Friday, October 30, 2009

Question: Nothing To Fear But . . . ahhhhh!

With Halloween approaching and botox crazed Nancy Pelosi lurking in your bushes, tell us what scares the heck out of you? Ghosts, gouls, zombies? Satan, Santa, clowns? The dark, the light, the twilight? And tell us why we too should be afraid. . . very afraid!


patti said...

i am afraid of not being heard in the storm. of being a voice all alone facing the howling wind. of losing a winnable battle.

oh, and running out of cake. that scares the crap out of me...

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, running out of cake is a fear that I believe we all share. . . but have you ever thought about what a giant shark could do to you after it eats your boat out in the Ocean?

StanH said...

What scares me? That people like Juan Williams are running the economy. When I saw your question I had the panel Charles Krauthammer, Fred Barnes, on “Special Report with Brett Baier” running in the background, and the discussion was jobs created by the porkulus cost $230,000.00 per job, and Juan went into defense mode. It was tortured logic on display, I went lack jawed and stared, …just wow! That scares the living crap out of me, that this mindset is pervasive amongst liberal democrats. We should be afraid, very afraid at this pace we’re going to give the Weimar Republic, or Zibabwe a run for the money, or a run on the money would be more appropriate.

PS: I was cooking up a smart Alec post and I had this epiphany. Sorry for the rant you were probably looking for smart a_ _ : )

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, Liberalism scares many people, but there is a cure. . . it's called reality (and now it comes in a patch).

Have you considered ghosts? You know that you can't touch them, but they can do all kinds of scary things to you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, my fear is very simple--spiders. Barack Obama is like an Australian funnel web spider. So I guess he scares me too.

AndrewPrice said...

Spiders. . . that's good! They're creepy, some can kill you -- giant ones can destroy buildings. And best of all, they're not political!! (I'll ignore the Obama crack.)

And while I approve of a fear of spiders, might I point out that there are many, many options available for fear today.

Could I interest you in a Vampire? We have both EMOpires and traditional vampires. The Emo's are a little weepy, but they mean well. The classic vampires, however, are postively terrifying. Lord of the Undead, with the power to freeze you with his gaze, control your mind, and kill you or turn you into a vampire with just one bite!

DCAlleyKat said...

Psychopaths scare me...and a society that sets free its convicted child molesters to once again prey upon their children, I find to be truly frightening.

MegaTroll said...

Ghosts are pretty scary. I'd bet that if I saw a real ghost, that would be pretty terrifying. How about the unknown? It's terrifying because it's the unknown!

AndrewPrice said...

DCAlleyKat, That is a good point.

Mega, That's the spirit! Ghost -- the remnants of a troubled live. Very creepy. And the unknown, a little more conceptual, but very good. Check out the quote in the open thread today, somebody famous agrees with you.

Anonymous said...

HEY, GANG: Interesting development in California. I just got an e-mail from Gavin Newsom, mayor of San Francisco, announcing that he is withdrawing from the gubernatorial race. This could turn out to be quite a story, or nothing more than a bow to the inevitable. So former Governor Jerry Brown may be future Governor Jerry Brown. The Republicans haven't put up much of a battle yet.

And in case you're wondering why I got that e-mail, I've been trying to get off all the lists of my former Democratic allies since 1994.

So now I have something else to be afraid of.

AndrewPrice said...

I would classify Governor Moonbeam as somewhere between a zombie and an evil clown.

Writer X said...

I'm afraid that too many of trick-or-treaters tomorrow night will be dressed as their favorite reality stars. I hear Jon & Kate Plus Eight is popular. That scares me. And gags me. I may not answer my door.

AndrewPrice said...

Reality tv is popular with the trick or treat set?!! What the heck is wrong with parents these days. Why would they even let young kids watch this crap? Arg.

That said, that's hardly true terror. True terror comes from zombies. They don't work, they don't play. All they do is eat brains all day. . . and they vote for Democrats. Can I interest you in a little fear of Zombies? Now with more braaaaaaains. 8-]

StanH said...

Andrew these Commentarama folk are tuff to get on a theme.

Demonic possession, I’m pretty sure this was the trip with my X-wife. I was lying in bed one night, and I was startled from my sleep with a haunting chant. I woke up and was strapped to the bed with candles burning, in a dark smoky haze. I looked up and it - she had glowing red eyes, a forked tongue, horns and a tail, and not in a good way. I started to struggle when I felt a swift slap across the face, and it was …dadadum… her. I jumped and ran from that evil house never to return. I understand on a full moon, you can still hear the screams of the wild banshee woman. This story is almost to frightening to recount… I need a hug :-(

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, Awesome! That's the spirit (no pun intended)! Demonic possession does seem pretty terrifying. In fact, that's been the stuff of nightmares for thousands of years!

(P.S. It's virtually impossible to get this crowd working on one theme.)

Writer X said...

Andrew, I believe that Nancy Pelosi is part Zombie (if not all). That frightens the heck out of me--worse than a monster under your bed. I may sleep with the light on tonight.

Writer X said...

There's a theme? Did I miss something?

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, LOL! You're right, she's got to be at least 90% zombie, 10% botox!

(Good luck with the buckets of candy, by the way, sounds like an effective way to get the neighborhood kids on your side!)

Writer X said...

Thanks, Andrew. :-) As tempting as it might be, I won't be forcing any neighborhood kids to split their candy a la democrat style. For now, my neighborhood remains reasonably sane and very much Conservative, although there is a dork of a guy who lives one street over with a Prius and a "Yes We Can" Sticker... I'm pretty sure he'll be giving out healthy boxes of raisins tomorrow night, which will be promptly thrown onto his lawn and left for dead by any self-respecting kid.

suzie1 said...

What am I afraid of? Well, last night I woke up screaming from a dream where I opened our other bedroom door and there stood a naked man with a bicycle. Why he was there I don't know, but I screamed and screamed - out loud.

Read whatever you want into this.

And I have to second the running out of cake deal.

patti said...

fine, a theme. is the giant shark that's about to eat me after it eats my boat out in the ocean undead?! cause THAT would be scary...

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, LOL! You're right about the raisins and the Prius owner (sounds like a fairytale). Let us know the minute this guy removes the bumper sticker -- you know it will happen!

AndrewPrice said...

Suzie, I have no idea what to make of that, but it does sound scary. Perhaps you've come up with a whole new horror genre? Naked bicylists!! :-)

(I agree on the cake thing.)

AndrewPrice said...

Patti, LOL! That would be scary! I can see some young movie producer reading this right now and thinking: "Zombie Shark!! What an idea!"

What have we done?!!

patti said...

andrew, fuuny you should say that. as soon as i typed it i thought BINGO! there's my story!

AndrewPrice said...

I'll look for it in theaters Patti!

Cheryl said...

I'm scared of my daughter going off to college (for oh so many reasons) and of being alone... which will both happen at the same time.

BevfromNYC said...

I am terrified of themes...AAAAHHHH NOT THEMES!

And running out of cake and dolls with teeth. Ever since I saw "Night Gallery", I have been afraid of dolls with teeth.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Themes are everywhere! Boo!

Cheryl, Both are certainly very common fears, and I can sympathize. I'm sure everything will be ok, unless it's a haunted college! ;-)

Joel Farnham said...

What I am afraid of is more general. I am afraid this interest in electing conservatives to office will die down. I am afraid the idea that once we have shown the current bums the door, we can relax. That is my biggest fear right now.

Monica said...

My biggest fear is the ugly jumpsuits I'm sure we'll be forced to wear in the future. Sometimes it keeps me awake at night.

Suzie1 said...

The jumpsuits will be annoying, but at least there will be durable wheat-colored carpeting and ambience lighting everywhere you go! (Don't let them put you in the red jumpsuit.)

AndrewPrice said...

Monica, I feel your pain! I guess somewhere in the future we get hit with a virus that kills our fashion sense?

Suzie, words to live by. . . literally!

rlaWTX said...

I know that I am late to the party, but... my birthday is on 10/31. When I was a kid - woohoo, more candy PLUS cake!!! Now, bigger numbers. I keep trying to start a backwards campaign - I even offered to my family that they could g backwards too - no dice. So I am now thirty -- thirty -- ssssssssseven. Sigh. Scary stuff.

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