Saturday, December 19, 2009

Question: Your Favorite Wonder

The world is full of wonders. The Ancient World had only seven, but we've expanded on that. The Great Wall of China, the Mona Lisa, the Eiffel Tower, that ceiling that guy did. . . what's your favorite world wonder?


Tennessee Jed said...

See the pyramids along the nile (wah wah ooh)

patti said...

the wonder of a parent's love for their children. the depth of what i feel for my bunny, constantly amazes me.

Anonymous said...

Personal prejudice, obviously--The Golden Gate Bridge. It's not just a beautiful and amazing bridge, but it spans a spectacular entrance to one of the word's great harbors.

AndrewPrice said...

For sheer amazement of "wow, somebody built this", I've always thought the Great Wall. But for beauty, I've always been a fan of the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

StanH said...

The wonder of Barry’s ego.

The greatest wonder of the world is the USA. No country has gone so far so fast, despite witless Barry and his ilk.

BevfromNYC said...

Congress - how this multi-celled organism functions with no brain has always been a great wonder to me.

DCAlleyKat said...

I am going to go with the Colosseum in Rome, Italy...because of its many layers of history, all of which radiates mans humanity and inhumanity.

Did you know that at one time they horrendously put to death so many Christians the floor appeared as a swimming pool of blood? How entertaining that must have been, eh.

Monica said...

I know it's a traditional pick, but I've always loved the Taj Mahal. I got to see it in person about ten years ago and have wanted to go back ever since. Such a gorgeous building, a fascinating backstory, and an incredible architectural work of art all done by skilled craftsmen without modern technology. Amazing.

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