Monday, August 31, 2009

Question: Parts Is Parts?

I've been getting into genetics lately. It's a long story. Suffice it say that I'm getting really close to completing a little project that I like to call "Human 2.0". It's nothing you should be concerned about. . . trust me. But out of curiosity, if you could eliminate one body part or add one body part to your average human, what would it be?


MegaTroll said...

You Commentarama guys scare me at times. Of course, now that you mention it, I wouldn't mind having a flipper to make me a faster swimmer. Maybe where everything else in nature has a tail.

Writer X said...

Is this some kind of Island of Doctor Moreau experiment? Okay, I'll play....I always wanted a third leg to use as a spare when my right leg gets sore from running too much. But it's got to be a human leg, not a weirdo looking animal leg or anything. It'll look weird enough as it is.

AndrewPrice said...

Dr. Moreau? I categorically deny that I have any idea of what you are talking about!

Ok, down to business:

Flipper... extra human leg... check.

I personally thought it would be kind of neat to have a third eye in the back of the head. Any takers for a third eye?

Writer X said...

A third eye can come in handy, as long as the eye can see 20/20. And as long as the hair can cover it when not in use. It might freak people out if uncovered. Do they make sunglasses with only one lense?

AndrewPrice said...

Hindsight is always 20/20! :-P

I'm sure they make sun-monocles.

Anonymous said...

I always thought a trunk would come in handy. The more couch-potatoish I become, the more I think it would be handy just to roll over, stick my trunk in my drink and quaff without having to get up.

As for removing parts, I would suggest that the brains of Obamacrats could be removed. They don't use them, they've atrophied, and it would be doing them a kindness to remove a vestigial organ that just gets them in trouble.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, a trunk? How Republican! I can see the usefulness of that.

As for taking the Obamacrats brains, I get the feeling it's not worth the effort.

Joel Farnham said...

If you remove the brain of an Obamacrat, you will have to call in HazMat. It is highly toxic. Large doses of Conservatism doesn't seem to help either.

StanH said...

Functional wings! Need to go somewhere just take off and back in a flash. Though I would have to figure out my mileage, “as the crow flies,” hmmm…

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, That would be cool. I'd love to fly.

Joel, the only thing to do is to fill the skull with sawdust. That also seems to raise the IQ a bit.

BevfromNYC said...

All of these ideas are great. How about a new set of teeth that grows in around middle age.

The Commenta-Science Lab should apply for a grant.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I love the idea of getting a grant. We could get rich. . . er, do so much for the human race!

New teeth huh? Like shark teeth, we could have several rows.

BevfromNYC said...

You know, if the Commenta-Science Lab can create extra body parts, we could actually help stimulate the economy. If you have an extra leg, you need an extra shoe, right? Or an extra eye means an extra eye shadow or sunglass(es) and the more hands you have, the more fingers. That means you can wear more rings, bracelets, and gloves! I really think we need to work on that grant proposal!

AndrewPrice said...

On the one hand, that's good thinking Bev. On the other, you're talking Pandora's Box. If you tell Congress that they can stimulate the economy that way, we're going to end up with a thousand hands and feet and who knows what else. That could become a nightmare?

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