Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Everybody Draw Mohammed (or Molly Norris) Day

Just in case the news cycle has moved on...On April 23, it was reported that Comedy Central censored "South Park" by edited or bleeping out references to Mohammed so as not to offend "Radical Islamacists" or Muslims in general. In response to this censorship that has never been granted to other religious groups by Comedy Central, tomorrow, May 20, 2010 has been deemed "Everybody Draw Mohammed Day". Please do your part...

Please submit all entries to this website, send them to your friends, publish them on Facebook, whatever means to show that we will not be cowed by "Radical Islamacists" or by Comedy Central's weak-minded 'fraidy-cats.

Update: As it turns out the "brave" artist who was taking a stand against "Radical Islamacists" and standing up for Free Speech, has since rescinded her "call to pen". Seattle artist Molly Norris who drew the cartoon above now states emphatically on her website that it was all "fake" and she had no idea that her little cartoon would ever go viral. And furthermore she has no intention of following through and "...apologize[s] to people of Muslim faith and ask that this 'day' be called off."

While I understand that she was reacting emotionally at the time, it is also my opinion that there is only one thing worse than "Radical Islamacists". And that's an artist who backs down from them and apologizes for exercising Free Speech. I want to start a movement of my own and, if you feel so inclined, please submit entries depicting a weak-minded, spineless artist like Molly Norris instead. We can call it "We Do Not Back Down Like Molly Norris Day"


AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Agreed. We should all celebrate Mollie Norris Day!

By the way, I read today that a "court" in Pakistan has ordered their government to cut off the internet feed to Facebook in Pakistan. (China does this too.)

Anonymous said...

Bev: I hope that our radical Islamic brethren remember that we are the ones who cling to our Bibles and our guns.

I just wish I could draw. Everything I try to draw comes out looking like Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon in a turban. Richard Nixon with a scimitar. Richard Nixon with a stick of dynamite. But it's always Richard Nixon. I give up.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew - Yes, I saw that. Good for the Pakistani government. At least they're paying attention and we know where they stand.

For here on out, every May 20th should be Molly Norris Day in remembrance of her cowardice in the face of adversity!

BevfromNYC said...

LawHawk - Richard Nixon in a turban. That's too much of an insult even for Mohammed! LOL! Oops are we allowed to write "mohammed"? Oops I did it again!

BevfromNYC said...

Okay, I've posted responses, but they've disappeared!

Anyhow, Andrew - I think from this day forward, May 20th should be known as Molly Norris Day - in honor of artistic cowardice. THere's another name I could call it, but children may read this blog...let's just call it "mastery of your artistic domain"

BevfromNYC said...

LawHawk: I can't stop clinging long enough to draw a picture! At least you can draw Nixon! LOL!

MegaTroll said...

I'm all for drawing Mohammed. I suspect he looks like Liberace.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I'm all for declaring this Molly Norris Day! LOL! Now we need to get Congress to make it official!

patti said...

first lol of the day! WIN!!!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, There are currently 553 entries on the Facebook page. LOL!

BevfromNYC said...

There is also a "Against Draw Mohammed Day" on Facebook. At a glance, there is not one apology for radical Islamicists blowing stuff up in the name of Allah or condemning same, but there is a lot of condemnation for "spreading hate" by drawing Mohammed. Hmmm, maybe that's the proble...naaagh.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Every one of those people should have to live in Saudi Arabia so that they understand what hate is really about. Anyone who whines about a cartoon but can't bring themselves to condemn murder and blowing up buildings is an idiot.

By the way, they've almost got 100,000 members right now on the good guy Facebook page!

AndrewPrice said...

It looks like Facebook took down the Everybody Draw Mohammed Day site. Of course, they left up the opposition sites. Despicable.

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