Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Captioning: Hillary Botches Drug Test

Every government employee must pass a drug test before they can be given a security clearance. Political appointees are no different. Hillary failed hers, and I think we've uncovered the reason. The photo below shows the very moment Hillary realizes that she just sent a beautiful 1978 White Zinfandel to the lab by mistake. At least, that's what I'm assuming is going on. If I'm wrong, feel free to tell me what is really happening in this photo.


LL said...

Ms. Clinton looks blazed.

Then again, when she's sober, she has that bug-eyed hateful expression.

I really don't know what happened. I'm sure she didn't inhale right along with Bill.

Mike Kriskey said...

Oh, Andrew.

Normally when I first see these photos there are a dozen captions and all my ideas are taken.

I finally get here early and your's is too good! That sudden look of unpleasant realization is perfect.


"Where the hell did Bill go? Oh, for the love of... He's coming out of the utility closet! Again!"

Patti said...

she just heard of bill's planned memoir: "girls on planes"

AndrewPrice said...

LL, I think I prefer this look as well. LOL!

Mike, This one kind of wrote itself! Of course, I have to laugh at "Where the hell did Bill go?" I could easily see that entire scene playing out.

Patti, very, very snarky. I love it.

patti said...

as an aside, anyone else seeing that BH is offline?! the WH czar at work, i'm sure....

captcha: unite

patti said...

andrew: ugh! my first response was lost. to recap: we need flags on some of these comments; i blew my martini right out my nose.

patti said...

oh lord have mercy....please disregard the last one.

Suzie1 said...

"Keep um comin, barkeep, or whatever yer called here in Con..Keny... ahh... where the hell am I? Who c-cares! Got any whiskey?"
(...I coulda gone ta Korea ... I woulda kicked lil kim's *ss! I'll have ta kick BILLYBOY's when I get the HELL outta heere. Pooor Boooraakaakaak... thought that healthcare thing would be a three-frow, err, drop punt, err, whaaatever. HAH!! The turd is tiding Barry...[snort]. I'll come back Barry, You wait... I'm gonna be the first mrz. ladzy predisent yet....)
[drops Blackbeery]
"Crap. Where's that whiskey!!"

Anonymous said...

Hillary and a couple of friends defeat the drug test by drinking the test samples.

Tennessee Jed said...

here is my only nit, Andrew: Nobody in their right or wrong minds would be be drinking a 1978 Zinfandel in 2009. Lets call it a 2007 sauvignon blanc and it would be perfect.

What kind of mood leads a geezer to such an inane nitpick.

AndrewPrice said...

Suzie, That would make for a very entertaining diplomatic function!

Jed, I bow to your knowledge of wines. I'm more of a cola man myself. :-)

I'm surprised no one has wondered yet whether this is in fact a diplomatic function or if it's one of those functions where another one of Bill's Chinese friends ends up in jail for illegal fund raising?

Skinners 2 Cents said...

It's the moment Hillary realized someone was taking photos and that wasn't part of the deal.

Joel Farnham said...

D******* Bill, you told me it was going to be shots and beer not a wine photo shoot!!!!


I wanted Red wine! Not white!!!

StanH said...

“Did that little dude to my right just goose me… no he struck a match of my a$$ …darn.”

“I do wish someone had some more blow… I could tell some great stories after drinks, of when I was three.”

Joel Farnham said...

"Ahh, I gotta let out a fa**."

AndrewPrice said...

Skinner, "not part of the deal" -- that's funny!

Joel, clearly something is bothering her.

Stan, duck, duck, goosed. Awesome!

DCAlleyKat said...

Bill is in the kitchen doing WHAT...!

freedom21 said...

"Agh. I hate these Pacific Rim outings. If there is gonna be kareoke later...there will be drinking now"

AndrewPrice said...

Karaoke! LOL! She's definitely got that "are you kidding me" look going? Like the guy next to her just said, "drink up, next we do karaoke!"

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