Wednesday, January 12, 2011

200,000 Hits! Woo Hoo!!!

Thanks everyone! And for the record, this is not the same $100,000 Commentarama bill we used for the 100,000 hit announcement. Nope, completely different guy on this bill. . . note the mustache! We would never be so lazy as to reuse something we already did! Oh no. While we have your attention, what do you think was the most interest political story last year?


JG said...

Congrats! That's quite a milestone!

My vote would be for the JournoList. Finally, proof of what we've been saying all along: They're out to get us.

I kid, I kid. But, no, really. They are.

Tennessee Jed said...

The year of the tea party. Great job Andrew and Hawk. You guys do a great job!

AndrewPrice said...

JG, Thanks! I'm pretty amazed myself.

Good call on the JournoList story! And well said! LOL! It really does prove that journalists are not the independent unbiased creatures they claim to be -- they have in fact been coordinating their stories, which throws everything they've said into doubt!

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Jed, and don't forget Bev!

It's been a lot of work, but it's been worthwhile, that's for sure!

Year of the Tea Party -- very true, a sea change in the relationship between the government and the people? Perhaps! Let's hope!

T_Rav said...

Andrew, I hear the Treasury will start printing these bills as legal tender. There will be some minor modifications, of course--Wilson will have a halo instead of an evil-looking mustache, for example. But expect these bills to start flying off the presses soon, just in time to stop that annoying inflation problem.

Most interesting story of the year? Obviously, I can't comment on the entire year, but yours and LawHawk's pieces on global warming, drug legalization, and illegal immigration have been very useful additions to my political arsenal, for which I am duly thankful. I guess what I enjoyed most was the Election Night Open Thread, with the fun rapid-fire updates and everything. That, and the Avatar review.

(By the way, sorry if this posts twice--the site swallowed it the first time for some reason.)

AndrewPrice said...

By the way, thanks to everyone who's commented and to those of you who've contributed with article too -- Jed, Scott, the Elves, Writer X and Pitts!

Pittsburgh Enigma said...

I would vote for the takeover of the House of Representatives. Funny how no one's even talking about it anymore. When Dems win, it's "we won, you lost" constantly being shoved in our faces.

Thanks to Commentarama for giving us an alternative to the lies and spin of the MSM!

Tennessee Jed said...

that's right, kudos to Bev, as well. :-)

AndrewPrice said...

Pitts, You're welcome! I'm glad to be of assistance! Actually, I think that right now the "alternative media" is very important to our country because it's breaking the group-think monopoly of the left.

I'll tell you, the take over of the House had put me at ease. Could you imagine what we would be facing with this shooting if the Democrats still controlled the entire government? They would be passing bills left and right to tear up the Constitution and impose their will on the public. So just having the power to put a halt to that is a good feeling.

Now we need the rest so we can fix what they've messed up these past few years.

Anonymous said...

Tennessee: Thanks a bunch.

My vote is like yours. For all its warts and wrinkles, I still see the rise of the Tea Party and its success at the polls to be the big story of the year. If it continues its spontaneity and holds the feet of politicians of both parties to the fire, it will be a major force for years to come. (Was that too violent?)

StanH said...


The Tea Party, flipping the congress by 63…a political earthquake.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Stan!

So far, it sounds like the Tea Party story is the favorite, which strikes me as strange since we were told that Obama's success with the START Treaty (which the Russians were laughing about this week) and Financial Regulation would be the big stories that carried the Democrats through the election.

Hmmm. Some must be wrong here?

T_Rav said...

Wow, my comment got swallowed twice for some reason. Well, I'll just let it go for now.

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, (or is it Rav: _T),

Sorry about that. Google has a spam filter that often eats comments. They always come back, but sometimes they vanish. And we can't turn it off -- lots of bloggers complain about it.

I just checked the filter and they were there so I told it to publish them. Feel free to delete one if they're duplicate.

RAV:_T said...

Thanks Andrew, I wasn't miffed, I just had to run for a minute. Since I don't have a Google or whatever it is account, I don't think I can delete it, but feel free to do so if you have that capability. Anyhoo, thanks for all the entertaining and informative posts all of you have put up some 200,000 times now!

AndrewPrice said...

You're welcome Rav:_T!

I am glad that we've helped fill your intellectual arsenal! Good luck changing a few hearts and minds! And I'm really glad you enjoyed the Avatar review! LOL! That was fun to write. :-)

P.S. Thanks for digging up that bit about David Wynn Miller. That was worth a laugh. What a nutjob!

BevfromNYC said...

Man, I'm always the last to know! Congrats to our fearless leaders!!!

My most interesting political story was the aftermath of Election 2010 and....the Tea Partiers! Let's see if we can carry through to 2012 and hold our Congresscritters "feet to the fire" [TO ANY CRAZY PEOPLE WHO MIGHT BE READING THIS: I DO NOT MEAN THAT LITERALLY]

RAV: T_ said...

Andrew, happy to help. Since I usually have to be appraised of the facts by others, it's nice to be supplying some of the ammo for a change. Wait...can I still say ammo?

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I can't believe you would advocate setting fire to people's feet! For shame! LOL!

I hope 2011 turns out to be as good for the Tea Party as 2010. I think we could be on the verge a true remaking of our government back into something responsive and responsible!

AndrewPrice said...

Rav:_T, Nope, you can't say ammo. Or gun or kill or shoot or concrete shoes or splat or zoinks or pow or bam anymore. Sorry. We'll issue a list of approved words soon. And that will be doubleplus good!

BevfromNYC said...

NO!!!! No more "zoinks" or "splat"? Those dang liberals are trying to take everything else! Now they're gonna take away Onomotopoaia too? That just ain't right!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, On behalf of cartoon villains everywhere, we must stop this in its tracks! LOL!

I don't want to live in a world where Batman throws a punch and we get a disclaimer. :-(

Notawonk said...

congrats! and tea party hands down.

BevfromNYC said...

You know, Obama had me in his corner with his brief statement on Saturday. It was the perfect length and tone.
/begin rant/

AND NOW he is interrupting the world to speak before a live crowd in a stadium in Arizona. I had to turn it off. I know people were killed and I know that this is a bad thing, but isn't this just a little over the top? If I am wrong, can someone just tell me? He is giving this WAAAAY to much attention.

It's like he's won't speak to us when we WANT an explanation and he won't shut up when we don't NEED an explanation. We don't need a lecture from someone who called us "the enemy".

/end rant

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Patti!

Another vote for this "Tea Party" thing? I should look into that! ;-)

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Nice rant!

I personally think it's too much. I understand that Presidents are expected to speak at times like this, and that many people really do want their leaders to calm and reassure the nation at times like this.

But for me, I would rather that he just issue the statement (which he did and I thought he hit the right tone) and then either do nothing or maybe go to the funeral and don't speak.

I know many people want more, but to me it becomes too showy. The more he gets involved, the less and less genuine it seems.

Tennessee Jed said...

Bev - I don't think you are wrong in your assessment at all. Obama gave a great speech, but the whole service came off as strange to me; too much, too over the top, too campaign like. Even when he mentioned civility, the only example given was patriotism which is the standard liberal example of unfair criticism of them. No this had a let's make sure Barry hits a home run which is exactly how the msm will play it.

Anonymous said...

This was a memorial service? I've been to more decorous Cal-Stanford football games. I thought Obama's speech was OK. Nothing like Clinton after Oklahoma City or Reagan after the shuttle disaster, but adequate. The only false note in his prepared remarks was when he said "we should revisit our previous assumptions." Like what, Mr. Obama? The First Amendment?

I knew this was going to be weird when the invocation was given by a Native-American non-shaman. What the hell was that all about? He blessed everything but the nails holding the podium together.

High point (and the only one at which I thought raucous cheering was appropriate): "Gabby opened her eyes." You'd have to have a heart of stone not to be affected by that.

Tennessee Jed said...

Hawk - my first thought was Bam was referring to the second amendment at that particular time, but I see your point.

Anonymous said...

Tennessee: Good call, because I meant to include both, got in a hurry, and only listed the First.

darski said...

This is a personal bias - I admit that.

I would say that Beck's 8/28 rally was the big event. It drove the left nuts for months and then more months trying to out-do what he did with millions to wounded warriors to boot.

Like a said; personal choice.
November wasn't bad though.

USArtguy said...

Congratulations! Your wit and intelligence that are evident in each of your well-informed opinions make for great reading... matched only in part by your loyal followers... ahem!. No, seriously, you guys are great. Thanks for the time you put into making this a well-deserved success.

Anonymous said...

USArtguy: If I could do it online, I'd blush. We really enjoy having you and so many other loyal supporters keep us honest and keep us motivated. Thanks a mil.

AndrewPrice said...

USArtguy, Thanks! We're glad you guys like the site and thanks for all the comments you've since we opened up shop so long ago.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev/Lawhawk/Jed, As expected, the media is playing his speech as the greatest thing since.... well, ever. I certainly didn't think it was that great. And I expect that like all of his prior speeches where were supposed to be so good that we all fell in love, just like the journalists did, I suspect this one will be forgotten right away as well.

T_Rav said...

Andrew, having read through the text of Obama's comments, I thought his comments were okay. Not bad, despite a certain amount of mealymouthed platitude, but certainly nowhere near as good as Palin's. To tell the truth, I was more incensed by how the whole thing was set up like a campaign rally. T-Shirts? Really?

AndrewPrice said...

T_Rav, I'm troubled by the idea of challenging certain assumptions. First, if he has something to say, he should have said it -- not danced around it. This is exactly what he did during the campaign, he made vague statements that let everyone fill in their own blanks. Secondly, the only assumptions that I can see that he's talking about are the assumptions about our freedoms, i.e. free speech, free assembly, right to bear arms.

In terms of the rally feel, I agree. I have always viewed funerals as a personal issue, i.e. a moment for private reflection with friends and families, and a rock concert atmosphere seems wildly inappropriate.

Ed said...

Super cool Andrew! I never miss your articles and I come here before I go anywhere else. I'm surprised someone hasn't hired you to syndicate your work.

Ed said...

Oh, biggest political story? I think the Tea Party was huge, so was the Journolist, but I have to say that the biggest issue (not the best) was the passing of Obamacare. Until that's defeated, that could remake 1/6th of our economy. If that gets repealed, then I'll change my vote.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks Ed! And I appreciate that! Tell your friends! And thanks for the comments.

USS Ben USN (Ret) said...

Hurray! Congratulations Bev, Andrew, Lawhawk and all you guys n' gals that have contributed to this outstanding blog!

I really appreciate the critical thinking, reasearch, humor, and excellent writing that you all put into every post.

You delve deep into the many political, cultural, entertainment, media, history, etc. to get the full story and you provide the evidence to back it up.

You cherish the truth and "hold these truths to be self evident" in the vein of our Founding Fathers, and I love that because it makes me think and dig deeper.

You are also unashamably patriotic, respect our military and law enforcement men and women, love our Constitution, and give excellent advice on how we can continue to fight and protect it, the rule of law not of men, and the importance of our rights, and what scoundrels are doing to erode and destroy our liberties on a local, state and federal level.

Thanks guys! You are one of the jewels of the blogosphere and I'm glad I discovered you (serendipity anyone?). :^)

I hope your readership continues to grow, even if that means you won't be able to respond to every comment because the truth is that important...our liberty is that important.

Bravo Zulu!

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