One thing you need to know about Chicago. They have a "leave no convict behind" philosophy. Petty criminals go to work at Felony Franks, a hot dog stand which hires convicts on probation and parole, and serves Misdemeanor Wieners and Chain Gang Chili Dogs. Big time criminals go to work for the Obama administration.
Felons who bilk the public and banks out of millions of dollars are not consigned to such menial tasks as preparing and serving hot dogs. Important criminals either get elected to the Chicago Board of Aldermen, or become movers-and-shakers for the White House. One such White House type is convicted felon, Robert Creamer. He not only defrauded the depositors at a bank, but used the stolen money to fund some of his leftist social activites. Most notably he poured the funds into a well-known Chicago community-organizing group.
While doing penance in the pen, Creamer used the prison library to learn as much as possible about how to dress socialized medicine up as health care reform. He didn't have to learn about how to sabotage financial institutions, his expertise was what put him in the joint in the first place. He is part of the North Side political gang that finally made peace in the Chicago turf wars with Obama's South Side gang. With Mayor Daley as the intercessor, Chicago politics is just one big happy gang of liars, cheats, thieves and criminals, united at last to bilk the public and fool the voters.
Creamer is part of a notorious political dynasty. As modern leftists, they don't use "married names." His wife is leftist Obamanut Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky. If you want to refresh your memory about her and her involvement in the Creamer bank fraud, click here: Schakowsky in Honduran Wonderland. Creamer is utterly lacking in any humility or hope of redemption for his criminal past. His Obama-like arrogance allowed him to be one of the major architects of Obamacare. And he is highly vocal and public in his support of Obama policies, including not just socialized medicine, but also the current financial reform schemes.
Creamer recently went onto the Huffington Post and announced that "Republicans voted against even debating a bill to hold the big Wall Street banks accountable. And the reason: they were drunk on Wall Street money." That's demagogic crap, and nobody knows that better than bank expert Creamer. I also assume he's supporting Alexi Giannoulias for the Illinois Senate Seat formerly held by Barack Obama. Giannoulias isn't exactly a crook, but as State Treasurer he has misspent Illinois public funds and his family made big loans to known criminals and has now gone bankrupt. Close enough to a criminal for Creamer's and Obama's purposes.
Anybody who has done the least bit of homework about Wall Street and big corporations knows full well that the Democratic Party is practically synonymous with Wall Street corruption and greed. According to one academic study, Democrats got 63% of Wall Street's political funding in the past five election cycles. The top three recipients of Wall Street largess are Democrats, and eight of the top ten as well. Goldman-Sachs, the current bete noire, is heavily dominated by Democrats, and a large percentage of the proven tax-dodgers in the Obama administration come from Goldman-Sachs. Creamer know this as well as anyone.
Republicans are the party of small to semi-large private businesses. Democrats are behind the vast majority of big corporations, big banks, big investment firms, and big government agencies such as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Creamer-Obama propaganda is nothing more than a bold cover for their own nefarious activities and statist political philosophy. So cut the crap, boys, and just admit you want it all for yourselves.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Obama's Convicts Still Working Hard
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This is another prime example of the corruption of the press, and I include FOX in this with the exception of Sean Hannity. These are facts that should have been delved into fairly, but with zeal, and abandon …who is Barry? Who are friends? Who are his associates? What does he believe? …and on and on! Creamer is just another example of his radicalism, we have much to do!
Anyone involved in Chicago politics should be looked at with suspicion. Unfortunately, that goes for journalists, too. They've really become nothing more than PR spokespeople. Anyone who's paying attention has got to be onto this charade though. November will certainly be telling.
Very interesting post, LawHawk! Of course, if not for your blog, I would know very little about Creamer. He's at least living up to his name.
Sounds like Obama has truly brought Chicago to Washington. I wonder how many other thugs and convicts are hanging out within the ranks of this administration?
StanH: It wasn't that long ago that the revelation of a major crook in an administration could seriously damage or even bring that administration down. At times, the Obama administration looks a bit like the FBI's most wanted list, and the MSM just shrugs its shoulders and says "well, nobody's perfect."
WriterX: It's funny, but with all my nasty cracks about San Francisco and its crazy Board of Supervisors, our city government looks like the Sunday choir compared to Chicago's. Since applications and nominations for federal government jobs aren't criminal trials (but probably should be), we should just start with the assumption that all Chicago applicants are guilty until proven innocent beyond a reasonable doubt.
Andrew: Good question. I wonder if someone, somewhere, has compiled a list of Chicagoans who are now in the Obama administration. Moving from Chicago to D.C. is like going from misdemeanors to felonies.
I know this isn’t an open tread but, It was just announced that Jane Fonda is moving out of Atlanta, and back to LA, too resume her acting career. She will however retain her condo…darn. All I can say, “don’t let the door hit you on the ass!”
StanH: Open thread or not, I appreciate you doing your citizens' duty of warning the people of Los Angeles that the prodigal daughter is returning to Lotus Land. Her first new Hollywood part could be playing Grandma Moses with the twist that she only paints pictures of communist heroes, and she won't have to wear makeup for the part. Now she won't have to travel so far for illegal immigrations riots.
While we're at it, I want to add a couple of other unrelated items.
First, it appears that the New York City wannabe bomber may very well have Taliban connections, at least as to possible "training" in Pakistan.
Second, jury selection was completed in Norfolk, Virginia this morning for the trial of the last of the three Navy SEALs, petty officer Matthew McCabe. The two "witnesses" who allegedly falsified reports on the incident have already been found not guilty of any wrongdoing. And if they didn't falsify anything, and supported McCabe's version of what didn't happen, it's hard to see how a jury could possibly find McCabe guilty of doing what the other two already said he didn't do. Still, there's a lot of political pressure being put on the court to take the word of the only remaining complainant--the scumbag terrorist murderer who claims to have been assaulted by McCabe.
Andrew and LawHawk - The question is not that there are alot of Chicagoans in the Obama Administration. You would expect that from any Administration would hire people they know.
The real questions is how many of them have criminal records (especially white collar crimes)? There appears to be a really high percentage. Not to complain, but if Bush had any jailbirds in his Administration, well, we know what would have happened.
Bev and Lawhawk, That's kind of what I meant -- how many criminals (convicted or otherwise) have made their way to Washington as part of this Clepto-administration?
Bev: You're right, basically, about how many Chicagoans are in the administration. But read my comment (above) about what the assumptions about Chicago appointees and applicants should be. Assume the worst about them until proven otherwise. Yes, indeed, "ya go with what ya know," but also "birds of a feather flock together."
Yes, we are all a twitter with the arrest. Turns out it was a "terrorist". Even Napolitano said so.
Bloomberg made a statement that the person was probably "home-grown, maybe a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health care bill or something." In otherwords, those dang Tea Party people.
He had to eat crow today.
Bev: Bloomberg's statement was both cowardly and reprehensible. Eric Holder is now speaking, and even he used the word "terrorist." Its about time he joined the real world. The blindfold of the lefties and pro-Islamist people in the administration isn't entirely off yet, but it has slipped a bit.
"Creamer recently went onto the Huffington Post and announced..."
No wonder Obama recently recommended we read HuffPo-LOL if it weren't so funny. Great, but too short an article that needs to be turned into a feature film.
Anon: That sounds right. He won't and can't defend himself, because he's perfect, don't ya know? But the HuffPo is perfectly capable of carrying his water.
"No wonder Obama recently recommended we read HuffPo-LOL if it weren't so funny."
I meant "...if it weren't so ridiculous."
Too bad the kool-aid drinkers are slow in picking up on the obvious-maybe it's not too late?
Alvaro: I got your meaning. It was ridiculous, and it was funny.
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