Saturday, October 10, 2009

Commentarama Policies: Product Placements

Many of you have probably heard about some recent scandals involving bloggers making endorsements without disclosing that they were paid for the endorsement. Some advertisers have even set up fake "fan sites" just to pimp their products. (Not surprisingly, the government may soon require disclosures for all endorsements.)

Well, Commentarama doesn't do that. We haven't been paid by anyone, and if we ever are -- we'll tell you. So if we speak favorably about our favorite drinks, like Slurm with its rich, full, addictive taste, you know it's really our opinions.


StanH said...

Yum… Slurm …the breakfast of champions. When your not enjoying that rich, full, addictive taste, …it’s good for removing tarnish from your silverware, or pour half a cup into your laundry for those white, whites, and a great pesticide for any of those crawly critters. Yum… Slurm … that all purpose refreshment, and a Proud sponsor of “Monkey Dung Fertilizers” and that hard hitting political blog… “Commentarama.”

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, We've never taken a penny from Slurm, unless you count the cans we collected under the overpass and turned in for spare change to pay the Elves!

ScottDS said...

Sometime in 1990-91, HBO hosted a kid's holiday special called "Buy Me That" which was followed by a sequel called "Buy Me That, Too." Both specials talked about advertising and one of them even talked about product placement in film and television so I've been very much aware of this sort of thing since I was 8 or 9 years old! Obviously they couldn't have predicted blogs but the same rules still apply.

One day, you'll have to do an article about the most egregious uses of product placement in films (cough, The Island, cough).

As for Slurm...

"You'll have plenty of Slurm at the end of the tour, where you will party with Slurms McKenzie."
"When will that be?"
"Soon enough."
"That's not soon enough!"

AndrewPrice said...

Scott, That's would probably make a good article. There have been some egregious product placements.

Love the Slurm quote -- great episode.

Apparently, this un-disclosed endorsement thing is running rampant across the net. We've received a couple e-mails asking us to mention products or get people to sign up for things with a promise that we would get some money (couple hundred dollars) if we got enough people to sign up. I took them for spam mainly, but at least one was serious.

But we're not about that, hence the policy statement so that you all know that we're being straight up with our opinions and "endorsements."

StanH said...

Funny you should mention your elves Andrew, and Slurm. I wasn’t going to say anything …but! The other morning I was in my office when I heard my doorbell ring I think it was about 6:50 AM. I opened the door and there where five elves stacked up, and the one on the top with a stick ringing the doorbell. I moved my gaze down and to the right, where two elves were standing on my front door matt One was holding a can with his creepy little arms, while the other one squeaked, “hey stupid down here, …what you’ve never seen elves?” Taken aback I responded with a tepid, “Ah… yeah.” Standing there mouth agape in an awkward silence when the main elf spoke again in an exasperated tone, “Ah forget it! …I’m Max Keegle from Commentarama,” in the same breath the little guy with the can moved forward setting the can on my threshold, as Max continued and succinctly stated, “Enjoy Slurm,” holding his right hand out like a platter. I leaned down picked up the can and the rest is history. Before they left they made me give them whatever cash that I had, I think gave them around a hundred bucks, I asked what’s the cash for, in unison all seven responded, “Lawhawk.” Andrew, and all writers at Commentarama I think the Lawhawk is holding out?

AndrewPrice said...

I'll have to look into that Stan. That does sound like our elves! LOL!

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew, I understand our stand on overt product placement and I agree. We don't want to be beholden to anyone. But where should we stand on the use of subliminal messages for product [Slurm] placement? It really does[slurm]'t harm any[Slurm]one, does it? They won[Slurm]'t even not[Slurm]ice, will they?

StanH - I apologize for the action of our elves. They aren't suppose to ring doorbells until after 7:00am. Truly LOL!!! [Slurm]

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I have no(buy Slurm) problems with (you love Slurm) subliminal messages, and I don't see (you need Slurm) how that would violate our policies?

I'm going to talk to the elves. They said they were giving the first can away for free. Of course, this could just have been an honest robbery?

Writer X said...

You mean bloggers and advertisers have used their sites to make money? Say what??? I'm shocked! Has someone alerted Michael Moore?

By the way, does Slurm come in pomegranate?

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, Apparently. I'm certainly not opposed to people making money, though I personally don't believe in being deceptive about it -- which is why, as I posted, our policy is to be upfront about any sort of conflict of interest.

StanH said...

No worries Bev! I did think that 6:50 was a little early, but hey, the early bird catches the worm, right. I was thinking to myself just the other day, in the garden having a cool drink killing aphids, while cleaning mildew off the garden wall all at the same time, how fortunate I was that the elves came by and turned me on to Slurm. There is one side effect however, my whole family is growing hair on their backs, …well it’s more like fur, any thoughts?

Writer X said...

Andrew and Bev, so are you saying that it's not true that Slurm will whiten teeth or make a person more popular?

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I believe that those are the positive side effects of Slurm. Of course, Stan's mentioned one of the negatives. . . but nothing's perfect!

Writer X said...

Yuck! Hairy backs? I must have missed the fine print on the side of the can...

98ZJUSMC said...

Slurm....hmmmm. I've never heard of it. I need to get out more often.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X and 98ZJUSMC,

Uou should see how it's made. According to Futurama, It comes from a giant worm. It's motto is "It's Highly Addictive."


StanH said...

In further reflection perhaps the fur is the genius of “Slurm.” As I earlier said in the garden, I was wearing my invisible Commentarama ensemble -- shorts, shirt, and hat, but my back was warm. Gee you guys at Commentarama have your patrons best interest in mind. It definitely whitens teeth, but I’m not sure about the popularity thing. Every time I’m out in the garden the neighbors run inside?

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Oops! Did I forget to tell you about the Slurm contract? Sorry, just a small oversight. I'll have the accountants fix the books, and I'll send you your share with all deliberate speed. It was purely an unintentional oversight. You believe me, right?

PS: Why does Glenn Beck's office keep calling and asking me questions about allegations of embezzlement, cover-ups, and kickbacks?

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I'm glad you're getting such use out of your Commentarama gear! Don't worry about the neighbors, they're just jealous. ;-)

Lawhawk, Somehow I'm having a hard time believing you.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Have I ever misled you before? On second thought, don't answer that question. But this time I'm telling the truth, I promise.

Note to Kelly: Cook the books and get these guys off my back.

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