Saturday, August 1, 2009

There's Something About the Gores

There is definitely something about the Gores. Maybe they're related to the Prophet Nostradamus or something. Al Gore has been warning us about Global Change for years and is desperate for us to change our evil ways before it's too late. And now I have discovered that there was an earlier Gore on the same path. Do you remember the Leslie Gore song "Sunshine, Lollipops, and Rainbows"? The lyrics went "Sunshine, lollipops, and rainbow, Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together..." Maybe you thought this was just a harmless song from the 1960's. But, like Al and his Global Change and Nostradamus and his quatrains, Leslie may have been trying to warn us too.

We have discovered much since those innocent days of the '60's. Just this week, sunshine was upgraded from a probable cause of skin cancer to a definite cause. And lollipops may have seemed harmless to us once, but now we know that the processed white sugar from which they are made is at the bottom of every disease from tooth decay to Type 2 diabetes. But who knew that a woman in Northern California would discover the last link to Leslie's prophetic poetry. Yes, Leslie was even right about rainbows!

A lesser mind might think it was the refraction of light rays that created that rainbow, but they have broken the code in California. Maybe Kermit the Frog has Gore running through his veins too. He did sing "The Rainbow Connection". Well, what's important is that we finally know the truth.

Food for thought: Isn't it curious that "prophet" and "profit" are similar?


AndrewPrice said...

Bev, OMG! LOL! Who knew that rainbows were caused by toxic substances. That evil, evil Kermit the Frog!

What is happening to the world?

Anonymous said...

Bev: We're more used to Rainbow Coalitions than plain rainbows here in the city. But we're close enough to that part of northern California that the water seeps in here anyway. Leslie can have her party, and cry if she wants to, but she don't own me, and I refuse to allow rainbows anywhere near my lollipops.

StanH said...

I’m surprised that Barry hasn’t rounded up the little lady from Santa Cruz, and this remarkable specimen together for his illustrious cabinet. Just think everyone this woman probably votes, wow!

Writer X said...

I assume those sirens in the background were headed for this nutjob's house, to take her away in a strait jacket?

Writer X said...

and, Andrew, may I add "prodominatly" to the list of annoying words the next time you do a column on favorite/annoying words? Obviously this lady has heard more about global warming than spell-checker.

AndrewPrice said...

I think the sirens were probably coming to pour more water onto the rainbow. . . those things are dangerous.

Prodominatly. . . yeah, that belongs on the list.

Speaking of the favorite words, Bev is preparing a surprise for tomorrow evening that I think everyone will enjoy greatly!

Anonymous said...

Bev: I think the woman has a close cousin living here. The last time we had a downpour overnight, a neighbor came rushing over to my place in the morning to tell me to come over to her place right away. Jesus had appeared on her ceiling the night before, and the more it rained, the bigger he got. It was truly a miracle, you doubters. So quit dissing the rainbow.

DCAlleyKat said...

Okay, just for the record, the woman in Northern California is not me...though I did write about living in the Land of Stupid on my blog today! Coincidence maybe...

AndrewPrice said...

DCAlleyKat, I'm glad to hear that's not you! Of course, we assumed this couldn't be you, because we know that you can read! :-)

Where is your blog?

DCAlleyKat said...

Andrew->Where is your blog? It's a work in progress that has been interrupted by having to battle Lupus.

AndrewPrice said...

DCAlleyKat, thanks, I'll check it out. I wish you the best! :-)

Tennessee Jed said...

Bev - the Leslie Gore song from the sixties was about acid (just kidding!) Here is my story about Prince Albert in a can. The day Justice Alito was confirmed, my local fishwrap, the Knoxville News Sentinel bumped the story below the fold to picture to feature a HUGE color photo of algore, jowels jiggling, hand passing boxes of food being loaded onto an airplane sending relief to Katrina victims. Prince Albert had the balls to claim he had "hoped to keep his involvement anonymous." I can't remember whether I spewed on the picture or just felt like it.

CrispyRice said...

O.M.G. Just, OMG.

Now, Kermit is my buddy and ya'll better keep your flippers off him. Don't make me sic animal on you! ;)

And as aside and apropos of nothing, I'm grilling steak "lollipops" for dinner tonight. (Stuffed steaks on skewers.) Meat lollipops make me even happier than sugar-filled ones...

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