Sunday, May 31, 2009

Paybacks Are A Barack

Chicago is famous for deep dish pizza and vindictive politics. When you win an election, you are expected to use all of the powers of your office (and then some) to reward your friends on the government nickel and to punish your enemies.

This week saw some interesting examples of Barack O. Capone bringing Chicago style politics to Washington. [+] Read More...

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Open Up That Golden Gate--And Let Me Out

California, there you go. San Franciscans just celebrated the 72nd anniversary of the completion of the landmark Golden Gate Bridge. It remains to be seen if it will still be there a year from now. With California's ongoing fiscal crisis, and the selling-off of public landmarks to raise money, by this time next year the Golden Gate Bridge might end up in Abu Dhabi or spanning the Dubai port. After all, Arizona got London Bridge a few years back.

Do you want fries with that?

Okay, so how much is THIS costing me? I don't know about you, but I am a little annoyed that we pay all of this money for a full time White House kitchen staff, yet Obama has to pick up lunch himself. This has to be the most expensive burger run in the country seeing how it involves dragging along all those pesky Secret Service agents and the entire White House press corps, but, gee, who’s counting?


Up Yours Pravda

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve been served. That’s right, Pravda got all up in our faces and stuff and just slapped us around like some cheap Czechoslovakian-era whore. Surely we don’t deserve this, right? Pravda (not be confused with Prada) means “truth” in Russian. Could it be that they speaking truth to us for the first time their miserable history? Heck no! Let’s tear this sucker apart! [+] Read More...

Friday, May 29, 2009

Black Panthers Are Safe at Polls in Philadelphia

Over the past few hours, CNN, Fox News, The Philadelphia Bulletin and The Washington Times have all reported that the cases against the New Black Panther Party members who showed up as "poll watchers" at a Philadelphia precinct last November have been dismissed or reduced to near-nothingness by the Obama/Holder Justice Department. The Panthers had shown up at the precinct with the usual poll watcher tools--a police nightstick, some chains, and paramilitary uniforms. [+] Read More...

Film Friday: The Ninth Gate (1999)

Hollywood loves evil. . . cartoon evil. From sulking cannibalistic serial killers to Al Pacino’s devil screaming about being a lawyer, all of Hollywood’s evil characters display uncontrollable sadism and megalomania. They yell and scream and prance around shooting their underlings or kicking puppies so the audience knows they are evil. And every once in a while, a truly sinister one whispers ominously. . . and then prances around shooting his underlings and kicking puppies. The Ninth Gate rejects that. The Ninth Gate is an indictment of Hollywood’s version of evil. It is a warning that we have been so blinded by the glitz of Hollywood evil, that we can no longer recognize the real thing. [+] Read More...

Is Honesty Still Policy?

A few years ago I had the pleasure to serve on a New York County Criminal Grand Jury. When I say pleasure, I really mean that. I am probably one of the few people who actually enjoy doing jury service, but I digress. One of the pleasures of jury duty is meeting a wide array of people from different walks of life with a diversity of life experiences including enlightening experiences right in the jury room. [+] Read More...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Natural Law and Slavery

In the fantastic comments that followed yesterday’s post about judicial activism, Freedom21 asked a question that deserves its own post. She wanted to know if we believed that slavery would have ended earlier in the United States if our earliest Supreme Court Justices applied natural law, rather than merely interpreting the Constitution. I think the answer is “no.” Here’s why. . . [+] Read More...

I Was Wrong--Prop 8 Federal Lawsuit Filed

Despite my having said two days ago that "litigation is finished for the foreseeable future," Proposition 8 has already been challenged in federal court. In a short note I wrote later to one of our commenters, I had said I was reevaluating my position because I could envision some lawyer going to the federal court on the basis of 14th Amendment equal protection. My second guess was right. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Rebuilding the Republican Party: Judicial Activism

Today we skip ahead a bit in our series on Rebuilding the Republican Party and talk about judicial activism. You’ll be hearing that phrase and its associated concepts (i.e. “compassion”) a lot over the next month, so this is a good time to make sure that our leaders understand what they’re talking about. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

California Supreme Court Upholds Proposition 8

Today the California Supreme Court, sitting in San Francisco, upheld the ballot measure (a "referendum") which declared that marriage in California is restricted to one man and one woman. The justices voted in a surprisingly strong six to one decision. There has been an ongoing and acrimonious see-saw battle over gay marriage in California since 2000, at which time the first ballot measure defining gay marriage as unlawful was passed. Subsequent challenges were rejected, until one challenge was upheld in 2008, resulting in Proposition 8 appearing on the November 2008 ballot.

Turning The Judge Sotomayor Trap

As Obama introduces Judge Sonia Sotomayor today (Red Sonia to her friends), the Republicans are faced with an interesting dilemma. Obama has set a trap for the Republicans, and their natural instincts will be to jump right into that trap. Please don’t. Instead, follow my plan below and you can actually turn his trap against him. [+] Read More...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Rebuilding The Republican Party: Introduction

The Republican Party has floundered. It was capsized by a leadership, bereft of ideas and which neither knows what the party stands for nor understands its most fundamental principles. This same leadership now seems content to tread water in the hopes that Obama will so anger the voters that their wave of discontent will magically right the vessel. Good grief.

"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers..."

I wasn’t going to post anything today, but then I read this in the NY Post this morning. I always forget about this scene and brilliant speech by William Shakespeare written over 400 years ago. It rings as true today as it did when he wrote it:

Act 4, Scene 3 – The English camp the night before the Battle of Agincourt

O that we now had here
But one ten thousand of those men in England
That do no work to-day!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Barack Obama Speaks at Notre Dame

Mr. Obama was invited by the Catholic institution to make the commencement address at the university ceremonies. Above the ceremonies hung the specter of one of the core issues which divide mainstream Catholics from Obama's strongly-held views. Abortion. [+] Read More...

In Memoriam

As Memorial Day weekend gets into full swing, I would like to take a moment to remember and thank all of those who have served and died for this nation and, to thank one in particular [+] Read More...

41,891,368. . . 1,190,109

With Memorial Day upon us, we are reminded of those who answered the call to defend America. These brave men and women stood guard over this great country in times of peace, fought to defend her in times of war, and, through their efforts and their sacrifices, made possible the rights that we cherish on a daily basis.

According to the Department of Defense, 41,891,368 of our fellow citizens have served our country, 1,190,109 of those died in that service.

Thank you for your service and your sacrifice.

Decoration Day

In case you don't recognize the title, Decoration Day is what we now call Memorial Day. Like so many truly historical and important observances, the holiday has become "the weekend," and far too many of us concern ourselves with family picnics, hot dogs and hamburgers, and get-togethers while forgetting what the day itself actually means. For many, Memorial Day is indeed a "holy day."

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Hoped-for Change In The Wind?

This appeared today on page 21 of New York Daily News in the editorial section called “In Other Words” written by Adam Sommers. Of the three local papers - the Post, the Times, and the Daily News - the editorial pages of Daily News officially slant most to the left with nary an untoward word written to criticize Our Dear Leader.

The Big Bong

No, this isn't an article about a Michael Phelps size smoking device. It's not even about San Francisco's famous marijuana clubs. Big Ben, the imperial size bell in the Tower of Parliament, will soon be celebrating its sesquicentennial. The Brits are justifiably proud of the bell that has tolled from the height of empire, through the Blitz, and on to our modern day. For a hundred and fifty years, Big Ben has announced "there will always be an England." [+] Read More...

Friday, May 22, 2009

“That Certain Part Of The Male Anatomy” -- Huh?

I like to think of myself as a keen observer of the modern world. But lately, something has arise that, frankly, has me stumped. According to a, oh how shall I put this. . . b*tch goddess on late night television, my performance may not be what it used to be. It’s not exactly clear what she’s talking about, but in her angry, condescending way, she seems quite certain that something on me is not up to standards anymore. [+] Read More...

Film Friday: Rollerball (1975)

Today’s film is an unloved gem from 1975 called Rollerball. Before you dash for the exits, let me tell you that Rollerball is not, as liberal film critics like to dismiss it, a meaningless bit of 1970’s schlock about the American penchant for violent sports. To the contrary, Rollerball has a very interesting conservative theme. Believe it or not, Rollerball is a surprisingly nuanced and intelligent film about the threat that individual achievement poses to the brainwashing of collectivism. Seriously. [+] Read More...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Dunking For Dollars

A Rhode Island Democrat Suggests Bush Should Volunteer To Be Waterboarded For Charity. $100 Per Second. Driver clearly thinks the technique works. He doesn't expect Bush to last even a full second before begging them to stop. On the other hand, if Driver considers it torture, then he is saying that torturing your opposition for a laugh is OK, just as long as the person being waterboarded isn't a jihadi terrorist with crucial information about a potential attack. Either way, the humor falls flat. This debate is real, serious and earnest, and there is no clear agreement on the technique even among the contributors on this blog. How does this kind of nonsense serve any legitimate purpose?

Of course there is always the alternative that Driver actually means what he's saying. In which case, his next stop should be a lunatic asylum--or San Francisco.


Life in NYC - Disaster Averted!

The news broke all over NY last night – the FBI and NY police department had foiled a plot of four home grown man-made disaster-ists to bomb a synagogue and Jewish community center in Riverdale in the Bronx and to shoot down military planes. Apparently the FBI has been following them since last summer [a Bush administration era operation, if you’re keeping track] and the investigation culminated in arrest of these four brainiacs. They were in the act of setting up parked cars wired with fake explosives supplied to an FBI informant when the FBI and NY police swooped in and arrested them. The only injury was a bump on the head for one of the suspects. That’s one for the good guys! Thank you, FBI! Thank you, NYPD! Thank you, Mr. Bush!

A Word of Advice To The Gay Community: Rethink Your Friends

Before we get into this, let’s be absolutely clear about one thing . . . I am NOT taking a stance on abortion or on homosexuality in this post. I may in the future, but not today. So DO NOT start arguing about whether abortion/homosexuality is right or wrong. Capiche?

Many of you may have missed it, but the other day Sweden became the first country in the world to decide that the government (and doctors) may not stop women from using abortion to select the gender of their children. This practice is already wide-spread in India and China, where the number of males now far exceeds the number of females, even though both governments have made the practice illegal. In Sweden, it is now a right. [+] Read More...