Thursday, August 4, 2011

Joe "Brainiac" Biden, Landlord

Joe Biden is so unintelligent that he remained one of the poorest US Senators in modern history. Unlike most of his Democratic colleagues, he wasn't even smart enough to be a good crook. While many of them weren't rich when they came into the Senate chamber, they were when they left. But not old Joe. He's smart enough to call Tea Partiers "terrorists," but not smart enough to distinguish between a good investment and the old shell game.

However, since joining the Obamabiden Traveling Vaudeville act, Joe has learned a few things. After all, his partner knows how to work a good real estate deal. And unlike the case with his partner, Biden's real estate friends are not likely to end up in prison with Tony Rezko.

Now Joe isn't exactly getting rich off his current deal, but what can you expect. It's Joe. Yes, Joe has become a landlord. And his tenants are very handy to have around. The Vice President is, of course, protected by the Secret Service, which is a division of the Treasury Department. Joe heard the word "treasury" and decided to get a little money from it. A few thousand here, a few thousand there, and pretty soon you're talking semi-serious money. Since this past April, Joe has been renting a small cottage on his Wilmington, Delaware beachfront property to the men and women of the Secret Service who protect him.

The Secret Service is paying $2200.00 per month for the cottage. Actually, you are paying $2200.00 per month, but that's just a quibble. And besides, if this were Chuck Schumer or Dianne Feinstein who had become veep, the rent would be more like $22,000.00 per month. But Joe thinks small. He isn't even charging more for the cottage than he charged the former tenant. Or the tenant before that--his mother, who died in January of 2010.

One Vice President said of the vice presidency, "it isn't exactly a sin, but you wouldn't want your mother to know about it." Apparently, Joe and the Secret Service have the same attitude toward the rental. Even though the deal isn't illegal, there was no public disclosure about the deal until an investigative reporter was perusing Secret Service purchase orders under the Freedom of Information Act, and found a vendor named Joseph R, Biden, Jr. It is part of the mindset of the Obamabiden administration to be sneaky, hiding things that don't really need to be hidden. Honest Joe did declare the rental as income on his income taxes, though it took some further investigation to determine that the income declared on his 2011 taxes comes from the Secret Service.

This is not a true scandal, although it does seem terribly unseemly and perhaps a bit unethical. Another Vice President who was better at parlaying his position into big bucks might even have made the cottage available for free, since the Secret Service is on the property in the first place to protect him. But Joe doesn't have a lot of outside income, so he needed to earn a little here, a little there. And since it's the taxpayers' money, who cares?

If Joe can continue to rent the property to the Secret Service (ex-Veeps get Secret Service protection, too), he will make his first million off the property in just short of forty-five years. And it's better than trying to make a living off community organizing in Wilmington. So I'm sure Joe will be telling his show biz partner Barack "it's not a big f$#@ing deal."


AndrewPrice said...

I'm actually talking about the "terrorist" thing later today.

On the house, I actually don't care. I think the government should pay rent on what it uses, so this doesn't bother me.

(FYI, for all who care, my article is up at BH!)

StanH said...

B-B-B-Biden is the “B” in blithering. I guess as the liberals said about Cheney, “W” chose him to add gravitas, Barry chose Biden for the same reason, the difference - - Cheney had a brain. You can be certain that the world is laughing, when the dynamic duo of Barry and Biden show up on the tube, all that is missing is the rim-shot when they finish a statement. I laugh too, but the results are so tragic for our great nation. As the 2012 election is about to get started in earnest, the gloves must come off, and expose these jerks, as the anti-American clowns that they are…I don’t want America to be a punch line any longer, after 2012, let us pray the world can put the snare drum away, and Barry and Biden, will unceremoniously, exit stage left!

Tehachapi Tom said...

If memory serves me correctly didn't Bill and Hillary rent the secret service a structure on their property for $10,000.00?
That figure was approximately the total mortgage on the entire estate.
That is if my memory serves me correctly.

I would be beside my self with joy if the very worst thing to occur in this administration was Biden charging a modest rent for his out house.
$2,200.00 is truly insignificant in today's real estate rental market.
The currentleader of the free world spends more than enough to cover Bidens total life time rent on just one golf trip using the Air Force One 747.
Possibly this is the only thing that has been found that is not marginally criminal that this bunch has been doing.
DISGUSTED me herein Tehachapi

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Again, they have to pay for the facilities they use, but this just seems unseemly.

Anonymous said...

Stan: The difference between Cheney and Biden is night and day. Cheney was easy for them to hate because he was smart, and he didn't cave in to the liberals. Biden is a lot harder to hate because he's such a buffoon. But I'm with you--I'm tired of being a laughingstock. We already got lectures from China about fiscal responsibility, and now we're getting them from Putin. The world turned upside-down.

Anonymous said...

Tehachapi Tom: Nobody ever said Biden was the brightest crayon in the box. And the Clintons aren't stupid. That was kind of the point of the article.

Tennessee Jed said...

You can rest assured if this had been Cheney, it would have been "a scandal" or at least miled in the media as if it were one. Kind of reminds me of Justice Thomas' friendship with the Texas billionnaire conservative. Smoke, but no fire.

BevfromNYC said...

I just want to know...did the Secret Service have to put up a "security" deposit?

{{badum..bum **rimshot**}}

Anonymous said...

Tennessee: So true. Had it been Cheney, the New York Times would have had a banner headline denouncing him for stealing "huge sums of money" from the public treasury to pay for his "private security detail."

Anonymous said...

Bev: Hmmmmm. Good thinking. I wonder of that's one of the things that didn't get disclosed. LOL

Joel Farnham said...

This is wrong. Not only is it unseemly, but the secret service can get better rates!

Anonymous said...

Joel: Yeah, but look at the view!

Notawonk said...

if i were the secret service, i'd be all, "nah, we can stay at the ramada inn cheaper. sure, it might take us longer to get here if something happens, but we have the taxpayers to think about."

but then again, that's just me...

Joel Farnham said...

I would not be surprised if during an autopsy, they find that Joe Biden's brain had been supplanted by a green amorphous goo.

Anonymous said...

Patti: I'm sure there's some excuse about the Secret Service detail needing to be nearby all the time, but I'm not buying it. They work in shifts just like almost any other 24 hour operation. The whole detail doesn't need to be with him all the time.

Anonymous said...

Joel: I think the goo is what pushed his hair out, requiring him to get the wolfman hairplugs.

Joel Farnham said...

Pushing the hair out? Could be. I just think that some how Biden got a parasite that eats up his brain and leaves the goo.

Anonymous said...

Joel: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The green goo produced by the parasites exceeds the volume of both the parasites and the goo as it is produced. It's all very zen. Or maybe it contains the solution to the unified theory of relativity.

What I can't figure out is why the parasites haven't starved by now. There wasn't that much material there to start with.

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