Here are some of the things the Democrats did over the past two years that you may not have liked:
Obama Economic Record
• You didn’t build that.ObamaCare
• 8-9% unemployment for four solid years, 17% real unemployment.
• 5 straight years of trillion dollar deficits.
• Adding more to the national debt than all presidents combined.
• Hyper Inflation.
• Billions wasted on money to “clean energy companies” (read: donors to Obama) who went bankrupt right after getting money, e.g. Solyndra.
• Vetoing the Keystone Pipeline.
• The trillion dollar union/Democratic-interest-group giveaway known as the Stimulus bill and its dozen sequels.
• The trillion dollar Big Bank giveaway know as the TARP, the TALP and so on.
• Approving and then lying about $1.2 billion in bonuses to AIG.
• Authorizing massive salaries to the officers of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, both of which escaped regulation.
• The consumer and small bank screw job known as Financial Reform, a sop to huge banks and other Democratic donors.
• Effectively handing the Treasury to Goldman Sachs.
• “Saved or created” fake jobs.
• The attempt to tax “carbon,” i.e. everything on the planet.
• Not going a week without a taxpayer funded vacation or round of golf.
• 269 bank failures so far, with 829 more on the worry list.
• Record foreclosures.
• Trying to tax e-commerce to help California.
• Bad faith in budget negotiations.
• Which destroys Medicare for financing.Insidious Acts
• Which forces people to buy insurance and will cause everyone to lose their current plan, despite Democratic lies to the contrary.
• Which will bankrupt the country.
• Which is a huge sop to insurers.
• Which does nothing to contain costs.
• Which does nothing to improve the quality of care.
• Which will lead to rationing.
• Excluding union plans and raising the limits on the Cadillac tax in union-friendly states.
• The abortion distortion in ObamaCare, which exposed “pro-life” Democrats as anything but. . . and suing to stop their opponents from advertising this fact.
• Giving exemptions from ObamaCare to large, well-connected companies like McDonalds and 27 others.
• Allowing states to waive work requirement for welfare.Eric Holder
• Trying to turn Trayvon Martin shooting into race riot.
• Trying to hook Americans on government benefits.
• Trying to get Mexicans to sign up for American food stamps.
• Obama’s War on the Catholic Church.
• Attacking Boeing on union issues.
• Fast and Furious.Democratic Hate
• Eric Holder’s racist policies, including testimony that Holder sees civil rights laws as protecting blacks only and not whites and dropping Black Panther case.
• Holder refusing to defend DOMA.
• Holder investigating non-violent pro-life protesters while ignoring union thugs who attacked people at town hall meetings.
• Holder refusing top investigate death threats against conservatives in Wisconsin.
• Holder inventing Iran-Mexico link to distract from Fast and Furious.
• Holder in contempt for lying to Congress on Fast and Furious documents.
• Democrats supporting OWS rapists and thugs.Democratic Corruption
• Demonizing the Tea Party as racists and Nazis, and lying to manufacture “evidence.”
• Demonizing a cop as racist for arresting a Grade A jackass who happened to be black.
• Demonizing insurance companies to pass ObamaCare.
• Demonizing drug companies to pass ObamaCare.
• Demonizing employers to pass ObamaCare.
• Demonizing doctors to pass ObamaCare.
• Demonizing Arizona on the immigration issue. Then suing Arizona.
• Demonizing banks to pass Financial Reform.
• Demonizing oil companies to pass cap and trade.
• Demonizing Republicans because. . . well, because.
• Demonizing all Christians when a whacko shot an abortion doctor.
• Demonizing Mormons when California voted against gay marriage.
• Demonizing Israel to appease their anti-Semitism wing.
• Demonizing “right wingers” and Christians when a whacko shot up the Holocaust museum.
• Demonizing Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Sarah Palin, George Bush, etc. etc.
• Demonizing John Boehner because they ran out of other people to hate.
• Accusing Republicans of a War on Women.
• Accusing Republicans of a War on Blacks.
• Calling any criticism of Obama “racist.”
• Reporting Obama’s own words attacked as “racist.”
• Exploiting the shooting of Gabby Giffords to slander Sarah Palin and conservatives, to demand restrictions on Free Speech, and to demand gun control.
• Death threats in Wisconsin.
• Attacking Voter ID laws as “racist.”
• Ignoring anti-Semitism at Media Matters and OWS.
• Inviting racist blacks to White House who attack interracial marriage.
• Never standing up to the racial demonization of Clarence Thomas.
• Ignoring Easter, but celebrating all other holidays.
• Using the words “hostage taking” to describe Republican acts.
• Turning the Super Committee into a cash machine for lobbyists.Electoral Manipulation
• Anything related to GE including granting them waivers on rules they lobbied for and appointing Jeffry Immelt to the President's Jobs Council even as he outsourced jobs to China.
• MF Global, where $700 million in investor money went missing as money was donated to Democrats before bankruptcy.
• Attacks on Republican donors by Treasury, including Gibson Guitar.
• It seems that every member of the Congressional Black Caucus is up on ethics charges, from taking dirty money (Charlie Goodtime Rangel) to sending stimulus money to relative’s banks (Maxine Waters) to awarding scholarships to ineligible family members (Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson and Rep. Sanford Bishop).
• Chris Dodd’s sweetheart deal with Countrywide.
• Stimulus money paid in non-existent districts for fake jobs.
• Stimulus money used to pay Hillary Clinton’s campaign debt.
• Stimulus money that went to dead people.
• Stimulus money that went to people in jail.
• No one in the Obama administration paying their taxes.
• Pelosi’s private plane.
• Pelosi’s drinks bill.
• Michelle Obama’s high class vacation-a-rama.
• The Louisiana Purchase.
• The Cornhusker Kickback.
• Medicare money for certain districts in Florida.
• A hospital for Chris Dodd’s vote on ObamaCare.
• Special treatment for Kaiser Permanente, the biggest provider in Pelosi’s district.
• Sestak Jobgate and a whiff of Clinton.
• Romanoff Jobgate.
• Climategate, and Obama’s affirmation of the falsified data.
• Algore Rapegate.
• Weinergate.
• Democrats Jim Moran (Va), Peter Visclosky (Ind.), and John Murtha (Hell) directing $137 million in defense contracts to clients of a lobbyist who funneled more than $380,000 in illegal campaign contributions to them.
• Suggesting we should suspend the Constitution to allow Obama to fix the economy.
• ACORN voter fraud.Twisted Nominees
• Manipulating Massachusetts electoral laws to keep Ted Kennedy’s seat Democratic and help pass ObamaCare.
• Running fake Tea Party candidates to hurt Republican chances in November. . . now proven in Michigan, New Jersey and Nevada.
• Trying to manipulate the electoral systems in several states to tilt the playing field toward Democrats.
• Marxist and racist Van Jones.Weak on Terror
• Maoist White House Communications Director Anita Dunn.
• Pedophile Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings.
• Unqualified Supreme Court nominee "wise Latina" Red Sonia Sotomayor.
• Unqualified Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan.
• Abandoning Israel repeatedly, including at the UN.Anti-Americanism
• Doing nothing to stop Iran getting the bomb.
• “Man made disasters.”
• Refusal to recognize the "Islam" in Islamic terrorism.
• Losing the war in Afghanistan and sending troops for a fruitless last push before surrendering.
• Putting Navy SEALS on a show trial.
• Falsely claiming credit for Osama bin Laden's death.
• Allowing pirates to increase number of ships taken by 625% per year and profits increasing by 22,527%.
• Trying to move terrorism trials to New York City. . . so terrorists can be near their new mosque.
• Apologizing to Arabs and blaming the United States for their hatred of us.Pro-Illegal Immigration
• Feigning ignorance of what could have motivated a Muslim to attack US soldiers at Fort Hood, and warning Americans not to hold this against Muslims. Yet jumping to conclusions in all other cases.
• NASA’s new role as center for Muslim outreach.
• Democratic support of the triumphal mosque at Ground Zero.
• Suing Arizona to stop it from enforcing a law the Federal Government is obligated to enforce.Assaults on Freedom of Speech and the Internet
• Trying to boycott Arizona.
• Reporting Arizona’s law to the United Nations as a human rights violation.
• Refusing to protect the border and instead putting up signs warning Americans to avoid nearby national parks.
• SOPAFaux “Environmentalism” Exposed
• Attempting to regulate the internet through Net Neutrality regulations.
• Pelosi’s McCarthy-esque calls for investigations of Democratic opponents.
• Attempting to take away free speech of corporations.
• Attempting to regulate talk radio through the Fairness Doctrine, dressed up as local content laws.
• Remaining silent when South Park creators were threatened by Muslims.
• Telling Molly Norris she should go into hiding rather than going after the people threatening her.
• Joining Muslim countries to work toward a UN resolution proclaiming blasphemous speech a human rights crime.
• Defending “scientists” involved in Climategate and other environmental reports created with false data.Embarrassing Us
• Ridiculous Copenhagen non-agreement.
• Wiping out central California’s farmland.
• The total mishandling of the BP disaster.
• Suppressing BP data to hide what really happened.
• Proving that leftist groups care about electing Democrats, not the causes they are using as Trojan horses.
• Regifting in Britain.And just in case you like to pretend to be a liberal at the office and you want to discourage your kooky liberal friends from voting, here are some of the most popular (albeit stupid) complaints about the Democrats from the left:
• Abandoning our foreign allies.
• Bowing to foreign leaders.
• Sending Geithner to beg the Chinese to keep buying our bonds.
• Teleprompter in Chief.
• Scaring the hell out of New Yorkers with Air Force One joy ride.
• The arrogance of accepting the Nobel Prize for anticipatory good deeds.
• TSA Gropegate.
• Joe Biden
• The Democrats were too interested in bipartisanship for the sake of bipartisanship than in passing the best possible legislation.There you have it. Pass it along to your friends, and make sure everyone votes!!!
• ObamaCare didn’t go far enough because the Democrats sold out to the health insurance lobby and the Republicans.
• The Democrats didn’t do anything to help the environment. They didn’t pass cap and trade, and Copenhagen was a disaster because the U.S. refused to push for a world treaty against polluters like India, China and Brazil.
• Harry Reid used the threat of filibuster (a false threat when he had 60 votes) to stop or slow everything the Democrats should have done.
• Obama never gave benefits to gays in the Federal government, which he could have done by Executive Order, he failed to stand up for gay marriage, and the Democrats didn’t even try to end "don't ask, don't tell."
• The Democrats did nothing to reform the immigration system.
• The Democrats got into bed with Wall Street, taking their money and selling out consumers to banks.
• The Democrats did nothing to stop the mortgage crisis.
• The Democrats didn’t bail out states like Michigan and California with federal money.
• Obama’s reliance on teleprompters chafes at their delusions about his brilliance.
• He’s not cool, he’s an elitist.
• He didn’t save the economy.
• He did nothing to punish BP, all he did was go on vacation.
• He didn’t get us out of Afghanistan.
Excellent, I'll be sure to pass it on! I didn't realize there was that much stuff.
Andrew, do you have a link to the article you wrote in 2010 which you could post here, since I wasn't around back then?
why such a short list, Andrew? You always have been known to pull your punches :) Seriously, a great list, although when I'm not so sleepy, I may ask to get details on a few I was not even aware of.
I guess I was meaning a clickable link on this page for easy access. Thanks!
Great list. Some of these I had forgotten.
According to a Bloomberg article I just read, Goldman Sachs and Obama seem to have unfriended each other.
Goldman’s giving showcases the change in loyalties. The company’s employees gave $6.1 million in 2008, 75 percent to Democrats. The amount topped the 25 companies; the percentage trailed only Time Warner. This year, Goldman employees have given $4.9 million, also more than anyone else, with 70 percent going to Republicans. David Wells, a Goldman Sachs spokesman, declined to comment.
Goldman is the sort of firm that likes to have close ties with the government, so this is telling.
The bottom line, democrats are crooks, it’s the only way they move “Forward”…spit! Washington is a corrupt cesspool, and we must focus holistically on the entire body politic, firing all of these self aggrandizing bastards that we can, nailing the revolving door shut. Great list Andrew.
Uh.....GM is alive, bin Laden isn't?
I agree with Jed, this seems like an abridged version. :-)
Jen, This is the same article only updated. Just link to this article. :)
Jed, Sorry, but yes I like to cut corners and pull punches so this is the short version. LOL!
Feel free to ask any questions you have whenever you're ready.
Jen, There should be ways to e-mail this page or link to this article on the front page just beneath the post.
Otherwise, you can just cut and past the link to the article itself:
But if you're planning to post this in hostile territory, it's best just to cut and paste the contents. :)
Joel, When I went back through it, I'd forgotten a lot of these. So it was interesting to read these again.
Anthony, LOL! Excellent use of a social networking term for real life -- "unfriended each other."
That is very telling because Goldman absolutely plays to be on the winner's side. And so far they've been very successful doing that. They've been all over Republican and Democratic administrations. If they are abandoning Obama, then they know he's toast.
Here's your link: LINK
Thanks Stan! And I agree, Washington needs to be cleaned up and cleaned out. It's hard to say how different Romney will truly be in that regard, but I know that he's going to be a clear step up from what we've had. The rest is up to average Americans to keep up the pressure as they've been doing. Little by little.
Dear Democrats, That sounds like the only parts of the record Obama wants to talk about.
T-Rav, Feel free to add anything I missed. :)
• Using the words “hostage taking” to describe Republican acts.
This is one that really irks me because it has proven rather effective. I come up against the claim regularly in other forums and I'm still not sure how to combat it. The most I've been able to chip away at it is to get people to regard it as both sides being impassive (not a satisfying outcome).
Take the so-called Bush tax cuts for example. First of all, they've been in place over a decade. They are no longer cuts but part of the tax code at this point. Republicans generally want to do the simple thing: extend them and, if there is to be discussion about changing the rates, have that separately.
Democrats are the ones taking the hard approach. They want to predicate the extension on certain changes. To me it seems clear that the Dems are the ones hinging their cooperation on a demand, which is what hostage-takers do. But there must be a better argument as that only gets opponents to say, "Well, both sides are being stubborn." Or maybe that's all I'll ever get.
P.S. Ben Nelson's deal was called the "Cornhusker Kickback."
Wow! I'd forgotten about so much of this! Excellent list!
One more: was bankrupting auto company bond-holders (i.e. pensioners and 401Ks) to pay off unions in there? Or did I just miss it?
tryanmax, There is no way to fight hyperbole because it tends to indicate that you're not talking to a rational person. You're talking to someone who has made up their mind and they don't care about facts or reasoning.
The best you can really do is either (1) fire back with your own even larger hyperbole and shut down the debate or (2) laugh at their inability to present a valid argument and accuse them of trying to hide their stupidity behind the hyperbole. And you need to really attack their intelligence personally to unsettle them. For example, you might say, "one thing this debate has taught us is that you have no clue what the word hostage means, but then I'm not surprised given your obvious lack of understanding of politics." Or a more direct, "hyperbole is the last refuge of an idiot without a valid argument on his side."
It doesn't make for great debate, but you're not dealing with someone who wants to debate.
Alternatively, you could start hitting them with obnoxious examples. For example, "Oh no, I went to McDonalds and they held my burger hostage until I paid them! Somebody call Harry Reid!"
I just fixed the Ben Nelson thing. Thanks! :)
Thanks DUQ, that's why we do this! Pass it on to your friends!
I like the McDonald's one best. It's a little more educational. I also need to remember that debate is for those on the sidelines.
tryanmax, Oh, that's true too. Plus, I understand that they targeted non-unions to get fired recently, but I haven't seen enough to know the full story on that yet.
True, and taking someone down with humor is usually the best way to win the debate with third parties. Just remember, you probably aren't dealing with anyone who will recognize rational arguments so fighting with those is a lost cause. State the rational stuff for the sidelines, but then ridicule the other guy. That's how you keep them off balance and draw them into the fight on your terms.
Also, don't just stop with McDonalds. Drop a couple of those -- any time someone has something you want. And when he comes back with some nasty counter, just throw more at him again... "Oh no, Facebook won't let me have a page until I sign up... they're holding me hostage!" or "I can't get into my house until I find my key... American Standard Locks is holding me hostage! Boo hoo hoo."
You've convinced me. :)
Wow, excellent list! I think I will roll it out one catagory at a time. And I forgot about the Statue of Liberty/Air Force One joy ride! Good times! It still makes me laugh imagining the staff meeting when that was presented and okayed. That has to be at the top of the "What could they possibly have been smoking to think that was EVER a good idea [and where can I get some]" list.
Writer X, Glad to hear it! I was afraid this might have been too subtle. LOL!
Thanks Bev! :)
I had forgotten about the AF1 flyover as well. What an auspicious start to this administration. But it really did prove the pattern where this administration has never once cared about the effect on the public of its acts or the appearance it's acts give to the public.
Zap! What a list. I had forgotten about a lot of these. I'd actually forgotten about the "saved or created." And I forgot about ACORND too.
You know, what really angers me is how everything is racist. If you don't love Obama, you're racist. If you repeat his own words, you're racist. If you belong to the Tea Party, you're racist. If you want tax cuts, you're racist. It really ticks me off.
Andrew, You didn't build that list. LOL! Actually, you didn't. That is a damning list of the failures, the hypocrisies, and the abuses of this administration and their allies and I honestly think every American should be shown this list. Nice work.
EllenB, Complaining about being called racist is racist. ;)
Andrew: Wow! What a list. I don't think there was anything on the list that I hadn't known previously, but about halfway through, I started chuckling. Until I saw them listed all at once, I don't think I was able to truly feel the glory of the Obama administration. Maybe you should call it the Devil's Encyclopedia. LOL
Thanks Ellen! I think a lot of people have forgotten about these things, which is why it's absolutely worth pointing out to remind people of all the things Team Obama and the Donks have done.
And don't forget, these are reasons to vote against all of them, not just Obama.
Ellen, That angers me a lot. I'm not a racist and I know none of you are racists. I know very few conservatives who are racists -- though I do know a good many liberals who are racist. To the contrary, conservatives go out of their way to be accepting of all races. And it truly offends me when they lob that charge with no justification.
Terry, LOL! Yep, I didn't build that list! :)
Actually, I had a lot of help form the Democrats who came up with the ideas that populate the list.
I'm racist. But only against the Dutch.
DUQ, I'm sure that's been called racist. In fact, I would be shocked if it hadn't been called racist.
Lawhawk, "The Devil's Encyclopedia." LOL! Nice!
I'll tell you, I knew everything on the list, but when you see them all together, it's really shocking. This is an incredible list not only because it's sooo long, but also because it's so broad in scope and so vile in content.
tryanmax, There's nothing wrong with being racist against the Dutch. ;)
Anybody have any thoughts on like a top 10?
I think unemployment is the most important, but the racism stuff angers me the most.
Actually, no, what am I thinking? ObamaCare is the worst. Hands down. Then the debt and then unemployment.
Rebuttal to "Why You Should Vote Against the Donks":
DUQ - Pointing out that someone complaining about being called a racist is...racist.
I only read the first 2 sections - I didn't want to get too riled up just before vacation. I'll take them in little pieces...
VACATION!!!!!! Going to S. Idaho via Mt. Rushmore - out of town for 9 days wooohooo starting Saturday!!!!
Scyfy: "ObamaCare is the worst. Hands down. Then the debt and then unemployment." YEP
Except, I kinda think giving Holder a job is in the top 3 bad things TOTUS did... at #2
rlaWTX, have a great time! That's not racist to say is it--doesn't Mt. Rushmore only have dead white guys? LOL!
Terry, A top 10 list would be difficult because there is so much, but I agree that Obamacare needs to sit on top. I would also probably rank the debt as second. Then I would probably rank his inflaming racial tensions.
K, That is their best rebuttal. And I have to tell you, I'm shocked they haven't tried to change the terms of the debate by going all in on free stuff and talking about total loan forgiveness for students and homeowners.
Amazing how much there is to list. The only thing I think is missing is the assumption of corproate stock by the government in the TARP and Auto bailouts and the subsequent sell off to Unions, the Chinese Gvoernment, George Soros and Goldman Sachs and other chronies.
Good Call on Goldman Sachs
Andrew and Anthony
I am really disturbed about the GOP taking any of Goldman Sachs money. I think they have done this country a great deisservice. Is there any way we can combat their influence.
If anything I want the next administration to diminish their control and possibly break up their monopoly.
We have much better than life now thanks to the great deity Barack Obama. We have unlife....
So long as we can keep sucking the blood from the taxpayers we will live forever...
{Wolf's Howl}
"Do you hear them, they are the Children of the Night"
Andrew, I want to read your 2010 edition, and that's what I wanted a link for, because, I wasn't sure what to search for in a title.
I was going to ask if I could copy the whole article, rather than posting a link to this edition. I know who I want to send it to. LOL!
Bev, I don't know if I should laugh or cry about that? But I can definitely hear our liberal friends making that claim.
rlaWTX, There's plenty more after the first section! And this will be on the test in November, so don't blow this off over vacation. ;)
Seriously, have a nice vacation. :)
rlaWTX, I know Lawhawk has covered Holder a lot and people should check out those articles. He's truly insidious and he's been very, very busy being bad for the country and race relations.
Jen, You laugh, but I'm sure that there are groups who find Mt. Rushmore to be a racist monument. Aren't the Indians upset about the location?
Indi, I've written a couple times about the influence Goldman has in the Treasury and it bothers me. The whole revolving door/cronyism issue drives me nuts. Our government should be an impartial player, not a tool for the connected to rob the taxpayer. Unfortunately, both sides do it and I don't expect that to stop in our lifetimes.
Do you know if Obama is still holding on to the GM stock? Last I heard, they were holding it to avoid needing to report a loss.
Dear GM, That's pretty much how I see it... dead man walking, kept alive by Uncle Samkenstein's infusions of cash.
Jen, Here's the link to the 2010 article: LINK.
Here it is in its non-clickable form: http://commentarama.blogspot.com/2010/10/election-reminder.html
Bev, I was afraid you would say that. LOL!
rlaWTX, I have to agree with you about Holder. I truly hate that man.
Heck yeah, it's okay to be racist against the Dutch! I hate you, Dutch people! You and your stupid tulips and your--and your wooden shoes and things.
Andrew, I was being sarcastic about Mt. Rushmore. I figured some idiot would call rlaWTX a racist because she went there. Next time, I'll leave the "LOL!" off my comment. The PC police have made everyone too damn sensitive, and no matter what we say, everybody is offended.
Thanks for the link, I'll read it later when I have more time. :)
Rush just said that now there is an ad in Florida with a cartoon of Allen West in boxing attire, punching an old woman.
T-Rav, You know what's going to happen? We're going to get a visitor from Dutchland and they're going to be all upset and go back and tell their government about those anti-dutch racist Americans and that's going to start a war.
And it will be all our fault!
Jen, I know you were being sarcastic, but you also know that there are liberals out there would probably honestly think that Mt. Rushmore is racist. Everything is racist, except genuine racism within the administration. That's apparently just good policy.
Jen, This election will be scorched earth for the Democrats and nothing will be considered too shameless to try.
Beautiful! It's like a painting, "Corruption and Incompetence Writ Obama".
T-Rav, You should share this with the liberal friends you're always fighting with. I'll bet their heads would explode.
Andrew, I just plain don't care about liberals anymore, and what they say is, or isn't racist. The word has been overused to the point where it doesn't even have a meaning to me. Yet the libs can trash Allen West, or Clarence Thomas, and that's okay because these guys are conservatives. It makes me sick.
Ed, It is a work of art, isn't it? LOL!
Jen, I've actually reached the same point. When I hear the charge of racism these days, my first thought now is "some liberal is trying to smear someone because they are losing some debate."
It's hard to say whether Mt. Rushmore is racist. After all, they are dead white guys. The only good cracker...
tryanmax, Ok, that made me LOL! Nicely done. You've walked a very fine line.
Great list, Andrew!
Democrats: the party of envy and extortion.
Organized crime is alive and well in the democrat party.
The Godfather made deals people couldn't refuse.
The democrats made deals people couldn't even read before not being able to refuse.
Andrew, Art on your part, criminal on the part of the Democrats.
Thanks Ben!
LOL! Well said. I guess we should add, "we have to pass it to know what's in it!"
Ed, Criminal is right!
Rebuttal numero dos to "Why You Should Vote Against the Donks" :
Much cheaper gardening, restaurant service and access to day laborers hanging at the Home Depot.
Wait, the same thing can be said about the 'phants.
More democrat excuses to this post:
It's semantics.
It's out of context.
Andrew misunderstood our good intentions.
Andrew is a raaacist!
It depends on what the meaning of is is.
Andrew is also a homophobic xenophobe phobe!
What we meant then is different than what we mean now. Words evolve, you mouthbreathing knuckledraggers.
Andrew doesn't understand nuance.
It's just like you f#cking rethuglikkkans to demonize your new civil rights leaders!
Democrats should be honored as heroes for helping to transform this twisted, evil nation into a just, diverse, multicultural and tolerant member of the international community.
Why don't you conservative a$$holes just die already?
K, That works for their upper-middle class and big business friends, but that's not going to go over too well with everyone else.
Ben, You are trying way too hard. How about this:
"Andrew is a conservative, so nothing he says could possibly be right."
By the way, I love the "it's out of context" LOL! That works once or twice, but not when presented with a seven page list!
I also like: "Why don't you conservative a$$holes just die already?" That sounds like something a liberal would say in response to this.
Your reality is harshing my buzz man...
Rebuttal 3 to "Why You Should Vote Against the Donks":
Hey, the Constitution is like over 100 years old and based on 17th century thinking. We need to move up to the hip modern times with theorists like Karl Marx, Joe Stalin and Alfred Rosenberg.
Boy, Ben, you have those down! I am so sorry if you've gotten to hear them in person!
Andrew, I'll cram for the test when I get back.
Jen, I know, but I think there's an Indian - Native American carving somewhere around there too, so I'll look on that in awe and get a few points back... or not.
T-Rav, it's those windmills that make the Dutch hate-able! And those dam, water-holder-backer things... but if I use the other name for those, I'll be called a homophobe...
Of course, this would make the list far too long (there's not enough virtual ink in the internet), but most democrats will politicize virtually everything.
K, LOL! That one isn't going to work except with progessives. I think they are more likely to say, "we need to move forward and make progress, and the Republicans are trying to take us back to the 17th century."
rlaWTX, "those water-holder-backer things... homophobe" LOL! Bravo!
Ok on cramming. It's actually not that hard of a test... one question, multiple choice, and the answer if pretty obvious to anyone with common sense.
Ben, Virtual ink! Nicely said! There isn't enough, not for what we need!
Hi RlaWTX!
I've only heard most of those on the net and sometimes virtually in person. I only know a few liberals and they aren't the frothing at the mouth kind but they are also not very bright (I know, that kinda goes without saying, LOL).
Happy vacation! Mount Rushmore is awesome! I saw it back in 1976. They were working on Crazyhorse at the time.
Ultimate Rebuttal: Andrew is Dutch.
Ben, I've met a lot of the frothing at the mouth types. I've also met a lot of the obnoxious types who assume they can spew their crappola, but don't think anyone else should be allowed to speak.
tryanmax, Ouch. That's cold!
RE: "targeted non-unions to get fired"
I've heard that, too, though I'd have to look deeper, myself. To that end, I also heard that when Chrysler dealerships were shut down, a disproportionate number were owned by Republicans.
tryanmax, That seems to have been true about the dealerships. They did close a lot more Republican and Democratic dealerships. But I don't think anyone investigated to find out why.
I'd have to look the firing thing up to, but I'm waaaay too lazy to do that. ;)
Ben, I can totally see those excuses/attacks being made by liberals when confronted with this list.
In terms of a top 10, I'm not even sure where I would begin. There is so much on this list and it's all bad.
I'm just shocked that anyone can still think Obama is worthy of being President? How can they ignore all of this?
Doc, A top 10 would be difficult, but it might be a good idea to come up with one. Maybe we can whip out some polls again? We haven't done that in over a year now.
I'm shocked too that anyone can still support Obama, but people are stupid.
rlaWTX: If and when they ever finish it, the Crazy Horse monument will dwarf the Rushmore Memorial. Well, despite my reverence for the Memorial, we did take the land away from the natives, and I have no problem with those same people erecting a monument to one of their greatest warriors.
The project began as a one-man job in 1948, and when completed will be as high as a sixty story skyscraper. So far, they've completed Crazy Horse's head and part of his body (dedicated in 1998) and have a good start on the horse's head an body.
Andrew, it's their fault for all being so freakishly tall and blond. And anyone whose tradition includes wooden shoes is just asking to get made fun of, anyway. :-)
Ed, I intend to. I may be on the outs with a few of them, though, so maybe I'll wait a bit. Then again, maybe not.
I'm with you T-Rav... they're freaks. Plus, what kind of fool lives below water level? Yes, there is much to ridicule there! ;)
rla, common decency forbids me from bringing up in full detail the old tale about the little Dutch boy with his finger in the....well, you know.
Enjoy Mount Rushmore. It's pretty awesome.
T-Rav, It might be an excellent way to go out in a blaze of middle-finger poppin' glory! :)
T-Rav, LOL! I had that same thought about the little Dutch boy, but I wasn't sure how to mention it without getting in trouble.
Hey, living below water level is a perfectly acceptable choice, and who are you to say different?
The last I hear they had sold off about half the government's interest. I beleive only 5% of that went on the open exchange. The rest were deals to give China 2%, the Unions a sizable peice and the rest to Goldman Sachs clients. I can't remember the percentages.
As I understood it they were holding onto 30% but I did not know any reason why. I will try and find out. Maybe they dumped more but if they did they were quiet about it.
Who actually votes government stock at board meeting BTW. I means with 30% interest they could assign at least two board memebers and probably determine the chairman of the board. Who gets to make that decision. The whole this is creepy.
Evidently they still own a quarter of the company 26%
"Mr. Akerson said he has regular conversations with Treasury officials, but has never gotten guidance on when they intend to divest. “I don’t know what the government’s plan is,” he said. “I think it would be helpful if they would publicly state it.”
From the NY Times peice.... Gee a government with no plan... whoda thunk
LawHawk, given the Crazy Horse's rate of completion, I'm fairly sure they'll finish it and have the dedication ceremony shortly before mankind goes extinct and yields the earth to cockroaches. So, you know--fingers crossed.
Evidently Romney agrees with me over the protest of the guy writing this peice. Score one for Mitt.....
Dear New Orleans, I'm glad you finally see the problem. Who says liberal cities can't learn?
Indi, I don't know that they ever put a rep on the board. I think they just pushed the company around with the Auto Czar.
Last I heard, they were holding most of the shares because they were going to lose a lot of money if they sold them.
Indi, Thanks for the info. Here's you link: LINK.
Yeah, who would have guessed? A government without a plan.
Here's you second link: LINK
T-Rav, I understand that so far they've complete a toe and his left buttocks. ;)
Obama in Pueblo, how can this jerk even speak about negative ads with a straight face? LINK
I think I hear a near flub. That stutter in the sentence "These Super PACs...are writing $10 million checks and giving them to Mr. Romney's -- uh -- supporters," I think he almost accused Mitt's campaign of colluding with Super PACs. The sentence as spoken doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Super PACs are the supporters.
tryanmax, Because he's a shameless liar. That's how.
We're suddenly awash in negative Obama ads. They're pretty despicable and I don't think they're all that well done either. Apparently, Romney is a business man and he's evil and he pays more tax than Warren Buffett. The bastard.
Wait a minute... I thought he never paid taxes? Hmm. Now I'm confused?
tryanmax, I think the obvious is that Obama and his superpac are colluding and he assumes Romney is too, so that's a fraudian-slip.
I can totally see you make a poll up.
Question # 1
Which lie do you think the Obama Team is the most proud of?
A. ObamaMandate is not a tax.
B. Fast and Furious is not about gun control.
C. Obama lowered taxes 18 times.
D. All of the above.
What do you think, Andrew?
Joel, LOL! That would be an excellent poll question. It would also be an excellent question for some journalist to ask the President directly. :)
Even if that were the case I think it is still a non-argument. Yes if you dumped 26% of the company's stock tomorrow the stock price would take a dive. However, I think you could safely sell 5% a year every few months without causing any undue problems.
I don't think they want to do even that and especially so since the CEO of GM wants them out of his company's business.
But I could be wrong
Maybe sell 1 and 1/2 % every quarter. Might even boost the stock price over time as you could publicize it and generate interest.
Whatever the reason, it's clear that Obama is hanging on to a company that should not be in the possession of the US government.
Fraudian-slip, LOL! Good one, Andrew!
Wasn't me, Ben. I wish I could claim credit for it though.
DUQ! Sorry! Great phrase! :^)
DUQ, that is good: Fraudian-slip
Andrew, I'm pretty sure about that November test - I think I might be able to pass without a cram-session.
As for the big toe & backside - there was a cartoon online today with the "view of Mt Rushmore from Canada's side" that made me chuckle
T-Rav & Andrew: I had to think very carefully about my "water-holder-backer" sentence as to not offend anyone concerned about fingers and the unnamed others. But that didn't stop me from giggling...
Hawk, thanks, Crazy Horse - I knew it was some Indian (feather not dot) warrior...
Ben, Just want to give credit where credit is due, that was a great line... which I intend to steal at some point. :)
rlaWTX, I'll bet you can pass the November test without too much cramming. If all else fails, remember this simple test -- "Mormon comes before Moron" in the alphabet. That's a handy little cheat sheet. ;)
On those funky Dutch people you did an excellent job! LOL!
Andrew and rla, given the Dutch taste for the red-light district and other sordid habits, I don't think we really have to worry much about offending them.
T-Rav, Not to mention, what exactly would they do about it if we did? I'm pretty sure their military is no match for our local cops in any of our cities.
T-Rav and Andrew, They're going to come get you and drag you away to make you sleep with the tulips. ;)
Doc, I'm not worried about the Dutch. Again, I'm more heavily armed than their country.
tryanmax, I found the story! It's about Delphi's pension. And how 20,000 non-union workers lost their pensions through the bailout. (Delphi is a parts supplier to GM.)
Here's the link: LINK
T-Rav, I read the part about ...the red light district..., and had to laugh. I heard some radio station bleed-through this afternoon, and caught part of Sting singing "Roxanne". Isn't that a racist song?
You might be thinking of "Canary in a Coalmine," Jen. ;-)
Eric, That's one of my favorite Police songs! :)
Eric, sorry, I don't know that one. T-Rav's comment had what I wrote: "Andrew and rla, given the Dutch taste for the red-light district and other sordid habits, I don't think we really have to worry much about offending them."
I don't know this off the top of my head, but is it too late for a third-party spoiler to jump in the race?
The reason I want to know is, I heard this afternoon that the IN senate race between Murdock, and Donnelley is in a dead heat. The Dems threw in a third-party candidate in 2010 to beat Walorski. That race was way too close.
Andrew, you could probably say that about any European country except Britain. (Russia doesn't count.)
Jen, all I know about "Roxanne" is that they played it at the end of an episode of Community once. Yes, my knowledge of classic rock leaves something to be desired.
As for third-party runs, I have no idea as I'm not familiar with Indiana state law. Generally, however, if the state has already held its primary election, additional party filings aren't allowed. If it's just Dem and Rep on the ballot, those are the only two parties you'll see.
Personally, there are only a very narrow set of circumstances under which I have sympathy for third-party voting, and this isn't one of them.
Jen, "Roxanne" is the one which talks about the red light district.
There will be third party candidates in each state, but it's unlikely they will make much of an impact. The one that could be a problem is Virgil Goode in Virginia, who is running to the right of Romney and has name recognition. Also, Ralph Nader might draw off a couple percent from Obama, as always.
T-Rav, True, although what I've read about Britain is bad too. They are having serious funding problems, particularly in their navy.
T-Rav, I was wondering about the presidential race, and a third-party candidate.
I don't recall the independent guy that ran in 2010 to have been on the ballot during the primary. All I know is, he was on it come November, and I got something in the mail the day before the election. A person had to look real close to see that the Democrat Party paid for the ad. He ran as a "conservative" independent (or it might have been a Libertarian). My brother knew something about it, but wouldn't say when I called him to ask who the guy was. It wasn't until last year, or maybe this year he told me what was going on. The Dems knew that Donnelley would probably lose, and they had to throw someone else in.
T-Rav, You really should know "Roxanne." That's a classic among classics!
Most states end up with a bunch of third party choices because it doesn't take much to get on the ballot. But they almost never matter to the election. The real danger comes from a candidate with national appeal, like Ross Perot or Ralph Nader. This time, there will be a Libertarian Candidate (Gary Johnson, I think) who has some national draw and probably Ralph Nader again or whoever they found to replace him. But because of the importance of the election, I don't think they will get a lot of votes. People only tend to lodge protest votes when they think the election is settled.
Andrew, I know the song, but the reason I mentioned it was because of T-Rav's comment--it was so fitting to hear it bleed through the station I had on (of all days, today), I wanted to say something about it.
Jen, 2010 was a high-water mark for the Democrats putting fake Tea Party candidates on the ballot. They may try it again this time, but I doubt it because they weren't very successful last time and because the Tea Party people have become even more sophisticated lately. Still, it's possible that there will be fake conservatives on the ballot.
Jen, I understood you. :)
Andrew, My brother claims Walorski won that race. I don't think he remembered what he told me in 2010--he knew something back then (because of his friend).
Jen, There were a couple places where people think it mattered in 2010, but those were very rare instances. In most cases, it just ended up creating confusion but didn't change the race. And now the Tea Party has a much stronger network which allows them to weed out the imposters and make better decisions, so I can't see such fake candidates having any effect at all anymore.
Oh. Yeah, I keep hearing talk from time to time about Gary Johnson, but I can't see him getting enough of the vote to really matter except maybe in a couple states where the Romney vs. Obama margin is razor-thin. Honestly, I'm not even sure why he's running, or why people make third-party bids in general.
T-Rav, In a normal election, he would get 2-3%. This time, when every vote matters on the right, I think he gets closer to 1-2%.
For one thing, libertarians don't want Obama either and they know how important it is to be rid of him so I think they won't get their normal protest vote -- they will only get their true believers.
For another, Johnson simply isn't known or charismatic like a Ron Paul. So he doesn't bring any followers with him.
And ultimately, his 2% will be more than offset by the Green Party/American Socialist/Communist/ Progressive Party's 2-3%.
Andrew, wait a minute... The fact that non-union pensioners lost part of their pensions while their union counterparts did not looks political on its face. So Obama's response is accuse Romney of trying to politicize it?
Uh... he doesn't have to try anything. It's already there. The lefty doth protest to much, methinks.
tryanmax, I concur. That's why the Republicans are starting to report on this and are demanding a Congressional investigation. It's entirely possible this is a matter of having different contract rights, but I doubt it. It stinks to me.
Even if it were a case of different contracts, the administration would be immensely tone deaf to not address that difference in some way. Especially when they were flinging around money left and right like the water in my kids' bath.
I agree. If it had been a bankruptcy court, then I don't think there would have been a problem because they are very good at looking at contracts and deciding that you simply have no claim. But for this to be a political decision by the same people who were busy handing money to the unions while trying to squeeze out non-union labor in places like Carolina (Boeing) and card check, it reeks.
I think this was totally a political move. And I'm glad this has finally come out. Let's hope this shocks the non-union guys in places like Ohio, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.
I think it has the potential to shock a lot of union guys, too. I don't know the attitude in the rust belt, but most union guys I know sincerely believe that the union is there to protect the workers whether they pay in dues or not. But a "serves them right" attitude seems just as likely.
My guess is that would be right, but I can't say for sure. I get the feeling that most union guys are decent people. Their leaders aren't. But I think most of the rank and file are not political and they aren't going to like the arbitrariness of it.
Plus, if it's played right, you throw the class warfare back at them -- "so Team Obama pays these executives tens of millions of dollars while letting average guys lose their pensions."
There aren't any bad Police songs, Andrew. Just one not as awesome as "On Any Other Day."
Eric, That's the one I like the least as well. My favorites are "Bed's Too Big", "Bring On The Night", "Walking On the Moon", "Demolition Man" and "Every Breath You Take."
What about "De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da"? The classic sign of greatness is when they don't even have to write lyrics.
tryanmax, That's an interesting song to me because of something the parents of a friend once said. They cited that song as evidence of how mindless lyrics had become. I had to laugh because they completely missed the point to the song and they didn't grasp that that particular lyric was meant to be nonsense.
To me, there was tremendous irony that they would claim that a song about people just jabbering bullsh*t was somehow evidence of a pointless song.
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