's position on Israel very much, but this has beensomething of an enigma to me. Maybe it is more like statist = atheist (where the state is the religion) = hate judeo-Christian traditions which remind them of free market capitalism. The problem with the last is that there is nothing quite as religion based as jihadism. Maybe it is as simple as "Bush supported Israel so screw them?"
Andrew: I did phrase that incorrectly, though the idea was correct. It was a referendum on the formation of a new government, and the Islamofascists won 78% to 22% over traditional semi-sectarian parties. The results of the actual election are not expected to be much different, and they're likely to win the presidency to boot.
Tennessee: There is no single reason for liberals being so tolerant of and even deferential toward Islamofascism. I would have to say that it's a combination of distaste for traditional Christianity, a newly-emerging and virulent anti-semitism, Marxist socialist egalitarianism, and an admiration for any government that brooks no opposition from those who disagree with the party in power. There is also the element of perpetual naivete and self-delusion about the real nature of the enemy. Likewise, we are not the first to discuss the social welfare mentality as a secular religion. That might partially explain why the left saw Obama more as messiah than candidate.
“The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” That’s the link liberals have with the Islamo-Fascist. However, God forbid, the liberals would be the first in the chopping block if a world caliphate were ever established. Hey, would that make the parable, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, work the other way. Hmmm…
Our boy king has unleashed the whirlwind in the Middle East, putting it back together will be next to impossible. They are taking the moral equivalence arguments to a new and very dangerous world. Our new president (that was an assumptive close) in 2012 will have to have a steely resolve to put the $hit back in the horse…wow.
Stan: I think you're right about the friend-of-my-friend thing. We are going to need a VERY solid candidate for 2012. There's not only the domestic mess, but there's now a whole new cauldron brewing in the Middle East.
this post delighted me in so many ways. i mean it's not often you get to reference Irish Spring with politics. plus the whole "tra la" thang.
made me lol. gold star for you.
Patti: Thank you, m'dear. I think you've figured out that I'm a little put off by the use of such silly appellations as "Arab Spring." It's like the "Cancer Spring." Or more apt, it's like a pile of crap being called chocolate.
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