Thursday, March 8, 2012

Time To Buy Gun Manufacturing Stocks

Here’s your hot stock tip for the day. Buy Colt. Buy Smith & Wesson. Buy Ruger. Hell, buy ‘em all. Gun sales are surging dramatically nationwide. Barack Obama has stimulated gun sales. A plurality of people buying guns in the last thirty days say that they are making the purchase now because Obama and Company want to confiscate guns during his next administration.

This is not the first time Obama has unintentionally stimulated the gun business. The “Cheaper Than Dirt Gun Store” in Texas reports that gun sales set a record for February, and only the election of Barack Obama in 2008 came close to producing such record-setting sales. Prior to and during that election, Obama made his disdain for private ownership of guns abundantly clear. He swept into office with majorities in both houses of Congress, equally determined to get guns out of the hands of American citizens.

The US Supreme Court in Washington DC declared that gun ownership was a fundamental constitutional right, then took on a Chicago case which expanded on the earlier decision by declaring that gun ownership is an individual right rather than a collective right occasioned by the necessity of a well-regulated militia. The latter decision also established that the fundamental right was protected from state as well as from federal infringement. Those two decisions make gun-grabbing a lot more difficult since the states and the federal government can no longer infringe on gun ownership for anything less than a compelling state interest rather than the previous and easier test of reasonableness.

Since then, the people have seen just how dedicated the Obama administration is to undoing those two decisions. Operation Fast and Furious appears to be a Keystone Kops attempt by the administration to prove how easy it is for criminals to purchase guns, requiring federal and state intervention in gun ownership. It went horribly wrong, and innocent people died as a result. Worst of all, criminals have always found it easy to purchase guns illegally and didn’t need the help of the federal government to prove it.

Two other factors, aside from the fact that Obama has an “odds-against” chance of being reelected, have spurred the current massive increase in gun purchases. First, Obama has daily proven that the law and the Constitution mean little to him and that he thinks the separation of powers is an impediment to efficient progressive bureaucratic government. So he has increasingly relied on executive orders to circumvent Congress and the courts. There’s plenty of reason to believe that he would use one or more of his czars to start using regulations instead of law to prevent citizens from legally purchasing guns.

The other is that he and his gun-grabbing Secretary of State are actively supporting United Nations “arms control” initiatives. Once again, they intend to try to get in through the back door what they couldn’t get in through the front door. Go along with UN gun-grabbing (particularly small arms and handguns), pass a UN resolution, then try to slide a treaty obligation past the Senate in order to bypass the Constitution entirely. It’s highly unlikely that they could succeed in getting the Senate to ratify such a treaty, but they will try mightily. And in that unlikely event, the Supreme Court would be very likely to strike the treaty down for interference with what it has recently declared to be a fundamental constitutional right.

No doubt some of the surge in gun sales is attributable to conspiracy theories and survivalist mentality. But there are plenty of perfectly sane, thinking and fearful Americans who believe that this is no time to risk their family’s safety betting on Obama losing the election and/or abiding by the law or the Constitution if he wins. Hell, the only reason I’m not rushing out to buy a gun is that I already own one and know how to use it (the picture is a .357 Colt Magnum Trooper Mk V revolver, almost identical to my own).

We need to give Obama a round of applause. This is the first stimulus his administration has produced which benefits private enterprise, doesn’t cost the taxpayers a dime, has a proven track record of success, and reinforces instead of diminishing the second item on the Bill of Rights. Take a bow, Mr. President.

On a related note, after this article was originally written, a federal judge in Maryland has struck down the state's handgun permit law. The law allowed issuance or re-issuance of concealed weapons permits only if the applicant could show "good and substantial reason" for needing the permit. The judge proved he understood the Supreme Court decisions which now hold that only a compelling state interest can override the fundamental right to keep and bear arms. The Maryland law did not satisfy that requirement. Put simply, the judge's ruling enhanced the "fundamental rights" issue in the Supreme Court decisions. "One does not need a 'good and substantial reason' to exercise one's First Amendment right to speak freely, nor does one need a 'good and substantial reason' to exercise his Second Amendment right to bear arms." Bravo, Judge.

Food for thought: Once the news of the surge in gun sales gets out in the MSM, how long do you think it will be before Eric Holder starts announcing that gun control is a vital necessity because white folks are buying guns to assassinate the President?


CrisD said...

Hi LawHawk!
Obama and his friends hate personal gun ownership. They appeal to the peacenik old ladies (and others) my age because only because a lot of us don't personally own a gun or wish to.
He wants to disarm the bitter clingers. So I have every reason to believe they will work through the courts what they cannot pass in law.

BevfromNYC said...

Worse CrisD, they will mandate by presidential mandate what they can't get through the courts. I am beginning to understand first-hand why our forebearers dislike the monarchy so much...

rlaWTX said...

My brother is finishing up his gunsmithing course - just in time it sounds like! :)

Anonymous said...

CrisD: As I pointed out, they may not even rely on the courts. The "executive order" and the bureaucratic regulation have practically nullified the legislative and judicial branches. Let's hope that one big court in DC is still on the side of freedom when the cases finally get there.

Anonymous said...

Bev: I had that concept in the article among others. I'm beginning to see executive fiat as a much more dangerous concept than it has ever been in the past.

Anonymous said...

rlaWTX: Now THAT'S a useful profession. Congratulations to your brother.

Tam said...

My Dad, who is the most mild mannered, peaceful, law-abiding, love-your-neighbor guy you could hope to know has said many times, "The day they come for my guns is the day I become a criminal." My husband doesn't know what to invest in these days considering the markets and various crises around the world and the decreasing value of the dollar. He doesn't think buying gold is the best investment, but neither is keeping lots of cash on hand. So, he's investing in guns and ammo. They can take my guns, but they'll have to take a bullet first. And we've been going to the range a lot more often. And we're damn good shots. So I say, make my day.

Joel Farnham said...


I think Reid will deem the treaty passed; no need to bring it to an actual vote. Moochelle, if she can stand the stress from stepping away from the lobster and steak din dins, will try to make it into something for the children. Pelosi will of course have multiple committee meetings with only Democrats citing that lead bullets will stop a woman from getting contraception and feature sluts like Fluke crying their eyes out for the camera.

Finally, Barack, will take this all in, raise his hands up to the clouds in the Rose Garden and say, "I feel it is necessary, seeing as how all the real patriots feel that gun ownership isn't needed, it should be so." and further, "Eric Holder, you will confiscate all guns from those bitter clingers. Take their bible too if give you any lip."

AndrewPrice said...

It's an interesting time for gun rights, that's for sure. Now that the Supreme Court has finally decided to honor the Constitution on this issue, I think we'll be looking at lots of changes. And eventually, even liberals will give up on the idea they can get our guns.

T-Rav said...

This is a good example of a judge exercising "judicial restraint," aka doing their jobs.

I remember in November '08, when a bunch of people in my area were running to buy up guns out of fear they soon wouldn't be able to get any. There was almost a shortage of ammunition for a while.

Anonymous said...

Tam: I think that sentiment is spreading. Of my three kids, only one doesn't own a gun. And now she and her husband are taking shooting lessons (meanwhile, their kids are dead shots with bows and arrows).

Anonymous said...

Joel: You've read the script.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: I don't think the prissy pinky-finger liberals will ever give up their horror of guns, but they may finally to decide to settle on condemning them knowing they're not going to get rid of them.

Anonymous said...

T-Rav: That's quite accurate. And the gun shops are saying that this run on guns and ammo is even bigger. But as I suggested, the MSM probably won't pick up the story until they can turn it into a diatribe about ignorant hillbillies planning on assassinating this president.

Tennessee Jed said...

Glad to see that after ginning up the Giffords tragedy to try and push gun control, the libs are firing and falling back (oops, wrong analogy!) anti gun and abortion have always been part of the progressive sacrament. If we can get the court to do the right thing on Obamacare, I'll be a happy hombre (oops, see analogy #1) Fast & Furious, baby

Good post, Hawk.

Anonymous said...

Tennessee: Agreed. Even though the economy is by far the biggest issue in the general election, it's clear that constitutional rights are definitely on the minds of many Americans. That won't help the Obamists.

StanH said...

I go all Charlton Heston on this issue, or Moses which ever you prefer, “they can have my guns when they pry them from my cold dead hands!” …or something to that effect.

rlaWTX said...

don't worry, t, I don't actually own one either.

However, my grandfather, uncles, brother, mother, and friends have me covered pretty well...

tryanmax said...

I thought they issued firearms along with birth certificates in Texas.

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