Wednesday, January 27, 2010

TOTUS Speaks. . . Live Blog (8:30 pm)

Prepare to be amazed! Hear the TOTUS speak! See the small-brained Biden Weasel! Cringe in horror at the Botox Queen. Be observed by monkeys. Join us. . . join us. . .


1. Thread opens at 8:30 p.m. (EST). Any time after that, click where it says "click here" (below the picture). To comment, enter your name and a quick hello. Wait to be approved. Accept the approval and start commenting.

2. Only some people can use avatars, sorry, that's the way this system crumbles -- though we're trying to solve that for the future.

3. Fear the monkeys. . .


AndrewPrice said...

Comment in the article itself to participate or see the comments, not here.

After 8:30, click just below the monkey picture where it says "click here" and it will take you to the right place.

Anonymous said...

Andrew: Just as a reminder to our commenters. that's 8:30 PM Eastern Time. So they'll have to adjust their comments to their own time zone. For us on the West Coast, that's 5:30 PM for signing on, and 6:00 for the address itself.

BevfromNYC said...

Where did you find the super secret classified photo of our Congresscritters? THis is what they look like in the cloaking room. (That's why it's the "cloaking" room)

Writer X said...

Love the monkey pic. It's a great likeness to Pelosi.

AndrewPrice said...

I thought people would like the monkey picture! It's got that half-cute, half-creepy feel to it. . . like Congress!

patti said...

you guys did a great job tonight.

Anonymous said...

The liveblog was really great fun. I'm glad we had such good response, and I have to thank Andrew for picking the right platform to do it on. Vastly superior to my experience at BH on the last 24 liveblog.

AndrewPrice said...

Thanks everybody! If you have any suggestions for the future, please let us know!

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