Al Gore has found his carbon-trading schemes to be unpopular with the American people, so he's taking his Magical Mystery Climate Change Tour on the road. Last week, he was the keynoter for a Scottish clan of global warming enthusiasts. Scotland--the land of the bagpipe. The bagpipe, like Gore, is an ill wind that nobody blows good.
Having abandoned the simple phrase "global warming" in favor of "climate change," Gore is still making the same tired arguments about global warming/climate change being the result of human activity. The attacks on global warming theory were numerous and telling, but who can deny that the earth is going through, and has always gone through, climate change? The trick is to blame it on anthropogenic global warming so the green weenies can get rich at the expense of the poor suckers who actually believe that man is the source of climate change.
The speech was before the Scottish government-supported Low Carbon Investment Conference in Edinburgh. You see, just like the Obama administration, the Scottish government believes it has the right to select winners and losers in the energy game. Given the name of the conference, I think it's easy to infer just exactly who is out to profit from this climate change scam. Apparently in Scotland, as in the United States currently, "investment" means taxpayer money being diverted to friends of the government, regardless of either the riskiness or foolishness of the "investment."
Gore goes off once again about consensus among scientists that the "climate crisis" and "extreme weather events" are man-made. There is no such consensus. What consensus there is exists among junk scientists who would have no jobs and no funding if their scam were completely discredited. It is the job of fat-cat hysterics such as Al Gore to make sure that doesn't happen. Like the myth of the melting glaciers and drowning polar bears, Gore perpetuates non-scientific anecdotes as evidence of his latest "scientific discoveries." "Flooding in Pakistan, China and elsewhere" are proof that extreme weather is the result of climate change.
Yes, that's true enough, but how does it go to prove that global warming or climate change is caused by human activity? Yep, climate change is pretty likely the cause of extreme weather. And the oceans are wet, largely because they are full of water. Stating the obvious doesn't answer the question. And Gore pulls out all the stops to keep people from noticing that he still can't prove that man is the cause of global warming or climate change. He merely drags out "consensus" again. "Every single national academy of science of every major country on earth agrees with the consensus. The need for urgent action is now indisputable."
Every scientist I know of agrees that the earth is sort of round. Does that consensus mean that the earth is round because of human activity? The "consensus" that climate change/extreme weather is the result of human activity does not exist, but you're not supposed to notice that detail amidst the apocalyptic hysteria. The real hope of the Goreists is that by changing the words of the debate from global warming to climate change to extreme weather, thinking people will be too stupid to realize that the underlying thesis of anthropogenic climate change is not even close to being a consensus.
Outside of the green "investment" hacks and the junk scientists who depend on taxpayers and other suckers to keep their jobs, the majority of scientists have concluded that man may play some very small part in climate change (more so in the 19th century than in the 20th), but the major factors are the sun and internal changes within the earth's core. The climate changes on earth are reflected on Mars, where there are no SUVs or fossil-fueled energy plants that I know of.
Gore took a shot at ignorant Americans who have elected representatives unwilling to support Gore's personal plan to increase his wealth with hare-brained carbon trading schemes. He is a rich man who would become immensely richer if America would only buy into his schemes. Yet he attacks both capitalism and the American government in one sentence in which he decried: "the effect of lobbying and money-raising on the U.S. Congress, and on carbon producers who employ four Washington lobbyists for every member of Congress." There are no green weenie lobbyists, of course. Just ask the execs at Solyndra.
Gore went on to extol the job-creation wonders of green technology and carbon trading. I doubt he will make the same speech in Spain, where the government committed itself to energy schemes nearly identical to Gore's, and ended up losing nine jobs for every four jobs created. He also called the reluctance of Congress to enrich him and his cronies while raising energy costs and reducing energy efficiency an unwarranted attack. "In the language of computer culture, our democracy has been hacked." Well, I guess he ought to know since he invented the internet.
Gore and his Tour will be moving on to China in the near future. I guess he plans to challenge China's massive increases in both production and CO2-based air pollution by raising the specter of Scotland as taking the lead in energy production. To a standing ovation in Edinburgh, Gore announced that "Scotland will lead the world in wind power." Now, about those bagpipes.
Monday, October 3, 2011
An Ill Windbag
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were i natalie mains, i would muttersomething about being ashamed to be in tennessee. since i am not, i will just continue to think of him as fat albert in a can or alba the hut, a particularly gaseous windbag.
I thought that subject had finally been put back into the bottle.
What a bunch of numbnuts to call Gore out of hiding.
He needs a wagon full of little bottles to sell. That is the type of wind he creates.
As fat as he is I'm surprised he has stopped filling his pie hole long enough to say anything.
Al Gore and his Gigantic Crock of Sh*t. I had hoped the Scotts would have had more backbone in dealing with this carpet bagger.
"Every scientist I know of agrees that the earth is sort of round. Does that consensus mean that the earth is round because of human activity?"
well, duh!! People are tromping around and around on the earth for centuries now building pyramids and roads and stuff, so yeah, it's OUR fault it's round!
Tennessee: I don't hold it against you. After all, even the State of Tennessee rejected him in the long run. LOL
Tehachapi Tom: Which subject? If you keep re-naming it, it's all fresh and new. Global warming to climate change to extreme weather, the possibilities are nearly infinite. Gore is like Dracula, he just keeps coming back from the grave to suck our blood.
WriterX: I always thought the stereotypical Scot was pragmatic and frugal. I'm afraid too many of them have been influenced by Trainspotting.
Bev: Great theory. We can even come up with a Gaea-type slogan for that: "We knead the earth." I am sending off a short note to Algore suggesting you hire him as the head of his earth sciences division.
Hmmm. When Gore gets to China, I wonder if he will be praising that one-child policy of theirs. You know, because humans are the root of all evil, so having fewer of them must be a good thing, right?
T-Rav: It could be a whole new round of greenhouse gas exchange scams. He can praise China's "one-child or death" program, then bring it back to the US in the form of greenhouse gas exchange (aka, crap and trade). Those with two or more children can buy breath and fart credits from those who have none or one. Of course, this will only work if an Al Gore company is in charge of collecting and disbursing the money for the credits.
Gore is a waste and I'm glad he's taking his act overseas. Maybe they'll keep him.
Andrew: China might keep him. There's not enough room in little Europe for something that big.
al gore = the bad gas you wish you could pass, but instead bloats and distorts whatever it touches.
Patti: OMG, you found the solution for green weenies. Gas-X.
The Goreacle speaks, and dimwits listen. All this man deserves is ridicule, “hey Owl ManBearPig went that way!” As a Scotsman I weep for my homeland…not really, it sounds dramatic though. But really, remember to point and laugh, when in the presence of a greenie weenie.
law: oooo, you're on to something. beano is said to work faster, and preemptively. i believe the slogan is: take beano and there'll be no gas!
Stan: Gore is a caricature of himself. And yet people listen to him. He's pompous, self-serving, uninformed, and arrogant. But he seems to hit just the right pitch of hysteria to get that percentage of dimwits who will believe anything as long as it's harmful to America or sets civilization back a few centuries. They're neo-Luddites with a touch of Aldous Huxley thrown in to make them seem "progressive."
Patti: Why does this all remind me of the Gas Companies' pavilion at the 1964 World's Fair? They had a big buffet-style restaurant which they called "The Festival of Gas."
The day will come that people like Gore will be lucky to even be allowed into a country.
It might even be time to find a deserted island and transplant all the greenie weenies to it. Give them some seeds and a few animals. Tell them this is the stone age for them. Give them one modern knife and wish them luck.
That way we won't have to listen to all their caterwauling. It is starting to get on my nerves.
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