Thursday, August 20, 2009

Discussion: Commentarama Password?

Dead penguins tell no tales. . . the moose walks backwards at midnight. . . it’s a cold day for pontooning. Ok, I borrowed that last one, but we need a password. If we’re ever going to have a Commentarama-arama, we need a way to know who is really a member and who could be faking. Help us come up with an effective password!

** Bonus points if you can guess where I borrowed the third one from.


Skinners 2 Cents said...

"Sarah Palin is smarter than Obama"

You'd just have to gauge their conviction of the statement. Which shouldn't be hard because the first part of the statement wouldn't be able to escape their lips or even enter the consciousness.

You could just check their lap tops and see if Obama gets underlined as a misspelled word or not. Or just look at which internet sites are book marked.

"I've flagged myself" might work as well, but some might misconstrue it as some strange fetish.

Writer X said...

"I've fallen and I can't get up."

Will there also be a secret virtual handshake?

Anonymous said...

Commentarama Team: Since Andrew is on the road, I am in charge of the bonus points. I will reveal the source of the "pontooning" password tomorrow on this thread. BUT you don't get the bonus points if you don't guess the source. Have fun!

patti said...

"I get it."

no he doesn't, but it still makes me laugh.

BevfromNYC said...

Uhhh...the blue dog barks at midnight? Anyway, I thought it was going to be "antidisestablishmentarianism"?

Suzie1 said...

Shouldn't this be a two-parter, like

"Donut or long john?"

"Now you do."

AndrewPrice said...

Good answers folks. Just popping in briefly. I'm on the edge of that great, vast expanse known as Kansas. Tomorrow. . . we cross!

Tennessee Jed said...

sign: down in the valley

countersign: the valley so low

counter-countersign: hang your head over

counter-counter-countersign: hear the wind blow.

Alternatively, the password could be "greasy grass." This was the Lakota name for the place they slew Custer in 1876 and might be a place to have an "arama."

Tennessee Jed said...

The source of the"pontooning" password comes from a blog by that name from somebody named TlalocW in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Anonymous said...

Tennessee: Good guess, and true. But wrong answer. That blogger snagged the name for his blog from the original secret password. Thanks for playing, and please try again. LOL

Joel Farnham said...

In the interest of solidarity with our president, I submit humbly the following phrase.

We wee-wheed up.

Tennessee Jed said...


ScottDS said...

There is only one password: "Swordfish" (and that's from the 1932 Marx Brothers film Horse Feathers, not the John Travolta movie). :-D

And since I'm a huge Get Smart fan, perhaps some inspiration can be found here:

Tennessee Jed said...

The pontooning comes from the movie "Michell" with Joe Don Baker and Martin Balsam

StanH said...

"The son who dared to fly to high"

"Your wings will sear his dad did cry"

Answer: Icarus

Then do the super secret Moe and Curly Howard hand shake

Anonymous said...

We have a winner! Tennessee Jed got where the quote came from. Now all he has to do is wait for Andrew to tell him how many total bonus points he get. Congratulations, Tennessee!

AndrewPrice said...

Congratulations Jed! As I said above, you must be a man of excellent taste! :-)

Individualist said...


Secret handshakes.... code words

Daw gone it

First you say don't buy into conspiracies then you tell us to start conspiring.

Oh! I get it. The First rule of Fight Club is don't talk about Fight Club! Gotcha!

AndrewPrice said...

Individualist, LOL! That's it!

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