Saturday, June 5, 2010

Oh, Helen...

So while I was losing my life savings at the Belmont Stakes bettin' on the ponies, Helen Thomas was up to no good. I saw this yesterday and I just can't let it go...

Any thoughts on what her next step should be?


Anonymous said...

Bev: How about this idea? Instead of the Jews going back to Germany and Poland, how about Helen Thomas just goes to hell?

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I'm not even sure what to say except that it's amazing how easy anti-Semitism comes to the left these days. If someone had said this about any other group in the world, they would be accused of racism by people like Helen Thomas and there would be calls for them to be fired and ostracized.

Joel Farnham said...

Cool, now I have another reason to hate Helen Thomas. Not only is she stupid, she actually buys the current anti-semite idiocy. Pathetic. She has been too long on the stage. Time for her to get her ensure and walk off.

BevfromNYC said...

I was so shocked when I saw that I was speechless. In case you didn't catch it, she made this statement at a Jewish Heritage Celebration at the Whitehouse.

She has printed a retraction, but personally, I want her to grovel and beg for her reputaion. The more I search the more I find that this wasn't an isolated incident either.

Tennessee Jed said...

Bev - I just find Helen disgusting. Can't really think of a more descriptive term; she'sa disgrace.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, It should leave me speechless, but sadly, I'm seeing so much true "hate speech" coming off people on the left and their allies these days that this is becoming rather common place. It truly is disgusting.

BevfromNYC said...

Oh, Andrew I sadly hear and read these kinds of things like all the time. But I didn't know Thomas has a long history of this. And if you can stomach it, I suggest going over to HuffPo and see what their commentors have to say. Pretty much, they agree with Thomas only more so.

When I was very young and first learning about WWII and the Holocaust, I naively understood that the world had learned a lesson from it. Anti-semitism had been defeated. When other Jews would talk about present day anti-semitism, I poo-pooed it as paranoid.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Tragically, I think it's way worse than just anti-Semitism.

A great many people (almost always on the left) are very tolerant of hatred, racism, and even genocide, so long as they think it's "the right people" being exterminated. They happily exploit things like Sudan or Rawanda to score political points against guys like Bush, but then turn a blind eye to the same crimes as soon as it might look bad to criticize Obama.

When they hear about Jews or Christians being killed, they say "well, they shouldn't be there" or "they brought it on themselves." When they hear about oppression in the Middle East or China, they call it "cultural." They could see the "crimes against humanity" of the Serbs in the 1990s, but simultaneously excused identical conduct by the Bosnians or Muslims. Or the killing of white farmers in Zimbabwe, or dissidents in Cuba. It's selective (faked) outrage used to score political points, that's it.

And then they cheapen concepts like "hate" and "genocide" by using those terms as political attacks in the US. Indeed, these same people who cry "Nazi" when Rand Paul talks about private property rights versus government policy, and who cry "genocide" when they think that not enough is spent on health care, then turn around and ignore the mass murders going on in the name of socialism or Islam all over the world.

If you've ever looked up the number of people killed in various conflicts around the world, it's truly staggering how many there are all over the world and how recent many of these have been -- and how these same people who toss around the word "genocide" like it's "hello" never seem to be able to find that word in those instances.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew, I was pondering this at dawn this morning before I saw what you wrote. Strange that liberals bludgeon with words like "holocaust", "Nazi", and "genocide". I am at a loss.

Lost in the blockade debacle, last week the US (Obama) initially supported a UN NPT resolution to require Israel to submit to nuclear arms inspection. It has always been an 'open secret' that Israel may or may not be so armed. The resolution to create a "nuclear free Middle East zone" in the resolution oddly singles out Israel for inspection. Though, possibly after actually reading the resolution, the US withdrew support.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Hypocrisy is a liberal trait. That's why they never see the evil in their own actions. That's why they can so easily accuse others of doing things that they themselves have actually done -- ever hear a bunch of liberals tell racist jokes but then tell you it's ok because they aren't racist? That's why they can so easily justify it when their own people do the same things they whine about others doing, and why they try to shift the blame for the actions of famous leftists like Hitler to the right -- they just redefine him as "right wing" when he was nothing of the sort.

Don't forget, liberalism is based on taking from those you don't like to give to those you do. A philosophy like that brings with it an ability to see some people as less than human. It also means that whether or not something is wrong depends on who it happens to.

And pointing fingers at others is all part of how they justify their philosophically evil "ideals" to themselves.

Fortunately for the Israelis, they aren't really going to trust Obama or the UN to guarantee their survival.

StanH said...

“Pride goeth before the fall!” These are liberals unmasking, I think it’s great, and in the long run Harkins their demise…Helen Thomas is the proverbial canary in the goldmine. She’s just stating what we all know, the true mindset of a liberal.

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