Thursday, April 15, 2010

Captioning: Happy

What do you think brought on these expressions? A Bidenism? Today's poll results? A lover's spat? Nancy Pelosi gettin' nekkid?


Anonymous said...

A reporter just asked them about their plans to alienate our good allies in Outer Slobbovia. First, they have no such plans yet. And second, they're not sure where Outer Slobbovia is and are ticked that their protocol officers haven't listed it on the itinerary.

Anonymous said...

It looks like a still from the opening title sequence of a soap opera.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, That sounds about right!

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, What isn't a soap opera with these two?

BevfromNYC said...

"Uh, oh. Tea Partiers!"

AndrewPrice said...

Bar the doors Bev!! It looks like they want their tax money back!!

StanH said...

Bill’s publically groping a new group of Whitehouse interns.

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, That was actually my first thought, Bill had to be somewhere on the other end of those angry glares.

Joel Farnham said...

They just got the 2010 election results.

Ponderosa said...

Biden: Hillary is a SCJILF. Heh. Whaaat?? She's not even on the short list? Jeez Barack, she'll be almost 70 by 2016. We gotta get her somethin' nice.

Joel Farnham said...

Check out Patti's Not a Wonk blog.

It has the Contract From America. :)

JB1000 said...

Obama "I tried being nice! I tried playing fair! I guess I really have no choice but turning Hillary loose on you! And don't say I did not warn you!"

Hillary "It might take a village to raise a child but only one stern woman to rule one!"

rlaWTX said...

you are NOT allowed to say Pelosi & nekkid in the same sentence!!! gives me nightmares.

but then, those 2 faces do too...

I think a janitor left the radio on a talk station & they heard Rush wafting thru their hallowed halls...

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, Yeah, those look like election results to me!

Ponderosa, SCJILF? Yikes. That's a new one on me. **shudders**

AndrewPrice said...

JB1000, That sounds vaguely Lord of the Ringsish -- one Hillary to rule them all! Scary.

rlaWTX, I'll try to stop saying that, LOL!!

Writer X said...

Gibbs must have just informed them that they'd have to pick up their own liquor tabs.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, Now that would be a nasty moment at the old White House! LOL!

Writer X said...

Andrew, did you see that photo of Hilary today on Drudge? The one where she looks like her cocktail was spiked with ecstasy? Priceless.

AndrewPrice said...

No, but I'll go check it out! Thanks.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, Oh my! And is that part of a pistol in front of her? Was she playing Russian Roulette?

Tennessee Jed said...

I think the picture depicts the new pecking order for Democrat nominee in2012.

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