Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Captioning: Un-Smooth Criminal

Barack Obama, desperate to find more money to lavish on Wall Street banks, is seen here trying to steal a bead necklace. While this effort failed, he did previously manage to take a rather nice jewel from the Queen of England and some cheese from the pocket of the German Chancellor. . . possibly camembert.


StanH said...

“Whoa! Big Chief Wampum expel stinky gas!” Barry always the trooper reverts to his twerp self and enjoys the ride.

Stan raising hand: I’ve wanted to ask a question in regards to The False Claims Act, and Qui Tam, I saw over at BG. And the use of FOIA by the left?

USArtguy said...

Keeping a campaign pledge made on Indian Reservations to get revenge for the 1624 selling of Manhatten for $24 worth of trinkets and beads, president Obama, caught here in super speed slow-mo, shows Chief Wahoo how his health care plan will strangle the pale faces without many of them even realizing it.

Writer X said...

A President with no shame. ;-)

Tennessee Jed said...

I think Barry had been trying to apologize to Chief Halftown for Custer by giving him designer eyewear, and a cheap necklace, but the chief poked him in the nostril with his headress. Oh-Nay!

AndrewPrice said...

I see that no one doubts that this could be Barry picking the poor guy's pocket! LOL!

Stan, what's the question?

AndrewPrice said...

P.S. I was sure someone was going to make a Kanye West joke. . . unless he's already passe?

patti said...

my favorite part of this pic is the dude in the bottom right hand corner (sidney poitier?!). he's hoping barry gets his, then he's gonna jump in and get his!

StanH said...

I read an intriguing article over at BG yesterday about, “The False Claims Act,” and bringing the case “Qui Tam” or as a whistle blower against the global warming con. And can be brought outside of the department of justice Eric Holder, this could potentially bring the con to it’s knees, and if the case is successful the plaintiff could keep 1/3 of the award. This seems to me using the system against itself, your thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Andrew: I thought Merkel kept Tilsit in one pocket and cambozola in the other. Camembert--never! She used to carry head cheese, so her staff had to explain to her why the American press corps wouldn't get closer that fifty feet from her.

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, "The right" (read: big business) is usually very upset about qui tam suits. They like to claim they are frivolous. And indeed, some of them are. But most aren't and they do serve a great function, which is to give people an incentive to report fraud. Many huge frauds have been discovered because of such suits -- usually in area of the Medicare or defense spending.

They are basically a finders fee for whistleblowers. And I think it was a brilliant idea to mention these to the researchers, assistants and staff in this Climategate thing because those guys do receive federal funds and any fraud on their parts can be attacked using a qui tam suit.

In terms of procedures by the way, the way it works is that you raise the claim to DOJ. DOJ can choose to participate or not. If DOJ participates, it takes over the case and you get a very, very small fee (in fact, DOJ usually fights the fee). If DOJ does not participate, you can proceed on your own -- which means it can't be stopped by Holder.

I think this is one of many tools that the right should start to consider using a lot. Think about ACORN, TARP or anyone else who receives money from the Feds and misuses it or makes false claims to get it. All of that could be exposed through these suits.

StanH said...

You read my mind counselor, ACORN, TARP, etc. These are tactics of the left we should use them? I think that was the thrust of that article, I like it a lot.

Also: Using the Freedom of Information Act, or FOIA, to inundate a politician in paper work. This was used against Sarah Palin, very successfully. One FOIA required several state attorneys, many hours, and 2400 pages to respond. Mostly brought by an AP reporter and a disgruntled X-employee. Again using the system against itself.

AndrewPrice said...

Stan, I've dealt with FOIA a lot and FOIA isn't an effective weapon for clogging up time or money -- it just doesn't work that way, despite what some people have claimed. FOIA's value is in getting information out the government.

Using the qui tam suits though is a great idea and can be very effective.

JB1000 said...

Chief "And our tribe has bestowed on you the Indian Name - Walking Eagle."

obama "Thank you. Why Walking Eagle?"

Chief "Because you are too full of fertilizer to fly."

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