The bigoted women of The View are at it again. A few days ago we had Whoopie Goldberg promising to play the race card as much as possible and calling Trump a racist because he dared to raise a legitimate question about Obama’s lack of qualifications. Now we have Sherri Shepherd demonstrating her utterly racist views during her criticism of the royal wedding.
Before we start, let me make this clear: I don’t care about the royals. Royalty means nothing to me except (1) inbreeding, (2) unearned celebrity, and (3) the need of many humans to believe that some people are superior by birth. I don't like any of those things, so you won't see me defending the royals. But I am one to point out the ugliness and racism inherent in liberalism, hence this discussion of The View.
The View is no stranger to racist/sexist controversy. Beside her race card comment, Goldberg cause quite a stir when she claimed that dogfighting was not a big deal because it was just “part of [Mike Vick’s] cultural upbringing.” She later insulted the Chinese using racist stereotypes. She declared that Roman Polanski’s raping a thirteen year old girl wasn’t really “rape-rape.” And she and Sherri Shepherd, the show’s alternative black, both attacked token “conservative” Elisabeth Hasselback when she criticized Jesse Jackson for using the word “nigger.”
On Friday, Sherri Shepherd added to this legacy with the following comment about the royal wedding in Britain: “where are the black people?” Shepherd continued: “Our producer was looking for the black people in the wedding and we found our Rosa Parks moment, because we were like 'where are the black people'? It was like where's Waldo, where are the black people? We found one little black child in the choir but where's the black people at this wedding?”
This should strike most people as strange right out of the gates, unless you want to believe that most people are so obsessed with race that they sift through crowd photos counting the members of each race.
Moreover, Shepherd’s initial outburst was false. There were indeed blacks at the wedding, as Shepherd eventually mentions. Although, she tries to dismiss this disproof of her claim by saying they were just among “the guests.” And I doubt she would even have mentioned these except they were sitting in a group, which she angrily referred to as being “segregated.” She also leaves no doubt she thinks this was both intentional and nefarious: “I don't know why they put all the black people over here.” But then she smugly added “but they are at the front of the wedding so I ain't complaining, they got in the front.”
This is a fascinating display of abject racism. First, notice the obsession with race when it probably wouldn’t have occurred to most people to go counting the crowd. Secondly, note that in Shepherd’s racist worldview, there better be blacks among the major players, not just the crowd, or something is wrong. Of course, let me point out that there aren’t any Asians, Hispanics, Muslims, Buddhists or men on The View, but somehow that doesn’t bother Shepherd. Further, even if we accept her idea that blacks must be present in proportion to the total population of blacks, she clearly has no idea what that should be. She, like many American blacks, wrongly assumes that they are a large group that should be obvious all over the crowd -- a recent poll found that blacks believe they make up 30% of the population, when they really are only 11% and falling. But in Britain, they are only 2% of the population, which means 2 out of every 100, a number that would not stick out in a crowd and which can easily be found in this crowd. Moreover, this was not a general admission event. You had to know someone to get into this event. . . like your uncle the king. Thus, population percentages are irrelevant.
Further, notice that it bothers her that the blacks she found were “segregated” (even though they were actually mixed with whites). It never dawned on her that the reason the group she saw was “segregated” was they were a group of African royalty. Perhaps they should have forcibly spread these families apart to please the racist eyes of a black American television host? Finally, notice that despite her allegations of racism in the seating, she is placated by the blacks getting the better end of the deal. In other words, this isn’t about a principle like equality, this is about spoils and she's happy so long as she thinks blacks are getting a better deal that whites. That’s racism.
This is the problem with the race industry, they actually think like this. They believe in an apartheid system that requires a perfect distribution according to their views of the percentages of minorities within the population. . . without any regard for the accuracy of their views and they see the goal of this integration to be spoils, not equality. And that's how the Civil Rights Movement became the American Apartheid Spoils System.Finally, having decided that the wedding was somehow racist, they now felt that they could be vile about the event with impunity. Thus, for example, Joy Behar (who has been accused of anti-Semitism by the Anti-Defamation League; Catholic-bashing by the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights; attacked John McCain; walked out on Bill O’Reilly after he claimed that Muslims were behind 9/11; and who said Republican Senate Nominee Sharron Angle’s campaign ad was “a Hitler youth commercial” before calling her a “bitch”), said this of the Queen (right):
“[She looks like] a bumble bee with a drinking problem. I’ve never seen a Queen wearing yellow, she looks like a taxi cab. Keep that meter running Queenie.”
So now it’s ok to disrespect an 85 year old woman because she shakes? Put another nail in the coffin of the lie that liberals care about people.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
The View: Racist, Hateful and Stupid
Race Relations
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Okay, I admit I love the Royal Family. I just do. Maybe it's a Cinderella complex, but okay, I got up at 5:30am to watch the festivities and I went to High Tea with friends to celebrate. So sue me. I like the pomp and tradition of it all. And Catherine look magnificent. So there :-bpbpbpb
I read these comments by "The View" women (they are definitely not "ladies") and I was and am still appalled. To spew such venom at someone for no real reason but to hear themselves spew for laughs, makes them all no longer worthy of any further consideration or discussion. They should be shunned because they are both hateful AND stupid.
Bev, I've got nothing against the pageantry of the whole wedding thing. Pageantry is kind of what England does best and they put on a good show -- and I understand that 23 million Americans did watch. I just personally don't respect the idea of royalty at all. To me, it's unearned celebrity.
But I guess we can agree to disagree! LOL! :-)
In any event, it never fails to amaze me how low the women of The View will sink. They have been a consistently hateful and stupid chorus for as long as I've known about them. And the times I've seen the show when I'm at the doctor or dentist or whatever have been truly painful.
And this whole "where are the black people" thing struck me as the ultimate in a stupid, racist rant. Could you imagine ranting about a lack of white people in prominent roles at the NAACP or some wedding in Africa? No, you can't because the idea that we need to be divided proportionally by race is pure racism.
Also, I thought the comment about the queen was very nasty. Where is it funny to poke fun at an 85 year old woman because she shakes? I have to think that Behar would be pretty furious if we tell jokes about her like that whenever she turns 85.
It just goes to show that the people who whine things like "can't we all just get along" and "respect everyone" really don't respect people they don't like and don't care about getting along except on their own terms.
P.S. You're right, by the way, that there was no reason for them to spew any of this venom except to make themselves feel superior. They could have done just as well being happy for the people.
Andrew, It's become very clear that leftist HATE. They don't dislike and they don't criticize, they HATE. When they can't find things to hate, they will make them up. You know Shepherd went into her search looking to find something "racist" to be upset about it. Also, there is nothing at all bumble-bee-ish about what the Queen wore, so this was just Behar trying to come up with anything she could to make her sick little joke.
Ed, I didn't see the "bumble bee" look either, so I also took it as Behar just trying to come up with something to fit her joke rather than making a joke based on what she saw. In any event, leftists are pretty despicable and this is just more proof why.
Andrew: Like Bev, I enjoy pageantry. Equally, I like tradition. But I also agree that the Royals do get far too much unearned celebrity. I think this wedding was a good thing because there was a generation of royalty in England that got the celebrity it actually deserved--ignominy. William and Kate may restore some legitimacy to the monarchy. That is important in a nation where the head of state and the head of government are two different people (unlike America). William, as head of state, will have a lot to prove when he becomes king, but he could be a force for good (unlike that godawful father of his who may destroy the monarchy before William even gets a chance to get up to bat).
Now, on to the substance of your post. You are right on all points. I just appreciate the way you watch The View so our readers don't have to the way I read the New York Times so our readers don't have to. LOL
Andrew, I agree. I think the way they got caught telling jokes about the Japanese was a classic example. They whined that the Republicans weren't sensitive to the "suffering" after Katrina -- suffering that was almost entirely their own fault for not leaving when they were told. But here something horrible happens that kills 7-10 times as many Japanese as Katrina killed, and yet they thought it was funny enough that several of them were telling jokes about it?
All their talk about human dignity is just that -- talk. It's meant to apply only to stop criticism of leftists. Beyond that, they don't worry about it.
Lawhawk, I'm opposed to the concept of royalty. I enjoy pageantry, but it has to be deserved, e.g. a military parade celebrating a victory. To me, royalty is a celebration of an accident of birth related to events that happened hundreds or thousands of year ago. I don't dig that.
That said, I hope William will be good. His father is an utter disgrace, so hopefully he will work hard to separate himself from that lunatic and will bring back some dignity to the office. But we'll see.
On The View, trust me, I didn't watch the show. I just read the quotes and then watched the video. I'd be insane to actually watch the show! Blech!
Ed, I think it's all the same thing and I think you make an insightful point about Japan. The Japanese are one of the few people who are not protected by the politically correct police. So when a disaster happened to them, the left showed their true stripes. And let me say for the record that no one on the right made the same kinds of comments about Katrina because we don't think that way. We don't see humans as political tools.
Andrew: As an American, I am instinctively opposed to the idea of a monarchy, but apparently the British aren't. Guess that's part of why we're not a colony in the empire anymore. So to misquote Patrick Henry, "if this be monarchy, make the most of it." The Brits aren't ready to give up their royalty, so they might as well at least get a good king.
As Lt. Frank Drebin of Police Squad said of protecting the safety of Queen Elizabeth in Los Angeles: "For no matter how silly the idea of having a queen might be to us, as Americans we must be gracious and considerate hosts."
Of course I haven't entirely forgiven the allies for forcing Kaiser Wilhelm to abdicate.
Lawhawk, That's true, the world would have been better off with the Kaiser! LOL!
That was an excellent Drebin quote and I think it perfectly encapsulates the American view -- if you want to do it, fine, do it and we'll let you be in peace, but don't ever try to do it to us.
The Queen was dressed all in yellow from head to toe including the her hat. She looked like The Queen. She always dresses monochromatically, and she looked like an 85 year old woman dress for a royal wedding. As opposed to the picture you have of Sherri Shepard who is dressed in an ill-fitting short skirt that is inappropriate for her age and weight class...{{{retracting claws}}}
Here it is -
I understand what you are saying, but I like the Queen. At least they are supposed to be imperious. Our President is not supposed to be, but he is...
Bev, Neither Shepherd nor Behar have much room to talk. Shepherd in particular dresses inappropriately. Behar just looks ragged. As a secretary of mine used to say, "she looks like she's been rode hard and put away wet."
As for the queen, she does do imperious well. Obama just does jerk well.
Here's your link: LINK
Oh speaking of egalitarian utopias - Happy May Day!
Andrew, we part company here. There is nothing wrong with royalty if the country loves it and the British do. In America our royalty seems to be the Federal Reserve and the shadowy people who sit on the board. And the American people seem to accept and applaud their own royals because they're not standing at the gates with staves, torches and pitchforks. We spend the "Federal Reserve Notes" just like the Brits spend their pounds sterling with the picture of the queen on them - when she was much younger.
This isn't a rant about royalty --or-- the Federal Reserve, though.
I consider the women on the view to be a gaggle of mostly liberal old bats who are generally racist - the way liberals tend to be, and elitist - the way liberals are by default. So I don't pay attention to them.
But I do read your blog.
Oh, and I didn't notice any Quakers/Amish or Mennonites at the Royal Wedding. What's up wit that?
I did note that neither the Royal Family nor the Clintons invited the Obamas to the wedding. I suspect that has to do with Michelle's embarrassing flatulence and Barack's tendency to steal the silver flatware laid out as place settings. I don't think that it had anything to do with him being high yellow and her being a more mahogany hue.
Bev, Thank you comrade blogger! :-)
LL, LOL! Yeah, I noticed that the Obama's aren't drawing the invites they used to -- must be the flatulence! ;-)
And on that note, I find it very funny that they invited a Syrian diplomat before the invited Obama. What does that say about Obama's newfound standing in the world? No more Nobels for him!
On royalty, if that's what the British want, then they can have it. I really just don't care at all for the concept of royalty -- our hidden royalty or theirs.
In fact, I'm much more upset about our hidden "royalty" who seem to have created an elite class for themselves that thinks they have the right to run the country without regard for the Constitution or our rights as citizens, who treat us like second class citizens in our own country,
and who think American citizenship is something to be wiped out so it doesn't interfere with their European vacation plans. Grrr.
Actually, I'm with Bev. I enjoy it as well. There is no power invested, and they no longer can chop off people's heads, so no harm, no foul. If it gives people something to cheer about, then I say good on them. Now Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton. There are two examples of unearned celbrity. They also reinforce the notion of "class" although I mean that in a specific and good way. I mean the opposite of B.O. giving QE2 and ipod. B.O. the A.H.
If anybody wants a really good chuckle on this subject though, checkout the latest post from iowahawk on his website. L.O.L funny.
As far as racism and "the card" I'm sick and tired of it and will get ugly with those who play it.
I will say as little as possible about The View, because even hearing their voices (especially Joy Behar's) is like nails on a chalkboard to me. So instead, I'll agree with Bev about the royalty--to a point. I don't have a problem with monarchy, in theory, and I don't have a problem with the pomp and ceremony that was the royal wedding. They seem like nice people and I'm glad they're happy and everything, and the ornateness of it was pretty cool. What I do have a problem with is the media frenzy over it. Every day since January or February, the morning news programs--and in the end, Fox was as bad about this as the rest--devoted at least 30 or 40 minutes of their air time to "Let's see the house where Kate grew up!" or "Let's recap for the 189th time how William and Kate got together!" or "Our travel expert has a list of possible destinations for William and Kate on their honeymoon!" I don't feel the same way as the naysayers, but I can hardly blame them for being jaded at the royals after all of this.
Jed, I see that I'm outnumbered on the royalty front! LOL! I must have been a 19th Century anarchist in a past life! Forget the Maine! ;-)
As for Hilton and Lohan and the rest... grrrr. Nothing is worst than people who are famous just because they're famous and messed up. We need to reintroduce a concept of shame into society so that these people melt away back into the much from which they came. Ug.
I'm sick of the racism bit too and I no longer intend to let people slide for making the allegation. It's false, it's malicious, and it's time to start pointing out who the people are who are making it so that they can be publicly shamed.
T_Rav, That's exactly what bothers me about the cult of celebrity -- it plays on this idea that we should mimic the people who have been designated celebrities. You especially see this with Democrats, who want to absorb their heroes by dressing like them, eating the same things they eat, touring where they grew up, etc. That just bugs me to no end. It's one thing to see another person as a good example of the kinds of values to adopt. It's something completely different to want to mimic them. . . it's cult-like.
Andrew, what bothers me is it's so obviously about the ratings; they're hoping to repeat the Charles-Diana bonanza, and therefore are determined to milk this for all it's worth. They've created their own backlash.
Also, there is an Obama press conference supposed to begin any minute now; no one knows exactly what it's supposed to be about, and no one even knew it was going to happen until forty minutes ago. This is odd.
Possibly confirmed via Fox News and some Capitol Hill sources: Osama bin Laden is D-E-A-D dead.
T_Rav, That's odd. Maybe we're at war with China. . . or Canada! :-) Or maybe Obama is announcing that he's retiring for "family reasons"? That would be cool. Maybe Hillary's been declared missing finally and he's going to show us the milk carton?
On the other point, trust me, I am not a fan of manufactured hype. I see that all the time and it truly rubs me wrong on so many levels. And I think you're right that they are trying to manufacture hype for this.
Let us know what the presser is about!
Not Osama bin Laden?! He always seemed so nice. . .
Oops, I meant Obama bin Laden. Yeah, Osama bin Laden is a jerk. . .
In all seriousness though, his death is nice but pretty meaningless at this point.
Reliable new source Chad Pilgram says that multiple intelligence sources say the son of a bitch is dead. There should be a presidential announcement in the next few minutes. Apparently, he got hit with a US bomb about a week ago.
Who the heck is Chad Pilgram? Isn't that a comic book character who had to fight seven ex-boyfriends?
Yep, Fox and others are confirming it. Good riddance to muslim rubbish. Hopefully his 72 virgins are all males.
Yep, House Intelligence aide is confirming that bin Laden was killed and they have his body! I know he's no longer important, but 9/11 is still seared in my memory. I am unspeakably glad this ratbag hack is finally dead.
No, that was Scott Pilgrim, and he already conquered the world. LOL
Even though bin Laden wasn't actively involved in the nuts and bolts of Al Qaeda of late, he was a powerful symbol. It's possible that some of the hedge-betting in Pakistan on the border regions may diminish since they don't have to protect that symbol anymore. But that's just surmise.
Now if the President can wipe the tears away and quickly find a way to soothe the ruffled feathers of the Muslim fundamentalists, he will undoubtedly take credit for ridding the world of this monster during his announcement. I credit General Petraeus.
Lawhawk, Would it surprise you if I credited Obama? Because it would sure as hell surprise me. I credit the military and no one else.
You may be right, his death may shake things up. But I think overall he's become pretty irrelevant to militant Islam in the past ten years, so I'm not sure what this will ultimately do. But we'll see.
T-Rav, I'm glad he's dead too, but I'm not sure what it really means vis-a-vis the modern war on terror. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
At least they didn't capture him or we'd be faced with garbage about a trial as he got to enjoy the comforts of our federal prisons.
Andrew, the one thing in all of this that really bothers me: Why did Fox let Geraldo Rivera stay on the air for this story? God, he is just awful.
Andrew: Anybody who thinks this is the end of Islamofascism is living in a fantasy world. I concur. Still, the deaths of Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Tojo gave an emotional jolt to the true believers that helped win wars and bring governments down. I'm hoping that there is an historical parallel there with the death of this murderous madman.
I just wish I was still in San Francisco so I could lead a big dance in the streets to celebrate the extermination of this inhuman monster. I know the MSM and CNN wouldn't cover it, but Fox might.
It could get ugly if it does turn out that he was living in a mansion in Islamabad. The Pakistanis would have much to answer for.
Hawk, They would have locked you up for hate crimes. You can dance in San Fran when Bush dies, not Bin Laden.
Good point about Pakistan. If he was living anywhere but a dirty cave, then things could get pretty ugly between the US and Pakistan. I wonder how much we're going to find out about this?
T_Rav, I have no idea why they would trust Geraldo, maybe he's got dirty pictures of Roger Ailes?
As for the President, unlike tee-off time, he is already an hour overdue to make the announcement. He must be scrambling to write that one-liner about bin Laden and the twenty paragraphs about how our good friends in Jihadistan shouldn't take this the wrong way.
As for Geraldo Rivera, I agree. Why did he have to be the one to break the news? He's rejoicing over bin Laden's death, but has already covered for the President by saying "this will be one of his greatest speeches." Aw, bullshit!
That or they can't find enough makeup to cover the tears.
"Remember sir, the public thinks of Osama as an enemy, so stop calling him 'my friend.'"
Or maybe they're trying to find a copy of a war speech they can copy to call their own:
"Four score and seven virgins ago. . ."
LawHawk, it was confirmed: they took bin Laden out in a mansion outside Islamabad. The Pakistanis have got A LOT of explaining to do.
On the good side, CBS is saying our own special forces appear to have taken him out, and he was "shot in the head." That is, one of our boys got to see the look on his face right before pulling the trigger. That is ten levels of awesomeness.
So is this: The news came in the middle of the Mets-Phillies game, and fans got up and spontaneously began shouting "USA, USA."
Obama is on now. Wow...apparently this crap went down TODAY.
One of my temp jobs was at the 9/11 Memorial Preview Site at 20 Vesey St. near Ground Zero. I almost want to go back there just to see the reactions of the people working there.
On a more cynical note, will we be united, or will it be business as usual tomorrow?
(On a lighter note, LawHawk referencing Scott Pilgrim - the kids would call that an "Epic Win"!) :-)
Well, the speech wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It contained the usual overuse of the word "I," but got most of it right. But predictably, he used the mantra "we are not at war with Islam." Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe we are, and maybe we're not, but it is abundantly clear that Islam is at war with us. That little kiss to Jihadistan isn't going to make them swoon with hope and change. There will undoubtedly be mass demonstrations and probably violence throughout the Middle East over the death of the mass murderer. It was all worth it, regardless of what Obama thinks.
Obama's reference to our American unity of "all races, creeds and colors" after 9-11 was the usual blather. And it only lasted about two days before he and the left worked to destroy that unity. So on balance, I give Obama a D-minus.
T_Rav, This is going to get very interesting if the Pakistani security service has been protecting him.
Scott, I don't think unification is possible at this point, the country is too polarized about everything. I would give it 5 minutes before the conspiracy theories begin -- (1) it's not really bin Laden, (2) they killed him years ago and just held the corpse until now, (3) he was working for the CIA, etc. etc. As a people, we've gone insane and these kinds of events bring that stuff out.
Lawhawk, At least he didn't tell us not to do anything rash. . . so I'm going to go burn down my neighborhood in protest over some aspect of this -- I'm sure something about it offends me. Oh wait, I'm not an idiot. So I think I'll pass on that and just go to bed... very tired.
T_Rav: Great to hear about the crowd at the game. And God how I wish I could have been the soldier who got to see the smile wiped off bin Laden's filthy face.
Scott: Probably not quite business as usual, but this administration has worked hard to divide the American people into hostile camps. That isn't going to go away because of bin Laden's demise. I expect that by tomorrow, the left will be decrying "political assassinations" and "invasions of the sovereign territory of Pakistan."
As a side note, I'm also sick of hearing Obama refer to Pakistan as Pock-ee-stonn. What a pretentious bastard.
Scott, The first conspiracy theory is in. Twitter is apparently abuzz with people pointing out that this announcement was timed to take NBC away from Trump's Celebrity Apprentice.
I'm sure there will be more theory by morning.
If Trump were smart, he'd say something like, "For this news, I welcome the interruption." (I could've phrased that more eloquently.)
Will he ask to see the death certificate? :-)
Scott, They only have a Certificate of Dead Death. . . with no seal. ;-)
Andrew, I can't make up my mind if they have been or not, but this place was really close to the capital. And did you notice during Obama's speech (if you watched it) that he said he notified their president of the action after it was over: which would seem to imply the Pakistanis not only had no part in it, but may not even have known about it. I can't wait to see what comes out from that quarter over the next few days.
By the way, best line of the night from Twitter: 'CBS reports OBL was "shot in the head." Whoever did it is the new Most Interesting Man in the World.'
T-Rav, More interesting than Biden? I think not.
Yeah, that sounds like we did it without telling them and I expect that tomorrow they will be screaming bloody murder about illegal US operation on Pakistani soil -- they will need to cover their rears with their own people.
The bigger question becomes, if they were protecting him, what do our people do about it? For example, do we start arresting their intelligence people? Or bombing them? That's a good question.
I checked out the coverage on the nets, and only ABC considers this important enough to cancel regular programming. Of course, the panel includes Scud Slut Christiane Amanpour. They were discussing how important it was that the State Department had announced that bin Laden's body would be treated with proper Islamic ritual. Like what? Beheading him. Hanging him from a lamppost? Having a twelve-year old blow himself up next to the casket? I think the proper thing would be to skin him and nail his hide to the White House door, but then I always said I was seriously lacking in Christian charity. In any case, I believe we should treat the body with the same respect for Islam that his followers have shown for Christians and Jews (and even their fellow Muslims).
Hawk, That is so dang typical. How can you win a war against people when you refuse to use their beliefs against them?!
They should shove his corpse into the corpse of a pig, fill his own innards with bacon, and bury him face down in an unmarked grave under a Christian cross. And they should let the rest of these idiots know that this is what will happen if they keep fighting us, that they will not be respected after death and that we will do everything in our power to keep them from getting into paradise.
LawHawk, so we should just behead the corpse then? Wait, even better, we should throw shoes at it. Apparently that's a big deal. Personally, though, I'm getting a bigger kick thinking about Osama right now, as he realizes this is not at all the afterlife he was expecting.
And now we've learned that the mission was conducted by Navy SEALs. Do you suppose Obama and Holder will press the political generals and admirals to court-martial them for violating bin Laden's human rights?
So I missed the big announcement last night. Why am I not jumping for joy? Not to be all conspiracy theory-ish, but does it seems strange to anyone else that immediately after announcing his death, it was announced that we buried him with in 24 hours after his death according to Islamic tradition "at sea"? It's not that I think we should desecrate his body or anything {though I do hope our brave sailors wrapped in a bacon shroud before dumping his body in shark infested waters.}, but maybe an investigation and DNA testing was in order, photos, something...
i once watched the view and was appalled. now i catch n"news" of them thru other outlets and still, i'm appalled.
and i'm wondering when libs will start calling out racism in all forms, even when it's one of their own spouting such nastiness, which seems like every stinkin' day.
bev: i just read your last statement, and they are exactly my thoughts. i even put an edit on my pre-written post for today. given our government leadership at the moment, it does make one wonder...
Bev, I'm going to be talking about the various conspiracies we can enjoy later today! It should be good times! :-)
Patti, Liberals will never call out the racism in their midsts because it's one of the only tools they have to keep their supporters in line.
On Bin Laden, with this government, it's hard to believe anything they say.
It was kind of weird starting from the Queen's very spring-like yellow dress and the witches on the View to OBL death.
My synopsis:
British royalty: I am with Andrew regarding the idea of royalty, but for Britain, they represent the face of the country. Respect for the Queen shows respect for the whole country.
Wedding: Didn't care. Hockey and basketball playoffs as well as daughter's birthday took precedence.
OBL: Nicely done. No way he hid without the help of the Pakistanis and no way we didn't get him without their help either. His "use" must have run out. Burial at sea is awesome because there won't be a monument for anyone to collect at. Now remove troops from Afghanastan and cut off aid to Pakistan.
Kosh, I agree completely! :-)
And yeah, it is pretty strange how sometimes these threads warp so that we went from calling the Queen a bumble bee to talking about OBL. But it was still a good news sort of divergence!
Normally, I would have put up a new thread, but I just didn't think about it last night.
I have my doubts they could have done this without Pakistan's help or at least permission, unless Obama suddenly got a lot more guts than I gave him credit for. My guess is that they are trying to provide Pakistan cover. And too I have to wonder why now -- I think the idea that he is no longer useful may have played a big role in this. Who knows?
If you think about how these bastards will kill over a comic strip or cartoon of Mohammed, imagine what they will try because of bin Laden. That May 21st date that the "Rapture" groups have put on billboardsmarking the date doesn't seem quite so crazy after all as the beginning of Armeggedon. Just saying...
Bev, I expect they are going to have an ugly couple days in the Middle East. . . though how that's different than every other day I have no idea. Still, I would expect a series of bombings and riots.
We should spread the word that Obama was busy doodling pictures of Muhammed as he gave the order. :-)
Gagwithspoon those old biddies on the View. They are racist hateful lying blabber big mouth gossips which are very ugly and out of control.
Can't stand any of them. . all are boring and disgusting!
Did this blatant racist Sherry Sheppard have any white people in her wedding? The only "token" white person I saw was Elisabeth Hasselback because they work together. I'm so sick of her whining that black people can say nigga but it makes her sick when a white person says it - something about they say nigger instead of nigga, which is ridiculous. They call us crackers and no one bats an eye and I'm sick of the reverse racism.
She is an ignorant racist, probably the dumbest women on tv.
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