Thursday, August 27, 2009

No Vacation Goes Unpunished. . .

It’s been a difficult vacation for Obama. His worshipers won’t leave him alone: CNN, ABC News, CBS, they’ve all followed him, fighting for just a glimpse. They gushed over his reading list -- all white male authors, by the way. They’ve gushed over Michelle’s shorts. And they’ve sung his praises for choosing a vacation spot like Martha’s Vineyard, where the ultra rich mingle freely with the moderately ultra rich. . . it’s true Americana. But while he’s basking in the glory, things haven’t been going so well at the office.

On Tuesday, Obama’s economic team finally conceded what the rest of us already knew: he understated the deficit. Rather than being a trifling $1 trillion next year, the deficit will in fact be $1.5 trillion. Wow, $500 billion off! That’s nine times what they claim health care reform will cost each year.

Team Obama also admitted that they’d under-estimated unemployment. . . again. Unemployment will now hit 10% instead of the 9% estimated in July, which was itself an increase from Team Obama’s original maximum estimate of 8% for unemployment. No word this time if nobody could have seen this coming.

These direr numbers caused members of Team Obama to suggest that a second stimulus could be needed -- a “ministimulus” of only $250 billion. But Sen. Russ Feingold (D-Wisconsin) shot that idea down quickly.

Feingold, apparently taking out some frustration on Obama’s agenda, also stated that Team Obama’s proposal to revive the assault weapons ban “would die a quick death in the Senate.” Feingold also will oppose legislation to require gun registration.

And the bad news didn’t stop there. Feingold stated that there would be no health care bill in the Senate until Christmas. . . so much for the August deadline. He also rejected an effort to use federal funds to pay for abortions: “There’s no way we’re changing this to offer public funding of abortions. Nobody wants to open up that issue in the middle of this. That’s one thing you won’t have to worry about.” Truly, he has become a right-wing extremist. Welcome Senator.

Then the thinkable happened: Ted Kennedy (D-Masshole) died. So what you ask? Well, suddenly the Democrats lack a supermajority in the Senate. And because of some nasty legal maneuvering by Kennedy a few years back to try to deprive Romney of the chance of appointing a Republican until a special election could be held, no one can be appointed to replace Kennedy until a special election is held early next year.

However, the real ObamaCare-killer is not the actual lack of the supermajority. We all know that when ask comes to nudge, certain Republicans can be counted on to support whatever bill the Democrats want. Thus, the supermajority is safe. But the Democrats are nervous beyond the extreme about ObamaCare. They blew it, they lost the people’s trust on this issue through a series of missteps. Now they don't want to touch this bill for fear that it will terminate their careers with extreme prejudice. But not ramming through socialism will anger their base.

So whatever will they do? They will claim that without the sixty seat majority, it would be hopeless to bring this bill to a vote. . . pay no attention to the two Democratic-groupies from Maine. Thus, tragically, they will claim, this issue must be put off until 2010. . . er, 2011, after the election. Team Obama and their friend The Pelosi will use the corpse of Ted Kennedy to pressure these Democrats, but fear of the dead is not as strong as fear of a lively electorate. And this may be the final nail in the coffin for ObamaCare.

Finally, as if all of this wasn't enough to ruin his vacation, we now hear that Afghanistan is falling apart. It’s been a summer of rising casualties, divisive elections, and falling support. This week, even Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, described the Afghan situation as “serious and deteriorating.”

What else can go wrong for Obama? Wait a minute, has anybody seen his dog lately? Wasn't he tied to the back of Air Force One. . . never mind.

Maybe Obama shouldn’t have gone on vacation. . .


Tennessee Jed said...

Good talk son; good talk Dad! I like your use of the legal term "terminate their careers with extreme prejudice."

Ted Kennedy- wow! it seems kind of lame to name a bill after an alcoholic, philandering, thown out of Harvard for cheating, involuntary negligent manslaughter perpetrating Senator, but maybe it's just me. Tony Snow was "controversial" Teddy Kennedy "a lion."

ScottDS said...

"Feingold also will oppose legislation to require gun registration."

Ya see, kids -

I should've asked this yesterday but how is this registration different from existing registration rules? Maybe I'm just not clear on the terminology.

StanH said...

“It’s all part of the experience.” While we have dumb-dumb out at the Vineyard excuuuuse me – pinkies in the air. We should take a page from Gary Graham and seize the White House, …ha! Like Lloyd Bridges in “Airplane” I bet Barry says to himself regularly, “I picked a bad time to quit smoking.” I’ve never seen this country so riled up, to qualify the achievers so riled up. That’s one thing that “Alinskyites” didn’t plan for unified push back, …oh well! Enjoy that vacation Barry have a cigarette, sniff some glue …HA!

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Jed, I hope that was a particularly appropriate choice of words come 2010. Kennedy like all left-wing myths, will be lionized because of his "good intentions", it's ridiculous.

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, I'm not familiar with the exact details of that bill, but the left has been looking to create a national database of gun owners for years now. They want the feds to know who has what.

Right now there is a hodge-podge with some guns being registered with the feds (automatic weapons), some registered with the states, and others not required to be registered at all (most in fact).

I don't support gun registration at all. However, I do recognize the appeal of licensing people to own guns for purposes of being able to run background checks and requiring gun safety courses. I could be convinced to accept licensing, though I would prefer a national database of people who have lost their gun rights, which sellers and police can check.

AndrewPrice said...

Stan,LOL! Great reference to Airplane! I'm sure Barry could sure use a smoke right now!

Writer X said...

I didn't believe for one minute that he brought all those heady books with him. I knew he brought a backpack full of romance novels!

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I kind of figured he was reading "The Audacity of Hope" to help him keep his story straight whenever people ask him questions like "when did you meet your wife?"

Writer X said...

No doubt, Andrew. Although my money says he's reading the TWILIGHT saga.

AndrewPrice said...

LOL! I can't imagine why you would think that. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Kennedy will be lionized for his good intentions. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Therefore, Kennedy will disprove the old maxim. You can take it with you.

And I'm perfectly willing to keep paying Obama to stay on a permanent vacation.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I'd be more than happy to pay him to stop doing anything as well.

patti said...

i smell a movie franchise: Obama Vacation!

MegaTroll said...

Please don't franchise anything about Obama!!!

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, LOL! I think that's a great idea. Obama can have a whole series of bad vacations -- three more in fact. Then he's going to have to find a job. :-)

Mega, Think of the possibilities. Obama could become our greatest commedian!

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