Monday, January 31, 2011

From Here On, You Sleep On The Couch

Pictured are my two junior assistants, Niko the Wonder Pup and Beegee the Crack Kitten, arguing over territory on my living room couch after having been evicted from my bedroom. Senior Assistant Kitty Kelly has her claws planted so deep into the mattress that she'll never be ousted. This chaos is all the result of the latest revelation about the danger of sleeping with your pets (your snickers are being ignored). [+] Read More...

Riot Like An Egyptian

Egypt is dominating the news these days, for good reason. Egypt lies at a strategically key location, with much of the world’s trade still passing through the Suez Canal. It shares a border with Israel. It remains a key battlefront in the war between secularists and fundamentalist Islam. And whether we like it or not, we are deeply involved in what is going on in Egypt. Here’s your primer on Egypt. [+] Read More...

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Double Standard?

The New York Times never disappoints. Back in December, there was a huge flap over the Smithsonian showing of a gay fantasy/homoerotic porn fest passing as art and capped by a continuous loop video of the crucified Christ being covered by crawling ants. Naturally, the Times couldn't understand what we rubes objected to, and gave the exhibit high marks. [+] Read More...

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Debt Ceiling Vote Coming Up

We are about to reach a moment that might determine whether America survives or becomes just another economic footnote to history. Will the Republicans and a few moderate Democrats impose conditions on raising the debt ceiling, or will this be another "bipartisan" love-fest? [+] Read More...

Friday, January 28, 2011

Film Friday: Moon (2009)

Moon is a lost opportunity. It’s not a bad film and you will probably enjoy it, but it could have been so much more. Why? Because Moon centers around a twist that gets exposed early in the film, and rather than explore any of the large number of interesting consequences of that twist, the film just spends the rest of its run time telling you what you already knew about the twist. [+] Read More...

For Public Safety, We Need An Olive Pit Ban

Pictured is Dennis Kucinich (D-Mars). He is feeling under the weather since suffering severe physical injury in the very literal heart of American government. As you can see from the picture, the injury that was wrought upon him in 2008 has caused severe deterioration of his handsome face. The lawsuit was far too sophisticated to be handled by the offices of James Sokolove and didn't involve asbestos anyway, but Dennis the Menace knows that DC is wall-to-wall lawyers. [+] Read More...

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Global Health Fund Is Sick

One major western nation has decided that common sense and good fiscal policy are more important than satisfying the "don't make waves" maudlin sentimentality of bleeding hearts trying to fix all the ills of the world by throwing money at them. Which one? Hint: It isn't America. [+] Read More...

Where Did All The Jobs Go?

Obama spoke the other night about the need to create jobs. I’ve got bad news for him: something has gone wrong with the US economy -- 15 million jobs are “missing,” and nothing he’s proposing will help bring those back. There is an answer, but it's not one people are talking about. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Obama's The SOTU Speech Stunk

Last night, Obama showed why he is one of the worst speechmakers we’ve ever had as President. Liberals used to claim his speeches were inspiring, but that was the Kool-Aid talking. As proof, I offer a simple challenge: tell me anything he’s ever said in a speech that anyone remembers? Last night was no different, except this speech was notably horrid rather than just dull. Even liberal talking heads found little they could use to praise him. Here’s why: [+] Read More...

Let's Hear It For The U.S.--We're Number 9

Yay! It's not whether you win or lose--it's how you play the game. When you get into the game, everyone's a winner. There are no winners or losers, only non-participants. OK, now I've run out of cliches which excuse America from living up to its obligations and remaining the envy of the free world. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

SOTU: It's Fight Night!!


Bankruptcy for States?

People who file bankruptcy are irresponsible. They spent too much, took advantage of the rest of us, and are just trying to get out of paying the consequences. Only liberals love bankruptcy. Right? Well, not really. And, interestingly, more and more conservatives (e.g. Newt Gingrich, Tim Pawlenty, Mark Kirk) are suggesting that bankruptcy might be the best course for some of our states? [+] Read More...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Republicans Propose Significant Cuts

The Republicans keep impressing. This time, the influential Republican Study Committee issued a list of cuts they want to make in the budget. The headline number is less than inspiring at only $2.5 trillion over ten years. But what does impress me is the long term effect these changes would have on our country. [+] Read More...

Where Is Nero When You Need Him?

He probably wouldn't have been so rash in San Francisco since there are so few Christians to blame things on. But at least Nero had a plan. If it meant burning down half the city so he could build a new palace, well, them's the breaks. [+] Read More...

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Since you’re all watching football, I’ll keep this short. Many things happened this weekend that deserve attention: GE, Obama and the NFL, Keith Olbermann. . . you get the picture. Try to leave a few comments during the timeouts!! Hey, was that a touchdown? [+] Read More...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New York State of Mind 2011

Nassau Street and Maiden Lane
NYC 12/27/10
Well, it has been many weeks and many snowstorms since my last report. We have a new Governor and a new Legislature and, so far none have been accused of any actionable crimes! But sadly, we have the same Mayor of NYC, but I'll get to that later. So let me get everyone up to speed... [+] Read More...