Thursday, January 19, 2012

T-Rav's Sockpuppet Theater Presents: A Gaggle Of Idiots

And then there were four: the Teletubbies got Rick Perry! Oh my! Anyway, North Carolina is first in flight, which makes South Carolina first in complaining about airport noise. . . and tonight we're going to hear a LOT of noise. Get ready for another Republican Smackdown!

While we wait for the debate on CNN at 8:00 PM, tell us your state's motto (or make one up if you don't know yours) and tell us how you would improve it or with what you would replace it!


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Tennessee Jed said...

My fervent hope would be that the candidates agree not to respond to any questions about Newt's ex-wife's interviews or Romney's taxes. Only questions pertaining to Obama's performance in office will be ansered.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I like the sentiment, and I can see them sidestepping the smear with the ex-wife, but I can't see them not continuing their class warfare attacks on Romney's taxes.

P.S. What's Tennessee's motto?

Patti said...

Texas motto: Friendship


While we are a friendly group, that is until you piss us off, couldn't we have an entire sentence?!

or at least a tougher word?

Texas: Unflinching

rlaWTX said...


I really wish the candidates would decide together to be civil. And Jed limited topic is even better than civility...

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, Wow! You're kidding?! I've never heard that. I would have guessed it was something like "Don't mess with Texas!"

"Friendship". Wow, that stinks.

I think "unflinching" is much better.

rlaWTX said...

Patti, we were typing at the same time... :)

The Texicans were too busy to think too hard about it; they just translated tejas and went with it...

Tam said...

AZ: Ditat Deus, God Enriches.

I have to give Rick Perry credit for his rallying cry for the conservative cause, even though he thinks Newt embodies that cause. I liked that his speech today focused on the damage Obama has done and that conservatives have to repair that damage, and that the cause is "greater than one man."

CrisD said...


Lots of government is good, more is better!

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, I would like to see some civility too, but I doubt we'll get it. The guys who are behind need to catch up and the best way to do that is to tear down the guy in the lead.

Anonymous said...

I won't be participating but I read through the last debate thread the other morning and I laughed at Andrew's Blazing Saddles reference:

"Howard Johnson is right!"

Andrew, re: Rick Perry (and the Teletubbies!), I'm reminded of a line from the Jerry Lewis film The Patsy in which a group of celebrity handlers who are afraid of losing their jobs take an idiot bellboy and groom him into a star.

At one point, Lewis is on a TV show and he answers an interviewer's question. Watching from another room, one of the handlers asks, "Who told him to talk?!?!?" :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, I agree. Unfortunately too often these guys show their best when they lose the race. I never quite get why they can't act that way throughout the race? Maybe when they lose they finally don't care what their advisors are telling them?

AndrewPrice said...

CrisD, That is HILARIOUS!! :D

P.S. I hope, I hope, I hope you aren't being serious!

rlaWTX said...

Chris' makes more sense than the real one for modern MA:
"By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty"

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, The "Howard Johnson is right" line just works for me. It fits when someone says "X is right" and you can tell they didn't really listen to what X actually said or that they are just saying it to be popular. :)

"who told him to talk!" LOL! Yeah, that fits modern politics.

What's Florida's motto?

CrisD said...

that is certainly a very violent and offensive motto! I'm so glad Gov. Duval changed it ( to mine)

Governatram bono, lottae governatram bonotissimo :D

AndrewPrice said...

Colorado's is actually "nothing without Providence" but I'm pretty sure Providence is in Rhode Island.

West Virginia went from "Wild and Wonderful" to "Open for Business" which people HATED! It made the state sound like prostitutes. I personal thought they should have gone with "Ward of the Federal Government"... but that's just me.

AndrewPrice said...

CrisD, LOL!!! Brilliant! Someone should put that on a t-shirt and sell it at the Democratic convention!

AndrewPrice said...

Hmm. Actually, I guess the official "motto" for West Virginia is:

"Mountaineers are always free."

Which is fine except so many of them are incarcerated.

I guess "wild and wonderful" is actually a "slogan." I guess that goes on the bumper sticker of the official state limo?

rlaWTX said...

well done, Chris!

Anonymous said...

Florida's motto is "In God We Trust."

No word about the lawsuit.

(That was a joke.) :-)

Patti said...

andrew: that's a commercial! but even that's better, right?

rlaWTX: HA!

how about this: Don't even try or you'll get a boot up your a**, y'all.

obviously, i'm dealing with anger issues today...

TJ said...

NC - "To be, rather than to seem" (Esse quam vider) - okay I had to look that up. I had heard it before, but had forgotten it and I guess I'm cool with it. I agree with Patti though - I think Texas deserves a better motto.

By the way, American Thinker had an article today about the debate:
Has anyone else heard about this?

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, If your state is going to steal, then steal from the pros --

"The Happiest Place On Earth!"

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, I have to say I do like the "Don't mess with Texas" slogan.

Sorry to hear about the anger issues. I do like your slogan though! LOL!

rlaWTX said...

I was looking through the others and found Michigan's - sad!!!
"If you seek a pleasant peninsula, look around you"

AndrewPrice said...

TJ, I saw that a little bit ago. Sadly, I think they are dumb enough to take the bait. :( But we'll see. I sincerely hope they don't fall for this.

Here's the link: LINK

rlaWTX said...

alternates for TX:
"Don't listen to Austin!" or
"Take Austin, please!"
or "Yankee, go home" or
" Yankee, don't crew up Texas like you did your state!"

(Yankees are anyone north, west, or east of TX borders)

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, Wow, that is sad. Talk about "nothing to offer." Not to mention, you can't really call Detroit "pleasant."

They need something like: "Providing America's Horsepower"

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, That seems like a useful definition of "Yankee"! LOL!

DUQ said...

I'm not sure what our motto is so I'll go with what it should be:

"Obama killed our economy."

I'm not sure how to put that in Latin. Maybe "Obama suxeth"?

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, I think your Latin is fine! And speaking of Obama, want to bet that Hawaii's motto is:

"Don't blame us, and we're not in Asia."

DUQ said...

That sounds like Hawaii! Or maybe, "Blame Kenya!" ;D

DUQ said...

Andrew, as an aside, what do you think about the interview with Newt's first wife?

T-Rav said...

It would have to be a pink cross for Perry, wouldn't it? ;-)

I was always under the impression West Virginia's motto was "Eventually, you forget she's your sister." Or maybe that's Arkansas. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's Arkansas. Missouri's is "Let the welfare of the people be the supreme law," which many of them seem to have interpreted quite literally.

rlaWTX said...

"Obama suxeth" - Love it!

Anonymous said...

California's state motto is "Eureka" (Greek for "I have found it"). We Republicans are planning to change it to "Skatos" (loosely translated, "excrement").

tryanmax said...

Anybody know if the debate is streaming online? I *sorta* have CNN, but only because I have a TV that refines the signal. (I have the cheapest cable possible: local channels and CSPAN.)

T-Rav said...

rla, I have traveled rather extensively through the South, including Louisiana and Mississippi, and the people there are definitely not Yankees. Just an observation.

I rather like the revulsion toward Austin, though. It's rather telling that you hear a lot of Hollywood people talk about how much they love Texas, and then come to find out, er, they've only been to Austin. Of course.

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, I think it's a smear pure and simple. From the parts I've seen, it sounds like an angry ex who sees their chance to get a lot of revenge and ABC acted shamefully in doing the interview.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Of course it had to be pink... or a rainbow (but I was feeling too lazy for that one). I like the new Newt. :)

I see you're working on getting yourself banned from West Virginia and Arkansas! Nice work!

That is a sadly appropriate motto for modern welfare states!

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I'm sure they will stream it. I don't have a link yet.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav and rlaWTX, The Austin issue is a lot like Colorado. Denver itself and Boulder are insanely, arrogantly liberal places completely unlike the rest of the country.

I've traveled throughout the South as well and found it to be very, very different state by state. Interestingly, the state that was most obsessed about the War of Northern Aggression was Virginia.

rlaWTX said...

T-Rav - ok, fine. Technically those to the east are not Yankees. They're just "fer'ners". And with our economy, they just keep coming...

Even the scary, half-step-better-than-homeless motels are pushing $100 per night because we are out of space. Despite apartments going up rapidly, we are still hurting for rentals.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I thought California's motto was: "Give us your poor and your illegals and we'll tax the rich to give them bene's"?

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, Just be glad they aren't Californians! Those people are disaster. They move in an immediately try to turn everything into the mess they just left.

rlaWTX said...

(They are in Austin!!!!)

AndrewPrice said...

Then might I suggest running the border fence up and around Austin?

rlaWTX said...

Love to!!! we can't even get a fence along Mexico, though!

Back when whatshisname was indicted in Travis County, one of the quips was, even a ham sandwich can be indicted in Travis County if it's a Republican...

AndrewPrice said...

Trent Lott?

I still think it's worth a shot to build the fence! :)

Tennessee Jed said...

sorry, missed the state motto thing. Actual motto is : Agriculture and Commerce. I guess that was kinda, sorta o.k. at the time, but I would probably change it to: Tennessee, it's all about Jed" ;-)

AndrewPrice said...

That's an excellent change Jed! LOL!

tryanmax said...

Nebraska's motto is "Equality Before the Law" which is fine.

Patti said...

the californians are even in west texas now. they are very offended by our guns and our love of red meat (ok, chicken-fried anything w/gravy).

but i think they resent that we have the ammo to back up those guns even more than the guns.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, That is an excellent motto. It's hard to argue with that one except possibly to note that it lacks any mention of corn. ;)

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, I would say that I find it incredible that someone would move to Texas and then whine about guns or beef. But sadly, I don't find that incredible anymore because I've seen it over and over from the Californians. They've done the same sort of thing everywhere they've gone.

tryanmax said...

Andrew, fortunately the liberals in my state haven't thought to interpret "before" as "preceding."

Joel Farnham said...

Looks like there is some payback for shutting down Hackers.

I am not kidding. Don't upset hackers.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Don't give them any ideas!

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, That's great!

"Operation Donkey Punch"! I LOVE it!

And I like the fact they are going after Democrats and anyone who is fighting web freedom rather than just Republicans.

Brown, who said he is a former journalist working on a book and film about Anonymous, said Anonymous hackers are devising a new attack against Democratic members of Congress who are still endorsing the SOPA legislation. The operation’s name: Donkey Punch. “We’re trying to decide if we’re going to target one Congress member first or warn them first,” Brown said. “Another method would be to go after their donors too.”

Brown added that Anonymous hackers might also figure out a way to ensure that certain Congress members’ names would be linked to unpopular subjects in Internet searches. “Operation Donkey Punch is definitely going to involve bringing attention to the Congress members through creative means,” Barrett said. “We have means to tie someone’s name to something forever using search engine optimization.”

BevfromNYC said...

New York state motto - "Tax Them"
No, wait that our New York Legislature's motto...

I don't know what the motto is of New York, but I'm sure it's something cool like "Fuggediboutit". But that could also be New Jersey's motto.

T-Rav said...

Andrew, that's because Virginia had approximately 19 Civil War battles per square foot, so it's gonna be all they remember.

Incidentally, my least favorite Southern state is North Carolina, having met far too many North Carolinians. "Vale of humility" my @#$%!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Tax them sounds about right. I think Jersey's motto is "Home of the mob."

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I have nothing against North Carolina.

CNN is discussing the Newt smear right now and they are running full speed ahead as a smear.

T-Rav said...

There are only two states I have been to that I could literally find nothing good to say about. One is Illinois, the other is New Jersey. The "Garden State" was just gray, depressing bleakness all the way through, and Illinois--ugh. It has nothing to do with Chicago, because I've never been there but would like to go. I think it's kind of like what Missouri would be if it were perpetually run by liberals, which fortunately it is not.

CrisD said...

I lived in NC and it should be;

Vale of Humidity

T-Rav said...

CrisD: Heh. In fairness, though, that could be said about the Southeast in general.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I have nothing good to say about New Jersey either... awful state. Chicago, however, is one of my favorite cities -- great architecture, lots to do, great hours!

AndrewPrice said...

BTW, I hate CNN. They have been sitting here trying to explain what the candidates "need to do" but really they're saying "what the candidates need to do to win leftist journalists." It's pathetic.

T-Rav said...

This pre-game show is awful!

CNN Journalists said...

What do you mean? You make it sound like we aren't representative of the country or something.

T-Rav said...

By the way, they hate everything Charleston, SC stands for.

DCAlleyKat said...

Hi ya'll!

Koshcat said...

I thought Nevada's motto was "Battle Born". I don't know what Colorado's motto is but it probably should be "Dogs are People". Insane how many people here think that I should love and respect their dog as much as they do. Stupid dogs. (ok, I don't hate all dogs and I don't hate you for liking dogs, I just don't care for other people's dogs). Although Boulder's love for the Praire Rat...I mean Praire Dog borders on insanity. Despite carrying the plague, it is against the law to kill one. A road construction guy nearly got thrown in jail for inadvertantly killing a few rather than relocating them.

Montana, where I grew up, was "Oro y Plata" = Gold and Silver. After the Unabomber was caught some suggested changing it to "Last, best place to hide".

T-Rav said...

Hi DC! Joining us for the madness, I mean debate?

T-Rav's Recuperating Kittens said...

Hmm, we rather like this Koshcat fellow. Seems like a good tool for our future pl--er, owner.

DCAlleyKat said...

Here for both T

T-Rav said...

Die John King! DIE! DIE! DIE!!!!

Joel Farnham said...

This is going to be interesting. It should become very obvious that Paul is nuts and Santorum is stupid.

DCAlleyKat said...

Yes Andrew, as if we don't know they'll NEVER win left anything!

Ron Paul said...

Where I fought the Federal Reserve and the evil Illuminati conspiracy behind it all.

tryanmax said...

What is this goofiness?

AndrewPrice said...

Last best place to hide! Nice!

AndrewPrice said...

And Jon King jumps straight into the smear.

T-Rav said...

Points for honesty?

DCAlleyKat said...

Of course you want to start with that John! Gooooooooooo Newt!

AndrewPrice said...

And Newt does his usual.

T-Rav said...

My initial prediction: Before 9:00, Gingrich and John King will be in a cage match. You guess the winner.

DCAlleyKat said...

Right on!!!

CrisD said...

Go Newt!

AndrewPrice said...

Well said, but I still don't like Newt.

DCAlleyKat said...

After all it's only sex er, Bill Clinton!

Joel Farnham said...

Gingrich Just Destroyed Most of the Media.

DCAlleyKat said...


John King said...

We need to go to commercial now. I have to change my pants.

tryanmax said...

This indignant attitude won't play well on the morning shows tomorrow.

tryanmax said...

But it plays well tonight.

AndrewPrice said...

So Santorum goes 180 degrees against Newt's very smart and powerful speech. Nice work Rick.

DCAlleyKat said...

I have a problem with all the candidates that are remaining....

AndrewPrice said...

Good for Romney.

rlaWTX said...

I was going to try and watch, but first it's Indignant Newt and now Sanctimonious Santorum... I think I'll watch my dvr'd stuff instead.

T-Rav said...

I fully get people's issues with Newt, but this is, in all honesty, a little ridiculous. CNN just ruined its credibility by starting off with a hatchet job; also, it's creating a perfect opportunity for the candidates to show a united front, so they're not even furthering their liberal aims. Idiots.

AndrewPrice said...

DCAllykat, I think we all do!

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, Good choice.

Joel Farnham said...

Romney said exactly the right thing.

Rick Santorum said...

Uh, I beg to differ, sir!

AndrewPrice said...

That's the Paul I like...

now comes the rest.

America said...

F-you Rick.

DCAlleyKat said...

Close the EPA,
Drill baby drill, and flat tax.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I agree.

T-Rav said...

Andrew and DC, third look at a brokered convention?

AndrewPrice said...

This is the problem with Newt... he's a tinkerer.

DCAlleyKat said...


T-Rav said...

See, this is where Gingrich does well. If only he could do a better job of controlling all the information inside his head.

AndrewPrice said...

That is 100% a lie by Newt and he knows it.

Everyone said...

Wait, what was the original topic?

DCAlleyKat said...

I've tried so much to like Mitt, but I just can't...

AndrewPrice said...

That scores huge points with me -- "crony capitalism" AND he can explain it!

T-Rav said...


Barack Obama said...

B-but you don't understand; Robert Redford advised me authorizing Solyndra would be bad for the environment, so I had to shoot it down!

Joel Farnham said...

Romney gets it. He is going to win this debate.

AndrewPrice said...

Romney just kicked Newt/Santorum's butts!

They are making anti-capitalist attacks.

DCAlleyKat said...

Free enterprise does work...

T-Rav said...

DC, if I thought he was being genuine when putting forth his conservative credentials, I would have a far easier time liking Mitt.

AndrewPrice said...

This is SOLID pro-capitalism conservatism.

AndrewPrice said...

Santorum makes class warfare arguments now. Good for him. That will play well with his socialist followers. idiot.

Rick Santorum said...

See! I can be a capitalist AND do class warfare!

AndrewPrice said...

He keeps speaking out of both sides of his mouth every single time he speaks. I honestly think this is a mental issue.

China said...

Um, hello? Who do you think you are?

DCAlleyKat said...

Andrew - Good to be with you again...I kind of miss my Hermanator!

Comrade Santorum said...

Capitalism for the all!**

** Applies only to lower classes, does not include financiers and void where handouts are at stake.

AndrewPrice said...

DC, Me too. I miss him a lot. Why can't we have someone like him?

John King said...

Let me clarify: You want small government. Why do you hate our veterans?

T-Rav said...

Or Ryan, or Jindal, or Mitch Daniels....

AndrewPrice said...

This is not true. He just bought into another liberal lie! Dammit.

AndrewPrice said...

Veterans preferences...

Once again, Rick is big on micromanaging the economy.

AndrewPrice said...

Rick is absolutely in the wrong party. He should admit he's a "progressive."

T-Rav said...

You know what? I'm just going to throw it out: Why do we have a Department of Veterans' Affairs? I agree with having a bureau or agency within the DOD, but why does it need a cabinet-level position?

tryanmax said...

I appreciate our vets but I disagree. If they come home damaged, then we owe them medical help. But job preference doesn't make sense.

AndrewPrice said...

Federalism... love it!

DCAlleyKat said...

Saying all the right things....

Joel Farnham said...

This is amazing. Romney would be so far ahead if he had been talking like this the whole time.

tryanmax said...

Good answer, Mitt. Good 10th Am. answer.

Ron Paul said...

Sounds good to me!

DCAlleyKat said...

Testing it again you mean...

AndrewPrice said...

Oh oh, here we go.. Newt has a new idea. watch your wallets.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I'm am honestly starting to believe Romney is being genuine -- you just can't fake having other beliefs this consistently on this many issues.

T-Rav said...

If there's one group we are going to bend or break the rules for, undoubtedly it should be veterans. They're the ones who make everything else possible, so that's fair.

AndrewPrice said...

Right answer again.

tryanmax said...

T-Rav, but if the rules were sound in the first place, they shouldn't need any bending.

RomneyCare said...

Just throwing me under the bus, huh?

Joel Farnham said...


When I hiring manager, I looked for veteran's first. I would rarely find them.

I don't think veterans are having that hard a time getting a job. I find that really hard to believe.

tryanmax said...

I like how Mitt educates people on the process. Unfortunately, civics is no longer taught in school, so we need a candidate to do it.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, the numbers they are relying on are liberal BS. They aren't true. Veterans actually have lower unemployment rates than the public. They are focusing on a very small subset of people who just got out of the military.... i.e. BEFORE they have a chance to get a job.

tryanmax said...

Good point, Joel. Most vets are inherently desirable employees. Do they really need extra assistance in that light?

AndrewPrice said...

Did Newt just basically surrender on RomneyCare?

T-Rav said...

tryanmax, I'm speaking metaphorically. What I mean is I would be okay spending extra money on veterans, more so than with other segments of society.

AndrewPrice said...

That was funny.

20-Something Potheads said...


tryanmax said...

T-Rav, understood.

BevfromNYC said...

Is it just me or are they FINALLY attacking Obama's policies instead of each other?

Santorum said...

"Two of the people would be difficult to elect..."

... me and Ron Paul.

CrisD said...

Rick, thanks.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, They're attacking Obama except Santorum who is blasting Romney with whatever he feels like saying.

Joel Farnham said...

Rick is lying by telling only part of the truth.

T-Rav said...

Joel and Andrew, that's basically like the story that Vietnam vets all came back with PTSD and histories of unemployment, domestic abuse, and drug addiction. Not true.

AndrewPrice said...

Ricky rants.

Beeker said...


[Loosely translated as: "I will sue anyone who associates me with this loser ever again!"]

T-Rav said...

It's also being heavily subsidized at the federal level, by the way.

tryanmax said...

Look at Ricky hamming it up.

AndrewPrice said...

They are wrong, you are a LIAR.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew, just as I hit "publish", Santorum started in on his Romneycare rant...

AndrewPrice said...

Rick isn't winning this because he has no theme. He's just spitting out all kinds of crap and hoping something sticks.

Rick Santorum said...

Not that I have a problem with it not being free-market or anything, but....

T-Rav said...

Bev, you jinxed it!

tryanmax said...

Am I crazy for thinking that State vs. Fed. level does make a difference, even if the subject is healthcare?

BevfromNYC said...

I'm liking Romney more and more. Santorum not so much.

Barack Hussein Obama said...

Oh man! I can't win a debate based on knowledge!

AndrewPrice said...

Shut up Rick.

CrisD said...

Rick..he brings tears to the onions!!!

tryanmax said...

Hundreds of ideas isn't exactly a positive in Newt's case.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, There is a huge difference, but the best plan is still to let the private sector handle it.

BevfromNYC said...

Tryan - you're crazy, but not for thinking that...Okay, you set that up for me, so live it :D

CNN said...

No Ron, we're just prejudiced against you.

BevfromNYC said...

CrisD - Now that was funny!

AndrewPrice said...

I'm with Paul 100% on this issue (so far... he's still talking).

tryanmax said...

Andrew, I agree, but I'm just tired of the equivocation.

tryanmax said...

Bev, I already knew I was crazy. Crazy like a cat!

T-Rav said...

tryanmax, I think it does make a difference in the abstract (as part of federalism, states should be allowed certain powers the federal government should not have), but it's still a bad idea where things like health care are concerned.

DCAlleyKat said...

I can see clearly now the rain is gone,
I can see all the obstacles in my way,...

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I think that's the problem with this format of debating -- it forces people to say things in short hand.

North Korea said...

This Paul guy needs to be President!

Gameshow Debate Host said...

Vote now and when we come back, we'll eliminate one candidate....

T-Rav said...

CrisD, I was thinking tears of laughter, but I guess that works too.

AndrewPrice said...

I'm releasing my taxes too. They can now roam the streets causing mayhem.

T-Rav said...

Should I find it refreshing or disturbing that our movies are now replaying the 1920s?

DCAlleyKat said...

Ah, I needed a break!

AndrewPrice said...

I have to say tonight is just one more night where it's clear that Santorum just doesn't belong on that stage with the rest.

tryanmax said...

Question: I don't know Massachusetts civics, but I assume that RomneyCare/MassCare had to go through the legislature before Mitt signed it. Did he push for it, or just go along with it?

Joe Biden said...

Shut up Barack! I can't win a debate based on speech!

T-Rav said...


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