Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!!

With the New Year upon us tonight, and the booze already flowing freely in the Commentarama e-ballroom, it’s time to take a couple more days off. So we’re going away until Monday morning. But first, let me leave you with some predictions for the coming year. Magic 8 ball says..... [+] Read More...

Victor Davis Hanson Looks Back (And Forward)

As many of you know, I have a few writers whom I particularly favor. Victor Davis Hanson is one of them. I had been putting together an article on the decline of the once-great State of California, when I came across a Davis article that already had all the elements I was going to discuss. So in a divergence from my usual habit of doing my own analysis, I'm going to defer to the professor. [+] Read More...

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Barack--Meet Your Primary Opponent

Say hello to Alvin Greene, former candidate for the United States Senate from South Carolina, current candidate for the South Carolina House of Representatives, and future candidate for President. He should be a formidable opponent, and his qualifications rival those of the former Junior Senator from Illinois. [+] Read More...

Boiler Boiler, Toil and Trouble. . .

There is an old saying that God watches over idiots and drunks. But the arrogantly stupid are another matter. In fact, the universe seems to love messing with those people, and it LOVES ironic punishments. Take the case of Britain, a leading proponent of global warming, and the “condensing boiler.” [+] Read More...

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Dump Iowa/New Hampshire For Regional Primaries

Our electoral system is broken. The Electoral College system was designed to require primary candidates to attract votes from large states, as well as a small states, from rural states as well as urbanized states, from rich and poor, and from north, south, east and west. But our system no longer works that way because two states all but decide the outcome: Iowa and New Hampshire. This needs to change, especially because Iowa and New Hampshire are highly idiosyncratic states. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Why Can't We Be More Like the Europeans?

That is George Soros rubbing his hands in glee (if glee is possible with that old Nazi collaborator) as the Euro begins to collapse and his currency manipulation of non-American money is put into high gear. He's already contemplating the billions he'll make as he exploits the recession in the West. [+] Read More...

Congressional Reform

With Congress getting set to start again, now is a good time to talk about some of the changes we need to make Congress work better. Or, said differently, these are reforms we should make to rein in Congress. [+] Read More...

Monday, December 27, 2010

Choosing A Candidate -- The Fundamentals

At a Christmas party the other day, the conversation turned to politics, as so often happens these days. No one there supported Obama, or any other Democrat, although several were convinced that Hillary would challenge him. More interestingly, there was a distinct concern about the lack of quality Republican candidates to challenge Obama. And this brought up the question of what should one look for in a political candidate? [+] Read More...

Left Coast Longer Than You Thought

Most of you who live east of the Pacific states tend to think of the "left coast" as being San Francisco. But in fact, the left coast extends from just south of Los Angeles north to the Canadian border. And in that vast coastline, San Francisco does have a rival for Lefty Loonyville. That city is Seattle, Washington. [+] Read More...

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas From The Lawhawk Household

Behold, the Christmas puppy--Niko the Bold, Herder of Sheep, Chaser of Wolves and Lions, and Destroyer of Carpets.

Niko, Kitty Kelly, Beegee, all the kids and grandkids, and I want to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year.

We'll see all of you back here on Monday, the 27th.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays!

We're taking a couple days off to be with friends and family. We'll be back Monday morning. In the meantime, consider this an open thread. Tell us what Santa brought you . . . or didn't! Share your thoughts on news or events! Or just fill this thread with comments about whatever crosses your mind!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Question: Christmas Memories

Memories are a funny things. Not only can they be manipulated, but they change over time. But that’s not what interests me today. What interests me today are Christmas memories. [+] Read More...

Taxpayer Funded ObamaCare Lies

With Christmas vacation just around the corner (we’re starting tomorrow), and little going on in the news, it wasn’t too easy to find a topic to write about this morning. [+] Read More...

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Film Friday: Avatar (2009)

Avatar, a.k.a. Dances With Smurfs, is a crappy movie. There is no other way to say it. If someone tells you they liked this film, punch them in the face. Not only is this the most politically correct film ever, but it’s poorly acted, poorly written and deathly dull. I feel like I’ve lost a portion of my life watching it. [+] Read More...

Journalists Get Creative About Illegal Aliens

Years ago, the anti-American domestic left began a campaign to throw our borders open (meaning our southern border) and make martyrs out of border-jumpers who are automatically criminals by virtue of their entry into the United States. No longer could we call them "illegal aliens." Presto change-o, they became "undocumented workers." Sort of like "ministers without portfolios," or perhaps "drivers without licenses." [+] Read More...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Obama Reads The Great Works To Kids

A few days back, Barack Obama showed his human side. Now that surprises me, because I didn't know he had one. Be that as it may, he decided it would be good for his image to be seen reading from some of the great works designed for children to an elementary school audience. His two major selections were The Night Before Christmas, and selections from that other great author, Barack Hussein Obama. Yes, he read to them from Of Thee I Sing.. [+] Read More...

Ask And Tell, Fine, But Don't Misbehave

The Senate voted 65-31 on Saturday to repeal Don’t Ask Don’t Tell. In and of itself, this change in policy doesn’t give me a lot of heartburn. But I do think the timing is atrocious and a real indictment on the Democrats’ willingness to put politics ahead of the safety of American soldiers. I also think the real questions remain to be answered. Here are some things to consider. [+] Read More...

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Radical Feminists Have A Blind Spot

At the 1995 World Conference on Women, First Lady Hillary Clinton said: "It is no longer acceptable to discuss women's rights as separate from human rights. Human rights are women's rights and women's rights are human rights, once and for all." Not exactly the Gettysburg Address, but not bad. I checked the other day to see if Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is the same person who said that. The internet tells me they are one and the same. [+] Read More...