Saturday, October 31, 2009

New York State of Mind - Notes from an Emigrant

This is going to be a busy, busy weekend in New York City. The NY Yankees are going to win the World Series, someone will win the New York City Marathon, and this is the final weekend before Election Tuesday 2009. Phew, no wonder we're the "City That Never Sleeps"! Who has time?

In Sports News: It's a war on Philadelphia this week. The Yankees are pitted against the Philadephia Phillies (a/k/a “Frillies”). As of now, each team has won one game. Though, in true Yankee fashion, we are already planning the ticker tape parade WHEN we win. As I reported last week, Mayor Bloomberg's mayoral legacy hangs in the balance because he is the only NY Mayor to NOT preside over a Yankee World Series championship. If the Yankees lose, he must be re-elected to ensure another chance at bat. If the Yankees win, we don't need him anymore. Either way, the people of New York City win...

In other sports news: To further the war with Philadelphia, the New York Giants play the Philadelphia Eagles tomorrow. And if that's not enough to disrupt our lives, the New York Marathon will be run tomorrow. YEY, I love to watch people run while I sit in a lawn chair sipping a margarita.

And in Pre-election news:

NY-23 Alert: If any of you have been following the three-way race for New York District 23 in Upstate New York there has been a breaking news this morning. Bill Owens (Democrat), Dede Scozzafava (Republican), and Doug Hoffman (Conservative) have been locked in a three-way contest to fill the seat in New York Congressional District 23 left empty by John McHugh, a Republican who was appointed as Secretary of the Army by President Obama earlier this year. The special election race was further complicated when Sarah Palin, Tom Pawlenty, and Fred Thompson bucked the Republican Party by endorsing the Conservative candidate, Doug Hoffman, over the Republican candidate Dede Scozzafava. It has now been reported on Fox News this morning that Scozzafava has suspended her campaign. In her announcement, she cited low poll numbers and low campaign funding, but stopped short in endorsing either candidate stating that her supporters should decide for themselves. Scozzafava has been in the more liberal wing of the Republican Party while Hoffman, an accountant, has been described as a Reagan conservative outsider. According the Fox News report, this could mean a possible first victory for Conservative independents and Tea-Partiers in a traditionally Republican district (yes, they do exist in New York).

Local Election News: Mayor Bloomberg is still spending money like a drunken billionaire and leads significantly in his bid for Mayor against Bill "The Democrat" Thompson. We will see on Tuesday what money can buy...

National Political News: Representative Charles "Tax Cheat" Rangel continues to be investigated by the House "Ethics" Committee. Still no answer from the Ethics Committee but, because of a leaked secret report made public by accident, we now know that there are several others under investigation including Maxine Waters and Laura Richardson of California, and John Murtha of Pennsylvania. Now I know "innocent until proven guilty" but really, Nancy, what's it going to take? We want rulings now. By the way, the poor unfortunate who accidently posted the secret report on a public access website has lost her job. Was this deducted from the jobs "created and saved"?

Other News - The USS New York will be making her maiden voyage to New York on Monday. For those of you who do not know, the USS New York is the newest San Antonio Class ADL (amphibious dock landing) in the Navy and was built in part by steel salvaged from the World Trade Center. And as if fated to be the ship built from adversity, it was newly laid down in Avondale, Louisiana outside New Orleans at the same time Hurricane Katrina blew in 2005. The ship will be pulling into New York harbor early Monday morning, steaming by the Statue of Liberty, and, in a touching moment, will come to a full stop in front of the World Trade Center site and executing a 21-gun salute to honor those lost in 9/11. But don't worry, we have been duly warned that there will be very loud gun fire on Monday morning, so hopefully no one will be forced to run. Maybe the Whitehouse press liaison can learn a few things from the US Navy. The USS New York will be berthing along side the newly renovated USS Intrepid on the Hudson River through Veterans Day.

Next week - Who knows? We don't sleep here...


AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I wish New York well in its war against Philly. :-)

The NY23 thing is good news. I've been trying to write something about it, but the Democrats keep spamming me with this healthcare stuff. Frankly, based on what I've seen, I expect her to endorse the Democrat. I also think she probably left the race when she heard that she lost the endorsement of the Daily Kos.

I am still stunned how much money your billionaire mayor is spending to keep a job that theoretically doesn't pay anything. Has somebody counted the silverware in the Mayor's palace?

Anonymous said...

Bev: That strange method they have for filling a vacancy in a Congressional seat has produced a genuine political drama. The State Republican committee giving out the strong message that it's OK to vote for Hoffman, he's one of us, was a big boost. This is almost as exciting as James Buckley's wins as a Conservative a couple of decades back. A Hoffman victory would send a message both to DC and the Republican Party. Let's hope it comes out that way.

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew, it is really funny the "paper war" that is going on between NY and Philly. Frillies and Sillidelphia are my favorites.

As far as NY23 is concerned, I think that the RNC made a secret deal with her. Steele says no, but I don't believe him.

Hawk - NY23 has been a Republican district since the Civil War, so Hoffman will hold it.

The Office of Mayor does have a salary. Bloomberg declined it as a political stunt as well as declining to live at Gracie Mansion. His mansion is just so much better though it is possible that Guiliani lost Gracie Mansion in his divorce. Alot was happening at the end of his administration

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Giuliani lost it in a divorce? LOL!

There's got to be some reason he's spending this money. Does the job come with keys to local banks? A harem? What's the catch?

I too suspect there had to be a deal, at least to keep her from endorsing the Democrat.

Writer X said...

The NY23 race sure has gotten interesting. Has anyone checked the local hospitals to see if Newt Gingrich has had a coronary yet? I think it's fair to say that Sarah Palin was the one who got the party started. The others only came on board when it became safe to do so. I hope Hoffman wins and wins big. What a message!

Bev, I'm not much for baseball but I'll root for the Yankees in your honor! :-)

BevfromNYC said...

Andrew, Guiliani had to move out of the Gracie Mansion when he and Donna Hanover separated! I was never sure whether Donna understood that Gracie Mansion wouldn't be in the divorce settlement.

And, the best I can figure out is that Mayor Mike is short. No offense to short men, but I think Mike has Napoleon complex. It's not about the money, it's about the power. He loves the power and sees himself as President one day. His big problem is that if he has Presidential aspirations, he is going to have to declare a party and stick with it.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, You might be right about Mayor Mike.

I have heard several times that he wants to run for President, but I can't honestly say that I see a party that would be willing to run him. Maybe if he hadn't flirted with being a Republican, the Democrats would take him. But it's unlikely that a Northeatern Democrat could do very well outside of the Northeast.

BevfromNYC said...

Writer X: Personally, I don't like baseball. It takes far too much of a commitment than I can give. I'm a football person. But I certainly can't talk about NYC and not mention the Yankees. FYI -I root for the Yankees for much the same reason that I carry an "Obama for President" button in my purse - protection in a tight spot. Invoke either and I can get out of any jam.

NY23 - Newt has been deafening silent today...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev and X, I would like to say that I can't understand what Newt was thinking, but then this has become par for the course with him. Al Sharpton? Global warming? Dede what's-her-name? Uh huh. Good calls buddy.

Writer X said...

Bev, Andrew, I think NY23 may have been Newt's Waterloo. Who can take him seriously anymore? It's too bad because he's a smart guy but he's definitely misjudged the will of the people.

Bev, I'm with you on baseball. Just not into it. And like the NBA, aren't there about 1.5 million games in a season? It's like baseball is always on.

BevfromNYC said...

You know, Andrew, Newt is one of the party faithful, but maybe not a doctrine faithful. He will be a Republican no matter what and will support a Republican candidate no matter what. And honestly, independent candidates don't usually do so well. He came to NYC's Tax Day Tea Party and was great, BUT he apparently did not get the right message (Literally, the right message!) that Conservatives and Tea Partiers are issues driven and not party driven. Sarah seems to understand that and will show him the way.

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I suspect that you're right. This may kill off whatever support he had left among conservatives -- at least for a Presidential run.

FYI, Newt apparently endorsed Hoffman today, after Dede dropped out of the race.

Bev, I agree that Newt is a loyal Republican, and that's commendable. And I understand his reasons, and he made some very good points about the need for unity. But this was a bridge too far for conservatives and he probably would have been better off not wading into it, or focusing the conservative thinking rather than fighting against it.

StanH said...

I’m a National League kinda guy, but since you’re pulling for the Yanks, why not.

Bloomberg is about power.

They get close to Rangel, he’ll start yelling racist to the rafters.

NY-23 is just to cool. It looks like win, lose or draw the Conservative message is getting through, even in NY. Though it’s been Republican since the Civil War the guy who held the seat was a RINO in Barry’s administration. Cool stuff!

BevfromNYC said...

I agree Stan - The Tea Partiers are having a real impact. This is why Palin is a maverick in a good way. She understands what the Conservatives and Tea Partiers are about. She may not be who we can completely embrace yet, but she certainly is a player and a savvy politician.

Individualist said...

Wow, I had no idea there were any conservatives at all in New York, now I find out they've had their own party since 1962. Thanks Bev for pointing this out, we here down south might just start thinking their is some hope for you Yankies (and the baseball team too). Go Marlins..ok nevermind!

So I guess the Conservative Party up there has the Elephant as a MAscot and the NY Republicans have a Rhinocerous. Good to know.

Great Post.

Tennessee Jed said...

Well, I guess I'll just have to be nice here about the Yankees and say if they win Bev and Andrew and Chuck Schumer will be happy, but the rest of the free world and fly over country don't would prefer the Phils over the best team money can buy. By the way, the "G" men looked fantastic against the "Iggles" Sunday.

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