Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Commentarama 2010 Election Coverage

Senate Republican SeatsRepublican Governorships
AL: Richard C. Shelby (R) _ v. William Barnes (D)__R: _ D: __ Alabama
AK: Miller (R)__ v. McAdams (D)__ v. Murkowski (I)__R: _ D: __ Alaska
AZ: John McCain (R)_ v. Rodney Glassman (D)__R: _ D: __ Arizona
FL: Rubio (R)_ v. Crist (I)__ v. Meek (D)__R: __ D: _ California
GA: Johnny Isakson (R)_ v. Michael Thurmond (D)__R: __ D: _ Connecticut
ID: Michael D. Crapo (R)_ v. Tom Sullivan (D)__R: _ D: __ Florida
IO: Charles E. Grassley (R)_ v. Roxanne Conlin (D)__R: _ D: __ Georgia
KS: Jerry Moran (R)_ v. Lisa Johnston (D)__R: __ D: __ Hawaii
KY: Rand Paul (R)_ v. Jack Conway (D)__R: _ D: __ Idaho
LA: David Vitter (R)_ v. Charlie Melancon (D)__R: __ D: __ Minnesota
MO: Roy Blunt (R)_ v. Robin Carnahan (D)__R: _ D: __ Nebraska
OK: Tom Coburn (R)_ v. Brad Carson (D)__R: _ D: __ Nevada
NH: Kelly Ayotte (R)_ v. Paul Hodes (D)__R: __ D: __ Rhode Island
OH: Rob Portman (R)_ v. Lee Fisher (D)__R: _ D: __ South Carolina
NC: Richard Burr (R)_ v. Elaine Marshall (D)__R: _ D: __ South Dakota
SC: Jim DeMint (R)_ v. Alvin Greene (D)__R: _ D: __ Texas
SD: John Thune (R)_ v. (unopposed) __R: _ D: __ Utah
UT: Mike Lee (R)_ v. Sam Granato (D)__R: __ D: __ Vermont

Senate Democratic SeatsDemocratic Governorships
AK: Blanche Lincoln (D)__ v. John Boozman (R)_R: __ D: _ Arkansas
CA: Barbara Boxer (D)_ v. Carly Fiorina (R)__R: __ D: _ Colorado
CO: Michael Bennet (D)__ v. Ken Buck (R)__R: __ D: __ Illinois
CT: Richard Blumenthal (D)_ v. Linda McMahon (R)__R: _ D: __ Iowa
DE: Chris Coons (D)_ v. Christine O’Donnell (R)__R: _ D: __ Kansas
HA: Daniel Inouye (D)_ v. Cam Cavasso (R)__R: _ D: __ Maine
IA: Brad Ellsworth (D)__ v. Dan Coats (R)_R: __ D: _ Maryland
IL: Alexi Giannoulias (D)__ v. Ron Kirk (R)_R: __ D: _ Massachusetts
MD: Barbara Mikulski (D)_ v. Eric Wargotz (R)__R: _ D: __ Michigan
ND: Tracy Potter (D)__ v. John Hoeven (R)_R: __ D: _ New Hampshire
NV: Harry Reid (D)_ v. Sharron Angle (R)__R: _ D: __ New Mexico
NY: Kirsten Gillibrand (D)_ v. Joe DioGuardi (R)__R: __ D: _ New York
NY: Chuck Schumer (D)_ v. Jay Townsend (R)__R: _ D: __ Ohio
OR: Ron Wyden (D)_ v. Jim Huffman (R)__R: _ D: __ Oklahoma
PA: Joe Sestak (D)__ v. Pat Toomey (R)_R: __ D: __ Oregon
VT: Patrick Leahy (D)_ v. Len Britton (R)__R: _ D: __ Pennsylvania
WA: Patty Murray (D)__ v. Dino Rossi (R)__R: _ D: __ Tennessee
WI: Russ Feingold (D)__ v. Ron Johnson (R)_R: _ D: __ Wisconsin
WV: Machin (D)_ v. Raese (R)__R: _ D: __ Wyoming
Interesting House Races/Propositions


If you hear anything locally, please tell us in the thread below. Also, feel free to share your thoughts below on any issue(s). We will update the numbers and chart above as results come in. Smile everyone, this is the day we've all been waiting for!


USArtguy said...

I was first to vote at my polling place this morning.
Go Team!

Notawonk said...

i'm so excited/nervous i may puke. head's up!

Notawonk said...

i'm linking this. BOOM!

Tennessee Jed said...

I am going out on a limb (not really) and calling the Tennessee Governorship for Bill Haslam (R) and my home district for incumbant John Duncan (R) They are both far ahead in the polls. I am really hoping Scott DesJarlais will send Lincoln Davis packing with the underlying message, if you want to be considered a conservative government downsizer, then get the hell out of the Democrat/Socialist party.

My biggest concern remains election fraud by the left

Anonymous said...

testing a sign in for easier access

Tam said...

Oh my goodness, it's going to be a long day. I already have a headache. I'm with Patti...excited and nervous. Mostly excited. But nervous. Ugh....

But this house/senate map is pretty awesome. So easy for people whose brains will be mush today. (Me)

BevfromNYC said...

I am not voting until after work today. We are using a new improved voting method which I think is going to be like an Iowa Basic Skills Test like when I was in grade school! I thought I'd let them work out the kinks before I vote.

The "buzz" is palpable, isn't it?

Oh, and TJ - Do we have to turn you into the Election Monitor guys? Since you called your races before the polls closed, it could keep voters away! As a matter of fact, I do not see any reason why I should vote in Tennessee today...

StanH said...

Here we go, the first salvo in a long campaign to restore America, back towards it’s founding…let’s rock!

BevfromNYC said...

LawHawk: I begrudgingly congratulate you on the Giants winning the World Series! Let's hope this is the last win for Pelosi today...

T_Rav said...

So here's a last-minute prediction I'm making: First off, the House. I think 50 seats is absolutely a floor at this point, and almost certainly too low. There are 40+ tossups out there, and I don't think it's unreasonable to say we'll win the vast majority of those. So I'm going with 80 seats, plus or minus 5 (probably plus).

As for the Senate, I think a 51-seat majority is in range, and here's how: The Republicans should keep all their current 41 seats (I was worried about AK, but I think Joe Miller's finally going to pull it out). AR, IN, and ND are GOP locks at this point, and WI and PA are likely pickups as well, despite some narrowing in the latter, so that's 46. NV, CO, and IL are gonna be close, but we're up in those races, so after deducting all the votes cast by dead people in alphabetical order, that should get us to 49.

Now the tricky part: we'd need to win 2 of these 5--CA, CT, DE, WA, and WV. In short, I really don't believe any of the polling from WV showing Manchin up, because it doesn't make sense. I think Raese will win there. As to WA, I know Andrew's skeptical, but that state does most of its voting by mail, and as of a day or two ago, those who had already returned their ballots were breaking for Rossi by several points, a larger margin than those who hadn't voted yet. So if they don't "discover" some Murray votes stuffed in someone's car, we can win there too. CA's doable, but close, and then CT and DE are unlikely. However, if for some reason O'Donnell pulls off an upset in spite of everything we've been told about that state, all bets are off.

CrispyRice said...

Is it wrong that it's not even 11:00 am on the east coast and I'm already making popcorn for tonight??


CrisD said...

hubby and I voted this morning! Practically first ones!

What stations are ya'll watching tonight? (tee-hee)

BevfromNYC said...

I'm going to watch MSNBC 'cause I want to watch Keith Olberman's head explode or be carried away in a straitjack drooling...

T_Rav said...

I'm listening to a Mississippi radio talk-show right now, and the host said that when he voted this morning, he was in line for an hour; he saw more people there than in 2008. Granted, there were only three voting machines (!)

Also, at least one county apparently didn't have party affiliation listed on the ballot. They're saying it was a mistake that's being fixed now. We'll see.

AndrewPrice said...

Wow, I oversleep a bit and everyone beats me to the site! LOL!

Watch the map today folks, we will do our best to update it!

(FYI, the light blue dot represents the majority in the House.)

This is going to be a great day!!!

Notawonk said...

i went to vote this morning and in texas it's a crisp fall day, which means there is an altogether different buzz in the air. mix that with this momentous day, folks are giddy. as i got closer to the polling place, a woman asked how i was doing, and i said, "it's a great day for freedom!"

AndrewPrice said...

USArtguy -- Excellent! Isn't it a great feeling? I voted early and it honestly felt good to slide that ballot into the box.

Patti, Thanks for the link!

Jed, I can't imagine Tennessee not swinging back to the (R) column. The (D)'s have shown they are out of touch with the South. . . the West. . . the country!

T_Rav said...

Yep, more cases rolling in here in MS of people now in at least a half-dozen counties--most of them here in Childers' district, still a close race--getting ballots with no party affiliation listed next to the name, or worse, in my county, they all had "Non-Partisan" listed next to the names. Election fraud?...

CrisD said...

Bev, me too. And good old Rachel!!(it took me a long time to find my channel guide--but I have it now.)

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, I'm glad you like it! It took a while, but it should work nicely when the result come in. We're going to keep changing the dots, and the dividers should help everyone see what's going on. When the bright blue dot turns Red, then it's party time!

Bev, Excellent logic! FYI, we could call John Thune's race too, but we'll hold off until it's official! ;-)

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, Good predicitons. I'm actually starting to think we might win West Virginia. That will be interesting. And you're right, if we win DE, then all bets are off everywhere! In Washington, I saw that Rossi won the 3rd grader poll, which is usually telling. We'll see! :-)

Crispy, It's not wrong at all!

CrisD, I think we're going to watch Fox because no one here can stand the others.

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, To quote Barackolypse Now: "I love the smell of ballots in the morning."

T-Rav, It sounds like fraud to me. I understand mistakes, but it's amazing when the mistakes always seem to happen in one direction. Of course, the voters on our side are more informed, so this may backfire on them!

Bev & CrisD, You'll have to keep us informed!

Anonymous said...

Bev: I sent congratulations to all my old friends in San Francisco. One of them replied with "does this mean you're coming over to our side on Tuesday?" My simple reply was "ARE YOU NUTS?!?!"

Tehachapi Tom said...

We had more folks in our precinct polling place first hing this AM than I think came total for the last election.
Does that say people have had enough and are wanting change?
It is an encouraging sign and with great anticipation that I wait for results to start pouring in. I'll let you know how my run for our District Board progresses as I find out.

T_Rav said...

From what I'm seeing of turnout so far today, it looks like it's trending very heavy in Republican districts and very light in Democratic ones. A lot of inner-city precincts were reporting this morning that practically no one was showing up to vote. Same goes for the bluest parts of a lot of swing districts. This is the sort of thing that makes me think an 80- to 90-seat pickup might very well be in range.

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, I'm seeing that too.

Also, Chris Matthews's head apparently already exploded. He went off on Obama about how he never lived up to his promise, etc. etc.

BevfromNYC said...

I guess Chris lost that "tingly feeling". Though I have to say in Obama's defense (yes, in his defense!) no one could have ever live up to the hype that Chris and his ilk created. Not even Jesus.

Tam said...

What do you think about live blogging the pity party press conference tomorrow?

Joel Farnham said...

What I think is going to happen is happening. This is going to be bigger than we ever thought.

My hope is 123 in house; clean sweep in senate; and 37 governors.

My prediction is 90+ in house; 12 in Senate; and 35 governors.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I agree with that, but Obama encouraged it. He played coy on his views and he let every little leftist fill in the blanks.

Tam, The live blog stuff was too much work, it also was becoming unworkable once we started getting past 3-4 people. We could put up an open thread?

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I heard that even Gallup today said that the generic poll hit 15% in their last test -- that could mean 150 seats (though they predict only "at least 55.")

I am seeing hints of huge voter turn out in the right places and almost no voter turn out in the right places. This is going to be very interesting.

Joel Farnham said...

I heard that too, Andrew. I also heard that was based upon a large turnout of Democrats. Smaller turnout of dems = 20% Republican advantage.

I also heard that Coons is starting to sweat bullets. The turnout he needs to win in his county (NewCastle) is not there.


Right now it isn't pretty.

I wonder if Tancredo can pull it out?

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I honestly have no idea. The polls have been all over the place and with two Republicans running, it's just too hard to tell. Plus, Denver is just so large compared to the rest of the state, and they will turn out to support Hickenlooper. So I just don't know. . . but I'm hoping.

Tam said...

open thread sounds good...that's too bad the live blog forum is too cumbersome. Oh well!

Pittsburgh Enigma said...

My polling place was pretty dead this afternoon, and I'm in very BLUE Pittsburgh. It's never all that crowded, but I usually see a few people by the time I'm in and out. But I was the only one there today (in the space of about 10 minutes) at 12:20pm.

Also, there weren't any people hanging out outside the polling place. This is odd, because there are always Dems there handing out candidate info or at least welcoming people. No one today. It was eerily quiet.

For what it's worth, the news on the radio this afternoon has been saying "larger than expected turn-out across Pennsylvania." Of course, as I noted, I'm not seeing that at all in my very BLUE district.

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, Yeah, it's too bad because it worked great in principle, but it just had too many flaws. We'll get an open thread! :-)

Pitts, That is a great sign -- especially if they couldn't find people to "man the polls." That means the activists aren't even turning out. Wow that sounds like good news!

3:00 hours people till the first results start coming in!!!

Writer X said...

Polling places around me in Phoenix are heavier than usual; however, many people (including myself) voted early.

My champagne is being chilled as we speak. I'll also be happy to provide the bottomless virtual martini pitchers for later for Commentarama.

I remain cautiously optimistic, particularly for Arizona but nothing would give me greater pleasure than seeing Harry Reid get a boot in his a$$ from Nevada.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I'm pulling for Arizona to do the right thing, and I suspect that a heavy voter turn out is bad for the Democrats. . . but we'll see.

StanH said...

My wife and I just voted. And there were a lot of people voting for a midterm. Now I live in a district that goes 87 to 92% Republican every election, so for local races nothing is in doubt. I suppose the big thing for Georgia will be the governor, a particularly nasty race, with two uninspiring candidates but the Republican will win, and our Senator who is up this time will win as well Isakson. If anything interesting happen I let you know.

AndrewPrice said...

Great Stan! We're hearing a lot about high voter turn out in Republican areas... and as Pitts said, low voter turnout in Democratic areas.

T_Rav said...

I don't want to jump the gun on this, but I'm really starting to think we're going to see the high end of our expectations realized. Turnout is still running very favorable for us and very unfavorable for the Dems. Plus, folks like Hot Air were saying that if the official pollsters (e.g. Gallup) held steady this week with their optimistic predictions from last week, we were looking at a blowout. Not only has that very thing happened, they've actually ratcheted it up a bit yesterday and over the course of this morning. I don't want to claim victory just yet...but...I'm getting very antsy.

T_Rav said...

Joel, I don't know about you, but if Christine wins in Delaware tonight, I might just faint. Also, once I regain consciousness, I'm calling the whole Senate for the Republicans on the spot.

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, I hate to set us up for possible disappointment, but you could be right. I wrote a thing a while back in which I talked about how Micheal Barone (who is a wiz at elections) explained what the differences in the generic ballot meant. He said that the levels we were at, at that point, indicated a 110 seat shift. And the numbers have only gotten better since then. Add in the enthusiasm gap that seems be baring out in the absentee ballots and the poll attendance, and we could be looking at something truly historic!

Of course, people are just now getting off work and we won't know how that affects turn out.

But dang is this an exciting day!

BevfromNYC said...

YEY Writer X!!! I cannot WAIT for your bottomless martinis! Can I get mine with a twist? Just thought I get my order in early 'cause it's gonna be a looongg night.

I am going to vote now, so I will let everyone know how my polling place is. And if i pass the Iowa Basic Skills Voting Method. This should be fun!

WARNING: Don't be disappointed because NY Senate and Gov races are the the only sure thing for Democrats.

AndrewPrice said...

Good luck Bev! We look forward to your report.

T_Rav said...

It is, Andrew! I've gotta go now, cause I have an Election Party to prepare for. Be back once stuff starts rolling in.

6:00 p.m. ET and the polls are closing in most of Kentucky and Indiana. It's Zero Hour, folks!

rlaWTX said...


I have class tonight!! I am soooo bummed! I was really hoping the prof would have her baby at the right time so we'd have tonight off, but - nope! Just like a Canadian import! ;)

so, think of me this evening as I am squirming in class while we discuss "altruism". < sigh >

AndrewPrice said...

rlaWTX, There's nothing to gain from altruism. ;-) We'll be thinking about you.

T_Rav, Good luck with the parties.

Writer X said...


Yes, twists, olives, seconds--all will be available tonight. :-)

FYI: Exit polling on Drudge at the moment is looking pretty positive for Republicans. Shows Feingold losing to Johnson in Wisconsin. That will be sweet. Another arrogant politician getting the boot. Lincoln, too, in Arkansas. Bring it!

AndrewPrice said...

Woo hoo! We have our first projection of a Republican take over in Indiana. Time to update our board!

USArtguy said...

Polls just closed in my part of Indiana (the timeline between Central and Eastern is about an hour's drive east from me). Let the Dem wailing and gnashing of teeth begin! Mwuhahahahahah!

AndrewPrice said...

It's a great feeling isn't it USArtguy?

AndrewPrice said...

Come on people! Project more races!!!

BevfromNYC said...

Okay, so I voted and passed the Iowa Basics Skills Voting test. Only problem is that if you are elderly or infirmed, the voting sheets are REAL problem. There were alot of people there and actually some lines! There are about 8 districts that vote in our polling place. But as usual, no line in my district. I sat on the stairs and filled out my ballot. It was kind of like a HS student council election! But thankfully no chaos. The monitor where I scanned my ballot said there had been 498 ballots counted and 598 projected. That is not that great for an areas with about 100K people. We will see at 9pm when the polls close here.

CT and NJ should be coming in shortly.

T_Rav said...

Alan Grayson is currently getting 29% of the vote in his district.



AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, Hilarious!

Bev, Excellent -- low turn out is good! Did you see Pelosi assure us that they would keep the ballot? LOL!

AndrewPrice said...

RUBIO WINS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

Anonymous said...

Well, we've picked up a Senate seat. All hail Aqua Buddha! LOL

Tam said...

I just walked in the door coming back from myu kid's swim class. My sister told me that Rachel Maddow's head exploded already. Hee hee. Polls are still open in AZ, I drove by a few polling places on the way to swim. The parking lots were pretty full, but there weren't a lot of people coming and going. The ticker on Fox looks good so far, but I saw something that said things are looking good for Reid. Wah. Too early to give up hope...

BevfromNYC said...

Rubio projected to win in Florida = Keith Olberman

Aiyotte in NH

Mikulski in Maryland

Shelby in Alabama

Coburn in OK
Toomey/Sestak too close to call
Illinois too early to call
Missouri - Too early to call
Blumenthal is leading in CT
Manchin/Raese too early

Anonymous said...

They've called it for Rubio in Florida. He's one to watch in the future.

BevfromNYC said...

OH MY GOD!!! THe trifecta Chris, Keith, and Rachel on MSNBC! Help me!

BevfromNYC said...

Isakson in Georgia projected to win

Anonymous said...

I'm just stopping by to say that I have been watching for about an hour but I have to head off to bed early with my sorrrrrrre back and possible flu. Will check first thing in the am.

I've been watching y'all

BevfromNYC said...

Nikki Haley in NOrth Carolina is projected to win

Oh and they keep blathering on about how the Rep. are feeding on our own.

BevfromNYC said...

DARSKI!!! Feel better!

BevfromNYC said...

Rob Portman in Ohio projected to win.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Who says Haley?

BevfromNYC said...

Scott is leading in Florida for Gov,

T_Rav said...

Here's a good question: Why are people calling the CT and DE races when there are no results in yet?

BevfromNYC said...

Hurt Perriello in Virginia - House Hurt projected to win. 3 other districts may be pick ups in VA.

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, it's about exit polls. When it gets overwhelming enough, and some of the result confirm that (we don't always get the results as quickly as others), they will call a race.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew: Everything I am getting is from MSNBC (God help me...)

NC Burr to win 55%

BevfromNYC said...

It's funny. a year ago the "Tea Party" could get arrested. Now we're driving the bus as per MSNBC,

Anonymous said...

Most of you get to have all the fun (the joy of victory, the agony of defeat). I'm stuck out here on the west coast with what will likely be close races, and our polls don't close until 11 PM in California (2 AM Eastern Time). You easterners will probably know the results from the west coast before I do, since I plan on passing out around 4 AM.

AndrewPrice said...

1 House flip for the Dems, 2 for the Republicans in the House

Joel Farnham said...


Remember they called Florida for Gore and Bush eventually won.

Exciting times are ahead.

T_Rav said...

I certainly hope so, Joel. This is just a little annoying, plus there're some trolls on the Big sites crowing about O'Donnell supposedly going down.

Anonymous said...

It looks like we took the Arkansas Senate seat away for the Democrats.

Anonymous said...

I meant from the Democrats, obviously.

AndrewPrice said...

Democrats won in WVa... I was afraid of that.

BUT... Grayson lost!!!!

T_Rav said...

Bye Blanche!

Dear West Virginia: Please stop being addicted to meth.

Anonymous said...

I cheered when I first heard that the loathsome Grayson lost. A bit disappointed that Raese lost to Manchin. Manchin is a decent enough guy, but that's a "D" in the Senate caucus I'd have loved to pick up. So--that means in order to win the Senate, we have to win both California and Washington, a very unlikely result. BUT--Yes we can, I still have hope.

AndrewPrice said...

T-Rav, You're asking a LOT of them to stop the meth.

Notawonk said...

looks like ciro rodriquez (d-tx) is gonna fall. HOLY MOLY!

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, That would be AWESOME! I love that video you posted about him.

BevfromNYC said...

I just couldn't do it. I had to turn off MSNBC...it wasn't worth it. I started worrying that my head was going to explode.

First victory speech...Rand Paul.

USArtguy said...

Looks like Dan Coats of Indiana, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Jim DeMint of South Carolina are new Republican senators.

Anonymous said...

My quick tally at this point in the House is one loss, seven gains, for a net gain of six. That will change rapidly in the next hour.

USArtguy said...

Republican Larry Bucshon has won southwestern Indiana's 8th district, giving the GOP a U.S. House seat that Democrats have held the last four years. This was the seat Brad Ellsworth gave up only to be stomped into oblivion by Dan Coats. Wait... was that gloating? Sorry.

This just in "Republican Todd Young has defeated five-term Democratic Rep. Baron Hill in southern Indiana's 9th district, dealing Democrats a second loss in congressional seats they held in the state."

Anonymous said...

The AFL-CIO is already taking credit for the Manchin victory in West Virginia, and the unions are preparing to call in their markers. I hope Manchin can demonstrate enough integrity to resist their advances. It'a an interesting dichotomy. Manchin has stood against cap 'n tax, and the unions desperately need the work in the coal mines. Yet the powers-that-be in the Democratic Party want to kill the coal industry with cap 'n tax. I truly wonder how that is going to play out.

BevfromNYC said...

Fox is projecting 60 seats pick up in House - Repub will take the majority.

Anonymous said...

The Fox News model is now predicting a final net pickup of 60 seats for the Republicans in the House. I'm not sure they can be that accurate, but it's already higher than what I predicted.

T_Rav said...

I'll just say it, I will be somewhat disappointed if we only pick up 60 seats in the House.

Joel Farnham said...


At 90% precints in and O'Donnell only at 40%, I was wrong about her. She got a lot of play, but in the end, she lost. Too bad. It would have been a perfect day!! As it is, it is a Great Day!!!

Night guys.

AndrewPrice said...

USArtguy, They've been watching Indiana as a huge bellweather and it seems to be tilting to the Republicans pretty hard.

I think that things should start to pick up now for the Republicans now that we're away from the coast.

T_Rav, I would be disappointed too, sort of. I actually think that not winning the Senate is a good thing.

BevfromNYC said...

Wow. Rubio is giving his victory speech. I predict he will be President one day...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, A lot of people say that.

Also, watch for cold weather tomorrow, I am agreeing with Bob Beckle for the first time ever. He says the Republicans blew it at the end by not having a good agenda -- and that's cost them 30+ additional seats.

T_Rav said...

Yeah, Andrew, I remember your thoughts about that from this summer. I see your point, but as toxic as the Democrats were supposed to be this year, it really bothers me that we won't appear to pull out more of a win. Maybe it's just a lesson for me not to set my expectations too high.

AndrewPrice said...

It looks to me like the deep blue states all came close to even, but ultimately stayed blue. So I think Reid might win and I think California is lost.

But the red states seem to be sweeping further right.

Anonymous said...

It's not enough to have the right message if you can't defend it. So we didn't pick up some seats because we didn't have a coherent message, and we lost at least one seat (O'Donnell) because she wasn't able to work with the establishment Republicans, she didn't have a message, and she couldn't articulate what she stood for even though her Tea Party credentials are in line with the majority of how Americans feel. Message and articulate candidates are a winning combination.

Now I'm stuck with watching the Midwest gaining Republicans and increasing the rising tide, but also have to watch the tide recede as it gets farther west. My prayer is that I'll wake up tomorrow morning and find that California and Washington saved us.

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, I think the problem is that when people are looking at who to support it only goes so far to say "we're not them."

In that case, there is nothing for people to move beyond their self-interest, which means that they will continue to vote for whoever is offering them the most goodies.

AndrewPrice said...

It looks like all the Democrats who flipped on Obamacare from NO to YES are being knocked out.

And it looks like PA is going to the right in everywhere except Senate (so far).

T_Rav said...

On the plus side, looks like Ike Skelton in Missouri and Travis Childers in Mississippi are both losing. That takes the edge off my disappointment a bit.

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, It looks like the end of the Democrats in the South. Sadly, they've survived in the big cities, on the coasts, and we'll see about the West.

This election feels disappointing because of the Senate and because the numbers are moving up so slowly, but when you realize how many governorships we're winning, that we're headed to 60 seats in the House, and that we have to get through the dark blue northeast before we can move into better country, this is really a huge Republican sweep.

rlaWTX said...

out of class in time for the good news!!

and I only lasted on MSNBC fo about 2 minutes - Madow nearly made my head explode!

I think I saw that Chet Edwards lost his seat (D-Waco) - that's pretty amazing!!!

T_Rav said...

Right now, I'm just hoping Toomey can pull out a win in PA. Given that most of the remaining precincts are in the rural part of the state, I think he can get a win, but this is a lot closer than it ought to be.

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, I'm encouraged that all of the House races are flipping Republican, but we'll see.

rlaWTX, Yes, they said that! Awesome isn't it?

Woooooooo Hooooooooooo --- Wisconsin!!

Anonymous said...

Hallelujah, praise the Lord. Feingold is O.U.T. Nickey Haley is expected to win her governorship.

Tam said...

Colorado looks like a disappointment...hopefully all the returns are coming in from Denver and Boulder...maybe the rural counties will bring it around? We should be getting some results in AZ soon...

AndrewPrice said...

John Spratt, the House Budget Committee Chairman just went down, the first chairman to go down.

Tam, I don't know what's wrong with my state. Maybe we should nuke Denver? Whoa, did I say that? Move along... nothing to see here.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: While you're at it, could you have the plane make grand rounds and hit L.A. and S.F.?

AndrewPrice said...

Boxer and Moonbeam won.

Anonymous said...

It looks like the Democrats are going to hold on in every major election in California. I now declare California hopeless.

On the up side, the Democrat who holds the seat in my Congressional district is projected to lose to the Republican.

T_Rav said...

Andrew, it looks like Toomey and Kirk may pull it out after all. Also, can that plane of yours do tactical strikes?

AndrewPrice said...

Colorado isn't out yet.... they haven't counted a single vote from El Paso county -- my county. That's overwhelmingly Republicans!!!!

Go BUCK!!!

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, If it can't I'm sure we can work on it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

If I can get any comfort out of the projected results in California, it's just that my old county in San Francisco, Democrats won every major partisan office. In my new County of Kern, Republicans have won all but one of the major partisan offices. At least I have plenty of people around me who are not whooping it up over Brown and Whitman.

BevfromNYC said...

Power failure in Nevada is causing a delay in voting and counting...hmmmmm.

Anonymous said...

My apologies. The 11 PM poll closing in California was a one-time only exception made for certain counties in 2008. The polls in California officially closed at 8 PM tonight Pacific Time (11 PM Eastern Time). My bad.

Unfortunately, that doesn't change the ultimate result. Phooey.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, It's easier to sneak fake ballots in in the dark.

FYI, Politico says +38 in the House....

Tam said...

Early returns in AZ look good, all our ballot issues look good except for one--early childhood programs. Medical marijuana is down so far, opting out of health care is winning, and ending affirmative action is winning, as well as keeping the secret ballot. How is that last one even a discussion? Damn unions.

rlaWTX said...

Illinois Senate tilting back right

PA tilting back to Toomey

AndrewPrice said...

I just got this message from a friend in Pennsylvania:

"Oh man, Toomey may be pulling this off!! With 96% reporting, he's ahead 127,000 votes. He was only ahead 30,000 votes a half hour ago. Wooo!!!"

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, Great! And I couldn't agree more. Colorado's ballots are not going as well.

rlaWTX said...

do you think that Boehner learned anything from this election? or will he feel like the center of the universe?

Writer X said...

I'm with Tam - still waiting for returns in AZ.

And what's this about a power outage in Nevada?! Is Dirty Harry going around pulling out electrical plugs?? Figures.

BevfromNYC said...

Boehner is crying?

Tennessee Jed said...

mostly good tonight - things seem to be moving towards Toomey. My U.S. Rep got over 80% of the vote. It looks like Scott DeJarlais smoked Lincoln Davis.

Tennessee's Governor elect, Bill Haslam may look and sound like Dana Carvey imitating George H.W. Bush, but he is a good man.

USArtguy said...

ABC has the good guys back in the majority of the House with 223-173 so far!

Tam said...

Gabby Giffords is ahead, BLAST! Still early...only 9% reporting.

AndrewPrice said...

Politico says we are at 41!!!!

(I'm going to stop updating for a while.)

Bev, I have no idea why he's crying, but it didn't play well in our house.

Tennessee Jed said...

I'm happy for Boehner, Bev - glad he is showing some emotion. Hell, I was crying when Obamacare passed, but in a different way (l.o.l)

Joel Farnham said...

It looks like another sleepless night for me.

Some changes?

I'm sorry about California, LawHawk.

What is Colorado thinking now?

T_Rav said...

If anyone's disappointed about how some of the Senate races are turning out (and I include myself in that category), I give you this link to Matthews really getting his at the hands of Michelle Bachmann:


rlaWTX said...

TX House district 27 (gulf coast/S TX): same guy has held seat since its creation in 1983 - and he's losing!

TX House 23 (part of Dallas & Tarrant counties): going R

AndrewPrice said...

If you are disappointed, they really laid out just how incredible this election is on Fox. There are things happening in the country that haven't happened since the Civil War!

By the way, does anyone know if Pelosi is on suicide watch?

AndrewPrice said...

My Pittsburgh source just said that the local news are calling the race for Toomey!!!!!!!!

Joel Farnham said...


Pelosi has been hidden from the cameras.

She is in Denial and that isn't a river in Egypt.

USArtguy said...

"Pelosi has been hidden"

She's searching for some medical marijuana right about now to lessen the sting, hee, hee...

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I think she's in an emergency room right now getting her television set removed from her foot! :-)

(Guys, I need to quit updating tonight before my brains explodes.)

rlaWTX said...

yeah Toomey!

NV gov: Reid's son losing

BevfromNYC said...

MSNBC just called Kirk in Illinois!!!!!

Pittsburgh Enigma said...

Toomey wins!!! WOOOHOOO!! This made my night. For a blue state, PA did very well tonight.

rlaWTX said...

someone is calling IL for Kirk

BevfromNYC said...

'Night Andrew. No head 'sploding!

rlaWTX said...

I didn't realize Kirk would be seated immediately - that's kinda awesome

BevfromNYC said...

Oh, btw, Gillibrand won in NY, but just to officially finish out Clinton's term. She has to run again in 2012.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I'm still around, I just can't keep updating the image -- which proved a lot harder than expected. Ug.

Anonymous said...

News from the Left Coast. The Democrats are doing unfortunately well statewide. But as often happens, the ballot measures bear little relationship to the overall partisan elections.

Prop 19 would have legalized marijuana in California. It's going down to defeat by 55%. How can people who are not high on pot elect Jerry Moonbeam Brown and Barbara "Call Me Senator" Boxer? It makes no sense.

Prop 20 is winning by about 55%. This is the measure which takes state and federal redistricting out of the hands of the professional politicians and puts it in the hands of a statewide bipartisan/nonpartisan commission. This measure will result in the loss in 2012 of many of the Democratic seats that were just won. It also means that the loon they just elected governor will have no say in redistricting.

Prop 23 was a popular initiative that would have suspended California's crazy green job-killers until unemployment went back to normal levels. It is losing by 61%. And California's official unemployment rate hovers at 12.4%.

Prop 25 allows the incompetent crooks in Sacramento to pass a budget by a simple majority, allowing for all kinds of voodoo accounting by the majority Democrats. Previously, a budget could only be passed by a 2/3 vote, which meant Republicans had a voice in the process. This idiocy is passing by 56%.

BUT: Prop 22 prohibits the same legislators from taking money from one budget item and spending it on another. It's winning by 64%. Apparently, voters don't care if the budget is crazy as long as they spend the money on the right crazy projects.

Finally, Prop 27 (aka The Pelosi Amendment) was the sneaky attempt by the Democrats to get rid of citizen redistricting commissions and put redistricting back into the hands of the professional politicians. If it had won, it would have destroyed all the good done by Prop 20. Fortunately, the good people of California saw through the scheme, and this proposition is going down by 61%.

T_Rav said...


Fox News is projecting Harry Reid will win in Nevada.


rlaWTX said...

Buck getting closer: only 9K behind

and I gotta go to bed - if I can stop jumping on it...

Fox calling NV for H Reid - blech
(but 30% reporting & only 30K difference??)

it's been fun, y'all!!!!!

AndrewPrice said...

I hate you Harry Reid.

AndrewPrice said...

Am I the only one who noticed that liberal states don't elect women?

Just a thought. . . O'Donnell, Angle, Whitman, Fiorina, McMahon...

Anonymous said...

Well, I guess Nevada proves the intelligence of voters who depend for their livelihood on gambling and prostitution. And ironically, the former industry is hurting badly. The world's oldest profession (prostitution, not politics) hasn't lost many employees, but income is down.

It's said that a people gets the form of government it deserves, but I can't believe anyone deserves Harry Reid.

Joel Farnham said...


While I respect the will of the people, I don't respect a stolen election.

I am beginning to think some of these elections have been stolen.

I think the next two years we should concentrate on creating as many poll watchers as possible as well as getting people in position who judge the equipment to be used during the elections.

BevfromNYC said...

There is something wrong in Nevada. I just don't get how Rasmussen could be so off. It would mean that Rasmussen was off 10points. They had Angle up 4%.

Joel Farnham said...


That is what I am talking about.

Polls can't be that wrong.

Anonymous said...

Well, there's some good news. The one Democrat who was winning in my electoral district is now running behind, and the Republican vote is growing.

In the Washington Senate race, it's still Murray by 51-49, but nobody's calling it yet.

Ponderosa said...

Hello all!

Ken Buck is now leading by 1%.

Ponderosa said...

Make that 3% & 30K with 73% reporting.

T_Rav said...

Ok, for everyone wondering about Nevada, MSNBC is reportedly saying that Reid won 90% of the Hispanic vote. There is NO WAY that happened without...

AndrewPrice said...

Ponderosa, When they said that nothing from El Paso county had come in, I knew this thing was going to turn around! Go Colorado Springs!!

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, I believe the word you are missing is "cheating" or maybe you meant "fraud."

Joel Farnham said...


Finish your thought.

I think something stinks to high heaven in Nevada.

Buck looks to be winning in Colorado. Good for you Andrew!!!

Tam said...

A couple of our Arizona races are taking a left turn...Giffords in my district and Grijalva are both leading. It's still pretty close, I'm not ready to throw in the towel.

Pittsburgh Enigma said...

Andrew: you said that liberals don't elect women... you're right, Boxer definitely is NOT a lady.

Joel Farnham said...

I think Issa should concentrate on voting issues. Starting with Nevada.

T_Rav said...

Hmmm...Fraud? Cheating? Yeah, those all sound good. I want everyone to keep on this for the next two years, if Reid has in fact "won," because if he goes back to the Senate, we need to completely destroy his legitimacy.

By the way, the results in Alaska are coming in, and Miller is behind "Total Write-In," 34% to 39%. Here we go...

Joel Farnham said...

The odd thing about Alaska is that there are over 100 write-in candidates.

Still, Miller has to win tonight to seal the deal!!

BevfromNYC said...

Sadly, I have to leave you. It's no fair being in the Northeast. 'Nite comrades!

Something stinks in Nevada...

AndrewPrice said...

Joel and T_Rav, I think we need to overhaul the election system. Everything from the poll monitoring to the machines to creating vote buying units, etc. It's a disgrace that there is even a hint of illegitimacy. . . or actual illegitimacy, as there appears to be in Nevada.

Tam, Think happy thoughts... think happy thoughts.... Colorado has turned out pretty well after a poor start (so far at least).

BevfromNYC said...

Murkowski has already said she would caucus with the Republicans, so either way

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, . . . and it's not just smelly union thugs.

Good night!

Joel Farnham said...

Night Bev, and I agree with you. Something does stink in Nevada.

Tam said...

Jesse Kelly is closing the gap on Giffords...pleaseohplease...

Joel Farnham said...

I noticed that Colorado is holding back on the reporting. Arizona has more people and yet has turned in more.

I think that there are shenanigens being perpetrated in Colorado.

Anonymous said...

Well, I was going to give you all one last report on California before I called it a day. But the Secretary of State's site went down and we won't see any more official results until tomorrow morning So rather than give you uncertain results, I'll just say we gave it a helluva fight, got close, but close only counts in horseshoes. See you all in the morning.

T_Rav said...

Joel, apparently 30,000 votes were mistakenly put in Buck's column instead of Bennet's column in Boulder County. I don't think that in itself is fraud, because supposedly Buck was winning that county and it usually goes Democratic by double-digits. Buck still has a razor-thin lead overall; it's gonna be close.

By the way, neither Angle, nor Fiorina, nor Whitman is conceding their races, nor should they. CA could still be winnable, and NV was stolen.

Joel Farnham said...

I'm sticking around T-Rav.

I know something is wrong in Nevada. Why would Reid win and his son didn't?

I also know that Alaska can't be that stupid and near-sided with regards to Lisa.

Joel Farnham said...


I also know that Coons wasn't that popular. He won by 50,000. That makes him 16 pts ahead of O'Donnell. She was about 10 pts behind. Why did she lose by 6 pts more? I don't buy it.

T_Rav said...

Jeez, Joel, I hope we're not the last two standing.

I really hope Angle stirs up a storm about all this. There is no way that all these polls were up by so much and then these Senate candidates start losing.

We probably won't know anything definite about Alaska until tomorrow--er, today. The write-ins (read: Murkowski) are still up over Miller, though the rural part of the state is still up. I don't know if that's good or bad.

By the way, Harry hogged all those illegals' votes for himself and didn't give any to his son? Rather selfish of him.

Joel Farnham said...


I can't sleep now. I am looking at Alaska's live stuff from Townhall.


T_Rav said...

Joel, I've gotta crash. I've been up and looking at this stuff on and off for 17 hours now, and my nerves can't handle it anymore. If I look at anything else about Alaska right now, it's just going to make my stomach hurt. I'll be back on in the morning, but until then, good night and good luck.

Joel Farnham said...

Night T-Rav.

chas7007 said...

Goodbye Pelosi! Geez, perhaps I will not have flip off the news channel so much now....I'm proud of the blog and it's participants. Every truth counts.

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