Democrats have never shied away from voter fraud. It’s in their blood. Their communist intellectual ancestors routinely faked election results, first to grab power and then to hold it. In the US, Kennedy beat Nixon because of fraud in Texas and Chicago. In Chicago, the dead vote. ACORN registered Mickey Mouse and the Dallas Cowboys. And prior to the Hatch Act of 1939, the Democrats rewarded their voters with government contracts and jobs. Now we have more proof of the Democrats’ love of voter fraud.
In 2004, evidence was presented that military absentee ballots were fraudulently voted by people other than the voter, often against the wishes of the soldiers involved. No action was taken. Evidence was presented of people voting in New York and Florida on the same day. No action was taken. Evidence was presented of liberals filling out ballots at old folks homes without the knowledge (and even against the wishes in several cases) of the voters. No action was taken.
Then in 2008, ACORN was caught in multiple states filing fake voter registrations which would let them vote fake people. This was finally the bridge too far and action had to be taken. Fifty-four ACORN workers have since been convicted of voter fraud.
Now we have more evidence.
Last month, Lessadolla Sower, the head of the NAACP’s Tunica County, Mississippi Executive Committee was convicted of 10 counts of election fraud. This stems from Sower casting false absentee ballots in 2008. She was convicted of voting in the names of six live voters and four dead people. She was sentenced to 5 years on each count, but the sentences are running concurrently, so her actual sentence is 5 years.
Sowers, by the way, tried to play the race card during a prior run-in with the law, blaming her crime (forgery) on “an attempt by powerful whites to silence” her.
Of course, the NAACP is trying to counter attack. NAACP President Benjamin Jealous (a perfect name if ever there was one for an organization which thrives on jealousy and spite) is attacking a new Mississippi state law that requires voters to show a valid ID before voting, claiming this is an attempt to “disenfranchise minorities through some of the last existing legal pillars of Jim Crow.” He also claims that these laws are the result of “the worst and most racist elements in conservative Tea Party groups.”
Even if that were true Ben (and it's not and you know it), you’ve brought this on yourself because leftists have shown they can't be trusted. Indeed, this isn't even the NAACP's first problem with election fraud. The NAACP National Voter Fund registered a dead man to vote in Lake County, Ohio, in 2004. That same year, out of 325 voter registration cards filed by the NAACP in Cleveland, 48 were flagged as fraudulent. And you can be sure there are many more. This is simply part of the leftist game plan.
And there's more. From last week: three North Carolina Democrats (Kierra Fontae, Shelia Romona Hodges and Brandon Earl Mclean) admitted to voting twice in 2008, each time for Obama. Again, this was made possible by the Democrats setting out in the 1960s to make it impossible keep genuine track of who had and who had not voted. Specifically, they eliminated the requirement that voters show identification. This opened the door to all kinds of leftist chicanery.
No word yet on the sentence the three will receive.
In response to people like these three and other evidence, the legislature of North Carolina like Mississippi passed a law requiring voters to present an ID before voting. However, Democratic Governor Beverly Perdue vetoed it, claiming it presented an “obstacle to constitutional principle.” This is, of course, an idiotic lie as the Supreme Court has already said that such laws are perfectly legal.
Said North Carolina GOP chair Robin Hayes of this veto:
“The reason why Republicans have fought to promote proper voter-identification laws is to prevent fraud like this from happening. While Republicans are fighting to protect the integrity of our democracy, Governor Perdue’s veto fights to protect criminality in our election process. I know she embraces her ‘fighter’ image, but it’s clear that the only thing she fights for is fraud.”Well said. Let’s hope the tide is finally turning against Democratic voter fraud. At least people are staring to change the laws and starting to prosecute the Democrats who partake.
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P.S.S. I've got another article up at BH. This one isn't the normal type, it's news related (the Corey Feldman molestation allegations). So here's the link. LINK. Hopefully, my other (more typical) article will post tomorrow.
Andrew, I don't get it? Why is that cow about to sit on a Hershey's Kiss? ;-)
Anyway, I just don't understand WHY it is so bad to require an ID to vote? Heck, even a voters' registration card with NO photo is better than nothing. But further to that, to get any service at all including any kind of public assistance one must have a photo ID, so it can't possibly be because underpriviledged black poor people of color can't get one.
Oh, btw, Arianne HuffPo/AOL is in deep doo-doo for not "redistributing the wealth" from her very lucrative sale to AOL with the long standing contributors to her blog who work for free.
Bev, LOL! That's exactly how I meant it... but somehow the Huffers misunderstood. :-(
I think the opposition to showing an identification is purely fraudulent. I think Democratic leaders know that there is a great deal of voter fraud and they want it to stay that way.
That's the ONLY reason I can see for anyone being upset about having to show a drivers license. People show drivers licenses for dozens of other things routinely throughout the week -- everything from writing a check to buying alcohol to getting into some buildings. No one who isn't up to no good should be afraid to show a valid drivers license. And trying to elevate this to some sort of civil right is simply a cover for trying to protect voter fraud.
I really can't see a legitimate reason anyone could be opposed to such a requirement.
Bev, So I hear. They seem to all be in an outrage over there that they volunteered to work for free and now aren't getting paid for their volunteerism. Welcome to the leftist world!
So, does this mean they really did let them all out of jail?
Lawhawk, Only to vote... and commit a few more crimes. Then they jammed them right back into the House and Senate. . . er, prison.
Hey if you put a line through it, it could be OUR new logo!
Heh. That pic sums it up :-)
If there's a silver lining to this story, it's that the Republicans may finally be wising up and playing their game against them. Remember, that WI Supreme Court election may have turned on the fact that a strongly Republican county didn't turn in its ballots until after every precinct in hard-core leftist Madison and Milwaukee had reported. The caterwauling from liberals about "voter fraud" was just pure schadenfreude. Let's hope they have more to scream about in the near future.
It seems like too little too late, yanno? I have real fear that O is going to win re-election because we aren't going to be able to overcome the voter fraud. Then we'll all be standing around, scratching our heads and saying, "Gee, I don't know anyone who voted for him?"
PS Love the logo for the HuffPo!
And, and PPS - I can't remember, did you cover Rick Perry in your series already? Now that he's in, I need to read up on him. Thanks!
Bev, LOL! That would be easy to do. But I wouldn't want to re-use an idea... especially once I offered to the Huffers.
T-Rav, I think the Republicans are finally getting wise to what is going on. The days of trusting the Democrats to be honest need to finally come to an end... and I think they are.
The Republicans are also pushing hard on things like voter ID laws, creating new tamper proof systems, and prosecuting people who are caught. I think the times are finally changing and the days of the Democrats counting on a 1-2% free add-on are over.
I figured you would like the like! :-)
Crispy, Let me put your fears to rest. Obama is headed for a blow out loss. Voter fraud won't help him.
Crispy, Thanks! I like the logo too... it's very appropriate!
Yes, I covered Perry. Here's the link: LINK
Finally some convictions. What does bother me is the elections that are done electronically. Those can be jimmied easier than the others.
About Huffpo, they are just upset that Ariana is a capitalist. This is a deep, deep betrayal to the committed communists. They didn't think of it first. ;-)
I read your article at BH. Well done.
Thanks Joel. I wasn't originally going to write it, but I think it turned out well. I think the key thing right now is to investigate, to either prove the allegations or clear people, rather than jump to conclusions. And if it is true, then a serious house cleaning is needed out there.
On the Huffers... you can literally hear the tears of rage and pain through your computer when you see them comment about her these days: "She is a CAPITALIST and she sold us out!!!!!!" Ha ha!
I am actually concerned about the electronic voting machines too. If the billion dollars industry of Vegas can't keep slot machines safe, then there is no way some small voting machine company can make safe voting machines. And I've seen enough people find ways to demonstate how to manipulate these machines to trust them.
Gee Andrew, I can't imagine why the folks at Huffpo don't like your logo - it's so appropriate!
I know that our state legislature was planning to override some of Perdue's vetoes, but I don't remember if the voter ID was one of them.
TJ, I'm frankly scratching me head about this too. It seems like a very good logo for them? ;-)
I hope they do override it. This is one of those things that is just pure common sense. In fact, this should be on every Republican's agenda across the country as a first step to cleaning up our electoral system. We need to get much better at stopping fraud or even the appearance of fraud.
Andrew, Love the logo! You should have won!
It saddens me that so few democrats have been arrested for this when we know there are so many more doing it, but it is a start. I'm just glad they are finally putting people in jail for voter fraud.
Ed, It is a start. And it actually won't take much before people start to get scared about doing it. What's even more interesting is that Democratic DAs and AGs have been prosecuting people for this. That to me is a stunner and a game changer.
andrew: Mr B. Jealous?! Deelish!
Texas just passed a law to require photo id to vote and you never heard such wailing from the illegals, um, residents.
Andrew, just got done reading your BH article. Very interesting stuff which I had heard nothing about. Of course, Corey Feldman is a little before my time, so this doesn't really hit home for me, but if true, the case needs to be blown wide open. Let's see how committed to justice and individual rights Hollywood is when the spotlight's turned on them.
Patti, Isn't that awesome?! I couldn't have come up with a better name if they let me make one up!
Glad to hear Texas is on top of this. I know many states are starting to take the initiative on this.
T-Rav, In truth, Feldman doesn't mean anything to me personally either. I enjoyed his roles, but the actor never connected with me. What struck me though (and why I initially mentioned the article to John Nolte at BH) is the hypocrisy vis-a-vis the Catholic Church.
The Church has been very wrong on this issue and I'm not defending that. But if what Feldman says is true, then Hollywood has done the exact same things and yet Hollywood is out there calling the Catholic kettle black. . . day after day.
So I felt this issue had to be raised, especially since most other news sites have ignored it.
If Feldman is lying or wrong, then people deserve to have their names cleared. But if he's right, then Hollywood needs a serious house cleaning.
I also think this is necessary from a cultural standpoint as we can't let this continue (if it is going on) at the very place that is selling American culture to the world and pushing its political views on Americans.
But then how could liberals win?
I have to show my drivers license every time I vote, without exception, it should be no big deal unless you intend to cheat the system. I go out of my way to abide by every law, the older I get, the dumber I feel.
Stan, I've always had to as well. But apparently if you are planning to vote for a democrat, they don't make you?
As for winning, I guess the dem's will have to start getting used to the stinging taste of defeat?
Andrew, why get used to the stinging taste of defeat when you can just start a riot and try to get what you want by force? Am I right, Democrats?
T-Rav, Because this isn't Britain.... our population is armed and we're in no mood to coddle these people.
Even in Britain, they are apparently starting to get "serious" (sort of) by sending them to jail for around 6 months and stripping benefits and kicking people out of public housing. Their left is furious.
Andrew, that's the truth. The Daily Mail had an article on the first family to be evicted and how upset the mother was. The paper had a real gem of a quote from her: "As a mother, I am not responsible for my son's actions and feel I am being penalised for them." She also mentioned how fearful she was for her poor kid in lockup and how uncertain she was about where she would go now. I'd wager she doesn't get much sympathy.
Speaking of fraudulent elections, incidentally, two WI Democratic state senators are up for recall today, after the GOP had its turn last week. Should be interesting once the results come in.
T-Rav, I saw that quote. Unbelievable. But that's the mentality. The Daily Mail has had great coverage on this -- they always do. They're a great paper.
I'm betting we don't get either seat in WI because there's no pressure to bring out Republican voters. I hope I'm wrong, but I'm betting turn out will be low. Still, how cool would it be to win either or both of those seats?!
High turnout being reported in parts of Wisconsin--not sure what that means yet. Maybe the GOP voters are motivated after all?
Wow! Let's hope. This could be a good news all around night!
Indeed, I just read something cool that I'm going to write about tomorrow (that's a teaser). But it should make people very happy if it comes to pass.
Your official election monitor here:
So far, GOP is down in one district 52-48 (though they are closing the gap) with 22% reporting; up 55-45 in the other (but that will probably narrow also) with 17% reporting. Stay tuned...
In Wisconsin Senatorial District 22, it looks like an incumbent may be in trouble. With about 20% of the precincts reporting, the Republican is ahead 55-45. The reverse is true in the other race. But if Democratic vote fraud doesn't rear its usual ugly head, Republicans may pick up a seat.
Thanks for the report official election monitor!
That is interesting and good news so far. :-)
Lawhawk, How great would it be to pick up a seat here? :-)
Guys, I can't make any predictions because I don't know how the areas still out lean politically. I suspect we won't be able to pick up both, but we might be able to pick up one if this holds. And even if we don't, we still have a narrow lead in the state Senate--and redistricting is going to be a @#$%& for the Democrats next year.
I have no explanation, but now with 94% of the precincts reporting there was a complete reversal in District 22, and they're calling the election for the Democrat, 56-44.
With 55% of the precincts reporting, it looks like the other contest will also leave the Democrat in place, though the margin has narrowed slightly.
LawHawk, I just saw that. One's been called for the Democrat and the other's likely to follow. One commenter at another site said it best: "The legislators who stay and do their jobs get recalled. The ones who flee the state and don't do their jobs don't get recalled. Up is down, black is white..."
T-Rav and Lawhawk, The problem is that you're looking for reason in a district of people who are not reasonable. . . they just want their goodies from the Treasury.
Numbers of fraudulant votes are usually small, but I suspect it is much higher. Still, even if there isn't enough fradulant votes to get someone elected, the government has a responsibility to ensure the integrity of the results.
Interesting article at BH. Agree it should be investigated.
Koshcat, I agree. The numbers don't seem to be huge (though I think they are larger than they appear), but the points is the integrity of the system and preventing event he appearance that you can't trust the results.
On BH, thanks, I can't say whether he's being truthful or not, but either way, it should be investigated.
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