Surprise surprise, the Democrats are unethical and corrupt. . . just like we figured. Not only was it obscene that Harry “the turd” Reid appointed the Honorless Pat Murray to the new Supercommittee, but Nancy Pelosi’s selection, Xavier Becerra immediately set about trying to profit from being selected to the Supercommittee. Wow, Democrats are shameless.
The Supercommittee, as you may recall, will be charged with finding $1.5 trillion in spending cuts. This could include actual cuts or the elimination of special-interest-obtained tax deductions. That means thousands of lobbyists will want to get their paws on these Congresscritters and Senators to buy them off so their plundered spoils will continue to come pouring forth from the Treasury.
Apparently, the Democrats are happy to sell themselves to these lobbyists.
Indeed, when the committee names were first announced, Harry Reid’s selection of Washington State Senator Patty Murray seemed the most cynical. She is the head of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee. That means she is charged with raising money to help Democratic Senators get re-elected in 2012. Giving her a post that will cause lobbyists to fight each other to the death for a place in line to buy her off is so incredibly cynical you wouldn’t think a modern American politician would actually try to get away with doing such a thing -- indeed, this harkens back to the days of the scandals of the 1880s, when politicians were openly bought and sold. But you would be wrong. Reid did it. Nice work Harry, you sh~t. . . oh, and #$%& you Nevada.
But Murray has been a paragon of virtue compared to Pelosi appointee Xavier Becerra (which means “corrupt bastard” in Spanish). Literally within two hours of being appointed, Becerra sent out an invitation to Wall Street lobbyists inviting them to a $1,500 per-ticket event. On the invite, he highlighted his membership on the Supercommittee:
“[Becerra is] not only vice chairman of the Democratic Caucus, but who also has just been named to the new deficit reduction committee. This will be Mr. Becerra’s first event since being named to the commission and may be one of the first for any of the twelve members of the group. This event could give all attendees a glimpse into what will most assuredly be the primary topic of discussion between now and the end of the year.”
In other words, this is your first chance to give me money because I will be deciding the fate of your spoils. This is just shameless. Kenya isn’t this corrupt. Nigeria isn't this corrupt. Chicago isn't this corrupt.
Should we be surprised by this? Hardly. Pelosi is infamous for corruptly giving special treatment to her donors, see e.g. Kaiser Permanente. She is also infamous for trying to pass bills that benefit companies in which she has an ownership stake, like various natural gas bills that would directly help Clean Energy Fuels Corp (CLNE). And of course, she’s not alone in this. Indeed, using their legislative power to corruptly help their donors or enrich themselves is part of being a Democrat. The Congress Black Caucus, for example, has been particular good at illegally giving federal money to their friends and family, see e.g. Sanford Bishop and Eddie Bernice Johnson (scholarships to relatives), Charlie Rangel (tax breaks to donors) and Maxine Waters (money to relatives’ banks), and most Democrats are quite accomplished tools of big business. Chris Dodd was an infamous whore for Countrywide Financial. Obama too has been good at this (GE corruption, giving the treasury to Goldman Sachs, money for GM unions) as was Clinton and just about anyone with a "D" after their names. In fact, they should dump their Donkey mascot and replace it with a backscratcher or a cash machine.
So if you’re a Democrat, it’s time to face reality: your party is the corrupt tool of big business. You stupidly think your party stands for the little guy, but it really only stands on the little guy. You are supporting a party that steals from the poor to give to rich friends. You suck.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Democrats Use Supercommittee As Cash Machine
Conflicts of Interest,
Democratic Shame,
Election Fraud,
Rep. Nancy Pelosi,
Sen. Harry Reid
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But...but...Sharron Angle was a crazy woman! And she doesn't know anything about Hispanics! We couldn't allow someone like that to defeat the Honorable Harry...oh jeez, we're in trouble, aren't we?
When I was a young and foolish Democrat, one of my Republican friends sent me a greeting card. On the front, it said "The Democrats will surely win in November." On the inside, it said: "If they let them all out of jail." Today, they're running the jail.
Dear Nevada Voter, You've been punked and in the process, you've ruined the country. Gee, thanks.
Lawhawk, That must be why they are so concerned about reducing prison time for criminals.... because they sure all belong in it.
This is the height of shamelessness for me.
Don't blame them all, Andrew--I still maintain Reid stole the election. Hispanics voted 90-10 for that guy, my $#@.
Sorry, T-Rav, it's group punishment time. The spanking machine is on it's way to Nevada.
Seriously though, I don't doubt that Reid stole the election. I can't see how any ethnic group other than blacks will vote 90/10 for anyone. That just hasn't happened in the US.
Yes, we did do that thing. Our state can get very stupid. But I agree with T-Rav, I think Reid stole the election.
On the bigger point, the shamelessness of the Democrats never fails to amaze me. Nor does the blindness of their followers. This is so blanantly wrong.
Ed, it is blatantly wrong. It's amazing that they think they can get away with acting like this. Of course, the sad truth is that they probably can. If their voters are even smart enough to hear about this, they will dismiss it as "everybody does it" because that's how liberals think.
Andrew, Andrew, Andrew, these are Democrats! The rules don't apply to them!
Sorry DUQ, I should have realized. Seriously though, this bothers me. How blatant can they be? This is like going on television after being accused of robbing a bank and burning $100 bills for the camera to light cigars.
Nothing the Democrats do surprises me. Isn't this criminal?
Andrew, I can tell it bothers you, but this is how the Democrats work. So long as they have the MSM to cover up for them, they'll get away with it too -- at least among their followers.
Crispy, No, it's not technically criminal, but it should be. In my opinion, Becerra is basically offering to protect people's government goodies in exchange for campaign contributions. But since there is no specific quid pro quo and there is no actual promise that a donation will do that, it's not technically a crime.... unless more is found. But to me, it's frankly close enough and it should be illegal.
DUQ, It drives me nuts that their stupid followers either won't hear about this because the MSM shields them or they will dismiss it, and then they will have the nerve to accuse US of being in the pocket of lobbyists and big business.
Do you remember Obama's promise not to employ lobbyists? That didn't last 5 minutes, but liberals still repeat it like it's true.
Andrew, the "everybody does it" argument is really popular among liberals because it excuses all personal responsibility and puts the blame on society. I can absolutely see liberals making that argument if Becerra is exposed by the MSM -- a huge IF if ever there was one.
DUQ & Andrew, "Shields" is the perfect word. That's what the MSM does. It shield the Democrats from the public and it shields rank and film Democrats from having to know the truth.
Ed, True, that is a form of "society made me do it." And you hear that a lot, particularly from liberals talking about street crime... "how they avoid getting pulled into crime when everyone around them is doing it?" Liberals are sheep.
Ed, Thanks! True too. It definitely has the double connotation and I think it's more important that it shields their supporters from the truth than it shields the Democrats from the public (though both functions are important). But their primary concern these days is to keep their own followers blind and stupid.
BTW, I don't know if anyone saw this, but Obama has hit a new low in the polls according to Gallup -- 39% approve, 54% disapprove.
And that's Gallup, which is usually +5% for leftists.
I think his re-election prospects are close to 0% at this point.
Andrew - NY his poll numbers are down to 41% and that's Liberal NY!
Also, you said "Do you remember Obama's promise not to employ lobbyists? That didn't last 5 minutes, but liberals still repeat it like it's true."
Trust me, if the Dems in Congress were called on this, they will parse it out that "OBAMA said he wouldn't employ lobbyists, but he never said WE shouldn't!" In other words, Obama wouldn't, so he just sent the lobbyists over to his friends in Congress with a note pinned to their lapels "Please use gently as I will want them back by 2012" Or " soon as no one is paying attention..."
Bev, 41% in New York is amazing! I honestly can't see how he can get re-elected. This isn't a one time dip in his numbers, this is the end result of a long steady decline, like a ski slope. I actually think the length of time these numbers have remained so low shows that people have completely turned on him and won't go back.
On the lobbyist thing, they did parse it, but I can't remember what they said. I think they ended up making a distinction between his "personal staff" and "White House staff" and then they re-defined "lobbyist" to exclude the types of lobbyists he had hired.
Andrew, I saw those numbers! That's awesome!
Bev, I wonder though how many of those are people who don't think Obama's been left-wing enough. If there's chatter about recruiting Matt Damon to primary him, well...
T-Rav, I think they're great too. Obama is in serious trouble. And he has an impossible choice -- try to reach out to the middle to get voters (who aren't listening) and turn off his base.... or appease his base and turn off the middle. He really has turned himself into a man without any support.
On the primary challenge, I'd heard that several leftists are calling for it and a couple are considering it. They are quite upset at Obama. Ha ha!
Matt Damon would make the greatest president ever. He's fought terrorists and was smarter than everyone at Harvard and and and stuff.
Matt, Be my guest. Heck, I'll send you $5 if you promise to run in the general election no matter what happens! :-)
T-Rav - The same people who would listen to Obama will be the same ones who care what Matt Damon thinks. So having him shill for Obama will probably have a net-zero effect.
[No offense to Matt Damon's Ego]
Bev, I think it would still be a disaster. If he did his job too well, then he would tear Obama apart because Obama has no real ability to defend himself orally. But if he went soft on Obama, then people would feel like it was all a gimmick designed to make Obama look good and they would be pretty upset.
It's kind of a no-win scenario.
Actually, I misunderstood. Someone wants Damon to RUN against Obama in the primary? That kind of makes me laugh. Damon hasn't even played a President in a movie yet! But, run Damon run!
Bev, That's how I interpret T-Rav and Matt Damon's Ego. And I agree, run Forrest... er, Damon, run!!
FYI - There's a new movement in afoot. This group is advocating doing away with party politic system and conventions by fielding their own candidate chosen directly by "the people" in an online convention.
As I see it they are just forming a third party that is entirely online.
I have this deep seated fear that, despite all of these bad polls and generally unhappiness about Obama, he'll pull it off.
Bev, This sounds like the type of wishful thinking that self-described moderates (who are really leftists and don't know it) come up with... "if we only had direct democracy then we could get rid of the parties and our politicians would fix everything."
It's childish, utopian thinking that thinks that everyone believes the same thing and it would all work out if we just agreed what to do, but a few evil people with money somehow stop the world from being perfect. It's idiocy.
Here's the lin: LINK
rlaWTX, I am by nature cautious and know never to count chickens before they are hatched, grown and in the frying pan... but the evidence is overwhelming that he's lost the one thing he needs to save himself: the willingness of people to listen to him.
Without that, he can't turn this around.
As we get into the race, the polls will tighten, they always do. But if I had to put money on it, I would bet on a landslide right now.
I think I just straight out fear 4 more years of Obama-style "leadership" fro the US.
Heck, I fear 2 more years...
Unfortunately, he can do a lot of damage every day he remains in power. So let's hope his days are numbered and we get a solid conservative in 2012 who is willing to undo the damage Obama has done rather than just stopping further damage.
To quote the philosophers at Team America: MATT DAAAMMMOOOONNNNN!!!!
Anyway, if a primary challenge by Damon would add to the turmoil among to the Democrats, then I agree, they're welcome to it.
T-Rav, I'd rather see someone who could cause more chaos -- like Hillary. But I'll take Damon! Anybody with some charisma, some money and some name recognition would be great.... as compared to the usual Ralph Nader run (yawn).
We should do a draft Matt Damon campaign!
DUQ, We can become the early boosters of the Damon for President campaign! :-)
We could even organize a PAC and then use the money on booze!
Oooh, I'm liking this!
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