I know a lot of you aren’t paying attention to the news right now, as you’re starting to think about the weekend. So let’s do a quick and easy article tonight: let’s just sum up the news of the last few days.
1. Traveling Man: Obama is in Europe. Nothing of note happened there. Nothing at all. And if you heard that he tried to date his checks "2008" or that he botched his toast to Queen, then you are listening to evil right-wing news. And if you heard that he’s really there to hide so he doesn’t have to honor America’s soldiers. . . then you’re listening to accurate right-wing news. Oh and any suggestion that they went to Europe to get Michelle a plastic surgery technique called a "grinch tuck" is patently untrue.2. Retiring to Obscurity: Oprah retired after decades of ruining America by endorsing “true stories” that turned out to be fake, handing out gifts that got people into tax trouble, endorsing Kenyans for the American Presidency, ruining Tom Cruise’s career and generally giving the hopelessly weepy a platform to annoy the rest of us. In a surprise move, Oprah revealed that she’s actually a middle-aged white man named Dale Nawtreal. Nawtreal’s been wearing a Hollywood fat suit that periodically deflates (accounting for her bouts with weight loss) and black face paint because he knew he needed a gimmick to compete against Phil Donahue and Jerry Springer, both of whom have been arrested for crimes against integrity.
3. New York Continues To Disappoint: Republicans suffered a “surprise” defeat in upstate New York in a three-way election the other night. Democrats are trying to blame this on opposition to Paul Ryan’s Medicare reforms. Republicans are blaming it on the fake Tea Party candidate. The real cause is either (1) New York is hopelessly leftist and even New York’s version of “right wing fanatics” would be considered bleeding heart morons in other states or (2) New York was built on an ancient Indian burial ground belonging to an extinct tribe called the “Gimmeestufs” and is cursed.4. Peter “Snider Daddy” Fonda: This isn’t made up, though you may think it is. Peter Fonda of Easy Rider fame has said something that may surprise you. Here’s the quote:
“I’m training my grandchildren to use long-range rifles. For what purpose? Well, I’m not going to say the words ‘Barack Obama’, but . . . I prefer to not to use the words, ‘let’s stop something’. I prefer to say, ‘let’s start something, let’s start the world’.
Hmmm. So Peter stopped Vietnam with a biker movie? And now Peter wants his grandkids to shoot someone called “Barack Obama” to “start the world.” Cuckoo.
It’s more of a thought process than an actuality, but we are heading for a major conflict between the haves and the have nots. I came here many years ago with a biker movie and we stopped a war. Now, it’s about starting the world.”
Yah know, if Peter wasn’t a big leftist, I’m thinking leftists would be outraged over this, as in “MSNBC anchors encouraging street violence” outraged. But he is a leftist, so they’re not upset. Indeed, they’ll just add him to the list of murderers and rapists that they celebrate because they have the right politics. Maybe the left is even sicker than we suspected?
You may now return to your weekend planning.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Weakly News Round Up
Michelle Obama,
New York
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Andrew: Who's Peter Fonda? I think it may have something to do with what we radicals have said over the years: "If you remember the 60s, you weren't there." Yep, I just checked. Easy Rider was made in 1969. I don't remember it. LOL
Oh, Andrew, Obama is coming back on Sunday just in time to ignore Memorial Day here in this country. He's already told the poor people of Joplin, MO that they need not fear. He will be there on Sunday to wipe their tears away and make everything better...
How many of you knew that Obama was going off to Ireland and the UK for a state visit? Anyone, anyone?
And I have a feeling that the "Old Home Week" in Ireland wasn't playing as well as Obama had hoped, so he used the Iceland Volcano eruption as an excuse to leave early. I think this because I know jsut enough about geography to know that England and Ireland are kind of close to each other and any ash cloud that was passing Ireland was going right over Jolly Ol' England too. So why didn't that stop the state visit with the Queen too? Just wondering...
Lawhawk, I wish the rest of us could forget the 60s, but it seems to have left a nasty after-taste in our laws and culture. :-(
Bev, I'm glad to hear that. It's better that he ignores America's heroes at home rather than abroad....
In terms of Ireland, I only heard a little bit about him stopping over there for some reason or another -- something to do with celebrating "being Irish".... funny, he doesn't look Irish? Am I missing something?
Andrew: The fact that I was in a decade-long blackout is my perfect defense for what the 60s did to the future. When I came out of my cocoon, I looked around and asked myself: "Who's responsible for this mess? Needless to say, I take no responsibility. I was an innocent dupe, and I've been shoveling against that tide ever since. You do believe me, don't you?
Lawhawk, No, not quite. But I do hear that a lot from the 60s crowd -- how did all this bad stuff happen? Of course, they usually then recommend more liberalism, so you do get credit for not going that route! :-)
The best thing Obama could do this week is stay away from Joplin. Those people have suffered enough.
Euripides, That's the truth. Not only can I not imagine that his faked well-wishes will be much comfort, but the logistics of getting him there will only interfere with other people trying to help them.
Of course, I don't mind him staying away from celebrations for veterans either. I'll bet a lot of them probably won't feel too honored by him no matter what speech he reads.
A "grinch tuck"! That's great! But is it to reduce her Grinch stature or to enhance it?
Judging by the picture Ed, I'd she's getting her Grinch enhanced!
By the way, I'll talk Tuesday morning about the Supreme Court's ruling on illegal immigration today. Right now, it looks like the Supreme just opened the door to letting the states solve the illegal alien problem. So this is big news!
Andrew, You might be right. She could be switching from Klington to Grinch?
I look forward to your article on the immigration issue.
Also, I think you're right about New York -- Indian burial ground.
Great synopsis of the news, there is a banner headline on Drudge, the Grinch intends to sue Moochele for copyright infringement.
Did you see Sarah Palin is making I’m running for president moves?
Personally, I think it’s great, win or lose she will pull the field to the right, all comers welcome.
Thanks Ed, I think this could be a huge decision. We'll see though. I'd write about it tomorrow, but it's Friday before a holiday, so I'll stick with the film article.
Ed, It's Mega-Poltergeist!!
Stan, That would be hilarious if a real Grinch sued her.
Speaking of copyright, did anybody see that Disney tried to copyright "SEAL Team 6"? What a bunch of jerks. Not to mention, they can't do that. The copyright belongs to the government.
On Palin, she's making a lot of moves, but I still think this about celebrity, not actually running. We'll see. But I would be the next thing she runs for will be Senator or governor of Arizona.
Andrew, What's the film?
Stan, I think she's running. I think she's teasing the public to get publicity and I think she's going to jump in at the end of the summer by claiming that no one in the race has lit the race on fire.
Ed, The film is Predators.
Ed & Stan, On Palin, it's possible that's her plan. People should remember that Bill Clinton didn't jump into the race until October, so there is plenty of time.
BUT, I get the feeling this race will tighten unexpectedly and much quicker than people expect. So waiting may be a mistake.
Regarding the British visit, if you heard that Obama referred to Ireland under British rule as an "occupation," then that was him speaking truth to power or something.
Also, I won't lie, I'm watching the final minutes of Oprah right now. I know, I know...
T_Rav, You're making me cry. Still, try to DVR the moment she pops out of the fat suit! ;-)
So he tossed himself into Iro-British politics too, huh? What an ass!
And here we're told that there is "nothing" to the idea that he sees the world through colonial oppression theory. I wonder what he's going to do next?
Cuckoo is correct when describing Peter Fonda. His movie may have changed some attitudes towards the Vietnam War but how one movie could force a president to change his foreign policy decisions related to the war is beyond me. Yes, Obummer is an idiot. But, he did get us talking about him, again? What a freaking narcissist he is.
Teresa, I think it's totally delusional for Fonda to think that his movie changed the Vietnam War. History just doesn't move that way. America gave up on the war because people steadily lost faith for years that we were fighting to win it and that scared the politicians into trying to get out before they were tagged with the label of having lost the war. His movie is just a sideshow.
But then, a lot of 1960s radicals think that way -- that the concert they attended or the sit in they had or the commune they founded somehow changed the world. It's highly egotistical and laughably wrong.
Interesting point on Obama. Do you think he just cares about the attention and doesn't care if it's good or bad?
once again, I tried listening to The One speak and had to change channels. I just can't listen to more than a sentence or 2. I'm so glad y'all do that for me!!!
rlaWTX, I think a lot of people are in that boat. I have a hard time listening to him too. And if there isn't a reason, like we're writing about it, then I can't do it. He's just too annoying. Plus, he's never said anything truthful or not-insulting.
Andrew, I think colonial "oppression" theory is the only way to understand Obama at this point. I don't know if he inherited it from his father, or if he picked it up at Columbia from Edward "Jew-hater" Said, but I think he does carry a serious resentment toward Western civilization in general for its imperialism, and against the British in particular for having the biggest empire. As far as I can tell, that's the only thing that can explain him at this point--especially when his attitude toward Britain comes up.
On that note, I read that the British Secret Service gave Obama a particular code name for his visit. I don't remember the exact word, but supposedly it's Pakistani for "smart aleck."
T_Rav, I actually accept that as the most valid explanation for his actions. He clearly has a grudge against the British -- that was obvious from his first day in office and has never let up, AND it's been displayed in incredibly petty ways that no rational person would do publicly.
Since he never went to Britain before he got elected... AND his greivance has been in place regardless of whichever party is in control in Britain, the logical conclusion is that this is some historical grievance. Add in the fact that he's been trained in the colonial oppression school and you've got a match.
I don't know if he got it from his father or if he learned it at Colombia or at dinners with Bill Ayers, but it's pretty obvious to me that's his primary motivation.
Andrew and T_Rav, I think he's a racist. I'm serious. He really doesn't seem to care when people die unless they are blacks. Look at how he's acted to every disaster in America or every terrorist act in the world. When it's whites, Japanese, or something similar, he can't be bothered to even mention it. Also, when he does, he only says that we should stay calm. But the moment something in Africa is blown up or a city with a lot of blacks like Katrina or Haiti is hit with a hurricane, suddenly he gets all bent out of shape.
I think there is a pattern here and the pattern is that he's a racist.
Ed, I don't disagree with that either. In fact, I think I've noted it several times. Do you remember when he finally called Al Qaeda "terrorists" for the first time? In that speech, he didn't talk about how they've tried to kill Americans or destroy the west, he talked about how they discriminate against blacks in their organization vis-a-vis Arabs. Tell me that's not evidence of something being seriously wrong with his thought processes -- that he's concerned about racism in al Qaeda rather than their murderous creed.
I think he does see the world through a racist prism.
Ed, Here's the link to my article: LINK
And here are the two relevant quotes. First from Obama:
"What you've seen in some of the statements that have been made by these terrorist organizations is that they do not regard African life as valuable in and of itself. They see it as a potential place where you can carry out ideological battles that kill innocents without regard to long-term consequences for their short-term tactical gains."
Then the explanation of this quote:
“[Mr. Obama] references the fact that both U.S. Intelligence and past al Qaeda actions make clear that al Qaeda -- and the groups like al Shabaab that they inspire -- do not value African life. The actions of al Qaeda and the groups that it has inspired show a willingness to sacrifice innocent African life to reach their targets.
Al Qaeda recruits have said that al Qaeda is racist against black members from West Africa because they are only used in lower level operations. In short, al Qaeda is a racist organization that treats black Africans like cannon fodder and does not value human life.”
Note the last part in particular. They discriminate within their own organization and THAT's why they they're bad.
Andrew, I remember that article and I remember the speech. I think your analysis of it was first rate. I think there is something very wrong with him.
Thanks Ed! It's always good to hear positive feedback. :-)
I also think there is something very wrong with his thinking. Even if you leave the issue of race aside, you still have the problem of his willingness to play payback politics with large chunks of the American people. That's not presidential.
OMG, Michelle really does look like the Grinch! At least her fashion faux pas have been able to take some of the pressure off of Obama's abysmal European Vacation performance. It's like watching a Chevy Chase movie, only funnier.
Andrew, I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. I never miss your stuff and I'm never disappointed.
You've heard of national treasures? Obama is our first national disgrace.
Ed, if you like Andrew so much, why don't you marry him? Nyah nyah nyah...
(Yes, I know it's childish, but whatever.)
T_Rav, I'm not the one watching Oprah! :P~
Beside, I'm just being truthful. I come here first every day because Andrew's always got something worth reading.
How dare you, Ed. Oh well, it was stupid anyway.
There is one item not mentioned in the post, which I would like to point out: well, actually, briefly editorialize on. I've noticed over the past few weeks, as I browse the different blogs, that this sniping between the pro- and anti-Palin camps is getting increasingly bad. It's actually been bad for a while, but now that some of the other candidates are trying to take off, it's an order of magnitude worse. This is bullcrap and needs to stop. Obviously, people are going to continue to be of different minds about the woman--I rather like her and wouldn't mind seeing her as the nominee, but I know others here don't want that, and I'm cool with that. But the Palinistas who constantly bash everyone who isn't Sarah Palin are more trouble than they're worth; so are the haters who almost gleefully talk about how they can't stand her and how we'll lose if we nominate her. That kind of back-and-forth does no one any good, except maybe the Obama campaign. We can have disagreements about the candidates, of course, but once one person is chosen, whoever that might be, we've got to rally around them until November 2012. Because the alternative is four more years of this arrogant, preening radical in the White House. Just something to keep in mind the next time Ms. Palin comes up as a topic.
Okay, rant over.
How dare you watch Oprah, sir? ;D
What brought on the Palin rant? There's been no flame war here yet.
Ed, you should have channeled Keith Olbermann on that one. "How dare you watch Oprah, SIR?!"
As far as the Palin thing's concerned, it's just something I've noticed recently on other sites and I'm hoping to keep it from spreading. Both sides are to blame, so I think it's useful to point that out and keep either from getting too self-righteous on the matter.
I'm back. Sorry I was late. I was watching Disney's Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Now I'm thinking of suing Disney for pain and suffering. Do NOT watch this film. Please. . . do NOT watch this film. Ug.
Writer X, The only problem with Obama's European Vacation is that we're the butt of the joke. Ug. Come on 2012!
But as for the Grinch's fashion... yet, she's got issues.
DUQ, National shame is right! I wonder if we can disown him or lock him out of the country? Maybe we can change the locks while he's gone?
Thanks Ed, I do my best.
T_Rav, As Ed says, people who watch Oprah should not throw stones. ;-)
Andrew, neither should people who voluntarily watch Disney remakes that they should have known going in would be awful. :-)
T_Rav and Ed, Palin... hmmm. No comment.
Actually, the reason we've tried to avoid endorsing any candidates is precisely because we don't want people feeling that we only accept a particular view here. We're more interested in an honest assessment of candidates and issues than we are in supporting anyone.
That said, I think you're right that the Palin issue (which has always been bloody) has gotten really bloody lately. But we're ready for it... we've hire extra e-riot police and everything! ;-)
T-Rav, You have no idea. I think my eyeball are still bleeding and my brain hurts.
This thing was awful. Here's how they made it:
1. Find an actor who can mimic Chris Kattan... only without "the charm. Then tell him to be especially whiny and unlikable.
2. Pull lines randomly from other films and assemble them randomly to create a "script."
3. Add in several Disney-pop songs.
4. Drug some actress and make her roam the set. . . she's the love interest.
5. Roll film, send to theaters.
It was so bad I was genuinely offended and I'm blacklisting everyone who had anything to do with it. If I had enough stamps, I start sending them letter bombs.
WTF?! Seriously, WTF?
You're blacklisting everyone?! But surely, you'll make an exception for the great Nicholas Cage, star of such masterpieces as "The Wicket Man" and "Knowing"? I just know his presence made this film ten times better.
T_Rav, I'll forgive him if he turns state's evidence and names names: who wrote the script, who cast the Kattan knock-off, why... why... why would anyone make this film?
In all seriousness, this film was an atrocity and everyone connected with it should be ashamed. I am not kidding when I say that it felt like the dialog was random. And the main actor/kid was so annoying that I literally kept wishing for his death through the film. Nicholas Cage was on screen about 60% of the time and his lips were moving, but I can't remember a single moment or thing he did. The bad guy's plot was contradictory nonsense and he just wandered around being bad until it was time for the final confrontation. The girlfriend was so bland that they could have replaced her with a cardboard cut out and you wouldn't have noticed.
Arggg. 102 minutes of my life lost. I could have been staring face down in my carpet for those minutes. . . or counting my fingers over and over -- either would have been a better use of my time.
Okay, for a minute there are thought you were talking about Disney's "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" the animated feature with Mickey Mouse and the dancing Hippos! And I must say, I was stunned you didn't like it. But then I remembert the string of unwatchable fantasy films that Disney made recently. Phew...carry on.
when i saw the peter fonda quote, i was sure the men in black were gonna show up and haul him away. but nothing. boy, that's telling. let's put those words in palin's mouth and let's see the implosion of libbies.
Bev, No, I love Fantasia (the film, not the singer). That's probably my all-time favorite cartoon. This is the Nicholas Cage film and it was totally, totally annoying.
Patti, If it was just suggested that Palin had said this, then the men in black would be locking her up.
Yet, somehow they don't care that Peter Fonda says this? Hmmm.
By the way, Rick Perry now says that he "may" run for President. I guess I'll add him to the list.
I don't think that it's so much that I want to keep him in TX, but I really don't want Perry to run. Every time it's mentioned my kneejerk reaction is "NO!"
as Daphne said, "Don't know why..."
rlaWTX, I don't know enough about Perry to know if he'll be a good candidate or not. So I'm going to review him next week some time.
My concern from a distance is that he's bombastic, but that his record may not match that. I don't know that... but that's the impression I've gotten. So I want to look into it.
My feeling is that Perry (though I like him) would be just GWB without the Washington experience (as in grew up around the WH and DC because his grandfather and father were...well we all know). And anyway, Texas needs him to be the President of Texas when Texas finally decides to secede.
Bev, Every Texan who has commented on this (I've heard 4-5 over the past few months) have all said they don't want to see him in the White House. They've never put a precise reason on it, but I find the universal resistance (small sample size notwithstanding) to be rather a bad sign.
In any event, I think it's time we looked into him next to see what his record is.
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