Saturday, March 31, 2012

Question: What Would You Do?

I don't know about you, but I'm all race-baited out. And to top it all off, the Mega Millions people decided that my numbers were not good enough for them. That is okay, I didn't want their stupid $640 million dollars anyway. It would have just complicated my tax return. Okay, I lie. I would love to win the lottery and just the possibility sends my fancy into flight. What would I do with all that money? Would I buy a fancy car, a Park Avenue penthouse, set up my own SuperPAC? So, let your fancy take flight...

Question: If money were not object, what is the first thing you'd do once the bills were paid, the loans paid off, and the family secure?


JG said...

We also had a flutter with the Mega Millions yesterday - my first lottery ticket ever. I guess there wasn't enough "beginner's luck" out there to get my way. Darn. :)

I think after we got finished paying off all our debt, and all our familys' debts, and buying new tires for the car (the one thing I came up with) we decided to buy the Hubs a few planes (he loves to fly) and a property in Golden Oaks. We also came up with a sizable list of charities, as well as creating our own PAC. Pretty sure we still didn't get past the first few million. But I've never been great at window shopping.

Tam said...

That's easy. Travel. It's all I want to do. But, I don't have a food stamp credit card or the "right" numbers for the lotto. Jerks. I guess I'll have to keep saving pennies for the great some day.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, LOL! I've never viewed losing the lottery as a personal rejection of my choice! Very nice!

AndrewPrice said...

As for what I'd do with the money, that's a darn good question. As strange as it may sound, I don't really "want" for anything.

I'd probably start a movie company and make conservative films. :)

BevfromNYC said...

JG - Couple of planes. Now that would be totally cool. Good choice.

BevfromNYC said...

Tam - I think I would travel too. Is there any place in particular where you would start?

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew - I have taken it as a personal affront that the Lottery people refuse to see the value in my lottery numbers. I would be so great as a multi-millionaire! Why can't they see that?

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Clearly the lottery people are foolish! ;)

If I could travel with money, I would do a tour of the big cities of the world. I think it would be great to see what they had to offer at the high end.

Patti said...

I'd look into a tropical paradise. with a cabana boy. and some umbrelly drinks. that would be a very good start.

CrisD said...

I think I'd get a vacation house in some remote place with impossibly good weather and just enough 4G to keep in touch with commentarama!

BevfromNYC said...

I think I might buy an island and declare myself "Queen" and absolute ruler.

AndrewPrice said...

Cris, Keeping in touch with Commentarama is key!

Patti, I'm glad to see you're feeling better enough to want a cabana boy! LOL!

Tam said...

I've been around Europe quite a bit, but my family hails from Scandinavia. I would start there. My husband asked what my top 3 destinations are and after Scandinavia, I would like to go to some South and Central American places for the rain forests and ancient civilization ruins, then some place tropical like Hawaii or Fiji. After that, I would just start coloring in a map.

DUQ said...

Bev, Why buy an island, you can declare yourself Queen of America -- Madame O has done it.

AndrewPrice said...

Tam, I've been around Europe a lot as well, but as a poor tourist. I'd love to do it again with money. :)

That said, I have never been to Scandinavia and I would like to see it. My family lives in Southern Germany and that's were I've been mainly (Germany and surrounding areas) plus a cool three day trip to Paris.

I'd really like to see Hong Kong and Sydney Beijing. (I have seen Tokyo and Japan, but would like to see that again.) I'd also like to see the Serengeti.

BevfromNYC said...

DUQ - I was thinking the island I would buy should be Manhattan! Then I could kick Bloomberg out and declare a holiday filled with transfats, salt, and sugary soft drinks for all! And all would rejoice and shout "Huzzah!". Is that too much to want?

T-Rav said...

I would go on a very long visit to Europe. I'd want to see all the sites, maybe go backpacking for a while. Of course, if I really cared about that, I might have taken a chance on the lottery.

darski said...

If I had that kind of money I would buy the best RV on the market, hire a chauffeur and just travel/visit the US and Canada. I hate to go places but I love to be in new places. I hate the traveling to part

I always said that my next perfect husband would be an American with an RV and a pulse. With the money I could just skip that whole married thingy. (I have nothing against marriage but once you've had the best you can't settle for the rest.)

darski said...

Ohhh... this is the night you have to turn on all your lights and such to celebrate Earth Hour.... let North Korea know you care.

BevfromNYC said...

Hey Darski - I've got a better idea. If you think Obama is doing a good job, turn off your lights!

BevfromNYC said...

T-Rav - there is only one thing I can guarantee. You've got to be in it, to win it!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, That's not what the e-mails I keep getting tell me. I keep winning all kinds of foreign lotteries and I've never once bought a ticket. And as soon as the money starts rolling in, I'm going on vacation! :)

tryanmax said...

darski, Can I fill out an application for that chauffeur's job? I don't claim to be marriage material, but I don't mind driving.

Anonymous said...

I'd buy an island somewhere in the South Pacific, near Tahiti maybe, and travel whenever and wherever I wanted, but live like a hermit the rest of the time. That's probably because of how I feel about my home state right now. At least I'd move out of California, then we'd see.

AndrewPrice said...

So we need to run all out appliance tonight to make up the difference huh? No problem!

ellenB said...

I'd like to buy MSNBC and make then spout conservatism!

T-Rav said...

Thanks for the reminder, darski. I'll remember to turn on all my lights. That's what the hour is for, right?

BevfromNYC said...

ellenB - I like the way you think! LOL! I can just see Ed Schultz and Rachel Maddow's little pinheads exploding right there in prime time. And then I'd rehire Keith Olbermann just so I could fire him!

ellenB said...

Bev, I'd hire them to mow my lawn, but that's about it.

ellenB said...

Bev, Also, is that your blog - the adventures in business casual?

BevfromNYC said...

ellenB - I don't think that they would know HOW to mow a lawn.

And no, Commentarama is about all I have time for except for the time I spend annoying the libs at HuffPo! Hey, but that's entertainment!

ellenB said...

Bev, It's a very clever blog.

EricP said...

Pay John Hart gobs of money to come back to the Indians and turn them back into annual contenders, and buy the Pirates so they'll have someone running the team who's interested in keeping their talent. As silly as it may seem to folks on the coasts, a World Series between these two teams, cities separated by roughly 90 minutes of drive-time, would be great for the game.

BevfromNYC said...

EricP - It doesn't sound silly at all except for the part about that it's baseball. But it would be your money to do whatever you want to do with it. ;-)

StanH said...

A house on Sanibel Island SW Florida, with a ninety foot Hatteras with a full time captain and staff, and just tool around the Caribbean. A house in the mountains on a lake, and on it goes…

Patriot said...

Bev, I've been thinking a lot lately (make it stop!) about this lottery craziness. It struck me that the same wishful longing that is an intrinsic part of human nature......"imagine what you would do if...." ...... Is the same longing that Obama and his handlers tapped into in their 2008 campaign. People imagined their hopes coming to fruition with this first black President, not realizing that it was impossible for any one person to effect change in the magnitude they were lied to. Absent wholesale violent revolution of course.

This country is unique in human history, and we have found out another poseur, potential tyrant, and will relegate him to the trash heap of history come next election. I have a great, deep abiding faith in the regular people of this country, and we will recognize those individuals and poseurs in due time and take measures to deal with them. Our founders really were brave to set up a republic where the people rule and the politicians can be found out.

As far as the lottery......G5 with full time crew, small villa on Lake Como, one in Scottsdale and a large estate in the wilds of New Zealand just in case this grand cause is really lost here in America. Plus investments in nano- technology companies.

Writer X said...

I'd buy an island with an internet connection so that I would be able to download books to my nook and, occasionally, check the news for the latest Biden and Obama gaffes. Visitors would be discouraged.

Anonymous said...


I'd buy a nice Manhattan apartment, with multiple bedrooms, and I'd move (back) up there, but this time I'd bring all of my friends. I have no idea how I'd spend my spare time. I'd even consider going to school, if only to learn a new trade of some kind.

BUT... beore that, I'd take a cross-country road trip and eventually a trip around the world.

I'd also donate to various charities and causes. (Is there a PAC for Independents?) :-)

rlaWTX said...

a chunk of land in Idaho, a chunk of land in WTX, a small piece in central TX, modest houses on each. travel - lots of time in Australia, Great Britain. And with that much money I could actually "beam" myself to places I want to see without dealing with the country they are in: pyramids, ankor wat, taj mahal, Petra. travel the US. spend money on campaigns of conservatives I like.
Make Commentarama: the Movie!

AndrewPrice said...

Commentarama: the Movie!, now that would be cool! That should be on everyone's list! :)

BevfromNYC said...

Well, rlaWTX and Andrew - The funding and making of Commentarama - The Movie just goes without saying!

Micheal Q Adams said...

I would purchase a certain 48,000 square foot house on 39 acres, just north of Dallas.

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