Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Captioning: Size Does Matter

Seen here, Barack Obama uses the latest in scientific hardware to examine his re-election chances. That or Biden's brain. Or could something else be going on?


Joel Farnham said...

Sir, This is the soul-sucker virus we have been beta testing on Pelosi, Reid and various others in Congress. The next virus is the mind-numbing virus. We developed it from Sean Penn's blood. It seems to have worked for some Republican Leaders in Upper New York. Next...

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, LOL! I can't top that one! And it would explain so very much. . .

Anonymous said...

Andrew: He's actually peering at the botox bacterium to see how it keeps San Fran Nan smiling and perpetually looking surprised. He thinks he may need it himself soon as his presidency sinks slowly into the west.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I don't believe that Pelosi uses Botox. I think she's a zombie.

Joel Farnham said...

Wait a minute! I thought Pelosi got that look when she stuck her finger in a wall socket. You're now telling me different?!

Anonymous said...

Joel: You're getting Pelosi mixed up with Elsa Lanchester in Bride of Frankenstein. Not that there's much difference.

Joel Farnham said...

Whups! LawHawk, you're right. I have been watching a lot of horror movies lately.

AndrewPrice said...

Joel, I'm not sure how one becomes a zombie, but I'm sure if it can happen anywhere. . . it can happen in San Francisco.

Anonymous said...

Joel: Unfortunately, Congress is a horror movie.

Andrew: There you go again. Maligning us poor, innocent San Franciscans.

USArtguy said...


"No, no, no this new teleprompter just won't do, I just can't read it... even for a Who.

Take it back take it back. What do you think I am, a Gack?

Sneedles, sneeches and snus would not this teleprompter use.

Bring to me a teleprompter big as a tree.

Then we'll see if the Whos in Whoville will listen to me.

ScottDS said...

Paraphrased from the film Innerspace (one of my favorites):

Scrimshaw: [trapped in the miniaturizer with Canker] We're in here!
Obama: Who's in there?
Dr. Canker: The green button!
Obama: Dr. Canker?
Scrimshaw: Press the green button, you fool!
Dr. Canker: He'll never find it!
Scrimshaw: The man's a high school graduate! The green button, you fool!

AndrewPrice said...

USArtguy, Maybe it's a teleprompter that fits into a contact lens?

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, Obama a high school grad? Perhaps. Educated? That's a different issue.

Writer X said...

Is this what medical research will be reduced to under Obamacare?

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X,

Yep, every medical sample must now be reviewed and approved by the President personally. "Um, yeah, looks good. . . go ahead and send Mr. Smith the anti-biotics."

Writer X said...

Andrew, I feel better already!

patti said...

"soooo tiny! like my facade!"

StanH said...

“Well what do we have here,” Barry said. “Yes sir, pure LSD-25, as you requested,” Dr. Feelgood replies with a nervous snicker. “Cool, well done! We’re having guest up to the White House tonight for a special viewing of “Fantasia” to the music of Pink Floyds, “Dark Side of the Moon” it’s going to be great, but don’t say anything to Biden, or his staff.” Barry looks up and continues with his hand on the Docs shoulder, “The last time Biden dressed up like a nun, and was hopping up down the main hallway on a pogo-stick, not cool.” Barry turns, winks his eye, and gives the Doctor a thumbs up as he slinks away….

In the spirit of the ‘60s & ‘70s radicals running the country : )

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, You WILL feel better, or you will face a fine.

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, I'm beginning to think that the facade isn't the only tiny thing on this weenie.

Stan, I may never see Fantasia the same again. . . or Floyd.

Cheryl said...

Are you saying what I think you're saying?
Hmm, yes, it's all beginning to make sense now.
This is all about compensating.

It's so small, I'll create the biggest deficit ever!
It's so small, I'll make the people pay the most taxes ever!
It's so small, I'll create the biggest health care nightmare ever!
It's so small I'll make government bigger that ever!
I feel better now.

AndrewPrice said...

Cheryl, LOL! Yep. Some guys buy big cars, others ruin countries. ;-)

BevfromNYC said...

Obama: This looks good for the healthcare bill. Rahm said that when we raise taxes to pay for the bill, we can blame Congress for not reading the fine print and not be lyin'! Rahm's so smart...

AndrewPrice said...

Wow Bev, sounds like you've answering the age old question: how much fine print can you write on the head of a pin -- 1502 pages!

Suzie1 said...

Now.. now... wait a minute... you're tellin' me you can slip this chip into the vaccine, right?

Yes, Mr. President.

And, now... wait a minute... this will alter conservative thought, uh... they'll be more, um... apt to think in a, uh, more... progressive... fashion... is that correct?

Yes, Mr. President.

Now is the time, professor, now is the time.

AndrewPrice said...

Suzie1, So you're saying this whole swine flu thing might be a giant conspiracy? Eek.

Anonymous said...

And in this universe, your policies actually make sense Mr. President.

Really? And I can go there?

Well... That would take quite a lot of money and quite a lot of time... I think about 45 or 50 million dollars and 30 or 40 years and I should have an answer.

Heck, that's just a rounding error! I will have Timmy cut you a check.

And I will get back to you when I have that answer. I'll call you...from my new lab in 30...35 Years.

AndrewPrice said...

Anon, LOL! I'm not sure such a universe could exist. . . but I'm sure Obama would fall for it!

BevfromNYC said...

You know, Andrew, there are people who actually think that the Swine flu vaccine IS a government conspiracy...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, There are people who think everything is a government conspiracy. And the "vaccines are a government conspiracy" plot crowd go way back.

MegaTroll said...

"Yes sir, that means you can have kids."

AndrewPrice said...

Nice Mega, I had thought about that when I first saw it. LOL!

patti said...

andrew: haha, i like it when others come down to my level. you said weenie and implied small at the same time! i'll never look at barry the same...

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, I can climb down into the mud with the best of them!

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