Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Captioning: Spine Cracking Nudeness

I don't even know what the heck today's picture is about? As near as I can tell, these are back-alley chiropractors in San Francisco. I think I'm reading the wrong magazines. You?


StanH said...

Hey baby …come to papa!

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I think we need to ask Lawhawk if he sees this on the streets of San Francisco?

Tennessee Jed said...

the key to this one would seem to be in identifying the face on the loincloth. They may actually be the guys dancing off camera during one of Hillary's trips

Joel Farnham said...

It looks like one of those odd Japanese celebrations. Andrew, where did you get this?

StanH said...

Lawhawk probably took the picture, Ha. my guess it’s a SF Tea Party, you know …a normal outing in Sodom. LOL!

patti said...

i swear if that photograph's nose starts to twitch....

ScottDS said...

The Japanese have finally commenced principle photography on their long-awaited remake of The Nude Bomb (aka The Return of Maxwell Smart).

Writer X said...

It definitely can't be an advertisement for LA Fitness. Or, then again, maybe it is...

Joel Farnham said...

StanH, could it be the group that was supposed to meet at B Franks townhall and didn't make it. That would explain why he was in such a foul mood.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I don't know this for a fact, but I think that's Lawhawk's picture on the loincloth!

Joel, I could easily see this as Barney Frank's bodyguard!

Writer X, If that's LA fitness, then I'm going to short their stock.

Scott, Fun movie. But if this is the sequel, I think I'll pass.

Patti, It's not the noses that worry me so much.

Anonymous said...

Hey, everybody. I deny any knowledge of the photograph. I might also point out that I didn't inherit the German iron stomach, and became a little queasy after viewing the photo. But I will make one small correction. In San Francisco, the teabagging crack the Democrats made about the tea parties was actually accurate. Oh, and by the way, the words on the loincloth say "Vote for Gavin Newsom for Mayor of San Francisco."

StanH said...

Actually it’s a gathering of the San Francisco, ABA and Judge Hirito wants to wrestle.

Anonymous said...

StanH: Which one's the judge? I may need to bribe him someday.

AndrewPrice said...

Everyone, FYI, I'll be traveling all day Thursday and most of Friday -- so I can't respond to comments until Friday. That said, there will be an article tomorrow and Friday, because Commentarama demands daily tribute.

That is all. . . carry on.


Skinners 2 Cents said...

At long last the Richard Heads 65th Annual town festival has begun.

With the, always lovely, invisible dancing routine to warm things up.

Unfortunately later in the festivities one of the more unsavory elements of the festival begins. The one which PETA has protested against yearly; Cockfighting.

CrispyRice said...

Though not as well known as its Spanish counterpart, for unknown reasons the Peruvian "Running With the Llamas" is generally better attended.

USArtguy said...

"Just put on a happy face..."

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