Friday, June 18, 2010

Question: Celebrity

Americans, much to my chagrin, seem to love them some celebrities. Ug. Anyhoo, let's thin the ranks. Which worthless piece of attention-seeking flotsam would you vote off the island and back to the 7/11 from whence they came?


Libertarian Advocate said...

Damn Andrew: This is a really hard one 'cause there are so dang many worthy contenders. Here's my two bits: The Kardashians

Anonymous said...

If we're talking about psuedo-celebs who don't deserve jack, then my list would include:
-Perez Hilton
-Harvey Levin (the TMZ guy)
-pretty much anyone who ever had a reality show on VH1, MTV, or E! (I enjoy me some Kardashian eye candy but it's a dime a dozen) :-)

Of course, if you get rid of all these people, then they'll have to cancel The Soup and I won't have any reason to watch E! again.

As for actual actors, the only one that comes to mind is Ashton Kutcher. I don't hate the guy and he served a purpose on That 70's Show but I just don't like him for some reason. And he's a dim bulb.

Joel Farnham said...


Any bimbette or male equivalent of the Lindsay Lohan variety.

AndrewPrice said...

Libertarian Advocate, I know, I know -- tough choices. But this is Commentarama, we're all about tough choice. (And of course, no one follows the rules anyway, so feel free to break the rules. . . everyone else does.)

Excellent call on the Kardashians by the way. And maybe that can take Paris Hilton with them?

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, You know the rules. . . there are no rules. So pick whoever you want.

I totally agree with your list by the way. And Kutcher rubs me wrong as well. I'm not sure why, maybe it's the smugness, but I seriously have never liked him in anything.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I agree. It's interesting you should mention bimbos, tune in for the 4:00 pm article. I'm talking about the problem with how Hollywood casts actresses today, and the word "bimbo" really comes to mind.

Joel Farnham said...


I look forward to it.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, It should be interesting. It's just some thoughts I've had on modern casting and what's bothering me. I look forward to hearing everyone's thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Everyone, including the crew, who gets anywhere near "Jersey Shore."

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I don't watch the show, but from the sound of it, it sounds like a good choice.

Ed said...

I have to agree about anyone on reality TV. I'd like to see Bill Maher voted off the island too.

AndrewPrice said...

Ed, I'd like to see Bill Maher gone too. He was funny and clever at one point, but now he's just a snide jerk.

Tennessee Jed said...

This, strictly speaking, doesnot directly answer the question posed. It is, however, close enough to count, and since it is my number one pet peeve, it will have to do.

I would vote off every actor/entertainer/cebrity who uses their position with media to widely espouse their vapid political positions. I do not, for example, actually consider Richard Dreyfus to be stupid. He is a fine actor. I do not consider him to be particularly well informed on political issues . . certainly no more so than myself. And yet . . . because he is "f***ing Duddie Kravitz and a flaming left winger, the old media dutifully reports whatever he has to say on enhanced interrogation techniques or global warming as if what he has to say is actually worth a shit.

To quote mammy in GWTW: "Tain't fittin'; just tain't fittin'."

MegaTroll said...

There isn't an island exit big enough to get rid of the celebrities who should be voted off the island. But my first choice would have to be Lindsay Lohan and her family. Good riddance.

AndrewPrice said...

Mega, Lohan has really worn out her welcome with me. And he mother and father wore out their welcome almost the moment they spoke. Yuck. Let's hope the time for that circus has passed.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I agree. Actors should stay out of politics. Not only are they not bright people, but I just don't want to hear it -- left or right.

By the way, while you were gone, I did an article on whether or not being openly political (even with left wing views) is a career killer in Hollywood. You might be interested in it: Click Me.

StanH said...

Janeane “the skank” Garafalo, Hawks most favorite actress!

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I can't disagree.

CrispyRice said...

Ugh, I've practically totally taken myself out of pop culture. I try to keep up, just so I don't seem like a total recluse. I see the magazines, I hear the gossip, and yet... I just... can't... care!!!!!!!!!!!


How about we get rid of that celeb that's living in the White House? Old what's-his-name?

Ed said...

I used to like Maher when he was Comedy Central, but he's become a total jerk now that he's on HBO or Showtime or whatever he's on.

AndrewPrice said...

Crispy, Excellent choice. We get to vote him off the island in November 2012! I, for one, am looking forward to it!

AndrewPrice said...

Ed, Maher fell in love with himself once he got his own show with no restrictions. For a guy who claims to be a Libertarian, he's nothing of the sort.

USArtguy said...

Too many to list so I'll just go with all of the above. And Lady Ga Ga. And Katy Perry. And Alec Baldwin. And... must... stop... typing...

You should have a "Why Are These People Celebrities?" article. Jack Black comes to mind.

Followed by "Why Are These People STILL Celebrities?".

AndrewPrice said...

USArtguy, "must. . . stop. . . typing. . ." LOL!!

When it comes to Jack Black, I can only suspect that he signed a deal with Satan. Nothing else makes sense?

BevfromNYC said...

I would get rid of the entire genre of "reality stars" first. Even though I can't look away when one of the "Housewives" is on. It's sick, I know, but I can't help myself!!!

Then, I would have go to anyone...well...let's just start with the reality "starz", then see where that takes us...that includes political "reality starz" too. That can be the only reason why we are having to suffer through this present's just a really bad reality show, right? Please say we're being punk'ed!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I wish we were being punked, but I'm pretty sure no one is going to show up and tell us that Obama isn't really President. It's a nice thought though.

I've given up on "reality tv." I used to watch Survivor and a few others, but I've long since stopped. Now the only kind of reality I watch are shows on the Discovery Channel.

Anonymous said...

The only reality TV show I ever watched was Project Greenlight but that's all over now. I do enjoy the programming on the History/Science/Discovery Channels.

I feel compelled to add to what TN Jed said. With actors and their opinions, I think it's two issues wrapped into one: actors' opinions and the fact that the media believes those opinions are more relevant or meaningful than yours or mine.

Believe me, I'm sure most actors relish the opportunity to play expert on CNN (when the real Deep Throat died, they interviewed Robert Redford!) but I'd bet real money that there are a few actors who think to themselves, "Why me? I'm just an actor. I don't know how to stop the oil spill!"

And you never read about them because they're busy acting! :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, As I've said before, I think it hurts actors' careers to be political because they turn off large chunks of their audience. And if they do it enough or nasty enough, they will lose that audience. But I also suspect that, as you say, many of them love the idea of playing expert even if they know nothing.

As for why the media lets them talk, I'd say its for two reasons: (1) the media knows they will say things the media wants to hear and (2) they know that in our celebrity culture, people will listen to what celebrities say. . . sadly.

Writer X said...

I was flipping the dials a couple of nights ago and looking for a SEINFELD rerun but happened to land on Hannity. Frank Lutz was "interviewing" this panel of celebrities asking them uninteresting questions intended to incite stimulating conversation. What dreck. I'd vote that whole panel off the island, including Lutz.

Also, please take all of the empty-headed, self-absorbed women on any of those Housewives of NJ, CA, and NYC shows. Please.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I don't watch the Real Housewives shows, but I've seen enough in the news and in the commercials to make it a pretty sure bet I'd vote them off the island too!

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