Tuesday, March 13, 2012

T-Rav's Sockpuppet Votatorium Presents: Deep Fried South

It's primary time again. Oh goodie! With Alabama and Mississippi stepping up to the plate tonight, Santorum finally has a chance to land a knockout blow on Newt to become the eventual sole loser to Romney. Or Newt might win and prolong his agony! Whatever happens, it's nothing but rebels, bulldogs and red water as far as the eye can see tonight! Oh, and some Hawaiian punch because Hawaii is tonight too.

While we wait, what's your favorite sports mascot? Perhaps it's the Vandals of Idaho or the Horned Frogs of Texas Christian or these guys (LINK) from the London Olympics?

P.S. Don't forget, it's Star Trek Tuesday at the film site. (LINK)!


Anonymous said...

The University of California Golden Bear, of course. In actuality, unlike some other teams, Cal doesn't actually keep a live bear mascot. Instead, it's a costumed figure named Oski which doesn't look anything like a bear (except possibly Yogi Bear).

AndrewPrice said...

So perhaps they should change their names to the California Yogis? ;)

Doc Whoa said...

Oh, not more primaries. Can't this race finally be over? This needs to change. Do it all on one day.

Anonymous said...

That would make as much sense as how they named him in the first place. There was a football yell that started out "Oski, wow, wow, Whiskey, wee, wee," and went downhill from there. Oski himself made his first appearance in 1941 after the yell had been around for decades. He replaced a live bear which had previously been wheeled out into Memorial Stadium for big games and rallies. So I guess Yogi is out of luck. LOL

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, At least the idea of the bear makes sense in California. Not all mascots make sense, especially in this politically correct age. My personal favorite in the race for stupidity was when they were thinking of renaming the Washington Bullets as "the Washington Sea Dogs." Huh? There's no ocean anywhere near D.C. They ended up settling on Wizard because of the strong wizarding connection to D.C.

// rolls eyes

Colorado has a bison or some such beast which they run out onto the field. And I know they keep talking about switching that out for something more marketable.

AndrewPrice said...

Soon Doc, soon.

BevfromNYC said...

Bevo, the Univ. of Texas Longhorn mascot! UT has a live longhorn steer AND a costumed mascot. Take THAT UC Bears...

Doc Whoa said...

On mascots, I've never quite know what a "tar heel" is or why there are so many wildcats?

BevfromNYC said...

Doc Whoa - this year is turning out to be the election equivalent of "Groundhogs Day". We keep waking up and having to vote over and over until we get it right...

AndrewPrice said...

Bevo, huh? That sounds like the Beef version of Devo?

Is this the first one named Bevo or is that the a "stage name"?

In any event, I like the longhorn. Not only do they make great steaks, but I think the horns are pretty cool.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev and Doc, Tell me about it. This absolutely feels like Groundhog Day! At some point, the ride needs to end. Hopefully, it can all end tonight. :)

Doc, I have no idea what a Tar Heel is frankly. Possibly related to tobacco?

EricP said...

Love Bevo, but dig Oregon's "Puddles" just a little more since he (it?) messes with other mascots. Of course, it'd be more fun watching the steer go after Standord's tree (i.e., worst mascot), but till that happens, it's "Puddles."

Honorable Mention: Washington's Evergreen State College "Gooey Duck."

Writer X said...

Chief Illiniwek - University of Illinois, although I think the mascot had to be changed a couple of years ago because it offended one woman (true story).

BevfromNYC said...

Bevo is the stage name. I think there has been many Bevo's over the years, but they are the most pampered cows on earth outside of Japan. I am not sure what they do with the old ones, but they probably feed them to the football team when they are done being Bevo...

Doc Whoa said...

Bev, I just want it to end. I'm sick of all of them at this point. Just hold the election and be done with it. Let me move on with my life.

I was going to say I thought Texas was the Aggies, but then I remembered, that's the other school down there! :D

BevfromNYC said...

EricP - nothing says running, jumping, and tackling like a tree...

AndrewPrice said...

Eric, Stanford has a tree? I thought they were just a color (cardinal)? Goodey Duck? Sounds like Chinese food... yummy.

Along the bad mascot route, I'd have to name the Ohio State Buckeyes, which is either a nut or a tree of some sort.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, What had that with some local high schools were one person got all bent out of shape over them being called "Indianas" and a couple others with similar things (e.g. "Braves"). So now they all have bland names.

I always wondered what Illini meant? Now I know. :)

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, LOL! That could well be his fate.... as it is with all old rock bands when they are finally replaced. ;)

Yeah, nothing says "athletic spirit" like a tree.

rlaWTX said...

Primaries?!?! Like Red, Blue, & Yellow?

There's the story that Bevo was so named because some Aggies (now there's a mascot for ya, Gig "em Aggies! or Gag 'em, Iggies!) branded the live un-named mascot in the dark of night with the score of the A&M-won game: 13-10. "Bevo" was the brand that was created that would work to over-brand the score. No idea if it's true.

My alma mater: Angelo State Rams - hand signal: make the "longhorn" and then curl your index and little fingers down for curved rams' horns!

Not college, but one of my fav HS combinations: Hutto Hippos!

EricP said...

>>Gooey Duck? Sounds like Chinese food... yummy.>>

Do a picture search. Doubt you'll say "yummy" ... not that there'd anything wrong with that.

AndrewPrice said...

Exactly! Primary colors.

Hutto Hippos? Hmm. That's an interesting one. We've got a lot of Greeks around here, plus the usuals -- Falcons, Rams, Bears, Cougars. There are a lot of horses too -- Stallions, Colts, Riders, etc.

AndrewPrice said...

Ooooh, those things. Yeah, I've seen people dig those things out of the beach and they do not look tasty. I was thinking "gooey Duck" as in "quack quack" dipped in something gooey.

rlaWTX said...


I have no words...

AndrewPrice said...

Uh... I too am at a loss for words. Frankly, this is laughable on its face.

Here's the link: LINK.

Joel Farnham said...

Hey guys. It looks like Wikipedia got tired of the edits and re-edits and decide to lock down the entry on Critical Race theory. It seems that too many people were changing and unchanging it that finally an adult stepped in and shut down the editing portion of that particular entry. They shut it down to where it is correctly defined as the down with whitey theory of law and institutions. That is prior to Soledad's on-air flubs. The lock-down is only for a week. At that point, I expect a liberal will change it and then a conservative will change it back and so on and so forth, which then I suspect Wikipedia will shut it down until the elections are over.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, That sounds like an arms race of futility. We should come up with a completely nonsensical, but rather funny, entry for when they open the gates again. Maybe something like:

"Critical race theory is a theory involving the handling of significant moments in a race between clowncars."

Joel Farnham said...


Soledad is upset. She keeps on getting twittered about Critical Race Theory that she almost cried about it on CNN. Ace of Spades has come out against the twitterers. He really means it. He said, "Stop twittering @Soledad_OBrien."

Oh, I am NOT making this up! ;-)

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, Has he said why he wants people to stop messing with her? I would think harassing a leftist journalist who disgraced herself would be a good thing? That's a tactic the left uses -- make life impossible for people you don't like.

Individualist said...

Andrew Price said: "They ended up settling on Wizard because of the strong wizarding connection to D.C. "

Andrew, I am not sure if I recall all the details but isn't that centered around the resemblane of Washington DC to the land of Oz.

It is as fae away from Kansas as you could hope for, the guy running it is a charlaton who needs a machine in order to talk to people and people have to go there and beg for things they already have.

AndrewPrice said...

Indi, LOL! That's exactly what it is!

Actually, here's the funny thing. They wanted to dump "Bullets" because they thought it sounded bad as the city has a high murder rate. So they wanted a name that didn't offend anyone.

The first three they came up with were: the Sea Dogs, the Wizards and the Dragons.

They asked people what they thought about those. And every time they asked a black person what they thought of when they heard the words "wizard" or "dragons," the answer was "the KKK."

But in the end, they took the Wizards. So I guess offending people wasn't really the problem.

Joel Farnham said...


If he really did want them to stop harassing her, would he put it in his headline. The article is definitely tongue in cheek.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, That's funny. And yeah, he definitely is not calling for people to flood her twitter... which sounds pretty darn pornographic if you ask me. Blech.

Joel Farnham said...

What surprises me is they locked the definition on Critical Race Theory prior to her flubs. That is why I said an adult decided to stop the insanity.

AndrewPrice said...

I understand they're starting to do that more and more with controversial or "newsy" pages because they decided it was a bad idea to let people try to change the definitions for political purposes. I really do get the sense they want to create a useful database -- and mostly they have.

T-Rav said...

I can tell you my least favorite sports mascot--the Philly, of the Philadelphia Phillies. Partly, I just don't like Philadelphia, and partly, I have an ingrained hostility to mascots with no basis in real life.

AndrewPrice said...

Hey T-Rav, you all warmed up?

I agree about fake mascots. Philly should us "the battery" (as in thrown by Eagles fans) or "the hate crime."

T-Rav said...

Andrew, I think pummeled effigies of Santa Claus would be more descriptive.

Talk about dumb mascots, though--Ole Miss decided a year or two ago to get rid of its traditional mascot, "Colonel Reb." Because a Southern planter/Confederate veteran is racist or something. Anyway, the three choices given to the student body as an alternative were: the Black Bear, the Land Shark (I couldn't even begin to explain this so I won't try), and "Hotty Toddy." This is a slang cheer used by Ole Miss students and at one time referred to an alcoholic drink (though a few of my more histrionic peers have claimed it started as a lynching cry). This would apparently translate into having two people in suits on the field, one labeled "Hotty" and the other labeled "Toddy." Thankfully(?), the Black Bear won out, so we are now, officially, the Ole Miss Rebel Black Bears. Ain't political correctness great?

DUQ said...

Speaking of the Pennsylvannia, why are the Pittsburgh Pirates the Pirates? Were there Pirates in Pittsburgh?

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, Maybe the moved from Florida? I would think they should be "The Union Labor."

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, That sucks. I hadn't heard that. I find it disgusting that everyone needs to rip out all history of which they don't approve? I think it's time people either stopped falling for this or it's time for conservatives to fight back and start taking out liberal heroes. There is no reason that a war criminal like FDR should be allowed to have anything named after him.

AndrewPrice said...

BTW, 13 minutes until the polls close. Sadly, it looks close so this might take some time.

CNN had some interesting polling numbers. Romney is won with all women (married or otherwise) and everyone who doesn't view religious as "very important." No word about "men" though because CNN didn't want to share that tidbit.

DUQ said...

Andrew, Are you watching CNN? Their intro is ridiculous. They're treating this like a prize fight or something. They even said "they're competing on Obama's home turd tonight."

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, It's been pretty over the top. And don't forget tonight, when the vote tallys come in, they are meaningless because they aren't random.

AndrewPrice said...

And we have the usual meme -- Romney spent money to win tonight.

Rick Santorum said...

I would win tonight if only everyone voted for me.

AndrewPrice said...

No projection by CNN... what a surprise.

CNN's numbers say Santorum wins Alabama but Romney wins Mississippi.

T-Rav said...

Andrew, as if that's not bad enough, there was a movement, apparently quite serious, to make Return of the Jedi's Admiral Ackbar the mascot. Why? "Well, he's the leader of the Rebel Alliance, duh!" Fortunately, nothing ever came of it; if it had, and I was faced with the prospect of having a talking squid as the mascot, I would have left and never come back.

T-Rav said...

I don't really understand why Romney should win Mississippi but not Alabama. If anything, it should be the reverse; the two states aren't very different, but Alabama has marginally more urban voters. I don't know, I haven't kept up with the polling much, which is historically kind of inaccurate from that region anyway.

AndrewPrice said...

CNN's meme is finalized:

1. Newt will lose and must get out.
2. Romney must show he can win evangelicals and that he can win in the deep South. But even if he wins tonight, we can't really know how he will do until Newt gets out.

Newt's press secretary is trying to now downplay. He says Newt only needs to "do well" in the South because he really thinks he's going to win the rest of the states.

Dream on.

tryanmax said...

Hello everybody. Let me catch up on the comments before I join in the fun.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, It makes no sense to me at all that Romney can be competitive in any southern state. And what surprises me is that CNN just showed that in Mississippi, the 81% of voters identified at evangelical... yet they are voting for Romney.

I'm surprised.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Welcome aboard. :)

tryanmax said...

Wow! Look at Romney! Yeah, all I heard on radio today was how Romney doesn't know grits or whatever and so cannot win anywhere in the south.

tryanmax said...

On mascots: ain't nothin' offensive about husking corn. Although I'm a little tired of NU's mascot changing names. I don't even know if it's Herbie or Harry or what it is now. All I know is that I want to take a pin to Lil' Red. Grrrrr!

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, If the spinners were being honest, the big story is that Romney is even keeping it close in the South. The story has been that that's impossible.

AndrewPrice said...

Nothing offensive about corn husking? How about the environmental damage? Think of ethanol you enviro-criminal!

Also, I think Bevis and Butthead did in fact find an offensive use for corn.

tryanmax said...

Gotta husk it before you can make ethanol. And the husk byproduct is probably good for something too. As to why a beef state has corn for it's mascot, however, I could not say. I think "Bugeaters" was a much better mascot.

CNN Idiots said...

Early results are coming in: 5 votes for Ron Paul, 1 for Santorum and 1 for Romney. It looks like Ron Paul may pull a surprise!!

tryanmax said...

Can anybody read these graphics on CNN? I see names and percentages, but I can't find what state they come from.

AndrewPrice said...

Nebraska is a beef state? I thought it was corn as far as the eye can see?

AndrewPrice said...

No. CNN is practicing information overload so they can spit out whatever analysis they want.

tryanmax said...

Sorry, late-comer. Yes, beef is our #1 export and Japan is our #1 buyer.

tryanmax said...

I actually can't argue with that head/heart argument.

AndrewPrice said...

I can agree with the head/heart argument, BUT they are still setting fake expectations -- Gergen just did that.

AndrewPrice said...

Yer selling our beef to them Japanese! ;)

Joel Farnham said...


You said it. Marginally more more urban voters.

I am channeling now, a farmer from Missippi.

If I was wanting a president, who would I pick? Would I pick a preacher from Sunday School, or a business man who makes money? Remember, the economy isn't going as well as the preachers keep on telling us should come around once god's chile is in office. Now, since I am a farmer and the preacher is poor but honest. What am I going to side with? Now, preachers should stay behind the pulpit. Business men help me make money.

/end of channeling

That is the closest I can get to a possible way of thinking.

tryanmax said...

I don't know where they do it, but I'm told there's some farmers who even raise Kobe in this state. So, yeah.

AndrewPrice said...

Did you hear what she just failed to state?

Obama just gave his appeal to women.... (and lost 12% in his poll numbers).

tryanmax said...

Em-aye-ess-ess-aye-ess-ess-aye-pee-pee-aye! I just wanted to say that.

AndrewPrice said...

You know, I'd heard that about the Kobe beef. How would you like to be a cow masseuse?

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I think that's the thinking. My mother actually picked Romney from the beginning because "I want a businessman to fix this mess." That's a strong message.

tryanmax said...

Oh yeah, this is why I hate CNN. They "wonder" about stuff that everybody knows.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I failed to use my Ohio joke....

What's round on the ends and hi in the middle? O-hi-O!

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, The wonder routine is a great way to say something without saying something? Indeed, I wonder how many of the CNN panelists are retarded?

tryanmax said...

I wonder how many are robots?

DUQ said...

There are a couple I like at CNN, but Gergen is a hack. Crowley is someone who seems to want to be honest, but will then suddenly whip out some far left crap.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I haven't taken any polls, but I did think about your state and mine and they seemed right, and I'm pretty sure that's representative. So yes.

Tam said...

Isn't Utah caucusing tonight too? Or is it irrelevant because Romney couldn't possibly lose in UT? Is caucusing even a word?

AndrewPrice said...

DUQ, I agree. Borger is a total hack too. She spouts out every single democratic talking point and she does it using tryanmax's wonder method.

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, That is indeed a word.

I thought Utah was near the end in this cycle, but I'm not sure. The only ones anyone mentions tonight are Alabama, Mississippi, Hawaii and some island. . . Atlantis possibly.

AndrewPrice said...

I have to say, John King is a guy who I do trust as well. And his analysis should have just pointed out how doomed Santorum is. Whether Romney or Santorum wins tonight only changes a couple delegates.

Wolf Blitzer said...

"I've getting a twitter... here it is:"

@Wolfblized: what are u waring?

Tam said...

I just looked it up and if the site I saw is correct, UT caucus meetings are on Thursday. I thought my sister said she was going tonight, but that may be for something else.

Tam said...

Now I looked at Real Clear Politics and they list UT in June! I wonder what my sister is doing...

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, I think we're going to skip Utah. In fact, I think we should skip the rest of these.

In any event, I can't see Romney losing in Utah. That would be a shocker.

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, It sounds like your sister is part of some secret organization to fix the vote and she accidentally told you about the meeting? That's how suspense films start. ;)

Tam said...

I hope that by the time UT's turn comes around, this will be done, whether it is Thursday or some time in June. Especially if it is sometime in June. I am concerned about Atlantis though. If we start counting votes from lost civilizations, we've really got a complicated mess on our hands!

T-Rav said...

tryanmax, I'm pretty sure there are some snide jokes about Nebraska circulating out there, so you may want to be careful.

DUQ said...

I would pay real money to see these inmates suddenly run away.

AndrewPrice said...

Hilary Rosen is a true democratic hack.

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, I hope this ends right away as well. This isn't good for the party and it's not particularly good for my sanity... which was already suspect.

tryanmax said...

T-Rav, I'm not worried. As they say, what's so funny about Nebraska? Nothing.

T-Rav said...

I'm trying to make sense of the Mississippi exit polls (presumably very similar to those in Alabama) and I don't understand it at all.

1. Santorum is winning the youngest age brackets (those under 45) with 40% of the vote. Given all a lot of people know about him is his opposition to birth control, isn't this a complete reversal of common sense?

2. Romney and Santorum are virtually tied among the highest-educated, highest-income brackets. Again, why?

3. Romney won both among those who say the religious beliefs of a candidate matter a great deal/somewhat and among those who say they matter not much/not at all.

4. 86% of those who said Gingrich was most likely to defeat Obama voted for him, and 93% of those who said so about Santorum voted for him, but only 63% of those who said that about Romney voted for him.

This leads me to believe, in summary, that either exit polls are useless or our primary voters are stupid, or both.

AndrewPrice said...

Everything they've just said for the last 10 minutes is wrong.

tryanmax said...

Andrew, don't you know, this is great for the party! It makes all the candidates better and stronger. Pretty soon, they'll all be wearing capes and spandex. /sarc

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Unless there's something really bizarre going on, the exit polls make no sense tonight. In fact, if you combine MEN plus WOMEN, you don't get the overall results. So something is very wrong here.

AndrewPrice said...

"Young people are energized again for the President." Yeah, keep stroking yourself hack.

tryanmax said...

You forgot the transgendered vote.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I listened to the entire analysis and it was ALL nonsense. Nothing they said made any sense. Sometimes, the sentences didn't even make sense -- Mary M. was really good at using nouns and verbs without ever connecting them.

And their analysis was entirely wrong. It ignored logic, facts, and it simply asserted what it wanted to conclude and then pretended that the wanted conclusion was likely. It's analysts malpractice quite frankly.

AndrewPrice said...

Ah, that makes up the difference... not it all makes sense.

T-Rav said...

Incidentally, I noticed this evening that Obama's Final Four picks are Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio State. This has me slightly disturbed, as my Final Four picks are Kentucky, Missouri, North Carolina, and Florida State. Should I be concerned about Obama attempting some kind of mind-meld?

AndrewPrice said...

Santorum +1,200 at 16% in Mississippi.

BTW, Wolf just called 16% "significant." Hardly. Especially since we KNOW these are rural numbers first.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, It sounds more like he's pandering to the T-Rav vote! ;)

tryanmax said...

I had to step away to take a call, so I missed some. I'll keep an ear out for the next round.

tryanmax said...

Don't forget, these are the same people who called the Tea Party "insignificant." Significant is whatever they deem it to be.

CNN said...

"I listened to the entire analysis and it was ALL nonsense. Nothing they said made any sense. Sometimes, the sentences didn't even make sense -- Mary M. was really good at using nouns and verbs without ever connecting them.

And their analysis was entirely wrong. It ignored logic, facts, and it simply asserted what it wanted to conclude and then pretended that the wanted conclusion was likely. It's analysts malpractice quite frankly."

You screwed up; you trusted us!

T-Rav said...

Dear President Obama,

Great news. I'm glad we agree. Now you just have to cut taxes and spending across the board; take a pro-life position; stop selling out our troops; roll back bureaucratic abuses in Washington; repudiate Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Derrick Bell, etc.; and then maybe, MAYBE, I will think about voting for you. Progress.

Sincerely, T-Rav

tryanmax said...

Aha! Now I understand...

You're not supposed to listen to the commentary. You're just supposed to be impressed by all their touch screens.

Wolf Blitzer said...

Mr. Romney, will you go on record with a promise that no presidential candidate can make?

AndrewPrice said...

Sorry guys, my computer shut down.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I like your letter to Obama. Let me add one more thing that I know you're really big on -- Obama should resign. Then you could support him.

tryanmax said...

Quite alright. I thought Romney's interview was too dull for comment.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Right, focus on the bling and just accept the things you need to know...

no enthusiasm for Republicans....
no enthusiasm for Republicans....
no enthusiasm for Republicans....
no enthusiasm for Republicans....
no enthusiasm for Republicans....
no enthusiasm for Republicans....

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, Yep. Though I did laugh at the Pinocchios.

T-Rav said...

Hmmm. Close to 40 percent in in MS and Santorum's still ahead. Romney appears to be winning, among others, Lafayette County (location of Ole Miss); Hinds County, which contains the capital; and maybe the Gulf Coast counties. On the other hand, Santorum has DeSoto County, which is the fastest-growing part of the state (Memphis suburbs) and a lot of the rural areas. This actually makes more sense to me than a Romney win in the state. The only thing--okay, not the only thing--really surprising me right now is the distance Santorum's putting between himself and Gingrich in Alabama.

T-Rav said...

Andrew, how could I have been so forgetful? Of course, he should resign! I would support him in that decision 100 percent.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, The only thing that surprised me was the polling which showed Romney winning. That hasn't made sense to me. But we'll see.

T-Rav said...

Andrew, I can't be sure, but based on what CNN is showing I don't think Romney's going to win MS. Santorum and Gingrich are going to duke it out for first. Interesting, but they did warn us Deep South polling isn't the best.

tryanmax said...

Wow, even this promo is designed to induce fatigue.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, I suspect he won't win either. But I have to say I honestly never expected him to win because the South is the heart of anti-Romney country. I thought it would be great if he could win, but it doesn't surprise me at all.

But here's the thing. Again, combine all of Newt and Santorum votes and you get 62% and 65%. That's not enough. Santorum needs 65% straight across the country and yet he can't even do it in his stronghold. And when you figure that he won't get 65% anywhere else, that means he needs to blow the 65% away here. He can't win. This is all a waste of time designed to hurt the party.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I had the same thought. I don't even want to see the promo again.

tryanmax said...

Switching over to FOX. I have kids to wear me out.

tryanmax said...

Awww! And Greta is fawning over Santorum. How sweet.

AndrewPrice said...

This Mayan commercial ticks me off. The Mayans never said our magnetic poles will shift and throw us all into space... the Mayans never said that.

tryanmax said...

I saw that commercial. To the best of my knowledge, the Mayans said nothing. Their calendar just stops. Wait! My calendar stops on Dec. 31. Oh, crap!

AndrewPrice said...

CNN calls Alabama for Santorum and as expected is trying to make this sound like it means there's a brand new race.

All I can say is that CNN is perpetuating a total fraud.

AndrewPrice said...

Exactly, the calendar just stops. It doesn't say anything about things blowing up or whatever.

tryanmax said...

FOX is perpetrating the same. This is a "major win" for Ricky and it "breathes new life into his campaign."

AndrewPrice said...

LOL! Obama's loser ex-press secretary Gibbs just showed up on CNN to call this a "remarkable night for Santorum" and a bad night for Romney. Give me a break. But I guess this will be the MSM and RWR meme until Illinois and Maryland and California and New York.

tryanmax said...

The next FOX segment could be interesting. It's about Obama's campaign against Sarah Palin. I heard about that earlier today, but I missed the details.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I've never been more disgusted at the media than I am in this cycle.

tryanmax said...

What truly disgusts me is that I never expected the "alternative" media to become clones of the legacy media so quickly. Thank God for Breitbart. Let us pray that his legacy continues.

tryanmax said...

Just a point: the operational words there were "so quickly."

AndrewPrice said...

Notice the "expectations" game again... suddenly the "expectation" was that Santorum would lose both races. And interestingly, they are blaming Romney for setting their own expectations. Huh? This is more gotcha.

They're also pushing Newt HARD to get out now. Every single one of them.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I didn't expect it either, but they have.

tryanmax said...

This Sarah Palin thing is interesting. They showed the Obama ad (one of his PACs actually) and it really is a campaign ad against Sarah Palin. She is the target and it makes no attempt to tie her to anyone or even to the GOP. Talk about weird.

AndrewPrice said...

The Romney guy just took down the entire CNN staff and exposed their crap. So now they are switching memes Republicans aren't enthusiastic.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, That is strange. I think they are trying to excite their own base because they know that Romney will be the nominee and they have no way to excite their base by attacking him. So you pick their version of Satan.

AndrewPrice said...

BTW, I'm going to sign off in a few minutes here. I'm not going to listen to Ricky.

tryanmax said...

Nuts. I missed Romney's guy. Good timing on Ricky, though. I had to round up escaped kiddos. (Bedtime can be so hard sometimes.)

T-Rav said...

Speaking of Palin, I'm tempted to watch Game Change just to see if it's as bad and slanted as I think it is. I'm not just saying that because I have a soft spot for Sarah (which I do) or because the thing's already been proven to have taken major liberties with actual events (which it has) but because I don't see what reason there was for this to be made in the first place. I mean, if people really want to see what the '08 election was about, they can just dig up some old news headlines or get on YouTube. And of course, it's focusing on the GOP side, not on the brutal Obama-Hillary primary campaign or anything that might cast The One in a bad light. Maybe I'm wrong, but this just seems like a shameless attempt to smear Republicans before the election.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, Same here. It's on my TV right now and I did read the book. But I've skipped it because I just see it as pure propaganda -- plus, BH has covered it to death.

AndrewPrice said...

tryanmax, I'm watching Hobbits and orcs... it's more truthful than anything Ricky has to say.

tryanmax said...

Remind me, which one is Ricky? Orc, is it?

tryanmax said...

According to Newt, Romney's inevitability just collapsed.

tryanmax said...

Now he says that conservatism is pushing the nat'l debate, but Romney has nothing to do with it.

tryanmax said...

Okay, Newt took me past my threshold. I'm calling it a night.

AndrewPrice said...

Rick is an Orc... all around.

Newt is irrelevant.

rlaWTX said...

got home, got otherwise occupied (busy not the weirdos in NY etc), and forgot about all the fun!
Good job all around on commenting.
Til next time... < sigh >

T-Rav: Shouldn't it be Ole Miss Rebel White Bears? Just sayin'.

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, The Ole Miss Rebel White Bears... LOL!

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