Thursday, April 1, 2010

What's On Your Bucket List?

"Yes, live! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!"

       - from "Auntie Mame" by Patrick Dennis

If you saw the movie "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, then you'll know what I'm talking about. If not, let me explain. A "bucket list" is that mental or written list of experiences you want to have before you "kick the bucket", leave this earthly realm, meet your maker, receive your heavenly know...die.

What are you dying to do? Is it visiting the Great Pyramids in Egypt, or skydiving out of a perfectly good airplane? Maybe it's something more cerebral like reading the collected works of William Shakespeare or learning to say "hello" in 50 languages. If you are really adventurous you, could do what this woman did. Her bucket list included armed bank robbery. Hey, no judgment.

So let's discuss: What's on your bucket list?


AndrewPrice said...

I plan to join a rock band and trash a hotel. Oh, and I want to get a dog.

patti said...

i want to crash a white house party while wearing those ultra fake spy glasses with built-in camera/microphone and liquor-up biden. you tube here i come!

LL said...

Move to a tropical island and 'F' until I'm legally blind.

Anonymous said...

I plan to join a band of dogs and trash a rock band. But seriously, folks, I plan to live long enough to see all the progressives run out of DC. Please, don't anybody tell me how long that will be, I don't want to get depressed.

BevfromNYC said...

I want to see Obama run again 2012 and Sarah Palin...not that I particularly like Sarah Palin, but what I REALLY want to see is Keith Olberman spontaneously combust on national television.

Hey what's happened to Jeaneane Garafalo?

Oh, I want to be the dictator of my very own island nation.

BevfromNYC said...

You know Patti, Biden might make sense if he was liquored up! I'm in...

patti said...

bev: you can be my sneak-past-security one.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I'd like to see Obama lose to "no one" in the primary!

Anonymous said...

(I'll keep this family-friendly)

-Road trip across the USA, which will also serve as a warm-up for...
-Trip around the world, especially Easter Island
-Read all of the Horatio Hornblower and Aubrey/Maturin books
-Learn graphic design and painting
-Write a screenplay and see it produced
-Be an extra in a Star Trek movie, with alien make-up and everything

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, You should write the Star Trek screenplay, then you can demand a role!

BevfromNYC said...

And Scott - You can direct it and shoot on Easter Island!

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