Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Open Thread: Woooooo Hoooooo!!!!!

53% Scott Brown (Republican)
46% Martha "Marcia" Coakley (Democrat)


AndrewPrice said...

We're calling the election because we like it like this. If it changes, we'll deal with that later.

In the meantime, I'm going to bask in the shockwave passing through Democratics circles!!!! Hit me baby!

Anonymous said...

Andrew: With solid returns coming in from previously Obama precincts in Boston itself, Brown lost less than one full point. It's looking very good.

AndrewPrice said...

We should have live-blogged this!

By the way, Obama has now announced a date for the State of the Union -- January 27th. We will live-blog that!

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Damn! We missed an opportunity. Right now, I don't see any way the Democrats can cheat, finagle, and manipulate the results. I think it's beyond the point of a challenge.

AndrewPrice said...

Absolutely, 7% is far too much for any recount to matter. This is awesome!

patti said...

be still my heart...i just passed along this very news on my blog. come on massachusetts!

AndrewPrice said...

Agreed Patti! This is the kind of night that makes me proud to be an American.

Tennessee Jed said...

I am soooo emotionally invested in this one, but I am horribly superstitious, so will lay low for now. My superstitious rituals carried Dubya to victories twice so I won't mess with it. Carry on boys!

Anonymous said...

66% of the vote in, and Brown is holding his seven point lead. It doesn't get any better than this.

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, I fully understand, but I gotta let this one out -- it's been a long time since we watched the people strike back. . .

Anonymous said...

The national Democrats are spinning like a whirling dervish trying to separate Obama from this loss.

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, There's been an amazing amount of "unfriendly fire" going on all day -- and it's getting nasty tonight!

AndrewPrice said...

The AP just called it for Brown -- 20 minutes after Commentarama... ;-)

Anonymous said...

AP has called it for Brown. Coakley is supposedly giving her concession speech shortly.

Anonymous said...

Coakley has already called Brown to concede and offer her congratulations.

patti said...


Individualist said...


Now all we have to do is wait for the six months it will take the Dems to certifiy him.


Man I wish I had made bets with a bunch a liberals two months ago. I'd a gotten 100 to 1 odds.

patti said...

you know a year ago i was up all night with disgust that barry was given the precidency. tonight. i'm gonna sleep like i needed to all those days ago...

shock and awe, baby!

patti said...

you wud thunk i wud leart to spel...not so much...TOO EXCITED TO BE BOTHERED WITH SPELL CHECK!

Unknown said...

Now this is a change I can be happy about - Lynne

StanH said...

Anything is possible now Lawhawk, we expect CA rid us of some special vermin, Boxer, Pelosi, Waxman, etc. so lets get with it. LOL!

Tam said...

I'm a little tardy to the party, but WOOOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Patti: Dat's what wee thunk.

Lynne: Welcome aboard. "Happy" barely describes how I feel right now. Change that I can be ecstatic about!

BevfromNYC said...

YIPPEEEEEE!!!!! I am waiting for Pelosi and Reid to go nuclear on this one.

I missed this thread - darn...that will teach me not to refresh.

AndrewPrice said...

I am just ecstatic! And I'm glad to see I'm not alone!

BevfromNYC said...

Rasmussen had it right again! 52% to 47%

patti said...

maybe i won't sleep after all. i can't wait to see the material i'll have to blog about tomorrow! pelosi, barry, barney, reid: don't FAIL me now!

AndrewPrice said...

Stan -- I agree, we need to lean on Lawhawk to deliver some Republicans out of California!

Bev/Tam, Late is fine, just glad you're hear!

Lynne - Welcome!

Patti, I am so looking forward to your article tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

On Fox News, my old nemesis, former Mayor Willie Brown, just admitted that Obama had better learn how to listen to the American people. On the other hand, he said if you're going to bribe senators to vote for your bill, you'd better not get caught doing it. Now that's the Willie Brown I know and love.

BevfromNYC said...

Coakley's concession speech!!!!

StanH said...

That’s why the left hates Rasmussen Bev, he’s usually right.

Anonymous said...

Team: I know you want me to go after Pelosi, but her seat is virtually untouchable (not a pun). However, I will be working feverishly for the anti-Boxer and the anti-Jerry Brown. Both have a fighting chance.

AndrewPrice said...

Stan and Bev, You're right -- Rasmussen vindicated again!

Anyone want to bet that right now Ted Kennedy's body is busy digging itself out of it's grave to come reclaim "his seat."

Anonymous said...

Andrew: He's already made it out of the grave and he's swimming toward Chappaquidick.

BevfromNYC said...

Coakley said that Obama called and said oh well we can't win them all! Hell, he hasn't won ONE yet! He's become toxic...

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Obama is Mr. Suave.

Writer X said...

Freakin' amazing! If this can happen in Mass, imagine all the other places it could happen. And it wasn't even close either.

What's nauseating are all the lame excuses. Has anyone heard one newsperson or Dem pundit admit that maybe, just maybe, voters were frustrated that their elected officials were ignoring them? I don't think this is just about healthcare. I think it's bigger than that.

patti said...

the speech is over. let's roll...

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I heard several Democratic activists claiming that this election is a "warning for Republicans". . . yeah, right!

I seriously hope they don't get the message. We could sweep the country and fix so much of the damage they've done.

Anonymous said...

Bev: Obama is Clinton redux. He manages to maintain personal popularity against all the odds, but is the kiss of death for any poor Democratic slob he campaigns for. 3 losses for 3 tries. Now all that we need to do is make sure he doesn't follow Clinton's lead and get re-elected.

AndrewPrice said...

P.S. Writer X, I love the excused you came up with at your blog today as well.

Writer X said...

Andrew, a warning? OMG. Unfortunately the Dems don't get that the warning is for them and, hey, if they can't connect the dots on that one, too bad, so sad. What karma!

BevfromNYC said...

LawHawk - Clinton was only toxic in his second term. Gore wouldn't let him anywhere near his Presidential bid, but then Gore lost... Hey Look over there! [hoping he won't notice I did not prove my point]

Anyway, Brown is really hot!!!

Anonymous said...

Bev: The one and only intelligent decision Gore ever made.

Anonymous said...

Bev: Willie or Scott? LOL

AndrewPrice said...

Writer X, I agree entirely -- we are better off if they refuse to see the writing on the wall!

BevfromNYC said...

Olberman's purple with rage...

Tennessee Jed said...

For the first time in a long time, I actually switched on MSNBC, primarily to gloat. Norah O'Donnell looked like she had thrown up in her mouth and was going to cry. Olberdick and fat Chris were talking how reconciliation might work and Rachel seemed to think people are unhappy with Democrats because they couldn't close the healthcare deal. Is she smoking crack?

AndrewPrice said...

Jed, That's funny! We were watching CNN before we switched to FOX. Juan Williams was positively furious -- he looked like he was going to throw a punch!

Oblerman should be on suicide watch tonight. . .

StanH said...

You guys are better than me, I still can’t watch PMSNBC. I only scream at the TV. I’m sure it’s a mental disorder…hmmm!

BevfromNYC said...

We must not get over-confident about the Nov elections...now the hard work starts and we have to double-down on our efforts...But I have tell everyone, IT IS SO GREAT TO SEE OLBERMAN TRYING NOT TO NOT TO CRY AND SCREAM!!!

Unknown said...

While the Dems are not going to be able to put a spin on this election, I am maniacally gleeful of the spinning going on in ol' Teddy's grave!

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Anything that makes Olberman cry is good in my book! LOL!

You're right about November, the battle is just beginning, but this is one heck of a great start!

Anonymous said...

I'm watching Brown's acceptance speech. The guy is brilliant. He has a beautiful family. He didn't forget to thank the independents, and talk about how it's still the people's Senate seat. He said it was not a partisan victory (though it was certainly a major victory). He gave limited praise to Ted Kennedy, saying he hoped to be a worthy successor, appropriately enough. I sense a superstar in the offing. The empty-suit phony Obama rose to the top with less time than Brown has, if he chooses. He says he defeated the old machine, and now the people are the machine. Great stuff!

AndrewPrice said...

Lawhawk, I agree -- brilliant speech. He's instantly likeable.

BevfromNYC said...

Though Andrew, I think his daughters might not think so right now. LOL! I think we might being seeing a new viable Presidential candidate...

I have to just say again - Brown is adorable...

BevfromNYC said...

And he's that charming WITHOUT a teleprompter!

DCAlleyKat said...

What was it Obama said???...Oh yeah, "Elections have consequences!" Yep, they sure do.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, I laughed so hard when he said that, but it was clearly playing around and they all seemed to enjoy it.

He absolutely has charisma. . . and he makes it all sound so fun!

Plus, I have to agree with everything he says, and he says it all so well -- seems like a regular American! It's been a long time since I heard anyone quite like this. Wow!

Let me third you and Lawhawk that this guy instantly made himself into a legitimate future candidate for President if he wants it!

Tam said...

Love the chant: YES WE CAN! YES WE CAN! HA!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, Nellie! This is the first time I've seen Brown live. And boy, is he alive! I sense the emergence of a superstar. He's already taking Obama on.

We'll have to see how he does in office, but if his deeds match his words, we have a winner! His theme of "we can do better" rings so much truer than hopeychange. I feel like a teenage girl watching a rock star. He's giving me a thrill up my leg (OK, enough with that already). Charisma--he has more of it than all the other prominent Republicans combined. The last time I saw anything like this was a guy named Ronald Reagan.

AndrewPrice said...

What a sense of humor -- "if they're covering me."

Anonymous said...

"I know who I am, and I know who I serve." I am loving this.

BevfromNYC said...

This is the anniversary of Obama's inauguration. Do I hear irony??

Anonymous said...

That was the longest acceptance speech I've heard in years. And I kept wanting more. Holy smoke! He never lost my attention once.

Anonymous said...

And tomorrow is the anniversary of Ronald Reagan's first inauguration. What a great way to celebrate it.

AndrewPrice said...

Bev, Great point! The universe does love irony!

AndrewPrice said...

DCAlleyKat, Election do have consequences and this one may be one of the most consequential in the history of this country!

USArtguy said...

The thrill of victory... yeah, baby!

Watching the Liberal Dems reaction is like watching that poor ski jumper, Vinko Bogataj, wiping out in the old ABC Wild World of Sports opening! Except I don't feel sorry for them, heh. I like the Wikipedia entry about old Venko's crash "...a moment of spectacular failure...". How apropo!

For anyone needing a refresher:

AndrewPrice said...

Very apropos USArtguy! I used to feel sorry for him too. . . every weekend.

Tennessee Jed said...

I wonder if 70 comments is a Commenterama record?

We all celebrate in our own ways, I suppose. I have missed the last couple of hours of comments because it hit 60+ degrees in East Tennessee and I had to crack open a Tardieu Laurent Chateneuf du Papes and smoke a VSG Ashton 21 year old on my deck and put on my favorite playlist on my ipod. It all worked exceptionally well given my upbeat mood! This really gives me hope going forward.

Individualist said...

My favorite cott Brown line was on the FOX news article online today.

"Unbeleivable, the leader of the free world is talking about my Truck"


I like Harry Reid's response...
"We'll seat him when all the paperwork is received... Uh Huh!

The Dems are falling all over themselves! I love it!

Cheryl said...

This is absolutely amazing! Check out this website. http://pumapac.org/
It is by Dems who are unhappy with the DNC.
Yesterday's blog says, "You have to have lived in Massachusetts for a long time to understand how OUTRAGEOUSLY IMPOSSIBLE it is for a Republican to win a Senate seat. To us natives, it’s unthinkable."
If this can happen in MA... I can't wait 'till Nov!!!
Feingold - Pack your bags!

AndrewPrice said...

Cheryl, I have been there, but never lived there and I think they're right -- this is truly stunning. Republicans are as rare as unicorns over there!

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