It's time we hired good union labor to build a wall to stop those darn Moosers from sneaking across the border and stealing our healthcare! Wait, is Moosers racists or just rude? Also, who cares if they get our healthcare so long as they pay for it. . . and so long as they let us shop at their pharmacies? And why would we hire union guys when we can hire hardworking freshly-minted Arizonans? Let's start this over because I think we got off on the wrong foot. They're voting in Michigan and Arizona and we got you covered. Leave your thoughts... your hopes... your dreams in the comment section below.
And while we wait, riddle me this: What's your favorite car of all time? And for bonus points, what was your first car?
Don't forget: It's Star Trek Tuesday at the film site!
1 – 200 of 211 Newer› Newest»Is Moosers a derogatory word for Canadians? Because I'm gonna say it is.
Moosers... LOL!!!
Oh Andrew!
T-Rav, Actually, I just made it up. It sounded derogatory. :)
But I'm kidding. I like our Canadian neighbors.
Doc, I would never denigrate Canada. Vermont yes, Canada no.
Andrew, Did you see that the Democrats are organizing for Santorum in Michigan?
Kelly, Yep. Imagine that.
So what's your favorite car?
Obama apparently claimed to day he wants to buy a Volt.
I was all excited to vote in the AZ primary today, but was turned away! Blast! Turns out that I forgot that I registered as an independent when I moved to AZ. I've registered Republican my whole life, but not this time. It didn't even occur to me that I wouldn't be able to vote in the closed primary. I forgot that just because I (nearly) always vote republican it doesn't actually make me a republican. It should have been a clue that I didn't get any mail notifications about the upcoming election. Although, the robo-calls from Rick Santorum threw me off. Why was he robocalling independents (and democrats?) in a closed primary anyway?
You can call us that if you want, but we prefer "Canuck", eh? Wanna come over for a beer, eh?
Andrew that's nice, but Obama will never be driving himself anywhere again. Maybe he can get a Volt limo that runs on promises...
Tam, Sorry to hear that! :(
I understand that more than half the primary voters in AZ already voted by mail.
In Michigan, Drudge says they've got low voter turn out, so Rick and his Democratic buddies will probably win there.
I can't imagine Rick's robocall turned you off however.
// rolls eyes and tries not to go on rant
Speaking of robocalls, I absolutely hate them. I can't imagine they do anyone any good because of how much people hate getting phone solicitations.
Also, when we had the primary, I got the same Romney robocall more than 10 times. That really annoyed me.
Dear Canadian, I thought "Canuck" was derogatory?
(Seriously, that's what I'd always heard.)
It's my own fault. I just didn't pay attention. I did tell one of the Santorum operatives that I wouldn't be voting for a socialist in a republican primary. I waited for a response and got crickets chirping just before the click on the other end of the line. The others were all computers, so I didn't get to play with them at all. No fun!
My first new car was an orange Pontiac Astra 3 speed manual tranmission hatchback.
Bev, A Volt limo that runs on promises! Nice. With an assist from a power station which burns unicorns.
I think his claim that he wants a Volt is obviously false.
BTW, My first car was a 1961 Ford Falcon.... 0-60 in twenty minutes, downhill.
My first car was a dodge colt hatchback that I bought from my parents, who had previously purchased it from my sister.
My dream car is an audi TT.
Dear Mr. AndrewPrice -
Canuck IS derogatory, but we're so nice we don't want to complain, eh? How about some hockey and beer, eh?
Tam, I said the SAME THING! LOL!
The guy was stunned and said, "Santorum, not Obama." So I rattled off a whole list of Santorum's record. He said, "oh, have a nice day."
That made my day. :)
That was right before our caucus which I have tried to purge from my memory.
On Arizona, several media outlets are trying to turn a non-race into a race by saying that the real question will be the percentage of victory, not the victory. I find that annoying. It's an attempt to continue the horserace narrative even where there is no horserace, and it lets them declare the winner no matter how things turn out because they just declare that someone did better/worse than expected. That's fraudlent reasoning, especially as they were pimping the "who will win" narrative a couple days ago.
Bev, I just looked that up. That's not a bad looking car as far as 1970s cars goes.
It beat my Falcon, which I'm pretty sure had a lawnmower engine.
Chevy Corvair -- unsafe at any speed and a lot of fun.
Tam, The Audi TT is very nice. I have ended up lucky recently that I've really come to love my Chrysler 300, so it's become my dream car. But beside that, I would want either and MGB or the Camero from Better Off Dead!
Dear Canadian, I'm starting to think you aren't a real Canadian?!
DUQ, Nice looking car too. Damn Ralph Nader for ruining it! ;)
Mmmm. No, I'm going to say you're racist against Canadians. More inflammatory. :-)
My first car was an '89 Buick Century, which was a hand-me-down from my grandparents. I drove it all through college--there were some fun times with that car. And when I say "fun," I mean "expensive."
You mean it's not over yet??? sigh
Tam, I wonder if anyone ever gets turned away from the D closed votes?
'88 Chevy Cavalier - HS graduation present
After I spent HS riding with my best friend in her burnt orange (Honda?) wagon
In my dreams I can handle a manual transmission Mustang GT - 2007-8 body style, for some unknown reason they make me drool. But I am a klutz and although I KNOW how to drive a manual, it's not a pretty sight in action...
T-Rav, I have not now, nor have I ever hated any individual Canadian, even though I have on occasion advocated conquering their country. ;)
Seriously, how could you not like Canada? What a great place.
The most "expensive" car my parents ever owned was a used 1985 Cadillac Fleetwood... the worst year GM ever made. That thing needed something like $500 a month in life support for almost a year until they got rid of it. They should have just pushed it off a cliff somewhere.
One thing I will give the Falcon, it drove forever. It's probably still out there chugging along. And it was easy to fix.
I had a Rabbit, which was the same thing -- easy to fix, ran forever. These days you need the HAL 9000 just to tell you what's wrong with your car.
T-Rav, my parents "inherited" 2 Buick Centurys from my grandparents an early 80s and a late 80s/early 90s. Worked well for them both times... Esp. since the previous cars were a early 70s Mercury Montego and a Gremlin (did they have years?)
rlaWTX, I wonder the same thing about dems getting turned away from the voting booth. Actually, I don't wonder.
rlaWTX, I love manuals, although my current car doesn't have one. I like having the ability to control everything it does rather than hope the engineers were able to guess how the car should handled.
The Mustangs are nice. They did a very nice job of saving them after a few years of blandness.
I think my sister had the same Chevy Cavalier!
rlaWTX, My neighbor had a Gremlin when I was young. I used to think that was the coolest looking car. Of course, I knew nothing about explosions at that point. But it was cool to look at. I was 7-8.
rlaWTX & Tam, not only don't they turn people away, they vote for people who don't even bother to show up.
first car was a '64 Chevy Impala convertible. Who knew it would become Government Motors way back then. Currently driving a 4.2 litre Audi A6Quattro. Most comfortable ride I've ever had.
Sorry about the turnaway, Tam, but in a way I'm not. We've talked about it before, but I don't want Democrats or Independents choosing a Republican nominee. "T'ain fittin' . . . just t'aint 'fittin' "
Right now, I have my favorite vehicle I've had - 2000 Chevy Silverado. Got it in 2007 - former oil field truck. Love my truck! I have wanted one since college. Only 170K miles on it so far... (I only drove the last 61K)
My Cavalier was s pretty good car considering the abuse it got. Totaled it the first time and grandfathers fixed it (nose to nose with a Miata). But the second time - just can't get a trunk out of the back seat...
Jed, That's how I feel about the 300. I bought it when my Honda died and I bought it because Chrysler was giving them away as it looked like the company was failing.
I have been ultra impressed with it. The handling is a bit sloppy, but the power is amazing, the car is the most comfortable I've ever owned, and I love the toys -- especially the huge harddrive for the music (3,500 songs!).
That said, the A6 is very nice. :)
I agree about the primaries. I think they should all be closed to prevent the other side causing havoc. I think out entire electoral system needs an overhaul in fact.
rlaWTX, My Rabbit got totaled too.
We we going down a road at 45 mph right in front of my high school when a woman in this HUGE silver bomber pulled out in front of my car and the two next to me. I hit the brakes and told my friend, "guess what!" He was not amused. :(
All four cars got totaled. But like Frankenstein, my Rabbit was rebuilt....
OH - before I actually start working again instead of hanging out here--
Have you seen the bumper sticker picture:
Obi-Wan Kenobi 2012 Our Only Hope
(my aunt says they'd need his birth certificate)
anyway, it made me laugh... TTFN
Sure, all those computerized cars may look spiffy and everything, but if we're ever subject to an electromagnetic pulse or something, they will all be DOA--Dead On their Axles. There's something to be said for the simplicity and durability of the older models.
That Buick wasn't a lot of things, but it was solidly built and it ran a lot longer than I had any right to expect. Then I got an '05 Ford Focus when I got down here to Mississippi, which I promptly crashed (the car, not the state), and now I have an '07 Hyundai. Meh.
rlaWTX, Nice! Yeah, he would need to produce a birth certificate, but that's not really a problem with photoshop and willing governor.
I would vote for Obi Won!
FrankenRabbit indeed! :)
Turnout is actually fairly high in Michigan today, according to the radio. It should be interesting to watch, especially since Santorum leads among those voting today and Romney leads among those who have already voted, by comparable margins. Arizona is 100% a lock for Romney and they are strictly Winner-Take-All in delegate distribution, so he will get all 29 of their delegates.
T-Rav, That is true. The old Ford Falcon will survive the Robot Holocaust.
I was wondering how you crash a state? LOL!
way to stay on task, T-Rav! I guess that's why you're the Sockpuppetmaster!
Speaking of Romney, did you see the Kid Rock thing? I didn't know Kid Rock was a Republican? Is he a Republican?
I suspect Santorum will win tonight by 2-3 points in MI because of the combination of union support + evangelicals + Democrats. I read that some analysts think the Democrats added as much as 16% in 2008 and there is a concerted effort by them to help Santorum.
Sockpuppetstein.... 8)
My next to the last car was a 1978 Monte Carlo silver with burgundy interior bought new off the lot. It was recalled 5 times. I vowed never to buy another American car again.
My last care was a 1986 Toyota Corolla hatchback that my Dad previously owned. He traded it in and arranged for me to buy it from the dealership, so I would learn how to get a car loan from the bank. I loved that car and pretty much did about everything there is that one can do to destroy a car and every morning the engine would turn over and it would take me anywhere I needed to go.
I sold it in 1989 to move to NYC and haven't owned a car since...
Bev, I couldn't live without a car.
I've had the Falcon, the Rabbit, a Civic, an Accord, a Mazda of some sort (can't remember the number.. 626 maybe?), and then the 300.
First, did they remove the ability to subscribe to comments by email?
What are my hopes and dreams for today's primaries? That they be as painless as possible. Oh, too late. I heard about Santorum wooing Michigan Democrats. But heaven forbid Romney bring it up, because that is "whining"! This coming from Baby Ricky, the biggest whiner among them.
First car, technically a -89 Mazda 323, but the first car that was *really* mine was a '92 Plymouth Sundance.
Dream car, a Mercedes E-class. Preferably a Cabriolet, but as long as we're talking E-class, I'm not too picky.
"I was wondering how you crash a state? LOL!"
Elect Jerry Brown...
tryanmax, On Santorum, that was my first thought too -- the baby is complaining about someone else whining? Give me a break.
Ya know, if Rick really is a representative of Christianity, then Christianity has problems. Apparently his Bible has fewer commandments and it left out about half of the things Jesus actually said.
Bev, Bravo! So true.
I couldn't help but notice, by the way, that the MSM keeps pushing your governor into the spotlight. I'm starting to get the feeling they intend to crown him in 2016 as the Democratic nominee.
"Moonbeam Brown Crashes Mississippi"
Bev, nice call on the Monte. I currently drive a 2000, but my heart belongs to the '77.
Moosers, love it! Er, beauty, eh, you knob!
First car: 1975 Malibu Classic purchased for $200 in 1986. No paint job, primer gray, and rusted-out driver's-side floorboard "plugged" by a Yield sign. V-8 engine so I wasn't complainin'. Rear-ended and totaled by a semi-truck on good ol' I-75, just over the border in Michigan -- a no-fault state -- in 1987. We had some very good times ...
no car in WTX is nearly catastrophic...
especially in summer!
[work was boring]
Dear Writer's Union -- wouldn't that be "Moonshine" in the southern states? ;)
Eric, Moosers sounded right. No actual offense intended. :)
In many ways, your story is the quintessential story of America. I kid you not. That's got all the elements -- the self-starter with $200 in his pocket, the do it yourself repair job, the love for the American auto and the power of the American auto, and end of the car being on the highway. It's almost poetic! :)
rlaWTX, I can imagine. The West just isn't the kind of place you can live without a car. Everything is too far apart.
Sorry to hear work stinks. :(
Actually, our Governor Cuomo isn't doing too badly. He is kind of old school and seemingly a financial conservative (little c). And yes, he positioning himself for 2016. He'll run as the Formerly-married to-a-Kennedy/First Italian-American candidate.
rla, I'm just that dedicated.
Andrew, I'm wondering if you need to get into the site design to fix the comment subscriptions. The option still shows up on my blogger, but I'm using a different design.
"I was wondering how you crash a state? LOL!"
Well, if you have a few minutes, let me regale you....
I lied. It was a 1980 Corolla. It was the first car in our family to go 100K miles.
Andrew, I thought that I would be lost without a car, but I adjusted nicely. It is great not to have to worry about loan payments, the price of gas, maintenance, parking, cleaning etc. And in 2003 I joined a car sharing service (Zipcar), so I can get whatever kind of car I need 24/7, if I ever need one.
My dream car is a 1961 Mercedes convertible - White with tan interior and lots of shiny chrome...
Truth be told, Andrew, while the car was worked in as $200 worth of compensation while working for my dad's asphalt seal-coating company, it's more the quintessential story of my beloved but occasionally cheap-ass father: Purchase something of non-top-notch quality because it’s a decent price, and jimmy-rig the hell out of it to keep it functional. So, in a way, an American story, albeit of a slightly Obamanian nature.
Again, though, I loved that car and am not complaining one bit about it's less than stellar condition. My dad didn't have to buy it for me and I remain grateful almost 26 years later.
Off-topic, of sorts: Maine's Olympia Snowe has just announced her retirement. LINK
Ok, I've changed the comments page to be imbedded below rather than opening a new page. That allows the "subscribe by e-mail" button to appear again.
Let's try this.
Sorry about the problems folks, this is all Blogger's doing. We've changed nothing.
So am I now replying to your comment directly?
Bev, I would fully expect Cuomo to be the nominee in 2016.
I agree that NYC is no place for a car, says the guy who tried to visit NYU once with his car. But I just can't give it up.
Oh wow, I didn't know you could do that? Is this good or bad?
Jed, I agree. I was only disappointed in myself. Imagine that--taking responsibility for my own actions. Or lack of action in this case. I was mad that I didn't pay attention, but I'm glad they turned away independents and democrats. I just wish I hadn't been one of them!
Eric, That's funny, but it's also very typical of many of the Americans I know. I can't tell you how many people I know who have found "non-authorized" solutions to problems they've encountered. In fact, growing up, I don't think I know anyone who hadn't taped or nailed some part of their car back together.
Now out time scale is wrong? The blog should be set for EST, not whatever it's currently set to?
From prior experience on other sites that utilize it, it's bad. If you can turn it off, please do. I much prefer our non-chronological format. It's part of the Commentarama charm.
I apologize for my suggestion that only made things worse.
Duct tape and bailing wire - that'll fix nearly anything, I've been told...
and this newest change is kinda interesting...
I see no way to turn this particular feature off.
Yeah, I'm not sure if I like it or not. It's harder to find comments people leave but it does allow people to make direct replies.
maybe time is going backward - which would be horrific as it is now 5pm and I get to go home!!!!
(this is a little fun...)
Reading the next debate thread will be mighty interestin'!
Andrew, this may be useful to you:
rlaWTX, I'm envisioning massive confusion. But we'll see. :)
Thanks. I'll check that out. Ugh.
And I can now verify that I have implemented the trick on my own blogger and it works just fine.
All ur conservative bloggz r belong to us
Which one of you broke the blog?
That would be Blogger. We just did collateral damage trying to fix it. :)
Thank God we got through nearly all of the debates before this farce was concocted.
rla, you can never go home....
T-Rav, Which part do you want fixed?? Need input.
Andrew, I don't have a clue how to fix this. Software's never been my strong suit. You could track down the Blogger admins and threaten them, I guess, but that might be counterproductive.
Well theoretically, fixing all of it would be nice but of course you don't have that kind of power. Personally, I thought we were doing just fine without a reply system, but that's me.
I can change some of it, but I need to know which parts are the problem for everyone?
If we go back to the prior comments screen, you can't get comments by e-mail and the preview is worthless.
If we stay with this, I could turn off the reply features?
you mean we're nearly out of debates... sniff-sniff boo-hoo, or not.
yeah, the replies are entertaining but not useful.
I can't turn her around Captain, the blog is formatted!
Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead...
The @#$%??!! How did "Farragut" respond to that sockpuppet 17 months before I posted it? What is happening?????
Arg, it's all still here.
Never mind.
on my thread, the dates & times make more sense than that!
It worked! We're back to normal reality!
Hey! The replies are gone... that's a step forward - or backward...
rlaWTX, Or both! And it seems to have solved the timing issue too.
Yay, we're back to semi-normal!
This adventure brought to courtesy of your friends at Blogger - more like Frogger than you'd expect!
This may be as normal as it's gonna get because Blogger seems to love just making these kinds of changes.
So Snowe is retiring? Interesting. Let's hope we get a decent replacement.
More like Frogger than you expected! LOL!
In Maine? Don't make me laugh. I don't like Snowe--she's an amoral moderate who reminds me of a professor of mine--but the truth is, she may be the most conservative person we could get for that seat. Why is New England so screwed up?
New England is screwed up because the conservatives left. They're all in the South and West now.
31 minutes for the first vote in Michigan.
CNN says that 10% of voters in Michigan are Democrats and 50% of them are voting for Santorum, with the rest split.
CNN is talking a lot about the Democrats having fun voting for Santorum.
"voting for Santorum is my way of protecting Obama"
They are actually organizing and the guy just claimed they got 14,000 confirmed votes for Santorum for the Democrats.
Those MI Democrats "having fun" had better be careful. Rush's Operation Chaos helped Obama get in.
T-Rav, Different situation. Obama was electable.
You know, this whole "Romney made a gaffe saying he had two Cadillacs" is just stupid. Is he supposed to lie and pretend he's poor? When did it become a gaffe to not hide your money?
This is America, not East Germany.
Gingrich is about to speak.
Isn't it, Andrew? Isn't it?
Well, I'm headed out for a little bit to grab some food. It's not like Michigan's gonna be decided in the next hour anyway.
Frankly, Barack, I'm SICK of the whole "gaffe" meme. The media is trying to destroy people based on the most minor slip ups, and when they can't find a slip up, they just create one by defining something they don't like as a gaffe.
It's basically an attempt to describe non-liberalism as a mental mistake. And it needs to stop.
A genuine gaffe is something that shows a dark side or intense stupidity. A minor slip up or lack of lying the way the PR people want is not a gaffe!
Moreover, it's time we stopped buying any claim of a gaffe from liberals who somehow can never find a gaffe from liberals -- who are nothing but gaffes.
T-Rav, Watch, they will declare Michigan in 5 minutes.
P.S. Gingrich and Paul are going to speak in a couple minutes.
We project the winner is Obama.
So now they're saying it will take an hour to get the results?
Whether this is fair or not, I don't like Gingrich's wife.
Doc, Good First Ladies are hard to come by. I like both Bush First Ladies a lot, but haven't liked the rest. And I certainly don't like the Klingon in the White House now.
Newt seems to be reading the wrong speech. this is the "boring graduation speech."
This is awful.
So they've cut Newt off to go to commercial. That's called "getting the hook."
It looks like Romney's going to win Wyoming, which I didn't even know what ongoing. They will release the results tomorrow.
Andrew, I am finding the whole "Romney must win Michigan" argument CNN is pushing truly obnoxious. Just because his father was governor befor 80% of the people in the state were born, it is somehow fatal if he doesn't win?
I love how they dismiss Arizona too: "Oh, Romney was exected to win that."
In other words, Romney must win places we designate and we will ignore the ones where he will win easily.
Doc, Pay careful attention because CNN is trying to define the race. They have established a set of rules where the only races that matter are the ones they designate. And they base "what matters" on any nonsense point they can spin into a meme.
This is nothing new. They've been doing this throughout the race to try to define victory as defeat and vice versa to manipulate the race.
They are doing the same thing with the "negative" campaigning. They have been defining "negative" based on "a pro-Republican" ad. It's ridiculous. I don't have a solution for it, but it angers me.
Wolf Blitzer hasn't said a single sentence without saying "Romney's home state of Michigan."
I'm finding Wolf laughable actually because he's standing by the chart going "OOOOHH we just got another percent and they're only 200 votes apart." But that's stupid because these votes aren't proportional so you can't really make a race out of this.
DUQ, It is pretty stupid.
Now they're talking about how the vote will be proportioned. Apparently this will be by congressional district. What a mess our system is.
Drink! Ron Paul said "fed." :)
Paul needs a new speech. He makes good points, but it's getting a little dull.
Glad to see the blog quasi-fixed.
Quasi is the best you're gonna get. If we go back the other way, we lose the subscribe by e-mail function.
Actually, considering what they did to the comments page, I like this better.
If those are the only options, then yeah, this is better.
And Arizona is called for Romney but Wolf Blitzer doesn't care because he's more concerned about how Michigan is Romney's home state again.
CNN has Romney winning Arizona by 17%.
OMG OMG! Romney just jumped ahead of Rick Santorum... how did that happen?
Oh wait, because I'm being an idiot trying to tell you that the rate at which the numbers dribble in is representative.
How is Michigan Romney's home state if he was Governor of Massachusetts?
If you see any comments from Syria, something has now gone wrong with our spam filter.
Andrew, My comment vanished too. And now you're comment about vanishing comments has vanished.
Bev, They've been beating this dead horse all night. Almost every other word out of CNN is "Michigan is Romney's home state so if he can't win, then he can't beat Obama."
They are now begrudgingly giving him credit for winning Arizona... as an after thought. Must be the Mormons.
DUQ, My comment vanished into the spam filter -- both of them.
I don't see your comment there, but I do see it in a different article. Did you post it under a different article?
Nope. I haven't left this thread.
Wow, these analysts are intentionally blind. They are acting like there was no alternative to the auto bailout. Unbelievable.
Romney is now up by 10,000 votes BUT that's meaningless until we know where the votes are coming from.
Hey, did you guys know that Mitt Romney's home state is Michigan?
Ron Paul just slapped down the theory that he's working with Mitt Romney... which is obviously a stupid theory.
"If that's all Santorum has to talk about, then couldn't have much of a platform. He dreamed that up and I think he should talk about the issues instead."
Doc, really?
Slaughter the Zionists!....Oh wait, can this thing be seen publicly?
Paul gives a much better interview than speech.
Andrew and Doc, I don't know about you guys, but I heard a scurrilous rumor that Romney once spent some time in--wait for it--Massachusetts.
T-Rav, No no no no. Romney's home state is Michigan!!!! He even stopped to eat there once. It's honestly been WAY over the top how much they keep saying this.
T-Rav, They've been saying something odd about the delegates in Michigan. Apparently, they won't be awarded statewide. They will instead be awarded by Congressional district.
According to the Google map, Santorum appears to be taking the Upper Peninsula and the western part of the Lower Peninsula, where the social conservatives are heaviest. Romney is winning the Detroit-Lansing area and some of the northern counties. Also, if the exit polls hold up, he will probably win the state by a few points. Great.
I know this means nothing, but Romney keeps going up a few hundred more votes with each set of returns.
Well, one thing is certain. Nobody is buying what Gingrich is selling...maybe he'll drop out now.
T-Rav, Today, Romney is from Michigan. Next week he'll be from whatever other state. And so on.
Bev, Newt has no reason to drop out yet because Santorum absolutely won't play outside of union areas. And that's been Newt's strategy suddenly, to present himself as anti-Union and Santorum as pro-Union.
That plays well in the South.
Andrew, it's odd stuff. Michigan has 30 delegates (should have 59, but they broke RNC rules by moving up their primary date and were stripped of half their delegates as punishment). It has 14 Congressional districts after redistricting; each one selects two delegates, who go to whoever won the most votes in that district. The other two are "awarded proportionally," which I take to mean Romney will get one and Santorum will get one. From a cursory glance at the map and the results so far, I'd guess that the delegate count will be fairly evenly split between them.
I repeat, until we know who has turned in votes, none of these numbers matter. If what CNN just said is true, Romney is going to get a HUGE lead when Oakland county votes.
Hey! I just thought of something! Romney's from Michigan; it's his home state! If his own people reject him, that's a pretty big deal, isn't it?
T-Rav, That's a messed up system.
Frankly, our entire system is messed up.
Ok, I've got to comment on this... CNN's building is stupidly designed.
Also, CNN says 3 delegates each go to Romney and Santorum at the moment.
Don't listen to Geraldo, he doesn't know what he's talking about.
Big jump for Romney from 12,000 to 16,900.
This chick on CNN just said this race is so much more nasty than Obama v. Hillary because they never called each other "unelectable."
That's true, they called each other "racist".
Andrew, so far I'm seeing a 15-point lead for Romney in Oakland County. Macomb County next door, which I personally consider more of a bellwether, is also giving him the edge.
According to the FNC exit poll, incidentally, Catholics broke for Romney over Santorum, 43-37.
Lies! Evil right-wing lies!!!
The Democrats on CNN (all of them) are just going after the Republicans now. So much for being unbiased.
T-Rav, Auto workers also went for Romney huge. I'm actually not surprised about the Catholics because most of the Catholics I know are pretty moderate and they won't like Santorum. Santorum's support really is among fundamentalists.
On the 15k lead, the thing I'm not sure of is whether those votes are counted or not.
P.S. I've got a lot more respect for CNN's lone Republican tonight. He is blowing up all the BS the liberals are spreading.
Oh by the way, here's something fun.
Remember a few hours earlier, when the reply screw-up happened and rlaWTX said it would be a nightmare in case of another debate? Guess what Mike Huckabee's show just announced for this Saturday night!!!
Plus, this blogger thing is a definite problem.
So to judge by Gov. Snyder's accent, are all Michiganders just Chicago transplants or something? Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Breathe Andrew. Just breathe....
T-Rav, Aren't we all Chicago transplants?
Oh wait.. no, we're not.
T-Rav, This must end. Are they trying to kill us with debates? Is this some sort of Ruskie plot?
If they are going to have another debate, I must demand that they do it in unitards while performing interpretive dance...
Bev, While riding unicycles?
Joost get through anofer deebate, and ve promise, dere vill be no more deebates.
Oh, Andrew, unicycles would just be too, too over the top, don't you think? Maybe they can do it all in mime...
CNN is now saying, "shouldn't he have won bigger?"
A few minutes ago it was "if he loses, then he's doomed." Now it's "he didn't win big enough."
Riding unicycles is fine with me, as long as they also juggle live grenades.
Bev, When it comes to campaigns, I'm all for gaudy! :)
Dear Vlad, Go rig your own elections.
Good thinking T-Rav! That would solve many problems at once. :)
Santorum's "chief strategist" now "acknowledges" that going down the social issues road was a mistake and he "wants to go back to economics."
So Rick won? He seems to think so.
RCP's Sean Trende says the odds of a brokered convention are now about 1 in 5. I haven't looked into the numbers yet; but I can guess the reasoning behind it. At the same time, I think if it were really to go that far, the party bigwigs would quickly step in.
This is the cynical, "I don't hate women, I have a mom and a wife" speech.
T-Rav, I see 0% chance of a brokered convention.
"the idea that they know better than you how to run your life."
Gee, Rick, that sounds like you.
CNN just called Michigan for Romney. Finally.
Why do they have a split-screen of Santorum speaking and the cheering Romney HQ crowds? It's jarring.
Oh jeez. CNN is now attributing Romney's victory to his being from Michigan. Give it up.
So what does this mean for Rick? Is he finished? Is it Newt's turn again or what?
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