Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Closed Until January 2, 2010

Happy New Year from the East Coast


San Francisco Diary--Journal Of An Exile

Pictured is the riverboat California on San Francisco Bay during last year's New Year fireworks displays. The cruises are set up every year for both locals and tourists to get a truly dramatic view of The City and the fireworks which are coordinated at multiple locations on the Wharf, Crissie Field and the Embarcadero (I can see Crissie Field and the Wharf from my nothern windows, but the Embarcadero is hidden from me by Russian Hill). Across the Bay to the north, fireworks are also set off on the Marin side of the Golden Gate. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

UCLA Challenges The Death Panelists

The picture you're seeing is the main entrance to the newly-upgraded UCLA Medical Center. As a UC Berkely alum, I teased my son unmercifully for graduating from our junior cousin to the south. But it was always good-natured ribbing. Both have excellent medical schools, but UCLA's is better-known, and has just recently been rated one of the top three hospitals in the nation. [+] Read More...

Obama: A Year Of Failing Dangerously

Obama called the recent terrorist attack in Detroit a “systematic failure.” That sounds like a pretty fair description of the entire Obama administration. Let’s look back on the year that was.

Obama came into power with no experience, no skills, no plan and no history of learning from his mistakes. So it should have come as no surprise that things started poorly and only got worse from there. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Question: New Year's Resolutions

With the new year upon us, it’s time to play the resolutions game. You know the one, where you swear to do things and then you see how fast you can break those promises! Well I’m through with that. This year I’m sticking with my resolutions. In fact, that’s my only resolution: “This year, I resolve to stick with my resolutions.” I’m feeling quite confident of my chances. What are your resolutions?

Can A Liberal Be Right About American Exceptionalism?

I just read a piece by liberal Ron Rosenbaum that makes me think that liberals occasionally understand the flaws in the conservative agenda better than many conservatives. That is not to say that Rosenbaum has a firm grip on the conservative mind, but can see a damaging flaw in the conservative movement in today's political climate. He has concluded that the right wing throws the words "American exceptionalism" around almost as mindlessly as his own left wing uses the words "fascist" and "racist." I must reluctantly agree. [+] Read More...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Year-End Greetings From Ahmadinejad

President Obama waves farewell to his adoring fans as he prepares to head off to the sunnier climes of Hawaii to spend the Christmas-New Year holiday with his family (whoever they may be). Shortly before Christmas, he received an end-of-year message from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad summing up the autocrat's year long dealings with the open hand of The One. The message was essentially "stuff it you fool, we're going to do whatever we damned well please, so kindly keep talking while doing nothing." [+] Read More...

Go West Young Voter!

A little good news from the electoral map. For at least three decades now, Americans have been moving away from the sclerotic old-line liberal states in the Northeast. They’ve been moving to the much more conservative South and West. In so doing, they are gradually shifting the political balance of power between conservative and liberal states. The 2010 Census will continue this trend, and that’s bad news for the Democrats. [+] Read More...

Sunday, December 27, 2009

The Tale Of Michelle And The Cookie Jar

First Lady Michelle Obama has become the co-president to her husband that Hillary Clinton only dreamed of being. She is with him everywhere, making speeches, giving orders, running up the public debt. And if the early reports are substantiated, she's right there with him practicing crooked Chicago politics and extending them to the federal level. [+] Read More...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Reid's Got Nothing On Stephen A. Douglas

Remember that guy who ran against Abe Lincoln in Illinois, sparking one of the most famous debates in American history? Douglas went on to be the Democratic Senator from Illinois, including re-appointment six years later. Much has been made about current Senator Harry Reid (soon to be ex Senator Reid, D-Nevada) having pushed through health care legislation that is "unprecedented" (to borrow a refrain from Barack Obama) in its disregard for the public will. But is that true? [+] Read More...

The Unrepealable Bill. . .

The latest bit making the rounds of the blogosphere is that Harry Reid inserted language into the health care bill “that makes it impossible to repeal or amended the bill.” There is some truth to this, but it’s not what you think. Nor is such a thing even possible. In any event, Reid's language raises an interesting constitutional issue that may destroy this part of the bill. Let’s talk about what is really going on. [+] Read More...

Thursday, December 24, 2009

click me. . .

Merry Christmas From San Francisco

And we'll see you back here after the holiday.

So That We May Be Safe At Home On Christmas

The solemn yet beautiful picture you see depicts the Christmas wreaths placed each year on the graves of our warriors at Arlington National Cemetery, fallen in battle so that we may celebrate the birth of Christ with our families and friends, safe and warm at home. I hope we can all take just a few minutes out of our busy lives to say a prayer of thanks for those who gave that last full measure of devotion and for those they have left behind. We at Commentarama wish you all a very joyful Christmas. [+] Read More...

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas from New York

Thoughout the centuries, he has been known as SinterKlaas in Belgium and the Netherlands, Father Christmas in England, Pere Noel in France, and Kris Kingle in Germany. But it was this classic poem, first published 183 years ago today in the Troy (New York) Sentinal, that gave first breath to the iconic American version. A plaque at 22nd Street and 10th Avenue in Manhattan designates the exact spot where sugar-plummed visions of St. Nicholas first danced in our child-like heads. [+] Read More...

Updated: Give Me A Break. . .

I hate writing this kind of article, especially just before Christmas. But I find myself frustrated. This morning I visited one of those bigger "conservative" blogs and I was shocked at the utter petulance and ignorance being displayed. Conservatives like to think of themselves as rational, but these people are giving HuffPo a run for their money when it comes to whining, spite and know-nothing-ism. Today's topics of choice: the evil Mitch McConnell has agreed to let the Democrats vote early on the health care bill! Off with his head!!! [+] Read More...

A Christmas Message From The Elves. . .

By the Boiler Room Elves

Yes, we know what you are thinking. An article from the Boiler Room Elves? Two days before Christmas?! Shouldn't we be toiling away in some northern toy factory? Clearly, you need a lesson in Elf history. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Mad-Lib Obama Style

We probably shouldn’t admit this, but someone in the White House sent us an audio recording of our young President going about his daily routine. We thought we’d share the transcript with you. [+] Read More...