Tuesday, June 30, 2009

It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad World

Some days I just don’t get it. I look at the headlines and I wonder if I am insane. Take a look at these recent headlines. . . [+] Read More...

Through The Legal Looking Glass--I Object (Part 2)

Welcome back to legal land, the world of fantasy and fun acting as the underpinnings of the concept of ordered liberty. On June 16, 2009, I covered the first half of the most common objections to testimony raised in court. This time I'll finish with the objections, and add a few notes about what you see on TV and in the movies versus how it works in real life. [+] Read More...

Monday, June 29, 2009

RTRP Health Care: Quality Control

Today we finish outlining the problems our health care system faces. We have previously discussed costs and access. Today we address poor quality control and preventable medical errors.

Our system suffers from wasteful over-treatment, exposes patients to an amazingly high risk of under-treatment, and results in an incredible number of preventable injuries. The existing mechanisms for monitoring quality control are simply inadequate. [+] Read More...

Membership Drive! Let’s Do Billy Mays Proud

I liked Billy Mays. Many of us did. He was compelling, magnetic. He seemed genuine. Maybe it was his boundless enthusiasm or his constant smile, but he just seemed like the kind of guy you wanted to know. And somehow, no matter how suspect the product, you wanted to trust him.

In many ways, he was the quintessential American. . . proof that hard working Americans can achieve the American dream. [+] Read More...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Democrats Bust A Cap In Prosperity’s As~

Friday, Congressional Democrats, with the help of eight “Republican” stooges sold out the United States economy, middle America, and the nation’s poor in the name of not-fixing a non-problem. Here is what you need to know about the euphemistically titled American Clean Energy and Security Act (aka cap and trade). [+] Read More...

Saturday, June 27, 2009

For Your Consideration

This appeared in the New York Post this morning. Maybe our legal eagles (or Hawks) can shed some light on the last paragraph. Is this as ominous as it appears to be? Let's discuss...

Bam's new Gitmo flip

- Washington- The White House is considering issuing an executive order to indefinitely imprison a small number of current Guantanamo Bay detainees considered too dangerous to prosecute or release, two administration officials said yesterday. [+] Read More...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Michael Jackson--In Perspective (2nd Saturday Update)

There is no doubt that Michael Jackson's death at age fifty was an event that the world could hardly fail to notice. There will be considerable press coverage over the next few weeks, and possibly months, regarding his career, his talent, and his title as The King of Pop. This post will be dealing with some nuts-and-bolts issues surrounding his sudden and unexpected death, including some legal issues that will arise over the course of the next few days.

San Francisco Diary--Journal Of An Exile

Massage this! Despite its reputation for rubbing people the wrong way, San Francisco has laws against it. And now we have a new one. Public hearings are now required for applications to open a massage parlor. The ordinance will also make it easier to revoke permits. This is all in the name of closing massage parlors that are actually fronts for prostitution. Apparently, the practitioners of massage "therapy" were literally rubbing patrons the wrong way. [+] Read More...

Film Friday: Rope (1948)

Alfred Hitchcock's most twisted film, Rope, is the story of two men who kill their friend and then host a dinner party over the chest in which they’ve hidden the body. And that’s just the beginning. If you haven’t heard of Rope, there is a reason. Calling Rope “an experiment that didn’t work out,” Hitchcock bought back the rights, along with four other “lost Hitchcocks” (The Man Who Knew Too Much, Rear Window, The Trouble With Harry and Vertigo), and he kept them from being shown in public for 30 years, until his daughter released them after his death. [+] Read More...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Once Upon a Time… One Writer’s Approach to Slogging a Book

By Writer X

Once upon a time, a book started with an idea.

A simple idea. That’s how a book always starts, although most writers are all probably a little different in how they approach building a book around the idea. I’m no different in that I have developed a sort of routine over the years. It’s nothing fancy; it’s not even that complicated. [+] Read More...

Question: What Books Would You Choose?

In an iconic scene at the end of The Time Machine, Rod Taylor returns to the past to get two books with which he plans to rebuild society. For years, I wondered what those books were. Then I got a bigger tv and my question was answered: Civilization for Dummies and To Serve Man.

Hmmm. Not quite what I expected.

Surely we can do better than that? What two books would you take?

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

RTRP Health Care: What’s Wrong With Our Health Care System, Access

The second group of problems with our health care system are related to access to health insurance. You’ve all heard about the 46 million uninsured? How about the ever increasing burden of health care premiums. Those are access issues. [+] Read More...

Belated Father's Day Treat--Obama Is Love

The Mainstream Media love affair with President Obama doesn't seem to be cooling off at all. All you need is love, love. This love is so deep that CBS hasn't held it against Obama that he's presently shacked up with ABC in the White House. On Father's Day, CBS got a chance to fawn over the President once again. Leaving no love stone unturned, most of CBS's Sunday was devoted to showing what an amazing father the First Pop is.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Through the Legal Looking Glass: How to Pick A Good Attorney

How do you find a good attorney? How do you know if your attorney is doing a good job? Today we help you answer these questions. [+] Read More...

Scientific Integrity And The Obama Administration

This isn't going to be what you think it is. There's plenty of junk science being thrown around by the Al Gore wing of the Democratic Party. This is about the "science" of regulation, which does include, but is not limited to the administration policies on science. The President issued a memo on March 9, 2009 to all executive department heads which said "The Director of the Office of Science and Technology is assigned the responsibility for ensuring the highest level of integrity in all aspects of the executive branch's involvement with scientific and technological processes."

Monday, June 22, 2009

RTRP Health Care: Out-of-Control Costs, Lawyers (UPDATE)

Several of you asked whether the $500-$700 billion of unnecessary tests/ procedures identified in our earlier column can be attributed to “defensive medicine” -- doctors basing their decisions on fear of lawsuits rather than medical necessity.

While there can be no doubt that some portion of the $500-$700 billion is the result of defensive medicine, the available evidence shows that defensive medicine accounts for only a very small portion of the amount. [+] Read More...

Joseph "Gaffemeister" Biden Enlightens America

Between June 14 and yesterday, VP Joe Biden has made several statements indicating that the Democrats either lied or distorted what they believed about the economy over the past eleven months. He also slipped a couple of times and referred to documents or studies which showed that what they said was nearly diametrically opposite from what their internal reports showed. Anything to win an election. [+] Read More...